quiz 7 review industrialization, big business, & the wild west

Quiz 7 Review Industrialization, Big Business, & The Wild West

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Page 1: Quiz 7 Review Industrialization, Big Business, & The Wild West

Quiz 7 Review

Industrialization, Big Business, & The Wild West

Page 2: Quiz 7 Review Industrialization, Big Business, & The Wild West

• What enabled American industrial growth of the late 1800s?

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• technological advances (what are some examples?)

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• How did the government contribute to the building of the transcontinental railroad?

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• By awarding loans and land grants to private companies to build the railroad.

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• What inventions revolutionized American communications in the late 1800s?

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• the telegraph and telephone

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• Critics of powerful industrialists referred to them as:

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• Robber barrons

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• What was the goal of the Sherman Antitrust Act?

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• To promote fair industrial competition.

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• How did industrial growth affect the distribution of wealth in the United States?

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• The income gap between farmers and factory workers widened.

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• How did the government respond to the Pullman Strike?

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• using federal troops to control the workers.

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• What was one of Thomas Edison’s major accomplishments?

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• He helped make electricity more widely available.

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• What did Alexander Graham Bell’s company do?

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• Built long-distance telephone lines.

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• What types of things were Americans able to build using the Bessemer process?

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• Skyscrapers, larger bridges like the Brooklyn Bridge

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• How did Andrew Carnegie gain control of the steel industry?

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• by practicing vertical consolidation

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• How did John D. Rockefeller gain control of the oil industry?

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• He formed a trust.

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• What happened at the Massacre at Wounded Knee?

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• American soldiers killed more than 200 unarmed Sioux.

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• What did the experiences of Chief Joseph and the Nez Percé illustrate?

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• violent conflicts arose among settlers, the federal government, and Native Americans.

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• What drew many new immigrants to the West?

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• d. cheap land and new jobs

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• What happened to Native American nations as many American settlers moved west in search of land?

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• They were weakened or destroyed.

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• How did the United States government interfere with Native Americans in the West?

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• They forcibly took Native American lands.

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• What technological innovation contributed to the cattle ranching boom?

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• expansion of the railroads

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• Whose interests did most American presidents protect in the late 1880s?

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• Those of business and industry.

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• A ______________ is a business arrangement under which a number of companies unite into one system. Trusts destroyed competition and created _____________ (a market in which there is only one supplier of a product and no market competition.)

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• Trust / monopoly