quick tips to empower your startup

Quick tips to empower your Startup By Adam Greene CPA Image courtesy of Filipp Kozachuk at Pexels.com

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Post on 15-Apr-2017



Small Business & Entrepreneurship

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Page 2: Quick tips to empower your Startup

As a start-up business your financial planning is crucial, Adam Greene is a professional who can provide you with the best financial advice for your business, he is responsible of handling the company’s tax information, maintaining relationships with clients, and presiding over all financial statements for the company where he works: Greene & Company LLP. Entrepreneurs are full of great ideas and powerful ways to implement them, but like anything in life, starting a new business requires a hefty stack of cold, hard cash. At one time, gathering this cash required hours of traipsing business plans to one investor after another, hoping one would be interested enough to invest. This approach often took years and yielded disappointing results. That’s why financial planning is fundamental.

Page 3: Quick tips to empower your Startup

One of the worst elements to overlook is the finances of the business. This happens all too often when entrepreneurs get too far ahead of themselves and overconfident in the success of their service or product. Unfortunately, money-related matters spell the downfall of nearly every startup that fails. Remember that a financial plan contains a prospective financial statements which are similar, but different, than a budget. Financial plans are the financial accounting overview of a company. Another important aspect at the moment of planning the finances of a Startup is having to pay taxes. Read this article to learn more about the history of taxes in US history and learn why are so important for your business. But there is no reason to be afraid, many people have lived the experience of starting a business and there is a growing amount of information on opening a Startup and not die trying. Here is a compilation of good tips for beginners in the Startups business:

Page 4: Quick tips to empower your Startup

Keep it simple: First of all, there is no need to panic. There are numerous applications to keep a strict count of finance. In this case, the most important thing is to have clear goals, not going through economic hardship and know that with a good effort, the success of your Startup is getting closer.

Get help: Having detailed conversations with your bookkeeper, accountant, or chief financial officer about these things will help you stay on top of your company’s cash flow and learn even more about what you can do and what are those investments that you should not do yet. You don’t want to have to answer to investors that you don’t know or understand your revenues or expenses.

Page 5: Quick tips to empower your Startup

Make a constant check: Don’t get lazy at doing your financial planning, every month isn’t enough. Try to check nearly every week, it would be much better if you can do it or more than just once a week. And learn to do your financial checking in on both my personal and business finances, remember cashflow is the key to success.

Use some tools: Calculate the cash flow of your Startup with excel, and if you can, buy an accounting software; it will make your life much easier. Make a schedule of activities with your finances, for example, every month, go through and calculate your cash flow in Excel to see the sources of cash bleed, and then try to cut them out. It’s also helpful to try and project cash flows for the rest of the year to make sure any anticipated negative cash flow can be funded properly.

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Be prepared: As it is explained on the fourth point, a schedule of activities makes easier to project and prepare for the most difficult situations in economic terms, not just for you but also for your business. If is possible, set aside some money from your business profits for emergencies. The business world is really unpredictable, and you should have some savings just in case. Complete financial plans contain all periods and transaction types. It is a combination of the financial statements which independently only reflect a past, present, or future state of the company.

Page 7: Quick tips to empower your Startup

Another aspect to consider in the exercise of enhancing the Startup is seeking resources for investment in other entities, individuals and potential partners. But for an entrepreneur starting out, it can be hard to sort through the many funding options available to determine which are most lucrative. In this case, the best way to make itself more attractive for investment, in addition to an optimal financial plan, you must work on the following points and make a difference on the market: • Invest in having an excellent human capital in your team• As the boss, become an expert at solving problems, become on

someone willing to do any kind of work• Keep in mind always that every company will need more money than

is expected.

You are a businessman, you are an adventurer because starting a business is not easy at all, just keep in mind that you need to be prepared for hard times. Keep your steady goals in mind and work towards them no matter what, but have a plan in place just in case those goals don’t go out as expected.