quick remedies

Remedy Traditional Use by Homeopaths in UK based on Traditional Use Only Notes Aconite (pronounced Ackonite) Symptoms are sudden, violent brief - anxiety, fear, restlessness, grief - high temperature with great thirst - Insomnia Apis mel Insect stings. Burning, stinging pains. Swelling of lower eyelids. Absence of thirst Argent nit Colic. Headache. Dizziness Arnica (pronounced Aah-nicker) Use after any injury. Bruises. Sprains. Physical exhaustion. Insomnia due to over tiredness. Muscles ache all over Arnica is also a very popular herbal remedy. Arsen alb Upset stomach. Vomiting. Diarrhoea (as from food poisoning). Cramps in calves. Belladonna Brightly flushed face. Swollen joints. Vertigo. Facial neuralgia. Severe throbbing headache. Dry hacking cough. acne Bryonia Irritability. Dryness. Dry painful cough. Dry lips. Thirst especially for cold drinks. Calc carb Cracked skin in the winter. Period pains. Itching skin. Premenstrual tension. Toothache. Vertigo. Insomnia. Calc fluor Head colds with thick greenish- yellow discharge.Catarrh. Croup. Toothache. Cantharis Burns and scalds before blisters form; sunburn

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RemedyTraditional Use by Homeopaths in UK based on Traditional Use OnlyNotes

Aconite(pronounced Ackonite)Symptoms are sudden, violent brief - anxiety, fear, restlessness, grief - high temperature with great thirst - Insomnia

Apis melInsect stings. Burning, stinging pains. Swelling of lower eyelids. Absence of thirst

Argent nitColic. Headache. Dizziness

Arnica(pronounced Aah-nicker)Use after any injury. Bruises. Sprains. Physical exhaustion. Insomnia due to over tiredness. Muscles ache all overArnica is also a very popular herbal remedy.

Arsen albUpset stomach. Vomiting. Diarrhoea (as from food poisoning). Cramps in calves.

BelladonnaBrightly flushed face. Swollen joints. Vertigo. Facial neuralgia. Severe throbbing headache. Dry hacking cough. acne

BryoniaIrritability. Dryness. Dry painful cough. Dry lips. Thirst especially for cold drinks.

Calc carbCracked skin in the winter. Period pains. Itching skin. Premenstrual tension. Toothache. Vertigo. Insomnia.

Calc fluorHead colds with thick greenish-yellow discharge.Catarrh. Croup. Toothache.

CantharisBurns and scalds before blisters form; sunburn

Carbo vegIndigestion with excessive flatulence. Hoarseness. Loss of voice. Tinnitus with nausea and vertigo.

ChamomillaTeething; irritability and restlessness; colic; green slimey diarrhoea

Cocculus Travel sickness; nausea with hollow sensation in stomach; nausea during pregnancy

Colocynthis Colic; stomach pains; flatulence; cramp; stitching pain

EuphrasiaCold with watery eyes and streaming nose. Hayfever

GelsemiumInfluenza. Sneezing. Sore throat. Symptoms of flushing, aching, trembling. Weary with heavy aching muscles. Runy nose. Vertigo.Gelsemium is still used by professional medical herbalist but is not available over the counter.

GraphitesUnhealthy skin. Cracked finger tips. Constipation. Tinnitus. Earache. Sinus trouble. Dandruff

Hepar sulphSkin highly sensitive. Acne. Croup. Earache.

HypericumPainful cuts and wounds. Lacerated wounds involving nerve endings. (after consultation with a medical professional)lHypericum is also known as St John's Wort.

IgnatiaFright. Prolonged grief. Sore throat. Piercing headache.Insomnia

Kali phosMental tiredness from overwork. Nervous exhaustion. Nervous indigestion. Loss of voice. Hoarseness. Giddiness from exhaustion and weakness

LycopdiumIrritability. Fear of failure. Period pain. Premenstrual tension. Hiccough with acidity.

Mixed Pollen Hayfever when triggered by pollen

Nat murSneezy cold. Runny nose. Vertigo. Premenstrual tension. Housemaid's knee

Nux vomFor over indulgence in food and alcohol. Itching piles. Stuffy colds. Vertigo. Constipation. Raw throat

Phosphorous Dry cough; hypersensitivity; night sweats

PulsatillaPremenstrual tension. Catarrh. Styes. Menopause. Acne. Tinnitus

Rhus toxRheumatic aches and pains. Over-exertion. Pain in ligaments. Tickling cough

Ruta gravInjuries to bones. Fractures, dislocations. Sprains of wrists and ankles. Eye strain. Urticaria

SiliceaPhysical and mental debility due to exertion. Boils, abscesses, acne. Bunions. Chronic headaches. Sinus trouble

SulphurUnhealthy looking skin. Tendency to skin disease. Itching skin. Acne. Insomnia Tinnitus Lack of energy

ThujaWarty growths. Morning headachesThuja herbal tincture is used for its anti-viral properties to treat warts and can be prescribed by a qualified medical herbalist.













Traditional Use by Homeopaths in UK based on Traditional Use OnlyPossible Choices

ACNEback to top

The face is dry and burning, but cold applications make things worse.Arsen alb

The patient is restless and chilly.Arsen alb.

The face is red, dry and burning hot.Belladona

Large infected spots on the face and backHepar sulph

Patient constipated, irritable and chilly. Condition made worse by alchol, tea or coffee.Nux vom

Spots made worse by rich, fatty foodsPulsatilla

Red, painful, itchy spots.Rhus tox

For skin that scars easilySilicea

For long standing acne, aggravated by warmth and washing.Sulphur

ANXIETYback to top

Sudden panic attacksAconite

Lacking self confidence. Fear of heights and crowds.Argent nit

Feeling restless and irrable. Patient chilly.Arsen alb

Anxiety following bereavement or break-up of relationship.Ignatia

Hates fuss and sympathy.Nat mur

Highly nervous and sensitive. Aggravated by thunderstorms.Phosphorus

APPETITEback to top

Continual craving or complete loss of appetite.Arsen alb

Feeling of emptiness after meals.Calc carb

Variable appetite.Ferrum phos

Aversion to food. Hunger prevents sleep.Ignatia

Excessive appetite which is easily satisfied.Lycopodium

BEREAVEMENTback to top

Where the death is sudden and the shock severe.Aconite

Cannot get over the loss. Prolonged bereavement.Ignatia

BAD BREATHback to top

Salivation with sour taste in mouth.Ignatia

Offensive breath and sweat.Merc sol

Breath sour after a stomach upset.Nux vom

Mouth dry but no feeling of thirst.Pulsatilla

BITES & STINGSback to top

When there is swelling and bruising.Arnica

Insect Stings.Apis mel

Horse-fly bites.Hypericum

Purple discoloration around the bite.Lachesis

Pain from puncture wounds from small sharp objects.Ledum

BODY ODOURback to top

Profuse sticky sweet all day. Skin sensitive.Hepar sulph

Perspiration which stains clothes.Merc sol

Unhealthy looking skin. Problem feet.Sulphur

Sweats in uncovered parts.Thuja

BOILSback to top

With redness, heat and throbbing.Belladonna

Sensitive boils which weep easily.Hepar sulph

Boils slow to develop and heal.Silicea

BRUISINGback to top

For all soft tissue injuries, leading to bruises.Arnica

Bruising of the breast.Bellis perennis

Bruising due to varicose veins.Hamamelis

Painful bruises on fingers and toes.Hypericum

Bruising of the bones.Ruta grav

BURNS & SCALDSback to top

Sunburn with redness, heat and throbbing.Belladonna

Sunburn remedy, taken just before, or just after blistering starts.Cantharis

General treatment for burns and scalds. After a day in the sun when reaction is expected.Causticum

Stinging burns and scalds.Urtica urens

CATARRHback to top

Profuse watery discharge with sneezing and burning of the nose and lips.Allium cepa

Copious burning and clear watery discharge, chilliness, craving for heat, great exhaustion, watery eyes.Arsen alb

Catarrh lying on chest which feels tight.Bryonia

Thick greenish/yellow discharge in lumps. Worse after rest and from damp weather.Calc fluor

Bland nasal catarrh with watering eyes.Euphrasia

Thick yellow discharge. Worse at night. Loss of smell.Pulsatilla

Sinus catarrh with headaches. Obstinate nasal obstruction and sneezing in morningSilicea

CHILBLAINSback to top

Chilblains worse for cold. Patient chilly.Calc carb

Chilblains worse for warmth, when limbs hang down.Pulsatilla

COLICback to top

Colic relieved by pressure on the stomach.Colocynthis

Worsened by movement.Bryonia

Extremely irritable, better when carried around.Chamomilla


Stools feel too large and hard to pass, especially in the elderly.Bryonia

No desire to open bowels for several days, then pass large stool. Colicky pains and bowels ache.Graphites

Great flatulence. No stools passed for days, then hard stools passed with difficulty.Lycopodium

Frequent urge to pass stools, but always feel that more to come Nux vom

Not strong enough to expel stool, so slips back in.Silicea

Stools large, hard, dark and dry. Painful to pass.Sulphur

COLDS & FLUback to top

Beginnings of colds & flu particularly from exposure to cold winds. Fever, chill and thirst.Aconite

Common cold with much sneezing, watering of eyes and acrid nasal discharge.Allium cepa

Eyes and nose stream. Exhaustion. Desire sips of water.Arsen alb

High temperature/fever. Incoherent behaviourBelladona

COUGHSback to top

Dry, tickling, irritating cough. Sudden onset from exposure to cold wind.Aconite

Restless and anxious, wheezy with burning sensation in chestArsen alb.

Dry, tickly, barking cough. Violent coughing fits end in sneezingBelladona

Hard dry cough with stiches in the chest and headacheBryonica

Tickling cough with yellow, sour and offensive sputum. Head and neck apt to sweat at night.Calc carb

Hard, racking cough with pain in chest bringing exhaustion. Inability to bring up phlegm.Causticum

Persistent, irritating cough coming from deep down in chest, occasionally leading to vomitingDrosera

Hoarse cough with roughness and scraping sensation in throatHepar sulph

Spasmodic cough with wheezing, rattling and loss of breath, either leading to vomiting without nausea or intense nausea unrelieved by vomitingIpecac

Cough with stringy phlegmKali birch

Cough originating from tickling in pit of stomach, with painin headNat mur

Dry, tearing, spasmodic cough with retchingNux vom

Violent, hard, dry, exhausting, tight or racking cough with yellow sputumPhosphurus

Cough dry in the evening, loose in the morning with thick, bland yellow-green discharge and tickling larynxPulsatilla

CYSTITISback to top

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DIARRHOEAback to top

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EARACHEback to top

Earache after exposure to cold, dry winds.Aconite

Throbbing pain made worse by warmthBelladonna

Painful. Irritable and weepy.Chamomilla

Throbbing pain, better for warmthHepar sulph

Ear swollen and red, worse at night. Patient weepyPulsatilla

ECZEMAback to top

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FIRST AIDback to top

Shock, fear and panic after an accidentAconite

All injuries that lead to bruisingArnica

To aid healing from burns and scaldsCantharis

For painful crush injuriesHypericum

For sprains when the bone is bruisedRuta grav

Injuries to bones and tendonsSymphytum

FLATULENCEback to top

Upset, rumbling stomach. Nervous anticipation of coming eventsArgent nit.

Excessive flatulence with belching and a full sensation in the abdomenCarbo veg

Flatulence with colicky stomach painsColocynthis

Bloated feeling after a light meal. Much flatulenceLycopodium

Caused by overeatingNux vom


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HANGOVERback to top

Too much food and drink. Headache with coldness and irritability.Nux vom

HAYFEVERback to top

Nose and eyes stream. Frequent and severe sneezing. Worse in the morning indoorsAllium cepa

Nose tickles violently. Sneezing violent and painful with watery burning discharge, making upper lip sore.Arsen alb

Eyes burn, itch and water constantly. Runny nose with much sneezing.Euphrasia

Violent sneezing with blocked nose. Face hot and flushed,Gelsemium

General remedy where condition is allergic response to pollen.Mixed pollen.

Copious catarrh and sneezing, often with cold sores or mouth ulcersNat mur

Irritation of nose, eyes, throat and face with prolonged bouts of sneezingNux vom

Copious thick catarrh and sneezing. Relieved by open air.Pulsatilla

Sinusitis with blocked stuffy nose. Worse on first waking.Silicea


Pain begins over the forehead and ends in the neck and shoulders. Worse for movement.Bryonia

With painful watering of the eyes.Euphrasia

Lessened by bending the head backwardsHypericum

Migraine over the eyes, preceded by blurred vision.Kali bich

With humming in the earsKali phos

Headache on right side. Concentration makes pain worse.Lycopodium

Throbbing, blinding headaches. Hammering migraine, with zig-zag lightsNat mur

Too much food and drink. Headache with coldness and irritabilityNux vom

Headaches worse in the evening or associated with periods. Patient weepy.Pulsatilla

Migraine begins in the neck, travels over the head and ends in one eye.Silicea

Left-sided headache. Pain as if the nail driven into the headThuja

INDIGESTIONback to top

Lack of appetite and weakness following illness. May develop diarrhoeaArsen alb

Indigestion straight after eating. Food lies like stone in the stomachBryonia

Stomach full of windCarbo veg

Indigestion from too much starchy food. Excessive wind. HeartburnLycopodium

Indigestion from overindulgence. Stomach feels swollen.Nux vom

Indigestion a few hours after eating, from rich foods.Pulsatilla

MENOPAUSEback to top

Hot, red face. Dry vaginaBelladonna

Dry vagina. Black stools with constipationBryonia

Hot flushes of the face. Nosebleeds. Scanty periods.Graphites

Hot flushes with headaches and dizziness. Flooding periods.Lachesis

Hot flushes. Patient weepy and moody.Pulsatilla

Hot flushes and faintness. Sinking feeling in the stomach. Intercourse causes much pain.Sepia


Periods late or scanty. Often associated with exposure to cold winds.Aconite

Pain begins just before start of period. Irregular, painful and heavy Actaea rac.

Bearing down pains with heavy, hot, bright red loss.Belladonna

Feels tired, giddy and chilly. Breast swollen and painfulCalc carb

Heavy periods in adolescent girls. Pain and backache.Calc phos

Period stop due to bereavementIgnatia

Early periods with passage of clots. Sickness before and during periods.Ipecac

Dry vagina. Pain in the lower abdomen with headache.Lycopodium

Irregular periods. Headache and depression with backacheNat mur

Scanty periods. Pain in lower back.Pulsatilla

Abnormal vaginal discharge with sallow patches on face. Feel tearful or irritated.Sepia

MOUTH ULCERSback to top

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NAPPY RASHback to top

Baby overweight, head sweats at night.Calc carb

Skin itchy with blistersRhus tox

Dry, red itchy rashSulphur

NAUSEAback to top

Diarrhoea and vomiting. Feel cold, weak and anxiousArsen alb

Travel sicknessCocculus

Griping pains in abdomen. Symptoms worse when travelling.Ipecac

After over-indulgence in rich food and alcoholNux vom

Vomiting as soon as the food or drink is warmed by the stomach.Phosphorus

Vomiting after rich, fatty foods.Pulsatilla

PANICback to top

Following an accidentAconite

Fear of appearing before an audienceArgent nit

FearfulArsen alb

Fear of crowds, death and impending misfortuneFerr phos

Examination nerves. Fear of failureGelsemium


Tired and lacking energy. Cold sweats. Breasts swollen and painful. Calc carb

Irritable and over-sensitive. Symptoms of cystitis.Causticum

Breasts painful. Symptoms worse in morningLachesis

Bad tempered and depressed. Crave sweet thingsLycopodium

Breasts tender. Moody and irritable but refuses consolationNat mur

Feeling irritable and chilly. Constipation with frequent need to urinateNux vom

Over-sensitive and cries easily. Changeable moods. Irregular periods.Pulsatilla

Scanty periods, with feelings of tiredness. Sad and depressedSepia

PSORIASISback to top

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RHEUMATISMback to top

Muscular soreness and bruisingActaea rac

Burning, stinging painsApis mel

Pain resulting from earlier injury. Bruised feeling.Arnica

Pain worse for movement and warmth. Better for pressure (bandaged)Bryonia

Pains in the jaw and neck. Better for warmth.Causticum

Pains flit around joints. Worse for warmth, better for cold applicationsPulsatilla

Pain worse on beginning to move but improves with continued movementRhus tox

Pain affect jointsRuta grav


Sleeplessness after shock or panicAconite

Waking around midnight. Restless, worried and apprehensiveArsen alb

Sleepless, crying children associated with teething and colic. Want to be carried aroundChamomilla

Feel too tired to sleepCoffea

Sleeplessness after emotional upset or bereavementIgnatia

Mind keeps going over the work done in the day. Dream a lot, with talking in sleep.Lycopodium

Sleeplessness due to great mental strain or overindulgenceNux vom

Feel too hot in bed, throw covers off then feel cold. Worse for rich food. Pulsatilla

Irritable and restless, with pain and discomfortRhus tox

SORE THROATSback to top

Develops after exposure to cold wind. Should be started as soon as possible at outset of the illnessAconite

Face and throat red and hot. Swallowing is painful. Belladonna

Mouth and throat dry. Feeling of thirstBryonia

Pain worse during the night and from drinksCalc fluor

Throat raw. Pain extends to earGelsemium

Throat very sensitiveHepar sulph

Throat dry and sore. Swallowing painfulMerc sol

Sore throat from over use of the voice ir too much smokingNux vom

SPRAINSback to top

Sprain coupled with bruisingArnica

Sprain painful for movementBryonia

Pain improved by gentle movementRhus tox

Sprain with bone injuryRuta grav

STRESSback to top

Everyday emotional and mental stresses and strains. Panic attacksAconite

Mentally and physically exhausted from over-workCalc carb

Loss of self-confidence, fear of being unable to cope with stress of workLycopodium

Tired, burnt-out executive. Never stops thinking about work, cannot sleep for worryNux vom

STYESback to top

Recurring styes. Eye red, eye lid swollen and painfulApis mel

Styes with pusHepar sulph>

Eyelids stick together. Thick greenish yellow dischargePulsatilla

Dry, scaly eyelids, stick together overnightThuja

TIRED EYESback to top

Eye muscles tired from looking into the distance for too longArnica

Eyes ache when you look up, down or to the sidesNat mur

Tired eyes from nervousness or apprehensionPhosphorus

Eyes burn after close work or studyRuta grav


Shooting pains made worse by cold drinks and windAconite

Taken before visits to the dentist to reduce bruising and after-painArnica

Toothache from bad teethCalc fluor

Teething in infantsChamomilla

Severe toothache. Pressure on the tooth is extremely painfulCoffea

Pain worse during the night and from drinksMerc sol


Stinging nettle rash. Better for cold applicationsApis mel

Burning, itching skin eruptions. Patient restless and anxiousArsen alb

Violent itching with skin cracksLycopodium

Skin red and blisteredRhus tox

Rash develops in open air. Not relieved by scratchingSepia

WARTSback to top

General remedy for wartsThuja