queston 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Laura Mason

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and

evaluation stages?

Laura Mason

Page 2: Queston 4

We used many technologies to create our documentary. We began with the research and planning element of the documentary. For this stage we did not use many media technologies

as they were not needed as the methods we used were successful. We used story boarding and mind maps on paper to decide on a topic and plan out what elements of the topic we

were going to investigate.

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We then began to research our topic- Illegal Downloading music- using the internet. We used Wikipedia to gain a basic knowledge of the

history of illegal downloading and then went onto using google to find relevant and current information about our topic. New sites such as BBC

News, the Telegraph and Sky News were very helpful for articles and seeing the latest cases of illegal downloading. On the BBC News website

there was really helpful information on finding the most downloaded artists in any area in the country and we actually used a screen shot of

this in our documentary. We also used youtube to view these news stories in a visual way.

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After gaining all our topic knowledge and research we then decided what channels to put our documentary and radio trailer on. We decided on BBC Three and

BBC Radio 1 after researching on their websites how many viewers and listeners they had per month. Another factor that decided for us was that we

thought these channels would be most appropriate for our relevant documentary. We used to

add all this work to the blog

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We began filming using a HD Video camera, a tripod, head phones and a microphone. The tripod was used

so to gain steady cam shots and the rest to capture the sound to a high level s. All the filming was done

using this equipment and we also used a SLR camera to document us using this equipment and also us

putting things onto the blogs.

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After shooting all our footage we used usb cables to transfer it from the video cameras to the Macs. We then put it into a programme called Final Cut. On this we were able to cut our

clips to what we wanted and create our documentary. We used music that was preloaded onto iTunes for our backing

track and simply added it onto our documentary timeline. For the voice over we recorded it using the camera and

microphone again and uploaded it onto Final Cut and we simply removed the video from the sound and added it over

the appropriate parts in our documentary.

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It was a similar process to create our radio trailer except for this we used a programme called Garage Band. We decided

on a backing track (one similar to the one in our documentary) from the preloaded ones on iTunes and then

added sound clips from our documentary by exporting it from Final Cut to Garage Band to explain our documentary. We recorded a separate voice over using the microphone and

camera again and exported the sound into Garage Band to finish our radio trailer.

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To create our double page spread we first exported stills of clips from Final Cut and saved them onto a memory stick. We

then created a blank double page spread on InDesign and created a layout using the blank boxes. Next we added text

and the images into the chosen places on the page and filled the rest of the space with text. We then exported the finished product as a jpeg and uploaded it onto our blog as a picture. To add our documentary and radio trailer to our blog we had to upload then as videos on youtube and embed them onto

the blog using the given code.