questions on immigration

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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Immigration Facts & Questions
    • Central Idea: All people are cultural beings who change and adapt.
  2. 2. How does conflict occur???
    • Conflict can occur over land or money
    • 3. Can start off with a small disagreement.
    • 4. Can be started by having racial differences or religious reasons.
    • 5. Conflict means to fight/argue .
    • 6. Conflict can range from big to small like terrorist attacks to a small domestic disagreement .
    • 7. Can happen anywhere.
    • 8. Can lead to wars.
  3. 9. Why do people immigrate?
    • People want to change the negative things in their lives.
    • 10. Jobs
    • 11. Better education for children
    • 12. Environment
    • 13. Money
    • 14. Family
    • 15. Dislike their own country
    • 16. Disagree with political leader(s)/Government.
    • 17. Conflict!
  4. 18. How do people fit in to their new country? ??
    • Study the country's language or culture
    • 19. Do some of the same things you did back in your old country.
    • 20. Study what local people do in their normal lives.
    • 21. Stay with a friend or someone you know.
    • 22. Changing their lives.
    • 23. Sacrifice a few things
    • 24. Join clubs and organizations so you can get to know different people.
  5. 25. Immigration effects us because..... Because new people come in to our country everyday and and we might have to do something that's about immigration. Also because someday we might have to immigrate !!! The social action I can take is...... Socialize with new immigrants and new people and also do little or big things that help the community like donating money, clothes and food or sponsoring someone and even maybe organize education for the people in need!