questionnaire results 2

Questionnaire 2 Results

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Post on 08-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Questionnaire results 2

Questionnaire 2 Results

Page 2: Questionnaire results 2


16 17 18

In this questionnaire the ages of the participants was far more condensed and directed at our target audience. The majority of the people we gave our questionnaires to were 17, a quarter were 18 and the rest were 16. This helped us get a better understanding of what this specific age group would be interested in.

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Female Male

The participants in this survey included a mix of males and females. There were slightly more females than males included but not enough to make it biased towards one gender’s interests.

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Favourite Sub Genre

Supernatural Possession SlasherPsychological Gothic

The sub-genres within horror which participants were most interested in were supernatural, possession, slasher, psychological and gothic. The two most popular of these were psychological and supernatural horrors, again proving like the first questionnaire that the sub-genre we have chosen to create our promotional package on is popular and interesting to our target audience. Both psychological and supernatural horrors use the audience’s insecurities and weaknesses to create fear, especially of the unknown. Since this theme is something that the audience is clearly interested in, we will have to emphasise this idea in our promotional package.

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Do film trailers and posters inflence you to what the movie?

Yes No

In this questionnaire all participants agreed that trailers and posters used to promote new films influenced their decision to watch it. This shows that our target market are fully aware of the excitement created through these platforms for promotion and understand that they play a key role in encouraging them to watch a movie. This shows the importance of us creating an effective media promotional package.

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How often do you watch horror films?

Once a week Once a monthOnce a year Never

The majority of members asked agreed that they watched horror films roughly once a month which is fairly frequent, showing that 17-18 year olds within our target audience have a high interest in horror films. The second majority vote said that they watched horror films roughly once a week which again shows the high interest in the genre. No participants said they never watched horror films, showing that even participants who didn’t watch horror films that frequently still have an interest in them.

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Favoured promotion technique

Trailer Poster

The vast majority of participants said that trailers were their favoured promotion technique, showing that moving images are seen to be far more interesting for audiences to look at as apposed to the still image on a poster. Despite this some participants still preferred posters to trailers, meaning that both are important in promoting the film.

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Film Dislikes

Bad Acting ClichesJump scares Bad endings

The four most common themes which audiences disliked seeing in horror films included bad acting, clichés, jump scares and bad endings. Among these, the results were fairly equal in that there wasn’t one particular theme which stood out to be an obvious dislike, meaning that all four are equally important to avoid including in our promotional package (the trailer in particular).

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Where do you usually watch films?

Cinema OnlineStreaming services TV

Just like the results from the previous questionnaire, the majority of participants agreed that watching movies online was where they usually watch films. Again this reflects the importance of allowing our promotional package to reach online users. Some people also voted television as the place they usually watch films meaning that television adverts would be a good way of promoting the film. A high percentage of people preferred watching films in the cinema which is where film posters would be effective.

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Which character do you find the most scary?

Character 1 Character 2 Character 3 Character 4

For this question, no one participating found character four (‘the Joker’) frightening. This character is fairly obviously human with clown-like makeup on, along with a blank expression. Surprisingly, the character which was voted most frightening was fairly similar to number four, but had a far more brutal, morbid looking makeup on and mainly black and white in colour. Many people also found character three, a girl with long dark hair covering her face and mainly black and white colouring frightening. This seems to show a trend in that humans who look un-earthly with darkly coloured costume, hair and makeup provide more of a scare for audiences.

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Conclusion.Overall, these results have shown many things. The age bracket these questionnaires were given to range from 16-18 years olds which is part of the target market for our film, and the questionnaire was also given to a similar amount f males and females in order to get reliable, balanced data. We found that supernatural films were the second most popular sub genre after psychological which shows that it is something which audiences will be interested in watching. All people said that films posters and trailers influence their decision to watch a film which indicates their importance. Also, most people tend to watch horror movies roughly once a month which is quite frequent, so the favoured film trailer inviting them to watch the movie must be effective in grabbing their attention. Most people said they dislike bad acting and clichés to appear in horror movies so this is something we must take into consideration when choosing actors and deciding on a plot. A lot of people said they watch movies mainly online meaning that when promoting our movie it must be reaching these online users. Character two was the most frightening for the audience indicating that people enjoy seeing a character that doesn’t look human to terrify them.