question 7

Question 7-Looking back at the preliminary task what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product? Taiba Mehmood

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Page 1: Question 7

Question 7-Looking back at the preliminary task what do you feel

you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

Taiba Mehmood

Page 2: Question 7

Front covers to both magazines One thing I have learnt from the planning from the preliminary task is how to adapt my magazine to the chosen music genre. For my actual magazine I had to consider the specific target audience and base the structure and format of the front cover depending on what would appeal more to my chosen audience.

Also learnt how to represent the sub genre through the use of colour and font style.

Another thing I learnt to do on my magazine cover, was create a name specific to my sub genre, and made the target audience obvious

I also had to make sure that I considered the typical conventions for any magazine. For example the barcode in the bottom left hand corner

For my magazine I also learnt how to edit the picture and create a cut out image. I did not have to this for the preliminary task. I realised that keeping non edited images and inserting it onto the magazine, makes the overall magazine look unprofessional

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Contents page to both Magazines One of the main things that I had learned was that the contents page is a follow on from the masthead/logo, as I realised that keeping the consistency of the colour and font makes the magazine look professional. I also learnt that this is a typical convention for all magazines

I had also learned that the typical features on a contents page does not always have to be included, as it can make the magazine look unprofessional and cluttered, causing a disruption and putting the reader off.

I learnt that it was acceptable and also effective to use a quote in my contents page, as this drew attention, making the target audience want to read my magazine.

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The double-page spread

As it was the first time for me to create a double page spread, it was important to make sure that I understood the conventions of a double page spread and then applied these conventions to my own double page spread.

During my research I realised that having my text on one page and the picture on a other was actually a typical convention for double page spreads, therefore I felt that if I were to format my double page spread like this, it would make my double page spread look more professional.

The structure of the text on a double page spread was another thing I had learnt. I found that I can type up a question answer interview instead of a typical article. I felt that doing a Q and A interview would be more interactive for my target audience.

I learnt that using pull quotes effectively, has an overall effect on the page, making it stand out and also attracts the audience.