question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product. Question 7.

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Post on 30-Nov-2014




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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it

to the full product.

Question 7.

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Looking back at my preliminary task

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Here is the draft copy of my front cover and although my draft is not yet perfect, as it still needs editing slightly. I feel that my experience in doing this task will enable me to do a much more professional job on my final product.My plans are to use the gradient tool to to add a lighter background as I feel this will enlighten my magazine and make my model stand out more giving it the extra effect.I plan to change the font on “Bal P” as I think using a different font from the masthead will be more effective.

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Here is my draft copy of my contents page as you can see it still looks quite unfinished and ineffective.I plan to edit the font on the “features” and “every month” as at the moment they look very plain.I am going to change the middle image as I do not think it fits in very well with the hip hop genre and also I think I am going to edit the brightness and reposition the photos so that they do not look out of place and appeal more to the reader.I have learnt in the process of making my draft contents how to use different fonts and how to align my text and images using the grid so that I could make sure each image lined up correctly.

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Here is my draft double page spread. Feedback I received indicated that I should steer away from using the black box around “Bal” and “Alex E” as this is used too much already in my magazine, so with this in mind I decided to simply change the font into a more bold font which a white shadow behind it. Also I plan to change the font of “Latest Hip Hop Sensation” to a more stylish font, to make it appeal more to the target audience. I also intend on editing the text slightly so the article is longer and I will add an introductory feature.

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And my final designs..

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• I feel that I have learnt to arrange my conventions better such as the photo on my front cover.

• This is more appropriately placed allowing the taglines to be more easily read next to my model.

• Also I edited the pictures better too for example I cut around the front cover model far more professionally than previously. I learnt the importance of various text/font sizes. For example the masthead had to be a lot bigger than the taglines as this is what I wanted to attract the attention first.

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• I have improved with my photography, both shot and lighting, to produce a laid back feel.

• My models facial expression shows his attitude I think this is an improvement as previously my model had no facial expression evident.

• The camera was I used was more professional as for the draft I used a 5.0 megapixel camera, and for my final I used a 14megapixel camera.

• In my contents I developed my actual contents list and included a banner which displayed the issue no., the month, year and the website address.

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• In conclusion I feel that I have learnt a great deal about using Photoshop and I have improved my skills and knowledge about using the tools and features available on the software. I have also improved in my photography as I strongly feel that my images look more professional and effective.