question 6

Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Upload: amber-barnett

Post on 22-Jan-2017




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Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

The Nikon3100 is a really good camera as it is a 14.2 megapixel digital single lens reflect (DSLR) with a 18-55mm VR lens which is perfect for studio photography (which is what we were using it for) the pictures came out in really high quality which made our magazines look very professional and neat, and because my model was against a white background when the picture was taken, it was a lot easier to edit the photos and crop them from the background and put them on a better one.

Camera- Nikon D3100.

The macs keyboard shortcuts are a bit different to a regular PC keyboard, they are a bit smaller and because on the mouse there is no “right click” if you want to copy something you have to press “cmd + c” and to paste you need to click “cmd + v”.Also because there is no right click button to open a new tab you have to clock “cmd + t”, (on Safari).

The mac Keyboard + mouse

There are two ways you can print screen on a Mac.To do a “screen grab” you press the keys “command”, “shift” and the number “4” at the same time, which will then allow you to click and grab which area of the screen you would like to take a screen shot of, the image will then be saved to the desk top of the Mac.

You can also just take a photo of the whole screen by pressing “command”, “shift” and the number “3” at the same time, the image will then be saved tot he desktop of the Mac.

What I learnt about using a Mac.(Hardware)

One thing I learnt in photoshop was to create layers in order to manipulate the image to how I desire it to be.The layer that is at the top will in front of everything else. For example if you create a background image you would have to put that at the bottom of the layers to make sure everything else over laps it.You can also link layers together so that they essentially become one image, so if you moved one image all the images it is linked to will move as well.

What I learnt in/about Photoshop.(Software)

In wordpress we learnt how to create new blogs to post all our progress throughout the year, we also learnt how to create new pages to separate our course work and make it look more organised. (you do this my clicking the “my site” button then scroll down to where it says “page” and click “add” which adds a new page to your blog page, all the separate pages you have created are then displayed at the top of your page.

What I learnt about wordpress.(Software)

Picking up more detail on a photo

On photoshop to remove an image form the background you have to use the “lasso tool”, which roughly highlights the image you are separating from the background by highlighting the border between the two colours (it doesn’t work very well if the image and background are similar colours/ different shades of the same colour) but to pick up finer details on a picture to give a cleaner cut from the background you can use the "quick select tool” and then click "refine Edge...” after you have highlighted the image, it then brings up a menu which allows you to edit the image to how you desire you can click the “black and white” option in the “view” tab, which allows you to see what needs to be highlighted really clearly, this then allows you to have an image that gives a cleaner cut and makes the photo look a lot better and more professional.

What I learnt in/about Photoshop.(Software)

We used indesign to essentially piece together our layout of our article page, we used it to write our text out, to line everything up correctly. One thing I learnt in Indesign is to write the article out in the indesign program and line it up with the invisible lines which we put in place to make sure that everything looks as even and as professional as it possible could.

What I learnt in Indesign.(Software)