question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? By Michael Wells

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Page 1: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from

the process of constructing this product?

By Michael Wells

Page 2: Question 6

Premier Pro

I used Premier Pro which is made by Adobe to edit my film, I used this because it was one of the best editing software's that I could get my hands on as well as it being one of the best as its used in professional films as it was used to edit ‘Monsters’.

Using this software I learnt more than I knew before constructing this product, I've used Premier before for quite a few years but I still was as competent as I could be. Using premier whilst constructing this product I learnt about using visual effects to enhance the quality of the product. In my film I used the ghosting effect to my advantage to simulate the blurred vision of someone who had been hit over the head I also used a high pitched beep which mixed in with the visual effect made the scene look professional and well done

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Blogger is the website that I use to upload my work so that it can be assessed as well as other people can view it so they use it as a source of information for their needsI already knew how to use this from my previous years of studying media but I learnt how to use extra features that I discovered whilst looking through the website.

This is used my quite a media students a lot as it is useful for as it means that it can be marked easily, it is also used by a lot of media workers as it is a way of marketing and getting there products out there.

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Prezi is the online presentation tool the I use as well as powerpoint, this is a useful tool as it is easy to use and make professional looking presentations as well as being able to share them easily on blogger as well as being able to access them more easily.Using Prezi a lot more has made me learn a few new things about the software such as being able to alter the way that the slides move around, as well as adding different media files into the presentations which make them look professional and well made.

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Slide Share

Slide share is the file converting program that I use to upload my work to Blogger, this is easy to use as it’s a simple and easy to understand.

During this project I learnt how to add tags to my work so that it is more likely that people will be able to see it increasing its ‘viralility score’, having this means that more people can see my work and they maybe able to use my work to help them.

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I use photoshop quite a lot as I learnt the basics whilst doing my Btec in Media last year so know how to operate it well as I think that I am skilled in photoshop.

Whilst doing this project I learnt quite a few new skills with photoshop as I used it to help create some of the extra stuff for my film. The first skill that I learnt was how to use a different version of photoshop as I downloaded the mac version at home which differs quite a lot from the windows version that I use at school so this was quite a strech to learn how to use it with out any help.The second skill that I learnt was how to change the

colour of certain part of pictures this helps me be able to develop my photoshop skill more and it teaches me about the colours and lighting as well as the fact that it can make my product look more professional.

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Word, power point and outlook

I use Word, PowerPoint and Outlook on a regular basis as we use these in school all the time so I can use these well.

I used both Word and Power point in my pre-production as well as post-production, I learnt how to use these together to send work to people as create professional presentations that I used all throughout this project.

However I didn't’t really learn any new features on any of these programs as I have used them for years so I am more than able to use them. But I did learn how to use all three of these programs together to send work to my self and being able to work at home because of that and being able to do that means that I can work from home as well this was really helpful during this project.

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All of these programs used together has given me an idea of what its like to work in the media sector as some of these programs are used in creating real films especially by people who make independent films an example of this is is the film Monsters which is an idependant film that only had a budget less than half a million this meant that had to use off the shelf programs such as after effects and premier pro, this proves that high quality films can be created using basic off the shelf programs. This opens the eyes to independent film maker who can create great media products with a low budget and basic programs.