question 6

Q6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Post on 08-Jul-2015




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Q6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

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Throughout this term and the production of my magazine I have picked up some very valuable skills, some of which that I can use later on in

life. This task has helped my broaden my knowledge of the technology that is out there

and taught me how to use them in order to create my music magazine.

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The blog-publishing website Blogger helped me achieve my goal and keep track of my work and as a result of this I managed to stay organised and upload my work in chronological order. Blogger also allowed me to create and edit posts and embed

videos, PowerPoint presentations, Prezi presentations etc...

Blogger helped me present my research and planning as in a clear way.

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Prezi is a presentation tool which allowed me to organise and share my ideas. I had no previous knowledge of this website nor of how to use it and now I am more than capable of displaying

my ideas on this website.

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I used the Nikon D40 DSLR camera to take the photos on my front cover, contents and double

page spread. I was lucky to have access to a DLSR camera as it allowed me to produce good quality

images quickly. I was able to change the settings to get the perfect image.

I used the Portrait setting when I took my photos as it set the camera on a larger aperture which

allowed me to create a shallow depth of field, so that anything in the background stayed out of focus

and didn't distract my main object.


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I used the photo editing software Adobe Photoshop CS6 to edit my photos and make them look more professional. I had some previous knowledge of the software however I still learned to use tools on Photoshop that I had not used before.

I used the Magnetic Lasso Tool to select a particular part of my photo. in this case I used it to select a part of my models head, copy it, in order to place my Logo behind her head. I also used this tool to crop and remove a unwanted background image by selecting my object (my model), copying it and posting it into a new layer.

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I had never used Adobe InDesign before, it took me a while to get used to using it, I followed tutorials and asked my teacher for help whenever it was

needed. Now I know how to create a professional looking contents and double page spread. For example:

InDesign allowed me to upload photos onto the my contents page with the help of the Rectangle Frame Tool.

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To Conclude,

The technology that I was lucky enough to have access to helped me create a professional looking music magazine. I was able to produce quality photos, edit my images and assemble my magazine using the software most professional editorials use in order to produce such great results. I did hit a few obstacles but I tackled and overcame those obstacles and picked up skills along the way that I will be able to put forward and use in the future.