question 5 evaluation

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Megan Richards 12.8

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Megan Richards 12.8

Production Advantages of digital technology

• Cameras: The camera’s used now in the digital industry are much more easier to use, a lot more

accessible and very simple making it so nearly anyone can buy one and make a film and grasp how to use it.

• Editing Softwares: there are many different editing softwares out there

that nearly everyone can use e.g final cut pro. They are incredibly easy to

learn and simple to use, without them it would be incredibly hard to cut shots

together, add sound, add filters/transitions/effects to the film. • The Internet: the internet, the big daddy of them all. without the internet

none of this would be nearly half as easy as it. The internet can offer things such as websites that provide royalty free music and sound effects and

without that you’d have to make your own music for your film which is a lot of work and even more expensive.

• CGI: without CGI a lot of the blockbuster films out nowadays wouldn't be possible, such as Gravity. CGI lets creativity levels go through the roof as

with CGI, nearly everything is possible.

Production Disadvantages of digital technology • If you are unaware of how to use the technology it

may be hard to grasp. • Since everyone can do it, the art of film isn't as culturally valued as before, Because film used to be seen as an art and something that was hard to make

and hard to come by and nowadays film isn't appreciated as much as it used to be since it’s such a

natural thing to us. • So easy to do more people are doing it making the film industry a lot more competitive than it used to be. So many films are being released- according the BFI’s

latest statistical yearbook over 698 films were released just in 2013.

DistributionAdvantages of digital technology

• Social Media: Social media can help the marketing of a film hugely and helps spread the word more quickly as

over half the population is on some type of social media.• Online Databases: It is a lot more easier to transfer the

film to the cinema and is a lot more cost effective and arguably may have higher security.

• a lot more creativity: there are tonnes of different ways to advertise now making advertising more and more

creative and unique

This is an incredibly creative way of advertising and shows

the new ways people are advert-ising. Amnesty have done sev-eral different versions of these, but it’s a bus stop with a picture of the same location behind but they’ve photo shopped some-thing that has been happening in other countries to make it

look like its happening there and it really shocks people.

DistributionDisadvantages of digital technology • Online Databases: although online

databases do have a lot of advantages, they can also lead to

problems such as being hacked which may lessen the security.

• Film piracy is a lot more common now that everything is digital and so easy

to get hold of. Cinemas are losing around £220bil because of film piracy

each year, and the number keeps getting higher each year

Exhibition Advantages of digital technology

• Netflix/Lovefilm/Amazon: easier access to films at home for cheaper and for

everyone. • Blu-ray: HD quality films available at home

for everyone.• Multiple screenings at cinemas:

different screens and lots of different times making it easier for people to go to the

cinema.• Different formats (online, phone etc):

doesn't restrict people to cinema showings so they can watch it whenever.

DistributionDisadvantages of digital technology • Online: can encourage illegal downloading

and piracy of films• Streaming: more viewers will stream the films

making less chance of there being a profit.• it can be less sociable/more isolated since

everyone is at home on their own watching the films instead of going to the cinema

together and watching it.• More expensive for viewers to pay for the cinema so end up not watching it or illegally

downloading it. Most cinema tickets are roughly around £11 depending where you go and plus food and drinks it can end up being

very expensive.

What skills have I developed in using technology and how have I used it to be creative?

Wordpress has helped me develop my skills with technology as I had never used to Wordpress before and had no idea what to expect when

using it. I found it very easy to grasp hold of and learnt how to use it very quickly, I had some

problems when it came to uploading footage and other things but I managed to look it up on the internet and figure some things out. Wordpress

helped me be more creative as I could log all my research on there and use different creative ways

to show it by using the different formats they offered.

Although I have used Final Cut Pro before in GCSE Media, I didn't use it as in-depth as I have for my thriller piece. I already knew how to cut shots and

move different shots together but there was a lot of things that I didn't know how to do before, I had no idea that I could add any filters or transitions

which was really fun to play around with and see what ones fit best. I also learnt how to add sound, and to how to extend a sound from one clip over to another which was something that I found quite difficult to learn at first but then I finally got to grips with it. It helped me be a lot more creative when it came to my thriller because we were able to add creepy sounds and music

to the background and also add transitions and filters which gave our thriller an even more eerie quality.

The CameraThe camera was one of the most key things when it came to the thriller (obviously otherwise we couldn't of filmed it). The camera made it easier for us to get

certain shots, we got handheld, POV, tracking, panning and more because of the camera and tripod. It’s also a digital camera, so we didn't have to worry about running out of film or the lighting or anything

because it was automatic and the settings automatically changed to react to the lighting around

us. The only problem we had with the camera sometimes was when it ran out of charge but that was our own fault really for forgetting to charge it. The Camera extended my skills in many ways as at first I had no clue how to use the camera but it was

so easy to use, and so light to carry we didn't have a problem with it at all.

This was the website I used to get royalty free music, I’ve never used this website before and just found it by googling ‘royalty free music’ it was really simple to use as you just chose what genre or what type of music you

wanted and it gave you a selection of clips that you could listen to and sample and easily download. I

downloaded several music tracks as I thought I could use them with the thriller and see what one matched

the best. without this website and the use of royalty free music we would of had to record our own music which

would of been difficult to do and even more time consuming and could of cost us.