question 5

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Upload: amber-barnett

Post on 22-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Question 5

Q5. How did you attract/address your


Page 2: Question 5

My colour scheme consists of bring/ vibrant colours, which attracts the attention of people passing by, and also attracts the attention of the younger audiences (which is who my magazine is aimed at)

My magazine is made up of mainly different shades of blue (mostly using electric blue as its more eye catching) and also shades of orange, I chose to use this as my accent colour as it is on the opposite side of the colour wheel and therefore contrasts with all the blue on my magazine, it also brings the whole magazine together and looks very professional as the colour scheme looks planned and tailored to attract the most amount of attention it could get by being visibly appealing. I kept this colour scheme on my contents page .

Colour scheme?

Page 3: Question 5

My model was a teenage girl (which is the age I am aiming my magazine at) and therefore they can relate to the magazine and maybe want to read more, This was also the case on my contents page and my article, I used the same model each time to keep it consistent.

Images used?

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I tried to not use a lot of slang or swear words because I didn’t want my magazine to somehow be taken less seriously, and the way my model was dressed would have contradicted the idea slightly as she is in a ice dress which would suggest that she is from the upper class and they are not often associated with using bad language.I did however appeal to my audience through my use of language another way, I did this by using words that my target audience would be very familiar with that maybe older audiences wouldn’t be that interested in, such as when I talked about a “twitter takeover” on my cover, which teenagers would be interested in (statistically 81% of teenagers are on some sort of social media) I also talked on my cover about tips on how to get “HIM” to like you, which is something that maybe teenagers would be interested in that maybe an older audience wouldn’t be in as I used words like “crush” which an adult wouldn’t necessarily be interested in.I also on the cover of my magazine used celebrities that are the target to audiences just like mine. (the sticker on the front cover advertising the change to win Justin Beiber tickets) and other artists such as Taylor Swift etc.

Language used?