question 5

Question 5 answer… How did you attract/address your audience?

Upload: korneliau

Post on 28-Jul-2015




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Question 5 answer…

How did you attract/address your


Narrative – Is the storyline of the film.

Characters – The people who are in the film.

Suspense – How I created suspense and made people intrigued in my film.

What elements did you include in your film to attract audiences?

The narrative also attracts our target audience which are females between the age of 15-24 because the locations used were really realistic and the girl was on a run when she discovered her death which a lot of girls can relate to. (keeping fit).

NarrativeMy and my group attracted our audience through the use of narrative because we explored and developed our narrative thoroughly and we did an idea that hasn’t really been done before.

We edited it by using final cut pro but we managed to do lots of special effects without the use of CGI.

Her character and the narrative is more like a warning for girls to be careful because anything can happen anywhere at anytime, so girls can relate to this.

CharactersOur main character is a young teenage girl who cares about her health and cares about keeping up her image. She is a 16 year old blonde girl who is still in education, during the opening she is on a run and she discovers her own death. We chose to use her because she is just

an average girl going about her everyday life when she discovers something horrible.

Her character attracts our target audience because a lot of girls can relate to her because she is just in an everyday situation.

In our thriller opening we used a number of techniques to keep our audience intrigued in what was going to happen through the different aspects of media language.

SuspenseThrough the use of camerawork we kept our audience interested because we used a number of different shots and angles to keep them intrigued. For example through the use of camerawork we made them think the detective was actually the antagonist.

Through the use of editing we kept our audience interested because we used a number of different transitions which illustrated different meanings for example dissolves meant fantasy and straight cuts meant realism. Also the detective walking through the girls body was up to the use of different techniques.

Through the use of sound we attracted our audience because the music at the start was really upbeat and appeals to our target audience. We used this music because as the character was running she was listening to her headphones. We also used sound effects of heavy breathing which creates suspense.

Through the use of mise en scene we attracted our audience because even though she is on a run she still wants to maintain her image and we used a realistic area (a local park) which I can say for definite everyone has gone to so to make the incident happen in such a open space were lots of people visit just adds to the vulnerability and suspense.

As you can see from my blog, I’ve already posted reviews from people from our target audience and you can see their reactions and thoughts, but below you can see some vox pops from my audiences.
