question 5


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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Question 5
Page 2: Question 5

The masthead is big and bold; it

catches the audience’s eyes as it is

written across the page. Big black

writing which makes it a lot more


The cover lines are written in bold writing to attract the audience. One of the cover lines has the word ‘sexiest’ in it which makes the reader wants to know who the sexiest male

went to. Also it says ‘Exclusive’ which stands out very much which will catch the audience’s eye as they will want to know what the exclusive story is about in the magazine. This makes the reader feel more special as they feel they are the only

ones reading about this.

On top of the masthead there is a list of well-known artists that the audience will know about already. These artists are included in the magazine which they will want to read about thus making them purchase the magazine.

There is only one main image on the front cover which attracts the audience as it is a very happy picture though her face is covered by the phone you can tell that she is smiling this makes the audience want to know why she is happy and smiling. The name of the artist is written in big bold letters next to the image of her, this is so the audience are aware of which artist it is.

Page 3: Question 5

The word ‘Contents’ is written in very bold writing in a red box which makes it stand out and easy to read.

The subheadings separate the different content in the magazine, thus making it easier for the audience to go to a topic they want to read about without going through the whole magazine. It is also written in bold so it stands out so the reader can read it easier.

The image shows the artist with an unusual

but very endearing facial expression which makes the artist look good. Due to the image being big it catches the attention of the audience.

The numbers help the audience to go

to a particular page they want to read about. It also makes it easier for the audience to know what each page is about as there is a brief description of what that page is about.

Page 4: Question 5

The title of the page is the artist’s name written in big bold letters which grabs the audience’s attention and also

lets them know that the whole page will be about the artist.

The introduction of the article/interview help the audience to familiarise themselves with the artist

telling them a little about her.

The article is written in simple question and answer format. This makes it easier for the audience to read what the artist said this attracts them more. The questions are written in bold which tells the audience what the questions are that they are asking the artist. The colour of the answers is different so the audience know what exactly the artist said.

The quotes which are pulled out are written in a larger font which helps them to stand out from the rest of the writing on the page.

This quote is next to the main image of the double page spread and gives the audience the impression that the quote is the main thing the artist has said during the interview.

The use of the main image with the artist looking away from the camera and with the quote next to her relate very well as she is looking forward it gives the

audience the sense that she wants to get better.