question 4 technologies

How did you use media technologies in construction, planning and evaluation stages?

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Question 4   technologies

How did you use media technologies in

construction, planning and evaluation stages?

Page 2: Question 4   technologies

For the planning of my adverts I used several different forms of

media technologies. I looked on youtube at various different

adverts for research and took notes on them. I found this to

be a very useful tool as I could rewatch the adverts as much as I wanted until I’d gotten all the

research I needed.

I also watched the adverts that featured on the 4oD iPad app. I used the 4oD app as it is a very

popular app for watching TV shows and so the adverts will get at lot of screen time. As I watched mainly the comedy show on 4oD it

was good research to see how sponsorship adverts link in to the

show they are sponsoring.

Page 3: Question 4   technologies

Once my product and style models were chosen I began work on storyboarding, this initially involved hand drawn story board. I drew them on a whiteboard because it was easier to draw then I could take a photograph of them, which were then brightened on the snapseed app so that were easier to understand.

I then went location hunting to take photographs, I thought this was useful technique to get a better idea of how my shots would actually look and the angles I should be filming at.

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I filmed my work on a fugifilm camera which well for both macro filming and more distance shots. The camera is versatile and also gave me crisp images to use on my web pop up.

However despite the quality of the original film looking crisp originally, if I had the chance to film it again, I'd have used a HD camera so that when changing aspect ratios I did not lose quality.


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My film clips were edited together using Windows

Movie Maker, I chose this programme for its simplistic and user friendly display. I

made use of the transitions on windows movie maker, which gave the “flashback” feel to

my advert.

I had considered using iMovie for the most part but as the majority of my work was based around the filming rather than the editing, I

only used iMovie for one section. In iMovie I used it to place a the Hell’s Kitchen logo on top of my filming. Despite enjoying using Windows Live Movie Maker,

iMovie would most likely have given me a more professional

looking advert.

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I recorded the voice overs using an app called Quicktalk this was easy to use and recorded in high quality on my iPad which then could be emailed straight to me. This was especially handy when I needed voice overs from people and they could do it from their own home and email the sound clips straight to me. This was only convenient because the people who I recruited for help had ipads, had they not have had ipads I would have had to make plans to meet and record in person.

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For the background music I created it on the app Garage Band, this was an excellent, easy to use app, that created a high quality, professional loop of music.

The terms and condition state that the ‘autoplay’ feature can be used for non-commercial use, so as I am not musically talented this is what I did. However if this was a real project for commercial use I would have to make my own music, using the app but not the ‘autoplay’ feature.

I then used the share feature to send the mp3 file straight to my email account which can be

accessed from anywhere that I am working from

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During my evaluation of my work I have used media technologies to present my work in all different ways. To find new ways of presenting I went to the app store, on the apple iPad to find relevant apps to my work.

Having apps on my ipad meant that I could access my work from all different locations and continue with my work from home.However the app is fairly limited compared to the online site, so I could insert the text and the pictures, I had to use the online site to edit the path of my presentation.

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Having looked around on various forums I came across an app which was also available on the iPad called Tellagami. This was an app where I could create a 3D model and give her some of my text which she reads out in front of a picture that is she is talking about.

This app was very easy to share and share my presentations. Although there is a character limit to what she can say, as I changed the background pictures to make it relevant I used this to my advantage and have produced my presentation in sections