question 4

Who would be the audience for your media project?

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Post on 16-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media project?

Page 2: Question 4

Mobile Devices

Our target audience for Bird Call is specifically adolescents located in London however it attempts to target all teenagers. We discovered in our research that 99% of teenagers have, and are capable of using a mobile phone. In our film, we used this technology to make it relatable for the target audience. This device was used when Jay was lost in the woods and attempted to get help by using his phone. A common issue with mobile phones is that often people receive no signal, making it impossible to contact with people. We identified this issue and applied it in Bird Call as the audience will be able to relate to it.

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Adolescent Londoners are commonly known for their colloquial language. In Bird Call we applied the colloquial language with the dialogue. This was to make the target audience feel more included in the film as well as understanding the dialogue better. In Bird Call we featured words such as “Sick”, “Fam”, “Bro” words that are frequently used by youth in London. This use of colloquial language enabled the audience to feel engaged in the film due to the fact that a film is using their terminology and specifying the film to them. I say this because rarely do films base their characters on youth from London, something which we want to exploit. Bird Call specifically targets youth from state schools who were less academic strong, hence the incorrect gramma in certain phrases. An example of this is “It ain’t my fault your girl left you” This is a clear example of using incorrect gramma and using colloquial language which is understood by people who use that vocabulary. By including slang in our dialogue, we attempt to connote the urban lifestyle. This colloquial language is used stereotypically used by working class teenagers.

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Sound Track

Bird Call being a horror film, we included a free downloadable soundtrack that included that intense, nail biting tension to our film. Saying this, I also would have wanted to include a grime tune when the characters are drinking in the woods, having a good time. This is to address our target audience even more as grime (A genre of rap) is extremely popular for youth in London. By applying this grime track to the film, the audience will hopefully associate the song to the film next time they hear it. Saying this, it’s incredibly unlikely to receive permission to use well known grime music. If we were able to use the sound track, we would include it to make it more appealing for our target audience as they would be shocked to hear their favourite music played. Also, it would instantly engage the target audiences attention as they would be focused on the film because of this grime music they love so much. Grime has been increasingly popular in London due to the early work of Dizzy Rascal, Wiley and Lethal Bizzle, and the recent buzz caused by Stormzy and others.

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Similar Films

For Bird Call we were particularly influenced by both slasher films such as Friday The 13th as well as London youth based films such Kidult hood and Attack The Block. In Bird Call, we attempted to combine both slasher and films located in London; focusing on the youth in urban areas.