question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product? I used a programme on the internet called Surveymonkey to create a questionnaire to find out more about my target audience. I included 10 questions which would be helpful for me to get information on. Once my survey was complete I uploaded the link to Facebook where my friends could complete the survey. I then created my music magazine based on the results which ensured my magazine to be successfully aimed at my target audience. The target audience of my magazine is going to be people between the ages of 15 and 24. During my market research stages of the project, I found out that people amongst these ages read magazines more than any other age; also females were the post frequent takers of my survey. This has persuaded me to aim my magazine mainly at this gender. The most popular genres people like to listen to is pop and rock so I decided to combine these two

Upload: heatherjanew

Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

I used a programme on the internet called Surveymonkey to create a questionnaire to find out more about my target audience. I included 10 questions which would be helpful for me to get information on. Once my survey was complete I uploaded the link to Facebook where my friends could complete the survey. I then created my music magazine based on the results which ensured my magazine to be successfully aimed at my target audience. The target audience of my magazine is going to be people between the ages of 15 and 24. During my market research stages of the project, I found out that people amongst these ages read magazines more than any other age; also females were the post frequent takers of my survey. This has persuaded me to aim my magazine mainly at this gender.

The most popular genres people like to listen to is pop and rock so I decided to combine these two together and create a pop rock magazine and will be aimed at people who are fans of this type of music.

Page 2: Question 4

In my magazine, I have taken into consideration what my target audience said they would most like to see in an issue. Referring to my market research, over half of my sampled associates said that they would most like to see interviews in a magazine along with reviews and free gifts. In response to this I have included these things.

My t arget audience was particularly interested in the photography and new music suggestions which I have also included throughout. Combining the elements that my sample has suggested will help my magazine become more successful as people are more likely to read it.