question 4

Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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• For the research and planning stages which were instrumental in helping us create the main and ancillary tasks, I’d say the internet was the most useful technology because it provided us with usual websites such as ‘Care UK’ and ‘Teen Health’ that gave us the facts/statistics we needed in order to make our work authentic and promote the dangers of eating disorders to our intended audience successfully

• It also allowed us to research into different radio stations and broadcasting channel’s remits; this eventually lead to us evaluating a series such as BBC 1, BBC 2, ITV , Chanel 4 and BBC Three and choosing Chanel 4 as it best represented our chosen audience

Research and planningBelow: One of the useful webpages that aided

our research, ‘Teen Health’

Below: One of the useful webpages that aided our research, ‘Teen Health’

Above: One of the useful webpages that aided our research, ‘Teen Health’

Above: One of the useful webpages that aided our research, ‘Teen Health’

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• YouTube also proved a useful technology because it acted as another form of research; I was able to use YouTube to find documentaries of a similar topic to the one we created in order to explore different codes and conventions


Above: One of eating disorder/body image pressure documentaries I found on YouTube,

‘Teens in Action’

Above: One of eating disorder/body image pressure documentaries I found on YouTube,

‘Teens in Action’

Above: One of eating disorder documentaries I found on YouTube, ‘Teen Truth: An inside look at

body image’

Above: One of eating disorder documentaries I found on YouTube, ‘Teen Truth: An inside look at

body image’

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PowerPoint, Word, Excel

• These three software's were instrumental in recording our findings

• We used PowerPoint to elaborate our findings in detail and present everything that needed to go onto the blog.

• Word was particularly good for creating our audience feedback questionnaires

• And Excel was good for formulating bar charts, doughnut graphs and pie charts this was particularly useful when it came to showing the results from the audience feedback

Above: Print screen of my research in PowerPoint

Above: Print screen of my research in PowerPoint

Above: Print screen of my research in WordAbove: Print screen of my research in Word

Above: Print screen of my research in ExcelAbove: Print screen of my research in Excel

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• Prezi was an innovate way to record our findings for example video research and add an interesting element to the ICT in our blog

My Prezi presentation on what equipment has been useful

My Prezi presentation on what equipment has been useful

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Photoshop and InDesign

• Elements of Photoshop but predominantly InDesign was significant because this is what we created the double page spread on.

• It allowed us to structure it efficiently and the software encompassed all the tools needed to make it look authentic (crop, text manipulation ie size/colour, text boxes)

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Scribd/ SlideShare/ Blogger

• Without these two, work uploaded to the blog would have looked dull/boring. It added a sense of professionalism to our work

• The blog in itself was a useful technology. Here we stored all our work and could look back on it easily in order to structure what we needed to do next

Above: SlideShareAbove: SlideShare Above: Print screen of my posts on the group blog

Above: Print screen of my posts on the group blog

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Final Cut Express/ Garage Band• Final Cut Express was an important piece

of software as this is what we formulated the documentary on. It had various tools for us to edit our recordings and make everything fit the codes and conventions of genuine documentaries


1) This was the window that enabled us to watch our documentary2) This showed us how much time the overall documentary was taking up3) This shows the visual side of the recordings we captured placed on the timeline4) This is the audio to our documentary which is on the timeline5) This is the music that we imported from GarageBand as an MP3 file to put into our documentary; with this razor blade tool we were able to make the volume of the sound rise and fall to suit the audio and visuals




6 6) These were all the recording we had collected. If we wanted to use them in the documentary we simply dragged them onto the timeline

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This was the tool bar at the side of Final Cut Express

It allowed us to move things around (grab tool), crop any images we imported, amend the audio levels and it also monitored the sound levels in general of the documentary

This was another thing in Final Cut Express that we used in order to amend to the font, size and colours to what we needed

This is the top navigation bar in Final Cut Express. It was very useful to help us edit our documentary; for example under the ‘Modify’ tab we could speed up/slow down/reverse what we had recorded

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If we clicked on the ‘Effects’ Tab were able to get a load of Video Transitions to use by dragging them into the timeline in our documentary• We particularly used the ‘Dissolve’• We were also able to drag to either

extend/shorten the effect depending on what effect we wanted to create

Below: I have zoomed in to the timeline of our documentary. The grey rectangles are where I

dragged in the ‘Dissolve’ effect

This was brilliant for the fast paced montage at the beginning of the documentary

Below: I have zoomed in to the timeline of our documentary. The grey rectangles are where I

dragged in the ‘Dissolve’ effect

This was brilliant for the fast paced montage at the beginning of the documentary

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• Garage Band was also important as this is the software which we created background music on. The pre-recorded tracks sounded professional and boosted the appeal of our documentary immediately. It was also important as we needed it to create the radio trailer on

Above: This is the bar which allowed to play the music we had created. It also shows the record button we used to record the music, and, the

rewind and fast forward options we had access to

Above: This is the bar which allowed to play the music we had created. It also shows the record button we used to record the music, and, the

rewind and fast forward options we had access to

Above: This is a print screen of the pre recorded music Garage Band had to offer us. By clicking

on these music genres, we could pick tracks that reflected the mood we were aiming to create.

We picked ‘Piano’ as it’s somewhat sombre to reflected the seriousness of eating disorders

Above: This is a print screen of the pre recorded music Garage Band had to offer us. By clicking

on these music genres, we could pick tracks that reflected the mood we were aiming to create.

We picked ‘Piano’ as it’s somewhat sombre to reflected the seriousness of eating disorders

Above: The timeline in GarageBand that showed the music we had created

Above: The timeline in GarageBand that showed the music we had created

Above: This is the start up page we saw. Here we could open our existing project

Above: This is the start up page we saw. Here we could open our existing project

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• As for the camera, tripod, headphones and microphone I created a Prezi to explain how they were useful