question 4

Technologies Used

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Technologies Used

Page 2: Question 4

Research and Planning

We did all of our research and planning on the website ‘Blogger’ we posted updates on the progress we were making. This website also allows you too post ‘Powerpoints’ onto your blog. We did powerpoints on many things like codes and conventions and branding. They are a better way too present your work rather than a word document as they are more interesting too read and look at.

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Research and Planning

While researching popular music video trends we watched a lot of music videos on Youtube. This was really helpful as you could also read the feedback left by the viewers and see which music videos had the most positive reaction. We also later used Youtube too gain feeback on our music video. We also used the internet too research what kind of music genres were popular by looking at the past few weeks ‘UK Top 40’.

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Research and PlanningDuring research and planning we had too create a brand image to do this we created a logo using InDesign. InDesign is a graphics programme you can use to create shapes and manipulate any other graphic images. We then Used this logo in the backgound of our music video and in our ancillary tasks.

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Creating the music video

Before we made the music video we had too learn how to use a digital video camera. This was best too use as it is easy and lightweight too carry around if shooting footage outside of the studio. Although the image quality is not amazing. We also used a tripod so then the footage would be even and steady throughout although on some shots; for example the footage of the fox and Colette was filmed handheld to make the footage seem fun and casual.

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Creating the music video

For the studio footage we used a HD camcorder this was necessary if we wanted too use green screen as it is easier to apply the chroma key when the image is better quality as the edges wouldn’t turn fuzzy or blurry. Also too get the best quality image we used a lot of lighting, and we used soft boxes so then the lighting would be spread across the whole shot and it would be bright but subtle. We used the green screen too project our brand logo into the background of the band doing performance footage we did this too create a consistent brand image.

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Creating the music videoWe edited all of our music video on the software package ‘Final Cut’. We used this programme to create all of our green screen, split screen and montage shots. We all had too learn too use the programme which mainly consisted of dragging clips onto the timeline and the cutting the clips too the appropriate time length and inserting them into the right position on the timeline. We also used final cut too colour grade our footage which would give it a professional look.

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Creating the ancillary tasks

To begin with we had too take photos to be featured in both ancillary tasks we took these photos in a studio so then they would be bright and they would be able too have a clean background which would make them easier too cut out and edit later on in the process. We again used soft boxes too create the right lighting and took a large selection of photographs to be used on our ancillary tasks.

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Creating the ancillary tasksWe then had too edit the photos in Photoshop. To make most of the pannels in our Digi-Pack we had too cut out each of the performers from the background of their photo and put them onto a new layer which was the striped background creating a mugshot theme. We also adjusted the brightness and contrast of the photos too make them bold and stand out. And on other panels we added colour filters too give them a soft multicolor tint as our bands logo is very colorful and we needed too create a clear brand image.

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My Evaluation

In my evaluation I have again used Powerpoint but too create something a bit different I made a ‘Prezi’ which is a programme online too create a more interesting presentation with lots of layouts and colors too chooses form and interesting zooming in and out effects. We then also filmed a directors commentary using video cameras and final cut again. I have then uploaded all of my evaluation too the website blogger with all of our research and planning and our final media products.