question 3. what kind of media institutions might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of media institutions might distribute your media product and why?

Upload: jackson1010

Post on 15-Aug-2015



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What kind of media institutions might distribute

your media product and why?


There are various types of institutions that could possibly distribute our thriller films however the big decision when choosing which company is best suited to distribute our film is whether it is a big conglomerate or a small independent film company as both would bring different aspects to the film.

Big Conglomerates

Advantages:● The first big advantage of using a big conglomerate to distribute

our thriller would be that because it is an established and well known company then people would be more inclined to watch our thriller because they trust the brand.

● The second advantage would be that because the conglomerate is so well recognised it is more likely to establish the success of our thriller due to their industrial dominance.

● The final advantage of using a big conglomerate would be that because they are so established it is likely that they will branch into other sectors of the film such as privately owning their own cinema chain and therefore this would make it a lot easier and quicker for us to distribute our film nationally and globally.

Big ConglomeratesDisadvantages:● One big disadvantage of using a big conglomerate would be that they only

usually take on films that they believe will guarantee a profit and aren't likely to take a risk on small budget films as they consider them a reliability or a waste of money. Also big conglomerates usually look at the actors or director as they believe this is what the consumers want to see and the bigger the actor or director the more likely they are to take on the film.

● Another disadvantage of using a conglomerate is that because they believe they are the more experienced they will take over and distribute/ market our film in the way they see best. Therefore if we took our film to an American distributor, we are likely to lose our British identity.

● A final disadvantage of using a big conglomerate is that they are very much influenced by the profit and therefore aren't necessarily bothered about keeping our films identity and will manipulate the way in which the audience receives our thriller.

Possible conglomerates to distribute our film

One likely distributor of our thriller would be Warner Bros as they have made significant thrillers such as The Dark Night series and Harry Potter series. Therefore they are a very successful company when it comes to thrillers.

Another likely distributor would be Spyglass entertainment who aren't as established as Warner Bros however do have a lot of behind the scenes work with films. What is particularly good about this company that appeals to us is that they have worked on the supernatural thriller sector, on films such as The Sixth Sense and this is the similar sort of film we are aiming to recreate and attract that sort of audience.

A final, possible conglomerate that we may consider would be Universal Pictures, this is because they have developed film such as the Fast & Furious franchise and distributed/ marketed it in such a way that it becomes a legacy and therefore we would like to see if a similar sort of thing could be done with our thriller.

Independent film companies

Advantages:● One key advantage of using an independent film company is that

because they are not as established in the market yet they are more likely to keep the British identity of the film as they are not all about market dominance and profits.

● Another advantage would be that because it is a smaller company it will be more inclined to target the smaller niche audience that we have targeted as well as the larger national audience.

Disadvantages:● A big disadvantage of using a small independent company is that

because they are usually privately funded or funded by the national lottery, they are less likely to have access to mass cinema distribution and therefore we would be limited to a small possibly private premiere. Also by struggling to break into the cinemas we would not easily be able to take our thriller national.

Warp films – British Company

Warp films is an independent British film company that is a possible distributor for our thriller film. Warp films over the years have made and distributed small budget but extremely successful films such as ‘This is England’ and ‘Four Lions’. Their more recent work includes a breakthrough thriller called ‘71’ which stars Jack O'Connell. We believe that by successfully landing an actor such as O’Connell it shows that Warp is an upcoming contender in the market with their budgets for films gradually increasing film by film. Therefore we believe that Warp would be perfect to distribute our thriller as they could show it to their forever growing audience and because they are a British company would keep the British identity but at the same time soon be able to break through into the cinema chains.

Other potential methods of distribution

YouTube:YouTube is a likely place to distribute our thriller, this is

because it is not only free but also targets a mass market simultaneously across the globe all from simply uploading the video. YouTube is also accessible to most people all around the world which means they would simply have to search for our video for us to be recognised.

Another aspect that makes YouTube so appealing is that we can track peoples comments and respond to them if need be for free, allowing us communication with our audience which isn't easily accessible through any other method of distribution. Also we can track how popular our thriller is by the number of views, likes and dislikes it receives.


We concluded that we would use YouTube to distribute our thriller. We did this because we felt it was the most easily accessible for our first film to break through into the market. Also as we felt it was the only way we could potentially target and national/ global audience and not just our niche target audience.