question 3 evaluation- a2 media


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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Question 3 Evaluation- A2 Media
Page 2: Question 3 Evaluation- A2 Media

Our main form of feedback was through video uploading website which allowed us to gain comments as well as audience ratings which therefore gave us a deeper insight into the views and opinions of our target audience. Another form of feedback which we conducted was through a small focus group consisting of our target age group of 16 to 24 year olds , we asked 20 people altogether so as to have an even group of both males and females and provided them with a series of questions which reflected their views and opinions. We gained 248 views through YouTube over a five day period and five likes/zero dislikes.

Page 3: Question 3 Evaluation- A2 Media

The research conducted by YouTube itself showed us that the female to male audience ratio was pretty much equal with the female audience only having a 2% lead, this was exact to our predictions because what we were aiming for an even audience between the males and females. We did this by promoting the message of the song which was female independence which obviously attracted the female audience but then kept the male audience engaged and watching through highlighting key body areas of the singer and background dancers accompanied with seductive clothing.

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The demographics from our music video also show the age ranges that our video was most popular with was the 18-24 and the 25-34 year olds which showed us that our predicted target audience of 16-24 year olds was correct but our music video also proved popular with older age groups which is a promising sign that our media product is gaining popularity within a wider age range than we had previously predicted. Nonetheless the feedback we received from YouTube was only quantitative due to insufficient comments so a focus group was much needed.

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The first question we asked our focus group was whether or not our music video appealed to you, an astonishing 90% said yes whereas only 10% said no. The minority who said no told us that it was mostly down to the narrative of the actual song, due to the fact that it is a reggae song many words are not recognisable to an ordinary listener but this is something we cannot change. Fast shots per second was an attractive feature which appealed to most of our focus group as they said it was not too slow and coincided with the speed of the song.

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The results for our second question was exceptional, not one person thought the music video did not match the reggae genre which proved that we succeeded in matching the visuals of the music video with the genre of the song.

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80% of our focus group told us that they would watch our music video more than once which is a promising sign it will be successful, the 20% minority that said no told us it was due to the fact that the video got a bit repetitive after a while but due to the fact that we were trying to maintain the reggae/bashment genre of the song, dancing was our main focus.

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75% of our focus group told us that they would purchase the CD through the attraction of the music video which was an indication that it would do well if placed within the mainstream market, the 25% that said no told us that the main criticism was the repetitiveness of the dancing within the music video but nonetheless they did say they would purchase the CD only due to the fact that the actual song appealed to them.