question 3

Question 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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Post on 21-Jan-2017




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Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

InstitutionsA institution is company which distributes film for the audience’s consumption.

There are institutions like the British Film Institute(BFI) and The uk film council who funds and disperses films.

Horror institutionsThere are companies that distribute according to a a genre.

To distribute our film , we would have to approach an institution and pitch our film to which, we could get funding for to distribute our film to exhibition to cinemas , and distribution (dvd and downloads).

Blumhouse productions is a horror institution that has distributed horrors such as ; Paranormal activity franchise ,Insidious franchise, the visit , sinister and more.

Hammer Film is a British film company that produces and distributes gothic horror films and is responsible for the monster franchise , of dracula , frankenstein, and the mummy (the original monster films).

Blumhouse would be more suitable to approach ,as hammer films specialises in monster horror and this is not our genre and would not meet our criteria , whereas Blumhouse does many different genres of horror.