question 3

Audience Feedback

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Audience Feedback

Getting feedback

• For all the different ideas that we had we needed to get feedback from the audience. We did this by creating a questionnaire using survey After creating the question we were then able to send it to a number of people to fill in regarding our ideas before we selected a final one. We decided to send the question to a mixture of people to get a more broad result. We also decided to create a questionnaire for each piece of our campaign i.e. Teaser trailer, magazine cover and teaser poster. For each part of the campaign we had many ideas and we felt a questionnaire to the audience would be an effective of selecting on final idea and making final decision .

Different poster ideasEach person within our Group designed a poster. We had two

different idea for our Teaser poster. Both idea were very good so

therefore we needed to conduct external research. We had to get audience's opinion on which they felt was more suited to our trailer and which one was more suitable for our campaign and genre. We

used different type of technology to conduct research. As a group really

like poster number two and felt that it the stronger poster and really carried the theme of our

trailer. We felt that as a poster it conveyed more enigmas, we felt

that the fact that it uses a masked figure would create enigma and

also the uses of scientific equipment would make it linkable to our trailer and would help in the

building of our campaign

Poster number 1 Poster number 2

Different magazine cover idea

We also had two different idea for our magazine. Both idea

again were very good so therefore we needed to

conduct external research. we add to get

audience opinion on which they felt was more suited to our

trailer and which one was more suitable for

our campaign and genre. we went for

empire covers because we felt that they well

suited or trailer and its genre.

Teaser trailer idea

With initial idea for our trailer we also had to get feedback and people

opinion on which one they would watch and which one they would pay

to watch in the cinema1, also we asked them which story grabbed their attention immediately. we

initially had two ideas which both were very good, asking people

allowed to make a more informed decision. it helped us to select which

story and which teaser trailer we were going to produce. After we

conducted the research a majority vote was for idea 2. They said it

sound like a more interesting story and is something new that they

would be interested in watching.

Teaser Poster Questionnaire

This was the questionnaire we created for our teaser poster ideas. We emailed the questionnaire to many people and asked them to review both poster and

fill in the questionnaire for each.

Film trailer Questionnaire

This is the questionnaire we created for our final trailer. We need to find

out people opinion and needed to find out whether we successfully

accomplish what we were after and whether our trailer accomplished

convention, also we need to know if it works as a trailer and would persuade audience to go to the cinema to watch


Magazine Cover Questionnaire

We created a question also for our different Magazine cover ideas, we also need people viewOne which one they preferred and which one Suit our campaign better. W asked the audience a Variety of question the cover and there opinion On many aspects of the poster.

Poster results

This is one of the result we got for one of our poster this feedback, it show for this particular person they did not really like this poster and they believe that it does not have enough enigmas. Overall the rated it a 3.




Magazine cover ResultAfter collecting the data

from the question we concluded that Empire magazine was not the best choice for our magazine cover. We started looking at other cover and finally found that sight and sound was best suited for our campaign. We chose to then go with a new sight and sound design and make that our final choice. As you can see we made the sight and sound poster and we modelled our new poster after it. Overall result that we got is that sight and sound did not suit Teaser trailer. The majority agreed that it was not really the type of genre that would feature on Empire unless it is a special edition. After that we more research and agreed on a sight and sound cover.

Teaser Trailer Results

• Another way we got feedback was by using social media get friend and others opinion of what the thought of our Trailer. We used WhatsApp because it was really easy to access and our entire friend had it so it made it very easy for us and very convenient for us to ask friend and get there view on the trailer and what they like about it and to suggest possible improvements. This particular friend of ours really like the finished trailer, they said that really like the story and that it effectively built enigmas. They also suggested possible improvement. They said they would prefer it if our title sequences had a background instead of just being plain. We took that into considering and tried those changes within our film and we say our self that if really made a difference. Overall they really like our trailer and the positive feedback and suggestion for improvement really helped our campaign and assisted us. There feedback really had a good impact on us because we knew we were on the right track.

Teaser poster Result

• Both poster good really good response but the audiences really favoured number two, they said it linked more with idea and clearly carry the theme of our ideas. They also said that it built more enigmas. After hearing this we knew what kind of pictures we needed to take for poster and we also knew what kind of props we needed and it gave us a good and clear direction.


• Out of the two ideas overall the audience really preferred number two, they said that it had a more enticing story line and that it is something they would go and view in the cinema, this was really good news for us because it was important for us that they liked one of our two ideas. Also some made suggesting on possible thing that we could add to the idea in order to improve it. We also needed a title for our potential trailer and therefore was also asked for suggestions, we got very good responses and finally decided to go with project X which we again asked the audience about and majority really favoured it.