question 2

How does your media product represent to particular social groups? Gender:

Upload: cassidy111

Post on 23-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Question 2

How does your media product represent to particular social groups?


Page 2: Question 2

Posture, pose and facial expressions:

• Feminine: the way my artist is posing in this picture is the way her posture usually is, she is not posing she is just standing. She is not in a macho position with her chest sticking out to show masculinity but instead she is just standing normally which shows she is feminine. This represents that she is happy with the way she is and doesn’t need to change for anyone.

• Her facial expression shows that she is happy as she is smiling and we can distinctively see mascara and makeup which shows her femininity showing that she likes making herself look pretty. We can’t see cakes full of makeup such as over exuberant eye shadow etc, which shows that she is down to earth and doesn’t try to be anything she's not.

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Framing:• I chose for her to be placed at the side of my front cover as originally I had

planed for her to be right in the centre using a close up frame, but after finishing the magazine I realized it looked unprofessional and the text looked thrown on as in certain places it became difficult to read due to the colour changes and trying to fit the right coloured text with the right coloured part of her face and hair. When I recreated a better and more professional version I chose to have a medium long shot and placed it to the left side of the page. I then chose to make her black and which but the background a light blue. By turning her black and white it made it easier to put lots of different coloured text on without the problem of having trouble reading it. This represents my social group which is down to earth chilled people who listen to music such as Kygo, Ed Sheeran and petit biscuit, as she is happy not being the centre of attention as to begin with I was going to chose a close up but decided it does not represent my social group well enough so by putting her to the side and making her look not directly at the camera it shows she is happy with herself and she doesn’t need the spot light and centre of attention to be happy.

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Clothes: • As you can see I have my artist dressed in a posh nice blouse

to she her femininity , she is also wearing a pretty little love heart necklace. The fact that she is wearing small yet classy jewellery shows her femininity as if she was being masculine she would be wearing gold chains or chunky jewellery which would represent a more masculine side. On my double page spread I have her dressed in a flowey white shirt with a flower power head band and a dream catcher necklace. I purposely did the dramatic cloth change to show that there are 2 sides to my social group. One side being the free spirited, youthful minded side, and the other side to be respectful of others and themselves. As my social group enjoys travelling but they also enjoy going out somewhere nice so this represents both sides of them.

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Language used: • My artist is a respectful talker in the way that she respects her

elders which represents my social group as they believe everyone is equal in society. When my artist speaks about something she likes she speaks very passionately about it as they are very proud of what they enjoy. By the language used people may see then as middle class due to instead of your welcome they say things such as “its cool” but this is a mixture of the way they are brought up but also the people in whom they hand around with as they go travelling a lot so they meet a lot of different people from across the country and across the world. My social group actually lies between middle and upper class due to the fact that travelling and adventuring can cost quite a lot so the lower class may not be able to afford to do that sort of stuff so there for my magazine may not interest them as much.