question 2

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups? I believe that I conform to the conventions of my selected social group through the uses of specific shots and mise en scene For my costume I decided to portray her as a ‘cool’ girl and at the top of the social hierarchy, the reason I choose this group was it is someone everyone can aspire to or relate to. Gina herself is a rather pretty girl and would be found at the top of the social group/ hierarchy. So to keep in touch with this I had her in fitted clothes for both scenes to exaggerate that clothes and looks are a high priority with her which reflects on how the actual group is about appearance, however it was something she would have put on for an average day however on top of that I gave her a guy’s jacket to help show that she has this manly/survivalist side to her. The reason for the survivalist side is because one of the convections of that group is that it is a fight to stay on top. However usually in a Thriller it is the man who is at the top I choose to you a women as a chance to open it up to the opposite side of the social group as they show my ferocity and will to get on top. The first shot we see the protagonist, she is knelt down and the camera tracks up to her and is positioned above her. I did this because I wanted to show her at her weakest and to tell the audience that this is a hard time for her, but as we progress through the scene I started use lower angle shots to show that she is gaining more power as the narrative starts to unfold and tells the audience who she really is. In the second half I continue to use low angle shot mixed with the blue colour grading to show that this is a

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Question 2

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I believe that I conform to the conventions of my selected social group through the uses of specific shots and mise en scene

For my costume I decided to portray her as a ‘cool’ girl and at the top of the social hierarchy, the reason I choose this group was it is someone everyone can aspire to or relate to. Gina herself is a rather pretty girl and would be found at the top of the social group/ hierarchy. So to keep in touch with this I had her in fitted clothes for both scenes to exaggerate that clothes and looks are a high priority with her which reflects on how the actual group is about appearance, however it was something she would have put on for an average day however on top of that I gave her a guy’s jacket to help show that she has this manly/survivalist side to her. The reason for the survivalist side is because one of the convections of that group is that it is a fight to stay on top. However usually in a Thriller it is the man who is at the top I choose to you a women as a chance to open it up to the opposite side of the social group as they show my ferocity and will to get on top.

The first shot we see the protagonist, she is knelt down and the camera tracks up to her and is positioned above her. I did this because I wanted to show her at her weakest and to tell the audience that this is a hard time for her, but as we progress through the scene I started use lower angle shots to show that she is gaining more

power as the narrative starts to unfold and tells the audience who she really is. In the second half I continue to use low angle shot mixed with the blue colour grading to show that this is a cold time for her as she visits the grave while firmly positioning her to the audience as a strong individual who can survive and do anything a man can do.

On balance I feel like I portrayed the social group as it is meant to be by keeping to the convections of it and not really challenging it and that my product shows them off to be strong willed and ready to do what is necessary to survive/ stay on top.