question 1 section two

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  • 8/12/2019 Question 1 Section Two


    SECTION TWO: Evaluate how

    you used, develop or

    challenged the conventions oftrailers from this specific genre.

  • 8/12/2019 Question 1 Section Two


    Use of Titles

    After editing our entire trailer into black and white, we felt we needed a bold

    use of colour in order to bring forward the pressing theme of action and

    drama in the narrative. The use of the colour background behind each text

    brings a sense of excitement to the otherwise dark and sinister tone of the

    trailer. This is not representative of the film noir genre as seen in the BlackSwan trailer. By not adhering to the conventional style of the titles, we have

    modernised our product, and addressed a more exciting tone for the

    audience. The Black Swan titles are elegant and very reflective of the

    sinister tone of the film, highlighting the ever-changing nature of the genre,

    addressed in our trailer.

  • 8/12/2019 Question 1 Section Two


    Use of Institutional Information

    We chose to use Paramount as our production company, as it was also the

    company used in order to represent Shutter Island; a film noir film we

    researched in order to gather more information about the genre. Shutter

    Island addresses similar themes as our narrative as it focuses on mental illnessalso. Therefore by choosing the same company , we ensured that the brand

    image would be the same and the audience would gather information about

    our film quickly from the beginning. We also showed the institutional

    information at the beginning of the trailer, in order for our narrative to be the

    centre of focus, and for our dark themes to remain undisturbed or


  • 8/12/2019 Question 1 Section Two


    Structure of Trailer

    After researching another film noir film, The Machinist it was concluded that by

    opening the trailer with a conversation between the two protagonists, a sense of tension

    and drama would be immediately created. However, we challenged this convention by

    not showing the faces of the characters, and by creating the sense of illusion through a

    sound bridge/voiceover only. Through the mid shot of John opening his front door, and

    the dialogue So tell me about your day John , we have successfully introduced the key

    themes of the trailer from the outset. Therefore structurally, we have partially adhered

    to the conventions of film noir, however we have challenged this by creating our own

    sense of illusion and mystery.

  • 8/12/2019 Question 1 Section Two


    Use of Font Types

    We chose to challenge the typical film noir style by choosing a bolder, lighter toned

    colour scheme, when compared to the colours of Sin City. Their colour palette

    connotes danger and love, and whilst these themes are also present in our narrative,

    we felt that we needed to lighten the mood of the trailer, whilst creating a slight senseof confusion and distortion. The particular font used: Hitchcock, is also

    representative of the film Psycho; a classic film noir product. The Sans Serif style of

    the font is indicative of the modern twist we have applied to our trailer, paying

    attention to the neo noir genre, rather than the classical film noir.

  • 8/12/2019 Question 1 Section Two


    Use of Sound

    Whilst researching the film The Usual Suspects it was evident that the use of sound is important when

    creating a certain tone towards the narrative. When this particular shot is shown, a change in music can be

    heard, as the non-diegetic soundtrack volume decreases, and the tension is brought to a climactic moment.

    We took inspiration for our own trailer and felt it was important for music to convey the dramatic pinnacle

    moments of the trailer. The use of three non-diegetic soundtracks aid to separate the trailer into threesections: the introduction, the development and the climax. A soft start to the trailer highlights the isolated

    nature of John, whilst the next two soundtracks portray the alcoholism, and the drama of Johns mental illness.

    By ending on a heavier, more upbeat soundtrack, we have adhered to the dramatic features of film noir, and

    have left the audience with a Cliff-hanger feeling- improving the marketing of the film. Therefore, just like

    The Usual Suspects use of sound, our genre is reflected through the transformation of music in order to take

    the audience on a more personal journey throughout the trailer.

  • 8/12/2019 Question 1 Section Two


    Use of Transitions

    We have used transitions in order to create a sense of distortion and drama in our narrative. Much like the

    chaotic transitions seen in the trailer for Black Swan, our fast paced jump cuts towards the end of the trailer

    aid in creating a sense of mystery and danger; particularly symbolic of Johns mental illness. The swift changes

    between each shot are used in Black Swan in order to portray Ninas madness, much like our portrayal of

    Johns mental illness. Even though the Hollywood film used colour in order to intensify the changes betweeneach shot, our use of black and white is indicative of the darker more sinister theme of film noir.

    In order to intensify the theme of mental illness, the jump cuts have been edited in order to take place on each

    heavy beat of the last non-diegetic soundtrack, creating an exciting climax for the audience, and bringing the

    drama of the piece to the foreground.

  • 8/12/2019 Question 1 Section Two



    The particular technique of editing

    enabled us to use special effects in order

    to symbolise the theme of mental illness

    and the romantic conflict between Vera

    and John. By layering two scenes over oneanother, the stereotypical darkness of film

    noir could be portrayed. Not only does this

    editing symbolise mental distortion, but

    also alludes to the illusion of Vera, thus

    enhancing the sympathy felt towards the

    character of John.

    This layering technique can also be

    found in the trailer of Shutter Island;

    emphasising the adherence of our

    trailer to the film noir genre. Shutter

    Island uses this particular editing in

    order to contrast the themes of

    entrapment and escape. Although we

    did not focus on the same themes, by

    using the same technique, we have

    been able to bring forward the

    importance of distortion in film noir.