question 1 kishen

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? A convention of magazines is for the main image to overlap the mast head. I did this but made sure that the main image did not cover a lot of the mast head because this is my first issue and I wanted people to be able to read it and remember it. I had made the more important cover lines stand out by making them bigger then the rest and by using a bright bold colour to make it look eye catching. Also I have placed the image where there was the most space to add text. I have used the rule of third as I placed the main image so that my models eye line is in middle of the page. Many magazines have their banner going across the top of the front cover. However I decided to put my banner at the very bottom of my cover as I wanted my mast head more important .

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Post on 21-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Question 1 kishen

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

A convention of magazines is for the main image to overlap the mast head. I did this but made sure that the main image did not cover a lot of the mast head because this is my first issue and I wanted people to be able to read it and remember it.

I had made the more important cover lines stand out by making them bigger then the rest and by using a bright bold colour to make it look eye catching. Also I have placed the image where there was the most space to add text.

I have used the rule of third as I placed the main image so that my models eye line is in middle of the page.

Many magazines have their banner going across the top of the front cover. However I decided to put my banner at the very bottom of my cover as I wanted my mast head more important .

Page 2: Question 1 kishen

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

A convention that I used was that the cover lines have a shape that they a put into such as a square or a rectangle like this one. I also used that type of technique as it make my magazine lay out more neat and professional.

Page 3: Question 1 kishen

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Most music magazines have a bar code on the front cover like mine, I also decided to put a phone scanner to make my magazine look more modern as vibe has done that. I have placed my bar code and scanner in an appropriate place where it goes with the layout, also I wanted to add my magazine logo so people can remember it.

Many magazines have their mast head across the top of their page so I decided to do this. Many hip pop , pop , and rape magazines have a simple but large bold mast head. I have also used that type of mast head trend to represent the correct genre.

Another convention that I used was a pull quote so that people can get an idea of what the article is in the inside and vibe also does that.

Page 4: Question 1 kishen

A convention that I have used was the different coloured box that you put behind a text to make it stand out to the reader as well as it helps making the cover look more attractive

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Page 5: Question 1 kishen

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

A convention that I have used was the magazine logo to be placed at the top of my content page so they people can recognise that it is a fame magazine

Another convention I have used was to have subheading in my content page to keep all the text in order and to guide the reader onto particular pages. However magazines like Vibe only show what features in the magazine but I decided to show what regular stuff that readers will expect from my magazine.

Page 6: Question 1 kishen

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

A convention that I have used like the convention in the vibe magazine was the large ‘F’ in the background. This emphasizes the magazine name Fame and by using the first letter it represents the magazine. The main image overlaps the letter to go with the layout and creates more room for the text.

A convention that this magazine uses is that they main image covers most of the page, whereas the text is small. In my magazine I decided that my main image will be large however my content text will cover most of the page because I wanted the reader to be able to read the text easily.

The house style of this content page has colours that are manly grey and black to match the colours with Kanye west cloths. So I also decided that I will uses colours that match the my models clothing like the patch brown on his coat. Initially I was going to go with a house style of red and black but I changed that idea and chose colours that was in between red and brown.

Page 7: Question 1 kishen

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In my double page spread I have stated the name of the artist in a large bold font near the artist so that the reader can identify the artist, as the artist is looking down at the guitar. Whereas this DP mentions the artist name in the article.

Usually double page spread have a sub heading of what the article will be on, so the reader can under stand the context of the article that it is an interview.

In double page spreads usually an image takes up one page. However my image goes onto the next page which makes it more enjoyable to read as the article goes around the image.

Page 8: Question 1 kishen

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

A convention that many magazines use in their magazines is that a logo a symbol is shown like Vibe. In my magazine the way I have shown that is that I have used the idea of having the F to represent and remind the reader that this is a Fame magazine. Also I have placed it behind the article as people will be constantly looking at it.

It is an convention for all magazines to put their article in columns. Also I have used a different colour for the questions to make it easier for the reader to understand the article as well making the lay out look professional.

In my article I have used another image to make it more enjoyable for the reader as the image has other people in it. Whereas magazine that have a genre of hip pop/pop they would have images of the artist/band only.

Page 9: Question 1 kishen

A convention that I have used is that the main image makes the reader look towards the article by an action, for example Bruno Mars's hand is pointing towards the article and usher is looking towards the article. Whereas in my Double page spread my image flows onto the article making readers look towards the article.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?