question 1

Question 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media

product and why?

Similarities- Front Cover

The layout and image I chose for my magazine was inspired by the magazine ‘PYNK’ this magazine is also a R’n’B/Hip- Hop magazine but is aimed at females that’s why the magazine is so pink and bright and girly. This magazine is similar to mine because they are both aimed at the same age group that like this specific music genre, the only difference is the magazine which I have created is aimed at both males and females whereas the other magazine is aimed at females. I chose to aim my magazine and both genders because my research tells me that there is a space in the market for this type of magazine.The similarities between the magazine are not very obvious similarities but they are their because this was the magazine that inspired me to do my magazine this way but make it look more urban with the darker colours.

The similarities between these to magazines are:• Both pictures are focussing on the face• The text layout is similar majority of it is on

the left hand side• The magazine name s are both at the top

Similarities- Contents

The similarities between these to magazines are:• They have the images along the top• Text in the middle of the page letting you

know what the page is about• Contents at the bottom of the page saying

what is inside of the magazine.

The layout and image I chose for my magazine was inspired by the magazine ‘Kerrang’ although this magazine genre is not the same as there genre which I chose, I thought the way it was set out was different and attractive because the font was in the centre which makes you drawn to it straight away. I liked how the pictures where at the top because it means as soon as you turn the page you see images of what will be included inside of the magazine.What I realised from looking at a variety of contents pages is that the contents pages were not very bright like the front covers were therefore I chose to use subtle colours such as greys and whites and black and then use Blue and Red font so it stood out so people were able to know what the page is.

Similarities- Front Cover

I got my layout of the double page spread from a magazine called ‘flavour’ how I chose to do my layout similar is that I realised their was only 3 pictures of the artist so I decided to do the same also one of the pictures was a longshot whilst the other two pictures were taken mid-shots so I decided to do the pictures for my magazine similarly because ‘flavour’ is the same genre as my magazine so they know what the audience for R’n’B magazine like so I decided to have a similar layout.

The similarities between these to magazines are:• Both have 3 images• Blow up text used• Not many colours used, colours don’t clash

but compliment each other• Colours match the images