quest 1

Question 1

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Question 1

Page 2: Quest 1

Titling - colour, font style, over image or black, timing, credits presentation etc

Using Your Research Findings – Note typical generic conventions?As found through my research, I was able to notice the relation in the titles

presentation and timing/order. Films generally present titles over black or over a dark picture background so that no attention is taken from the movie and so the titles are easily read. The titles were also written in either red or white which makes the text easier to read and the red was able to connotate to danger/blood, which is related to the genre.

Your Production – Use, Develop or Challenge? In our opening we followed the conventions of horror movies. This is as we decided to

produce our text over black in a bold whit font. We also chose to follow the order of titles by including our actors first, then our movie cast – editors, music, cast. We also included our movie title in last. In our titles, we decided to mix different horror movie tiles we had researched in to our final titles.

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Camera Movement (panning, tracking, crane shot and crabbing etc)

Using Your Research Findings – Note typical generic conventionsIn my research, I found that these certain shots were used to create the same effect

on the audience. Panning was used in our movies to create an eye view effect and so that a wide length of text can be seen. Zooming was also used to represent getting Into people (heads). Zooming is also used so that our attention is focused on the shot. Tilting shots were also used in a number of horror which was used to allow the audience to veiw the mis en scene presented and to sexually lure a male audience.

Your Production – Use, Develop or Challenge?In our movie we also used the conventions as we wanted to bring across the same

effect. Zooming was used in our movie so that we were drawn in to the movie. We had also used panning when filming our wall of images so that we were able to get an eye view of the killer, which could create more tension.

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Framing of Shot (CU, MLS, ELS etc)

Using Your Research Findings – Note typical generic conventionsWhen researching our framing of shots, we had noticed that all camera shots were

used to create the same effects. Close up shots had been used so that we were able to focus on what was happening in the shot. Horror movies usually used close up to present dangerous weapons and emotions so that we see the high risk of the victim. Long shots were also used in films so that the audience were able to notice the background and surrounding of the object.

Your Production – Use, Develop or ChallengeIn our clip we followed the general use of framing shots to get across the same effect

although in our movie we hardly used long shots which did not represent the enviroment our victim was in.

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Camera Angles (high and low angles etc

Using Your Research Findings – Note typical generic conventionsIn my research I was able to notice the importance of camera angles in representing

the victims and killers. We were able to see that a high angle is used on a character so that they look powerless and less dominant whereas a low angled shot is used to represent the character as being in control and dominant.

Your Production – Use, Develop or ChallengeIn our movie, we challenged the convention of this as we did not use any high angled

shot of our victim as she we did not feel as it was needed yet as our victim was not in danger in the opening to our horror movie. At one point we did use a low angle shot of one of our possible suspects to represent her as being important and one of the predators.

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Selection of mis-en-scène including colour, figure, pops, lighting, objects, location and setting;

Using Your Research Findings – Note typical generic conventionsWhen researching our horror movies, we were able to notice how and why certain mis en

scene representations were used in our horror movies. The representation of the victim was important and very similar across a number of movies researched similar to our genre. The victim was usually dressed in a white, covering dress which was used well, to represent purity. A blod hair colour was also used to sexually lure a male audience. Lighting was also used well when building tension of the villain about to pounce.

Your Production – Use, Develop or ChallengeIn our horror movie, we followed the conventions of mis en scene in horror movies when

presenting our victim. The victim in our horror movie was blond, and dressed appropriately to represent her as being pure. We were also able to represent the social group in our opening clip as being rule breaking by the use of underage drinking and smoking. Finally we challenged the representation our location as the victim was not alone at the party scene and was commonly with others

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Editing directions (Match cuts, jump cut, reverse shots – cutting rthymn etc)

Using Your Research Findings – Note typical generic conventionsIn the research of editing in the opening to our movie. We were able to notice a relation

between why editing forms were used. The use of cutting such as matched and jump cuts were used to jump from clip to clip for the right reason. The cutting rhythm also got faster as the victims were getting more intimidated and in more danger. Fading was also added so that shot cuts were much more smoother and effective.

Your Production – Use, Develop or ChallengeIn our movie we followed the conventions of horror movies when editing our movie. We

used jump cuts to change our location and matched cuts to change the camera shot/angle. In our movie we also challenged the effect of having a gradually quicker cutting rhythm by having an quick cutting rhythm throughout so that tension added was constant from the opening of our movie. We also used fading between some shot, for example when changing locations, to make our movie cuts smooth and proffesional like.

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Sound techniques (diegetic, non diegetic, silence, dialogue and music etc

Using Your Research Findings – Note typical generic conventionsWhen researching into the typical conventions of sound in a horror movie, we were able to

develop on our research and produce this in our final movie. We were able to combine our research and decided that we would need a deep toned, scary non-digetic theme tune which was used in order to represent the horror genre of our movie better. We also found that some dialogue was used to great effect in horror movies so that we were able to represent our social group and add a story and create the theme of a horror genre. Sound effects were also added in some movies researched which was also used so that the movie would be more effective in representing the horror and in order to build tension within the audience.

Your Production – Use, Develop or ChallengeIn our horror movie, we chose to develop on the idea of using a theme tune at parts of the

opening, and chose to add parts of our movie in accordance to the rythm and quickening of the cuts and story. We also used the use of dialogue and digetic sound. So that our movie was more realistic and to build a reason for one of the suspects to kill the victim. We decided as a group to challenge the idea of sound effects, as we believed that this may take focus off of our movie theme tune.