querying the internet with pier nitin khandelwal

Querying The Internet With PIER Nitin Khandelwal

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Page 1: Querying The Internet With PIER Nitin Khandelwal

Querying The Internet With PIER

Nitin Khandelwal

Page 2: Querying The Internet With PIER Nitin Khandelwal


Inject a degree of distribution into databases Internet scale systems vs. hundred node

systems Large scale applications requiring database


Page 3: Querying The Internet With PIER Nitin Khandelwal


P2P Databases

Highly distributed and available data Network Monitoring

Intrusion detection

Fingerprint queries 

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Design Principles 

Relaxed Consistency Sacrifice Consistency in face of Availability and Partition tolerance Organic Scaling Growth with deployment Natural Habitats for Data Data remains in original format with a DB interface Standard Schemas Achieved though common software 

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Implemented with CAN (Content Addressable Network).

Node identified by hyper-rectangle in d-dimensional space

Key hashed to a point, stored in corresponding node. Routing Table of neighbours is maintained. O(d)

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DHT Design

Routing Layer

Mapping for keys

(-- dynamic as nodes leave and join) Storage Manager

DHT based data Provider

Storage access interface for higher levels

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Couples the routing and storage layers

namespace – relation

resourceId – primary key  namespace + resourceId >> key

instanceId – distinguishes objects with

same namespace and resourceID

lifetime – item storage duration LScan, Multicast, Newdata

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PIER Query Processor

Operators: Selection, proj, joins, grouping, agg Operators push and pull data Relaxed Consistency and reachable snapshot:

- working with nodes reachable at query issue.

- Instead, use arrival of query multicast message.

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Join Algorithm

R, S – relations Nr, Ns – relation namespaces Nq - DHT-based temporary table Symmetric Hash Join:

- Rehashes the relations

- Scan and copy in new namespace Nq Fetch Matches

- One relation(S) already hashed on join attribute - Selections on non-join attributes of S cannot be pushed into the DHT

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Join Rewriting

Aimed at lowering the bandwidth utilization  Symmetric semi-join - Local projections to Resource ID + join keys

- Symmetric Hash Join on two projections

- Global fetch matches join using Resource Ids of R and S

Bloom joins(Hashed semi-join)

- Bloom filter is hashing based bit-vector

- Local bloom filters are published into temporary namespaces

- Filters are OR-ed and multicast to opposite relation’s nodes

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Workload Parameters 

CAN configuration: d = 4 R 10 times larger than S Constants provide 50% selectivity f(x,y) evaluated after the join 90% of R tuples match a tuple in S Result tuples are 1KB each Symmetric hash join used

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Simulation Setup 

Up to 10,000 nodes Network cross-traffic, CPU and memory utilizations

ignored Data shipped from source to computation node for

every query operation 1. 100ms and 10Mbps fully connected links  2. GT-ITM transit-stub topology (similar results)

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Join Algorithms

Infinite Bandwidth (Observe Impact of just propagation delay) 1024 data and computation nodes Core Join Algorithms:

Performs faster

Rewrites: Bloom Filter: two multicasts

Semi-join: two CAN lookups 

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Join Algorithms -- 2

Limited Bandwidth Symmetric Hash Join:

- Rehashes both tables Semi Joins:

- Transfer only matching tuples At 40% selectivity, bottleneck switches from

computation nodes to query sites

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Scalability of PIER dervies from relaxed design principles

- adoption of soft states

- dilated snapshot semantics Limitation: Just equality predicates Directions:

- Pushdown of selections into DHT

- Caching and replication of DHT data

- Catalog Manager – Stringent consistency and availability requirements.

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Sophia: An Information Plane

Nitin Khandelwal

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Shared Information Plane

Distributed System running throughout the network.

- Collects information about network elements

Local state(load/memory usage), local perspective (reachability of other nodes)

- Evaluate statements(questions) about the state

- Reacting according to conclusions

Killing misbehaving service

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Information is widely distributed and dynamic Statements formulated at run-time – not a-

priori Centralized analysis not practical

Push analysis to the nodes(push into the network)

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Use logic programming model - In dynamic and distributed system, therefore

temporal and positional logic

Why? - Expressivity: Intuitive to make statements about the state of the system - Performance: :: Logic expression transformation for efficient evaluation :: Partial results caching

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Time and Position in the Language

Every term in the system has an environment containing time and location

Eval( bandwidth( env (at(node(Node),


Time > 1032445465,


BwVar > 40000))

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Aggressive Caching: - Evaluation results are cached

- Sometimes latency is more important then freshness

- Time environment used to control freshness

Scheduling - Pre-scheduling results to be available when and where they

may be needed.

- Cache can be refreshed with fresh values

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Evaluation Planning

Given an expression, plan

- where(close to data)

- when (time when dependencies resolved)

- what to evaluate Logic expressions can be transformed at


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Users can add new functionality at run-time Capabilities : to protect modules, grant and revoke

privileges. cap569354(Val) :- read sensor. cap435456(Val) :- cap569354(Val). bandwidth(Val) :- cap(435456(Val) Module Protection: All predicates transformed into

capabilities, shared through master key capability Danger in caching – different interfaces

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PIER and Sophia

Sophia: location of code execution is both explicit in the language and can be evaluated in the course of evaluation.

PIER: details of query execution left to underlying implementation to optimize.

Consequence: Sophia queries are more sophisticated: both user and system participate in evaluation planning.