quarterly update - diocese of canterbury · quarterly update hildren, schools and young people...

Quarterly Update Children, Schools and Young People Framework Diocese of Canterbury ISSUE 8 ISSUE 8 ISSUE 8 — AUTUMN 2015 AUTUMN 2015 AUTUMN 2015 2 Samuel 22:33 ‘This God is my strong refuge; he makes my pathway safe.’ Recent images, news broadcasts and social media themes have brought the plight and determinaon of refugees sharply to our aenon, and schools and parishes are responding with open hearts and compassionate hospitality. As families and children come and sele, their needs become more immediate and schools in parcular will be that place of safety, a refuge of love. Amongst many things, children entering such an unfamiliar environment will seek security, significance (to be valued) and community (a place to belong). ‘The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be ques- oned’ – Maya Angelou A core element of church schools’ ministry with children and young people is to nurture and fulfil human potenal; accompanying, safeguarding the vulnerable and enabling individual transformaon. To reflect this aim and to complement exisng diocesan resources for the refugee crisis, we have designed or sourced further materials for prayer spaces and worship. In addion, our briefings in October will include relevant, praccal input from Inclusion Service Support Kent, with more in-depth professional development opportunies planned later in the Autumn. Please do not hesitate to contact members of the team for guidance or support on any of the arcles or issues included in this Quarterly Update; we also appreciate feedback and suggesons and look forward to hearing from you! Quenn Roper, Director of Educaon @DDECanterbury

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Quarterly Update

Children, Schools and Young People Framework

Diocese of Canterbury ISSUE 8 ISSUE 8 ISSUE 8 ——— AUTUMN 2015AUTUMN 2015AUTUMN 2015

2 Samuel 22:33 ‘This God is my strong refuge; he makes my pathway safe.’ Recent images, news broadcasts and social media themes have brought the plight and determination of refugees sharply to our attention, and schools and parishes are responding with open hearts and compassionate hospitality. As families and children come and settle, their needs become more immediate and schools in particular will be that place of safety, a refuge of love. Amongst many things, children entering such an unfamiliar environment will seek security, significance (to be valued) and community (a place to belong). ‘The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be ques-tioned’ – Maya Angelou A core element of church schools’ ministry with children and young people is to nurture and fulfil human potential; accompanying, safeguarding the vulnerable and enabling individual transformation. To reflect this aim and to complement existing diocesan resources for the refugee crisis, we have designed or sourced further materials for prayer spaces and worship. In addition, our briefings in October will include relevant, practical input from Inclusion Service Support Kent, with more in-depth professional development opportunities planned later in the Autumn. Please do not hesitate to contact members of the team for guidance or support on any of the articles or issues included in this Quarterly Update; we also appreciate feedback and suggestions and look forward to hearing from you!

Quentin Roper, Director of Education


Governance News

Contact Nicholas Morgan [email protected]

Welcome back everyone, and I hope the summer treated you well. The start of the academic year is

always an exciting time. Many things are new, and a lot of work has gone into making sure the

children get the best start available to them.

Because this time marks the new beginning for many, I wanted to pose a question to you all:

Where will your school be this time next year?

As not many of you are able to travel in time, this may prove a difficult question for you to answer

but this is a fundamental part of the Governors’ visionary role and particularly at the start of a new

academic year. This style of fundamental

strategic questioning is vital when

considering and making decisions at any

time but particularly for those who are

projecting financial difficulties or senior

staffing changes at some point in the

next few years.

Documents such as The National

Society's Rural Schools Report and the

NGA supported State of School

Governance in England 2014 highlight

that too often governors find themselves

having to make reactive decisions to the

circumstances that they find themselves

in rather than considering longer term

planning to avoid them. Although this is

easier to say and very difficult to action,

this year I urge you all to keep this most

important consideration in your minds.

We regularly forget that in order to have

an idea of what we do as governors we need to plan time to discuss pertinent questions such as the

one above, as this style of thinking ensures we can safeguard long-term sustainability. It is your pro-

active discussions and decisive decision-making which will shape whether you will be in the same po-

sition next year or an even better one.

I wish you the very best of luck and look forward to meeting many more of you in my travels.


Lord Jesus, As children start or return to school,

and teachers face new classes, new opportunities and challenges,

and everyone wonders what this year will bring...

Help us hear with you, the desperate mother is pleading for her child.

Help us listen to those who don’t tick the right boxes

of race, gender, religion, language.

Help us act, with you, when you gave the woman who asked for crumbs

a feast of love, grace and healing: may all this year’s children be loved, helped and

given a future. Amen

Provided by the Children’s Society

Useful Information

New documents


Admissions guidance has been updated to reflect the current requirements of the DFE handbook and is now available on our website. https://www.canterburydiocese.org/childrenandschools/admissions/ Distinctiveness Committee You will also find terms of reference for a Distinctiveness Committee, which I have developed. Although there is no expectation that you have such a committee, the principles within this document outline how governors can secure the school’s distinctive ethos and monitor how it impacts on the day to day life on your site. Please feel free to amend and adapt this to your needs and structures. https://www.canterburydiocese.org/childrenandschools/governance/

Licenses for schools

From April 2015, the Department for Education provides licences from the following copyright management organisations (CMOs) for all primary and secondary state-funded schools in England:

Copyright Licensing Agency, for print and digital copyright content in books, journals and magazines

Schools Printed Music Licence, for printed music

Newspaper Licensing Agency, for newspapers and magazines

Educational Recording Agency, for recording and use of radio and television programmes

Filmbank and Motion Picture Licensing Company, for showing of films

Performing Rights Society for Music, Phonographic Performance Ltd. and the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society, for playing and recording music

Christian Copyright Licensing International, for hymns and other Christian music

The licences cover all VA , VC, and Academy schools.

Staff Changes?

Please inform us if you have new appointments or staff changes in your

school or governing body; specifically senior leaders, RE and/or

Worship Co-ordinators, Chairs of Governors and Foundation Governors.

School Ethos

Contact Niki Paterson [email protected]

Wish you were here? Responding to the refugee crisis : a toolkit for schools.

This resource should be used in conjunction with the Diocesan toolkit :


Using our Christian Values : ideas for Collective Worship, Action and Prayer

Justice: ‘Learn to do right. Seek Jus-tice’ Isaiah 1.17

Use information from https://www.canterburydiocese.org/bishop-of-dover-signs-ecumenical-statement/#more-10310 to share how Bishop Trevor is asking us to ‘pray and gather information to sup-port pleas for better treatment in our nations and across the Europe-an Union’. How could pupils lend their voices?

Generosity: ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself’ Mark 12.31.

Mother Teresa once said ‘If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.’ Acts of kindness don’t have to be huge but if we all did something small it would make a huge differ-ence! Discuss with pupils all the things that could be given, including how valuable it is to give our time. Pupils could write a letter of wel-come to unaccompanied minors or contact the charities using the link above to find out which resources are most needed.

Discuss how the poem could shape how we can respond. Making sure children are properly informed is crucial. http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/policy_research/the_truth_about_asylum has been written for adults but contains information which teachers could share as appropriate for their age group. Further resources can also be found at http://www.cafod.org.uk/Media/Files/Resources/Secondary/resource-pages/Refugee-crisis-in-Europe


The well-known parables of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-32) and the Lost Sheep (Matt 18, 10-14) are a good starting point. Share them with pupils and discuss how they demonstrate this value. Share the following acrostic from ‘Roots and Shoots’ by Shahne Vickery (Imaginor Ltd)

Compassion is….

Costly caring

Offering help

Making a difference

Putting others first

Always Listening

Sensitive to suffering

Service in action

Interested in others

Offering care and concern

Noticing a need

School Ethos

Contact Niki Paterson [email protected]

Prayer Stations

Developing a central reflection area could be one way of encouraging and reminding the school com-munity to keep the refugee crisis uppermost in our thoughts and prayers.

Is this home?

Set up a small tent or canvas shelter. It should be completely empty with the exception of a selection of post its and pencils. Ask pupils to leave their shoes outside the tent to remind them that many ref-ugees, including children, make their journey barefoot as their shoes wear out upon their journey. Encourage them to sit quietly for a moment and reflect upon its emptiness.

Text such as the following could provide a point of reflection:

How would you feel if this was your only home? For a week? For a month? For 3 months? When it rains? When there is a storm?

Many refugees flee their homes because it is too dangerous to stay there. They come to new countries with absolutely noth-ing. That’s why there is nothing else in the tent. How does it feel to have nothing? If you could gift one thing to a child who is a refugee, what would it be?

Ask pupils to write or draw their ideas on the post-its and to stick them to the inside wall of the tent. Encourage pupils to think of their own idea before they read the ideas of others.

For additional ideas see: http://www.prayerspacesinschools.com/search/resources?name=&theme_id=4&tags=9 which could be adapted specifically to the refugee crisis.

Support for schools with newly arrived pupils

Come and meet Gillie Heath, Manager of ISSK, at our Director’s briefings at 6 o’clock on 20th, 21st and 22nd October 2015 at various locations around the diocese. Please book by contacting [email protected]

Inclusion Support Services Kent (ISSK) offer a wealth of support including CPD which can be booked through CPD online.

They also provide: Outreach officer support (including attendance, home school liaison, community engagement, behavior support, individual pupil support for new arrivals and pupil mentoring). Access to drop-ins to seek advice and guidance from advisors and specialists regarding vulnerable groups. Access to resources loaned to support delivery of inclusive curriculum. Online resources bank on KLZ - effective strategies, lesson plans, displays etc. to accelerate learning and promote inclusion.

Ideas for prayer: Father God We thank you for all that we have: For our homes, families and friends Inspire us to think of refugees and the difficulties they face Help us to use of our values of generosity, compassion and justice to act, to listen , to learn and to love In the name of your Son Jesus Amen

Exhibition of cribs from the world

Crib from Peru

In Advent there will be a wonderful display of nativity cribs from forty countries. These vary

in size from a complete stable and figures carved from the head of a match stick from San

Salvador, to a village scene covering a table top from Provence in France. This unique

private collection has been built up over thirty years by the Broadcaster and Author Libby

Purves, and her husband, Paul Heiney and family.

Would your school like to be part of the exhibition, by creating your own crib from whatever

style and materials you feel appropriate? It would need to be compact and transportable,

and delivered to St Paul’s Church on Monday 30th November, when the exhibition is being

assembled. Visitors to the exhibition will be asked to vote for their favourite school crib, with

a book voucher for the winning entry. If you would like to take part, please email Margaret

Willmott at [email protected] by Friday 23 October.

The exhibition will be at St Paul’s Church, Church Street, Canterbury CT1 1NH. School

parties are very welcome. Entrance is free with donations welcomed for The Children’s

Society. It will be open on:

Tuesday 1st

December to Friday 4th

December from 10am to 4pm


Saturday 5th

December from 10am to Noon.

It would be helpful if you could let Margaret know if you are planning to bring a school party.

Exhibition in aid of the Church of England Children’s Society. Charity no. 221124

Training and Events in 2015

Contact Sarah Donlan [email protected]

Headteacher Retreat

Saturday 5th December 2015,

All Saints Church, Military Road, Canterbury

An evening of worship and creative prayer for

youth groups and their leaders from around the Diocese

For more information see http://chypsministry.org/thejourney/

or contact: [email protected]


Caring for your wellbeing – our retreat provides 24

hours out of school for worship, reflection, leadership

learning and fellowship.

15th /16th October 2015

Canterbury Cathedral Lodge

£175 per person

To book your place please contact [email protected]

Our aims are:

To enable participants to create innovative and interesting acts of CW Assemblies

To develop understanding of the essential ingredients of collective worship

To build confidence in preparing and leading collective worship

To encourage a sharing of creative ideas for collective worship

To remind participants of faith development theories as they apply to each age range

To remind participants of the law in this area of school / Church life.

The session will be partly lecture, through a key note address, partly small group work

and partly self-reflection. Participants will leave the course having been encouraged,

challenged and inspired.

Monday 9th November 2015, 9.30am—1pm

Chartham Village Hall, Station Road, Chartham,

Canterbury, Kent CT4 7JA

A training session for those who lead Collective Worship/Assemblies in our

schools, offering a chance to network, share and learn together.


Booking is essential, for more information and to book your place please contact:

[email protected]

Monday 16th November 6.30pm—8.30pm

Monday 21st March 6.30pm—8.30pm

Diocesan House, Lady Wootton’s Green, Canterbury, CT1 1NQ

This session is open to any category of Governor and is offered as an induction to governance in a

church school setting. We will investigate the purpose of Church Schools, their history and context

and how that affects the governor's role.

Governance in Church Schools/Academies

Director’s Briefings

Tuesday 20th October St Paul’s, Canterbury 6.30pm—8.30pm

Wednesday 21st October Archbishop Courtenay 6.30pm—8.30pm

Thursday 22nd October Deal Parochial Primary 6.30pm—8.30pm

Monday 14th March St Paul’s, Canterbury 6.30pm—8.30pm

Tuesday 15th March Archbishop Courtenay 6.30pm—8.30pm

Wednesday 16th March Deal Parochial Primary 6.30pm—8.30pm

Sessions will offer Governors and Heads an opportunity to network, consider some pertinent

messages relevant at that time and meet Diocesan Officers.

Training and Events To book please contact: [email protected]

Thursday 8th October

OfSTED Framework, September 2015 – a briefing organised for Canterbury and Rochester Dioceses

Leader: Hilary Macdonald, Senior HMI

Venue and Time: Mercure Maidstone Great Danes Hotel, 4.30pm to 6.30pm

Cost: £15.00 + VAT

To book, please contact [email protected]

Ofsted Framework Briefing

New to a Church School

Training and Events To book please contact: [email protected]

New to RE Subject Leadership

Wednesday 14th October 2.00pm—4.00pm

Diocesan House, Lady Wootton’s Green, Canterbury, CT1 1NQ

For: School leaders and teachers

Learn about why we have church schools

Find out what is meant by Christian Distinctiveness

Be prepared for Section 48 inspections

Discover the professional development, resources and support available from the


Monday 19th October 2.00pm—4.00pm

Diocesan House, Lady Wootton’s Green, Canterbury, CT1 1NQ

What is expected of RE in a church school

How RE should be assessed

How RE is going through changes

The range of resources available to you

The network opportunities available in the Diocese and beyond

CSY Team

Annie Wiles Chief Operations Officer

[email protected]

Marian Scally Head of Finance and

Business Services

[email protected]

Quentin Roper Director of Education

Leads strategic work with children, young people and schools.

[email protected]

Niki Paterson Assistant Director of Education (School Effectiveness)

School Improvement, RE, Collective Worship, SIAMS, guidance on developing Christian character and leadership.

[email protected]

Simon Foulkes Assistant Director of Education (School Organisation)

Academy conversion, school organisation issues, property, capital funding.

[email protected]



Murray Wilkinson ChYP’s Ministry Adviser

Events that inspire, Training that enables, Relationships that sustain, Advocacy that challenges.

[email protected]

Nicholas Morgan Schools Officer

(Governance, Admissions, Policy and Services)

[email protected]

Eunice Thorpe CSY Administrator

Governance and Admissions administration.

[email protected]

Rosemary Fletcher Executive Assistant.

Financial administration, office management,

Company Secretary.

[email protected]

Ronni Lamont Faith and Nurture Adviser

Exploring faith development across the three spheres of church, household and school

[email protected]

Graham Nunn Diocesan Children’s Missioner

[email protected]

For more information please see http://www.canterburydiocese.org/schools/team.htm

Sarah Donlan CSY Administrator

(ChYP’s Ministry Administration, Training and

Events Management)

[email protected]