quantum gravity and the holographic mass

Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass Every particular in nature, a leaf, a drop, a crystal, a moment of time is related to the whole, and partakes of the perfection of the whole. Each particle is a microcosm, and faithfully renders the likeness of the world.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~ Haramein’s recent paper “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass” presents a brilliant approach to Quantum Gravity and the Holographic principle as the origin of mass and matter in our universe. The model reveals important symbiotic relationships between the atom and the larger universe in which it resides, and it draws a picture of the space-time manifold, our own reality, as a boundlessly interconnected holographic projection originating within a cosmic singularity – the vacuum of space. The idea may seem abstract at first, but the basic principles are logically intuitive and easily accessible, and they represent an essential key for understanding our own existence and inherent communion with Nature. Long have we sought to understand the forces of Nature as an harmonic whole, and with this publication we might see a first glimpse of this unification. The implications are both scientifically and spiritually profound, so let’s embark on a journey together down the wormhole of the Fractal-Holographic Universe… 1

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Post on 26-May-2017




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Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass

“Every particular in nature, a leaf, a drop, a crystal, a moment of time is related to the whole, and partakes of the perfection of the whole. Each particle is a microcosm, and faithfully renders the likeness of the world.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~Haramein’s recent paper “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass” presents a brilliant approach to Quantum Gravity and the Holographic principle as the origin of mass and matter in our universe. The model reveals important symbiotic relationships between the atom and the larger universe in which it resides, and it draws a picture of the space-time manifold, our own reality, as a boundlessly interconnected holographic projection originating within a cosmic singularity – the vacuum of space. The idea may seem abstract at first, but the basic principles are logically intuitive and easily accessible, and they represent an essential key for understanding our own existence and inherent communion with Nature. Long have we sought to understand the forces of Nature as an harmonic whole, and with this publication we might see a first glimpse of this unification. The implications are both scientifically and spiritually profound, so let’s embark on a journey together down the wormhole of the Fractal-Holographic Universe…


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From Micro to Macro

As we have seen in “The Fractal Holographic Universe” we may understand our reality as a logarithmic scale of black hole singularities of increasing orders of magnitude, from infinity small to infinitely large. The theory describes our universe as the inside of a supermassive black hole, and everything we see on the inside of this hole as the outside of smaller black holes, which appear to us as radiant objects; stars, planets, atoms and such. With this we’ve seen the fundamental geometric structure of the universe; an infinitely repeating fractal that naturally generates an harmonical scale of toroidal systems organizing matter and energy into galaxies, stars, planets, cells, atoms and such. In “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic mass” we’ll move deeper into the holographic aspect of reality and see how everything is boundlessly intertwined with everything else – how every tiny atom is a complete representation of the Cosmos in its totality. Of particular interest to us in this context is the proton in the nucleus of the atom, which constitutes the basic building block of all matter. The fractal-holographic model describes the proton as a


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microscopic black hole singularity, but to understand the proton as a black hole we need to look closer at the history behind the development of General relativity and how the Standard Model, the current prevailing theory of particles, relate to the fundamental forces of nature. 

The Standard Model


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The Standard Model is the current ruling theory of particle physics and it describes the quantum mechanical forces that deal with the physics of the atomic nucleus and the force of Electromagnetism. It provides accurate measures of the various properties of the elementary particles, the particles mediating the natural forces, and precisely predicts a range of phenomena in our universe. However, the Standard Model is still incomplete and inherently incompatible with General relativity, which operates with a continuum of space-time, as opposed to finite quanta, and it describes characteristics of our universe on a large scale, in the macrocosm. Currently the most pressing issue of the Standard Model is its incapability to describe how particles assumes mass and how Gravity functions at the subatomic scale where the space-time manifold no longer can be described as a smooth, gradient continuum. Both Electromagnetism and the forces of the nucleus (Strong and Weak) as such may be


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described in the algebraic terms of quantum mechanics, as fields of limited elementary particles, or quanta, conveying information/energy from one point to another. But this is not the case with the force of Gravity; after years of searching we still haven’t found the hypothetical “graviton”, a supposed particle conveying gravity at the quantum level. Neither have we been able to accurately locate the true source of mass in our universe – and the two seem intimately related. In the holofractographic model we come to an understanding og both Gravity and mass utilizing finite, quantum numbers based on proven physical constants (the Planck distance). We achieve this starting from the Schwarzschild proton…

The Schwarzchild Proton

Karl SchwarzschildWhen Albert Einstein first made public the field equations describing general relativity, he had not yet found the final solution to his equations. This was discovered a few months later by a German physicist named Karl Schwarzschild, and with his contribution a complete description of gravity as an intrinsic property of the geometrical structure of space-time was put forth.


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But the solution, called “The Schwarzschild solution”, revealed a strange phenomenon in Einstein’s field equations in which the gravitational field became singular; certain variables increased to infinity and thus predicted the presence of bottomless curvature in the space-time manifold – they predicted singularity. The significance of this discovery was debated for decades, few people thought they would actually observe physical singularities in nature, and it was not until the latter half of the 20th century that the phenomenon was accepted as an inherent feature of general relativity. Today the existence of astrophysical singularities, or “black holes“, is widely accepted and they represent a key component of modern cosmology. Although the solution proposed by Karl Schwarzschild describes infinite curvature in the space-time manifold it’s still frequently used in planetary and cosmological physics with regard to areas of “flat” curvature – normal three-dimensional space. The areas of extreme space-time distortion and zero volume are much less understood and difficult to deal with when formulating physics.The equation defining the critical radius of a given mass (an object) where the escape velocity equals the speed of light is called “the Schwarzschild-radius”. We can imagine the Schwarzschild-radius as a sphere; the field equations state that any object compressed to a size smaller than this sphere will become so densely massive that it creates infinite curvature in the space-time manifold – a black hole (e.g. our planet would have to be compressed to a radius equal to that of a ping-pong ball to attain such a density). This hypothetical region (termed r), where even light cannot escape gravity defines the event horizon and is expressed by the following equation:


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where G = the gravitational constant and m = mass and c = the speed of light. The equation simply describes the linear relationship between the mass and the radius of a black hole based solely on the system’s mass.

The holofractographic model describes the proton of the nucleus as a mini-black hole in place of a discrete particle, and thus postulates that the extreme gravitational curvature of this black hole is the true source of the atom’s dynamics – a radical break with conventional theory which specifies entirely separate forces of nature for the same purpose (strong and weak nuclear force). For this hypothesis to be valid the proton mass must match that of the Schwarzschild radius, defining the system as a black hole, and if this is the case, a single proton would weigh as much as 1014 grams (10 with 14 zeros after)! This may seem radical and it stands in sharp contrast to the proven weight of the Standard model proton; a miniscule weight of 10-24 grams (0 to 24 decimal places before 1). Yet the holofractographic view embraces both of these values, and understands them as two different perspectives on the same phenomena. Let’s see how.


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This graph depicts a logarithmic scale of astrophysical objects in a ratio of mass vs. radius. It pictures a cosmological scale in which our own universe is the interior of a black hole and all objects within it, like quasars, known galactic nuclei and stars, are smaller black holes that we experience the outside of. Notice how the Schwarzschild proton falls nicely near the trend line, demonstrating for the first time a linear relationship between quantum and relativistic sizes across the boundary between the micro and macro cosmos; a rhythmic progression of energy events by mass and radius. This is very interesting evidence that we until now may have misunderstood certain aspects of the proton in the context of the larger universe. However the values in this graph use both the Standard proton mass, to calculate the mass of the universe, and the Schwarzschild mass of our black hole proton; two mass values for the proton within the same theoretical framework. We’ll examine this duality later on, but first we’ll take a closer look at the dynamics within the nucleus and its surrounding vacuum medium to uncover further characteristics of the proton dynamics. Viewing the proton as a


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mini-black hole brings us to an entirely different understanding of the nucleus in which Gravitation replaces the current nuclear forces of Strong and Weak interaction. 

The Strong Force or simply Gravity?

James Rutherford, often called the father of nuclear physics, was the first to discover the composition of the nuclei in 1917. It was made known that the atomic core was composed of protons with a positive electric charge and electrically neutral neutrons. However this seemed contradictory as conventional physics indicated that the positively charged protons would repel each other due to their inherent electrostatic repulsion, which was never observed. It was understood that new physics was needed to explain the phenomenon as Gravity would appear imperceptibly weak on such a scale. In the 70′s, the hypothesis of “Strong force» was presented – a force of nature that could account for the confinement of the nucleus. 

It was believed that this force is mediated by a hypothetical elementary particle called the “gluon”, gluing the atom together. Thus, a completely new force was invented without a mechanical description of its origin, without any supporting empirical


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evidence and its strength was assigned to just the right parameters needed for the equations to work out, and thus the problem was solved – at least on paper. This form of “physics-as-you-go” type problem solving is not uncommon in the world of physics, and can perhaps be described as a symptom of our ability for abstraction; the model has a certain predictive strength, it provides functional mathematical descriptions of phenomena we see, but it reveals important deficiencies which ripple into other fields when viewed in a broader context. The Strong nuclear force remains a force with no mechanical origin and its strength is estimated to be 1039 times stronger than gravity.In “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass” Haramein presents another approach to describe the natural behaviour of the proton, which perhaps more accurately reflects its actual dynamics. Considering the newfound mass-values of the Schwarzschild proton this contractive energy of the nucleus of the atom may be accounted for in terms of mass – and be considered a gravitational force arising in the vicinity of a black hole singularity. The Schwarzschild proton interacts with highly energetic vacuum fluctuations within and outside the proton horizon through which it gains the mass/energy necessary to be understood as a black hole entity. Thus its interactions with the quantum vacuum may actually be the true source of the confining forces. Taking into consideration the fact that the proton is composed of 99,99999% vacuum, understanding this vacuum then is crucial to understanding the proton – and pretty much everything else.


The Quantum Foam11

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Theoretical analysis alone indicates that the vacuum of space at the quantum level not at all can be considered empty. When we zoom in to the resolution of the Planck distance, the smallest sensible length of this universe, the structure of space-time becomes a chaotic, seething foam of energy and, in a mathematical sense, we may begin to “glimpse” the fields composition ofgranules. At this level the structure of space-time exhibits extremely energetic oscillations and, all fields considered, these vacuum fluctuations reaches a point of infinitude. 

Space-time at the quantum level is no longer a smooth gradient continuum but a seething foam of fluctuating wormholes; the

structure of space-time is “pinching” itself. 

This infinite energy density of the quantum vacuum is handled by a process of renormalization; using a “Planck length cut off” – an absolute minimum oscillation of vacuum fluctuations – to determine the vacuum density in a sensible way. The Planck length is a concrete physical constant of nature; it is the smallest possible vibration of the electromagnetic spectrum and is


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considered to be the length scale at which the structure of space-time becomes dominated by quantum effects. It is the smallest distance of meaning to us in this universe, measured to be exactly 1.616 x 10-33 cm (notice the similarity of this number to the Phi ratio). Describing space-time curvature at this level demands quantization of the continuum into discrete units of energy, which provide us with an algebraic formula for determining gravitational effects. The fractal-holographic model attains such a description of quantum gravity by describing the vacuum field as granulated by tiny Planck-sized black holes as a means of renormalization at the quantum level. As such the “black hole-pimpled” vacuum may be understood as a quantum field entangled through mini-worm holes, space-time “pinching” itself, effectively creating a non-local, interconnected, highly energetic vacuum medium which “feed” all protons with the combined energy/information/mass of the entire universe. In this way the quantum vacuum of our own black hole universe is described as finite but boundlessly entangled within its own parametrical horizon, yet infinite when viewed in the larger context of the fractal multiverse (more on this later). This universal quantum vacuum is the source of both the Schwarzschild proton mass – which we will come to know as the Holographic Gravitational Mass - and the Standard proton mass as measured in laboratories. This leads us on to the gate to the holofractographic universe wherein we may deduce the gravitational mass of the proton by calculating Planck oscillations of the vacuum medium within and outside the proton surface alone- and from there, map its fractal evolution beyond the universal horizon… 


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“One can give good reasons why reality cannot at all be represented by a continuous field. From the quantum phenomena it appears to follow with certainty that a finite system of finite energy can be completely described by a finite set of numbers (quantum numbers). This does not seem to be in accordance with a continuum theory and must lead to an attempt to find a purely algebraic theory for the representation of reality.” - Albert Einstein 

The Holographic Principle and Quantum Gravity


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A black hole horizon divided by flat Planck surface areas.In astrophysics the holographic principle states that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a boundary to the region – like an event horizon – and it is commonly utilized when describing the entropy, or thermodynamics, of a black hole system. The principle was initially evoked to explain a natural occurrence in which the second law of thermodynamics seemed to be violated in incidents where an object of certain entropy is absorbed by a black hole. The entropy of the object would disappear and total entropy would appear to decrease, which the second law prohibits. The holographic principle solves this problem by stating that all energy/information of an object absorbed by a black hole is «smeared out» across its surface and its entropy conserved as informational bits the size of a Planck’s distance. In this way all the information of the black hole is stored holographically on its surface as abstract “Planck pixels”, or bits, and thus we can calculate its total entropy just by counting the Planck pixels on its surface area.


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In this hologram a three-dimensional image is stored on a two-dimentional surface.

The fractal holographic model broadens our understanding of the holographic principle by considering Planck pixels both internal and external to the black hole horizon. This model utilizes a Planck Spherical Unit (PSU), rather than a flat surface area Planck unit (or even cubed Planck unit as is conventional when calculating vacuum density), as a minimum-size vacuum energy oscillator – a “Planck pixel” – on which information encodes. To give a mental image of the relative magnitudes involved the Planck Spherical Unit is so small that if you made it the size of a grain of sand, a proton would reach from here to Alpha Centauri 4.37 light-years away!From this premise we may analyze how the interior vacuum energy-density of the proton relates to its surface horizon to deduce elemental information about proton mass, quantum gravityand confining nuclear forces based solely on a premeasured physical constant (the Planck unit), no free variables or ad hoc patch-work needed. We may, in other words,


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provide a holographic basis for the phenomena of mass and a quantized, algebraic description of Gravity.


The Holographic Gravitational MassWith the Planck Spherical Unit as a means of renormalization at the quantum level we see a different, more natural expression of the quantum vacuum dynamics (as opposed to Planck-cubes) wherein each minimum-size vacuum energy oscillator, each PSU, can be understood as the wavefront of a tiny oscillation of vacuum fluctuations. The spherical waves tesselate with adjacent PSU’s creating a uniform, holographic interference pattern within the proton volume. These spherical waveforms also holographically reflects on the flat proton horizon, creating equatorial spherical intersections – circles - the exact same size. The picture below provides a geometric visualization of the actual structural principle:


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The intersecting spheres represents tiny vacuum occilations within the proton. Notice how they’re holographically reflected

as a two dimensional flower of life pattern on the proton surface.The Planck circles naturally distributes across the surface area of the proton horizon in such a way that they are space-filling, like the PSU’s inside the proton, creating an holographic interference pattern often called “the Flower of Life”. Now that we’re equipped with the basic structure of the proton and its relation to the quantum vacuum we may proceed to calculate essential facts about our universe.

We begin using our renormalized value for the vacuum density (5,1×1093 gm/cm3) to derive the mass/energy available within the volume of a proton sphere; the resulting answer is 4,9×1055 grams. Using the renormalized vacuum density of 1093 gm per cubic centimeter, 1055 gm is how much vacuum energy is permitted within the tiny proton volume.We proceed by dividing the total surface area of the proton horizon by the holographic Planck circles, to learn that the proton


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horizon is covered by 4,72×1040 intersecting equatorial circles forming the interference pattern mentioned above.Now we divide 4,72×1040 with 1055 - that is, the number of Planck circles on the proton surface with the number of PSU’s within the proton volume – receiving the result of 5,91×1014 – the exact gravitational mass needed for the proton to obey the Schwarzschild condition generating a black hole!Now we have derived the holographic gravitational mass of the proton (its Schwarzschild mass) from Planck units and geometry alone, without involving the Schwarzschild equation or the gravitational equations of Einstein’s general relativity at any point. Thus Gravity has been described as a ratio of mass/information to surface area and has been accounted for completely in algebraic terms without involving space-time curvature, only through pixelation of the structure of the vacuum itself. For the first time we have mathematical proof and a functioning description of Quantum Gravity!


Finding the Standard ProtonWe have seen how the proton achieves its holographic gravitational mass due to vacuum fluctuations within the proton volume, now we need to find its measured value when viewed from outside its horizon. This brings us to a deeper understanding of the proton wherein its quantum entanglement to all other protons is revealed.The internal volume of the proton relates to its surface geometry in such a way that one PSU holographically expresses all energy/information entangled with it. If we divide the circular surface tessellations (4,72×1040) with the volume of the proton


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itself (10-39 ) the result comes out 1,67×1079 – which is the currently estimated number of particles in the universe. The result reveals a quantum entanglement through mini-wormholes with all other protons in our universe; every single Planck circle at the proton surface can be understood as a mini-wormhole internally connecting it with another proton.To find the actual expressed mass of a single proton in this worm-hole matrix we must map the mass influence of one proton on a single Planck circle. We do this by dividing the Schwarzschild mass of the proton by the number of protons in the universe, which gives us 10-65 (this number equals the proton mass distributed into all other protons). Then we multiply this number with the number of Planck circles on the proton surface, namely 4,72×1040, to reveal the mass influence by one single proton – one tiny wormhole connection. The result is 1,672295215 x 10-

24, which is the proven Standard mass of the proton! The calculations are within a 0.017 % deviation from the mass of the proton given in the Standard model, and most likely this is the more accurate value for its mass when measured from the outside its event horizon. In this way each proton internally holds a holographic gravitational mass of 5,91×1014 gm – the Schwarzschild mass, while they external to the proton horizon exhibit the standard mass of  10-24 gm. Now we can see that the proton mass is actually the sum total of its communication relationship with all other protons – the expression of all the information moving through.“The universe is uncaused, like a net of jewels in which each is only the reflection of all the others in a fantastic interrelated harmony without end.” – Ramesh S. Balsekar


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Now we’re able to understand the seemingly paradoxical presence of two values for the proton mass within the same theoretical framework; no proton can be viewed as isolated or measured independently without taking into account its quantum entanglement with all other protons. Each proton is outwardly expressing its tiny bit of the distributed mass/information of the entire universe, while at the same time each proton is internally united with all protons through quantum entanglement.Another way to arrive at the same conclusion is to simply divide the mass of the Universe (1055), extrapolated from the inside of the proton, by the number of protons in the universe (1079), extrapolated by the surface of the proton, which again results in the exact mass of a single proton (1,672295215 x 10-24 ). The mere fact that these gigantic numbers divided nails the mass value of the proton to the decimal is a major confirmation of the accuracy of the theory. 

Mapping the MultiverseNow we may continue to calculate key facts about the multiverse beyond our cosmological horizon. We may glimpse the Great Cosmic Fractal – the Omniverse – of endless universes, scattered like grains of sand in a vast toroidal hurricane…


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 The Schwarzschild proton has 1040 Planck circles on its surface, which in the first fractal iteration connects to as many protons. Those protons again connect to 1040 different protons, which joins the first one to 1080 protons by a fractal progression of entanglement. Analyzing this fractal pattern further we may map the first iterations of the fractal multiverse. Moving beyond our own universe, past its cosmological horizon, we could look back only to see its surface as a blazing sphere within another universe, in the appearance of a star. Thus from a single proton resting somewhere on your little finger, we may calculate the size and mass of the universe, the radius of the universe, the cosmological constant, the vacuum energy density, the gravitational field, the radius of the larger universe in which our own is contained, how many universes there is that one and… I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.


Skies Above Skies…


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“The universe is uncaused, like a net of jewels in which each is only the reflection of all the others in a fantastic interrelated harmony without end.” – Ramesh BalsekarThe implications of the Holofractographic Universe compels the imagination. Through these simple equations we come to an understanding of the space-time manifold as a holographic fractal pixel matrix projected through the interference pattern of the Flower of Life. In time all this will be simplified further in such a way that it’s expressible in a single, simple equation – as has been the dream of great scientists and philosophers throughout the history of physics. Personally I’m often filled with a tangible connectivity to all things just by contemplating this beautiful description of our Universe. I believe that we, through meditation, visualization and contemplation, may use this understanding as a kind of metaphysical technology – a tool – for expanding our own consciousness beyond its frames into a larger and deeper communion with each other and our world as a whole. The mere fact that space itself in its state of infinite, utter completion explores its endless potential through us certainly gives assurance and faith to surrender to the sheer beauty of its unfoldment…