quality assurance and joint programmes

Quality assurance and joint programmes Axel Aerden

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Quality assurance and joint programmes. Axel Aerden . What are we talking about?. Quality assurance ?. Process establishing stakeholder confidence that provision is fit for purpose or measures up to requirements. Accreditation? . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Quality assurance and joint programmes

Quality assurance and joint programmes

•Axel Aerden

Page 2: Quality assurance and joint programmes


What are we talking about?


Quality assurance?


Joint programme?

Process establishing stakeholder confidence that provision is fit for purpose or measures up to requirements

Formal & independent decision that a programme (or institution) meets certain predefined quality standards

A programme offered jointly by different higher education institutions irrespective of the degree (joint/multiple) awarded

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AIMS: mutual recognition of accreditation & quality assurance decisions

RESULTS OF THIS COOPERATION:• Code of good practice (2004)

• Principles for the selection of experts (2005)

• Principles for accreditation procedures regarding joint programmes (2007)

• Bilateral mutual recognition of accreditation agreements (2007)

• Qrossroads.eu (2008)

• Principles regarding learning outcomes in accreditation procedures (20010)

• Multilateral agreement regarding joint programmes (2011)

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Joint programmes?• 2011 (Institute of International Education & Freie Universität Berlin)• 84% of universities offer joint programmes;• 33% of institutions award joint degrees • all others are developing or planning joint degrees;

• 2012 (Bologna Process Implementation Report)• all but one EHEA country has implemented legislation

allowing establishment of joint programmes & joint degrees• none of HE institutions participate in joint programmes:• Albania, Andorra, Liechtenstein and Montenegro;

• in addition to countries above, none of HE institutions participate in awarding joint degrees: • Cyprus, Finland, Latvia and Moldova;

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Challenges overcome

Multilateral Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of Accreditation

Results regarding Joint Programmes

AT – DK – FL - FR – NL – PL – ES -CAT

Agreement to set up a Coordination Point for Joint


Assessment Framework for Joint Programmes in Single Accreditation



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So many challenges left, and all national (#1)

Too many national standards in external quality assurance and


Good practice: assessments of joint programmes can be discharged from using certain national standards if they contradict others.

Very long list of examples:• Master thesis:

“max. 30 ECTS credits” vs. “at least 35% of the total number of credits”;• The assessment report (expert report) is required to be in the national

language;• Every programme should be taught by at least 6 doktor habilitowany & 6

PhDs who are all full-time staff of a national institution and have to teach at least 540 hours in the programme per academic year;

• Not about quality• Not suited for international

joint programmes• Contradict each other

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So many challenges left, and all national (#2)

Many national requirements make cooperation in external quality assurance difficult/impossible

Examples:• National QA agencies which are not allowed to coordinate an international

procedure / undertake a site visit abroad;• National QA agencies which cannot accept accreditation requests from a

foreign institution (the coordinator of the joint programme);• Different periods of accreditation; and some QA agencies cannot accept a

joint programme’s request for accreditation (years) before the current accreditation status is almost expired;

• Very procedural• No international perspective• Unaware of implications

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[email protected] - @AAerden

www.ecaconsortium.net - www.qrossroads.eu - www.ecapedia.net