qfi boarding lodging 2012 ppt

Boarding n Lodging Quiz Dedicated to the TRAVEL & LIFESTYLE of Epicureans "Arun Ramanathan"

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My latest Quiz at QFI. Boarding & Lodging Quiz 2012 Thanks to Gentle giant for conducting it


Boarding n Lodging Quiz

Dedicated to the TRAVEL & LIFESTYLE of Epicureans

"Arun Ramanathan"

1. What "repetition" are named after these Royals


1. Marie biscuits after Grand Duchess Maria      Alexandrovna of Russia2. Osmania Biscuits named after Mir Osman Ali Khan

2. At Icecreamists in London, the ice cream is served in a martini glass filled with the breast milk - ice cream mix.Liquid nitrogen is then poured into the glass through a syringe and it is served with a rusk. This ice cream's name and waitress costume has landed the shop in legal mess. Id the name given to the bizarre ice cream and the celebrity who has sued the shop founder Matt O'Connor :-


Baby Gaga Icecream & lady Gaga 

3. On July 18, 1573, Veronese was called before the Holy Tribunal of the Inquisition because certain details in the work were considered irreverent in its treatment of a religious theme. He cited the nudes in Michelangelo's Last Judgement as an excuse and example. The Inquisitors pointed out that in Michelangelo's Last Judgment there were no such 'drunkards nor dogs nor similar buffoonery' as Veronese had painted.He answered: 'Mine is no art of thought; my art is joyous and praises God in light and colour.'.

To avoid further controversy, he changed the painting's name which was the source of problem. Id the original and current name of the painting :-{picture next slide}


• Last Supper• Feast in the house of Levi

4. In 1968, MSG(MonoSodium Glutamate) was felt to be the cause of series of serious reactions. Since then, many studies have failed to show a connection between MSG and the symptoms that some people describe after certain activity.Id this activity :-


Chinese Restaurant Syndrome

5. This triangular deepening gets it name from an object associated with a not so pleasing habit. However decades back it was an absolute addiction for many.

Id the portion on your wrist :-


Anatomical snuffbox

6. Originally it was an elaborate form of amusement dish common among the nobility in Western Europe.  It marked the end of a serving of courses and could be anything from a brightly colored porridge and flavored with exotic and expensive spices to elaborate models of castles complete with wine fountains, musicians, and food modeled into allegorical scenes. In modern French cuisine, its a small dish served between courses or simply a dessert.  ID this dish literally which means between servings and  a famous example which many of us know since our school days :-  


Entremet ,

Sing a song of sixpence,A pocket full of rye.Four and twenty blackbirds,Baked in a pie.

7. The national emblem of France, Marianne, is shown wearing this head gear. During the period of the Reign of Terror, the cap was adopted defensively even by those who might be denounced as moderates or aristocrats and were especially keen to advertise their adherence to the new regime.

Id the head gear and which famous cartoon characters usually shown wearing this head gear?


Phyrgian Cap  & Smurfs

8. Hessonite is a variety of garnet ranging in color from yellow to brown. The name is from the Greek hēssōn, inferior, in allusion to its lower hardness and density than most other garnet species varieties.

What "Spicy" name is given to this gemstone found in Sri Lanka and India, locally known as Gomedakam.


Cinnamon Stone

9. Belgian botanist Brézier is credited to have developed the vegetable from a coffee chicory root in 1846.First, chicory seeds are sown and allowed  to take root. After the roots are well established, the chicory leaves are harvested, and  the roots are carefully pulled from the ground. The vegetable is then forced & is grown in darkness from the cut roots. The emerging entity  must be kept beneath the soil, or covered by straw, to preserve its whiteness. Id this Vegetable that's popular in Belgium :-


Belgian Endive / French Endive / Witloof

10. What homonym connects the irritating digital Pattern with the domestic animal:-


Moire Pattern commonly seen in Digital photograph. Mohair is used to indicate the cloth made from Angora Goat wool. It's spelling is influenced in English by association with hair.

Moire "watered silk" also represents English Mohair. It was first borrowed into French and then back into English.

11. This town in Yorkshire is considered to be the first place to mix certain ingredient with sugar.  Since then it began to be used as a sweet in the same way it is in the modern day.  ID the confectionery named after the town & the ingredient :- 


Pontefract Cakes & Liquorice

12. Historically, Royal Navy officers being gentlemen were expected to wear the full appropriate uniform for all formal events, whatever the temperature. The sole exception was in the ________, where the heat and humidity often made this physically impossible. Here, officers were permitted to remove their jackets in the wardroom, provided they added a cummerbund to temper the somewhat informal look.

ID the region and the attire that originated :-



13. A traditional Italian espresso-based treat that you’ll find on the menu at many Italian restaurants. The full name means “drowned in coffee,” in Italian. The name really suits the dessert, as it consists of a scoop of ice cream / Gelato with a shot of hot espresso poured over the top. Id this dessert :-



14. Id the company / the family which had created the following diamond cuts 1. The original version with 58 Facets introduced in 19022. The Royal version with 74 Facets introduced in 2001


Royal Asscher Diamond Company / Asscher / Asscher Cut

 15. It denotes the Swiss cheese variety and a Swiss dish based on heating the cheese and scraping off the melted part. Traditionally the melting happens in front of an open fire with the big piece of cheese facing the heat. One then regularly scrapes off the melting side and its then eaten with accompaniments like boiled or roasted potatoes with small gherkins and pickled onions.

Id the Swiss dish which in modern days, uses electric grill for melting Cheese.

[Pic next Slide]




RacletteComes from the French word racler meaning “to scrape,”


16. This Seaport in Israel is near the Gaza Strip. The ancient seaport dates back to the Neolithic Age. In the course of its history, it has been ruled by the Canaanites, the Philistines, the Israelites, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Phoenicians, the Romans, the Persians, the Egyptians and the Crusaders, until it was destroyed by the Mamluks in 1270.

(A) Id the City and (B) two varieties of Onions that gets its name from this city :-



AshkelonScallions & Shallots The words scallion and shallot are related and can be traced back to the Greek askolonion. This name, in turn, seems to originate from the name of the town of Ashkelon.


17. At the end of 1950s a young pastry chef joined the Sprüngli and was spending some time in Zurich learning his trade. Here he began to produce the speciality of his old master confectioner. He named this airy delicacy simply after its country of origin. Every month Confiserie Sprüngli creates a new taste experience for its ____________ connoisseurs. You can find macaroons almost anywhere but for what dish would you have to go to Sprüngli ?





18. The fruit of "Vitellaria paradoxa" ripens during the annual hungry season when food supplies are at their lowest ebb and agricultural labour requirements are at their peak. It is rich in vitamins and minerals and not lacking in protein. A slightly yellowish or ivory-colored fat extracted from the nut of this African tree , is a crucial nutritional resource for millions of rural households. The fat is widely used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, salve or lotion. Id the fruit or the fat extracted from it :-





19. This accessory have been very popular with people across North America and enjoy a loyal following. It is mostly used with certain product marketed by Zespri.

ID the accessory & the product (no part points) :-



Spife & Kiwifruit


20. Puchi-puchi is the toy designed by Bandai to mimic an really addictive pastime. Their slogan “Anytime, anywhere, forever…you can puchipuchi” What unlimited pleasure will the toy provide ?



Bursting Bubble Wrap


21. What good word connects :-* A very light, sheer, gauze-like fabric, popular for white wedding dresses and decorations.* Filaments from a web that was spun by a spider





22. These small boat typical of Mexico City's Xochimilco channel and are frequented by local families for weekend picnics on the water. They transit on the same channel offering food, beverages, or even live music trios to the Trajineras (larger boat).

Which Mexican specialty got its name due to its resemblance to these little boats :-





23. These small non-pitched percussion instrument are commonly attached to the thumb and middle finger of one or both hands and struck together in a specific rhythmic pattern. These instruments are often failed to get noticed because of an enticing accompaniment.

Id the instrument & the most famous accompaniment:-




24. This is a form of choux pastry that is generally served as a high-piled cone of chocolate, cream-filled profiteroles all bound together with threads of caramel. It is also decorated with sugared almonds, chocolate, flowers, or ribbons.

Id these traditional French Wedding cakes which literally means Crunch in the Mouth ?



25. This shopping street in Mayfair, central London is famous for traditional men's tailoring. The short street is termed the "golden mile of tailoring",where customers have included Winston Churchill, Lord Nelson, Napoleon III and Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Its famous for a fashion term that is reserved for individually patterned and crafted men's clothing, analogous to women's haute couture and in contrast with mass manufactured ready-to-wear Id the shopping venue and the famous business term :-




26. This layered pastry contains a sweet filling inside and often served with cream. It is well known and gained popularity in the 18th century through the Habsburg Empire. It is most often associated with Austrian cuisine but is also a traditional pastry in the whole area formerly belonging to the Austro-Hungarian empire.

One of best experience which the visitors can experience in Vienna's Schönbrunn Palace, is a live demonstration by professional pastry chef who hand-bakes this original Viennese pastry in Palace's Cafe Residenz.

Id the pastry or the show :-



Strudel / Apple Strudel Show


27. In many old cities in the Netherlands, the old buildings along the canal sides are narrower. The Dutch don’t waste most of the available precious space on staircases and so these are invariably narrow. This introduced a major problem in their daily life which they resolved by introducing hijsbalk in their architecture.

What is the problem and what is hijsbalk which helped them to overcome this problem :-



Dutch faced problem in lifting the barrels of beer, furniture & other heavy items. The hijsbalk / Lifting beam / Cantilever was introduced for easy transferal of heavy goods through windows.


28. In traditional Japanese culture, the Geisha left only 3 body parts uncovered. Other than Face and hand which other body part considered highly erotic in Japanese sexuality is left uncovered :-



Nape / Scruff


29. This term indicates a swimming or reflecting pool that produces a visual effect of water extending to the horizon. Such pools are very expensive and require extensive structural, mechanical and architectural detailing. Since they are almost always built in precarious locations (cliffs, mountain tops, beach front, etc.), sound structural engineering is paramount. Id the term and the famous tourist spot (near "Smoke that thunders" which offers similar feature :-



1. Infinity Pool / Infinity edge pool2. Devil's pool near Victoria Falls


30. This internationally-known Spanish rice dish originated in the fields of Valencia.. Its made in every region of Spain, using just about any kind of ingredient that goes well with rice. Finally, Saffron is added to turn the rice to a wonderful golden color.One old story associated with the dish is how the Moorish kings’ servants created rice dishes by mixing the left-overs from royal banquets in large pots to take home. It is said the dish name originates from the Arab word for left-overs. However, linguists believe Its name comes from the flat pan it is made in. Id this Spanish dish




 31. Its a range of decorative patterns used in a variety of works of art, such as stained glass, heraldic shields, architecture, silverwork etc. Which fabric / garment gets name due to presence of distinctive woven pattern of small repeated figures :-



Diaper from Diapering Diaper


32. In 1956, Princess of Monaco was carrying the Sac à dépêches bag to shield her pregnant stomach from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. Photographs of her covering her stomach bulge with her bag were splashed all over the world and made it onto the cover of Life magazine.Thus, the company or possibly more like the public renamed the thing after her and it became hugely popular.

Id the company and the entity named after her :-



Hermes Grace Kelly Bag


33. In the 1940s, Arizonan Victor E. Cedarstaff and some cohorts were chasing after wild horses when Cedarstaff's silver-bordered hatband slipped off, making his hat fly away as well. He caught up with his hat band and slipped it over his neck for safekeeping. His friends noticed his look and complimented his new tie.

Cedarstaff decided to create a line of vestures inspired by the incident. He braided leather, placed silver tips on the ends to keep them from fraying and then joined the strands with a turquoise stone to be used as an adjustable clasp.

Id his creation which he named after an entity worn by Argentine cowboys.



Bolo Ties


34. She was a naiad ( the fresh water nymphs in mythology) who attracted the roving eye of the god Pluto. The god of underworld saw her and immediately fell in lust with her. Persephone, Pluto's wife, discovered the affair and jealousy bloomed. She attacked the nymph, kicking her and stepping on her, and finally turning her into a plant. Pluto was unable to break Persephone's spell but gave the plant a wonderful smell that becomes stronger when stepped on.

How we know her (the nymph) better ?



Minthe / Mentha used as genus for Mint

1. Walk past any moderately popular Chinese restaurant on the seventh day of the Chinese New Year and you'll see families crowded around a dinner table, tossing vegetables high into the air. Usually, they're armed with just a pair of large chopsticks and a single loud voice, beseeching good fortune and bigger pay packets. The tossing of this raw fish salad is a common practice among the Chinese, symbolizing abundance, prosperity and vigor, especially in Singapore. The ritual is also sometimes referred to as 'lo hei', which means to 'toss up luck', or 'toss and rise'. In other words, the higher you chuck your food, the more luck and good fortune will rain down on you in the coming year.

Id this Salad :-

+6 / -6-

2. Its a plant with an elongated head of broad stalked leaves resembling celery and used as a vegetable in east Asia.The Part of its name comes from colloquial and regional Japanese, where it refers to the leaves of any vegetable, especially when used as food.1. Id the vegetable which is also known as Chinese Celery / Celery Cabbage.2. (Theme) Its a common ingredient in which pickled East Asian dish :-

3. ID the creator and the creation (theme)

4. What key ingredient is needed to complete a Greek salad :

juicy tomatoes, crisp cucumber, sliced red onion, green pepper, plump kalamata olives &


5. It is a Middle Eastern and Arabic food dip or spread made from cooked, mashed chickpeas blended with Tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic. Id the dish whose name derives from Arabic word for chickpea

6. Butterfly - a 1913 artwork by leon Bakst is currently found in Museum of Fine arts in Boston.This features a costume design for which famous Russian :-


1. Yeesang / Yusheng2. Napa Cabbage , Kimchi3. George Lerner , Mr Potato Head4. Feta Cheese5. Hummus6. Anna Pavlova

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Food Fights

South Korea vs. Japan: kimchi Lebanon vs. Israel: hummusMalaysia vs. Singapore: yee sang/yushengGreece vs. the EU: feta cheese Chile vs. Peru: potato Australia vs. New Zealand: Pavlova