q4 - how did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and...

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages ?

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Post on 07-Aug-2015



Social Media

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  1. 1. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
  2. 2. RESEARCH At the beginning of the research part of the genre horror, I began to look at web 2.0 which helped me gather important ideas such as where the locations i could use in my trailer. For example the main location that was important was the church which gave me a hassle as I had gathered numbers of different churches to ask if it would be possible to film a short scene inside the church to give the religious feel to the trailer. The setting was so important for us to be able to use into the trailer, with the help from technology and the internet Google Map/street view I could see my way around the area where we was going to film in.
  3. 3. Looking at other existing trailers made around the horror genre, I found YouTube so helpful as well as IMDB which shows all the trailers and other information explaining the narrative as well as backstage gossip or names of actors/actresses used in the film and what role they play. It gave me the chance to look into other trailers to gathers ideas and inspirations from them helped me come up with a layout of the storyboard and an idea of a narrative. If I had to pick one trailer that I could say is very much similar to my trailer, it would be Devil Inside. The movie which Ive been able to watch includes a nun that is seen in the movie but isnt the main character, this nun is used in the devil inside poster and she seems to look evil with white eyes that tells me that she isnt herself and something is wrong with her soul. I can say that the trailer and our poster has used a nun and throughout the making of all three products; my trailer to the poster as well as the magazine front cover. The best part of the research had to be looking into BBFC which is where this allows the trailer to be given an age suitable group for each film that will be realised to the public. For example looking at an old horror movie The Exorcist which came out in 1973 and at the time it was one of the most affective, horrific and terrifying movies that emotionally affected the public as it was the first to shock people with the story line being so dramatic and the true story behind it didnt help matters for the public, they werent ready to see something so upsetting by the possession affecting a young girl. BBFC had the right to ban the movie from England but now looking back at the movie, it doesnt create a big impact on the people as horror movies now have become so big that the old horror movies have inspired to create bigger and allowing the mind to be creative with ideas to blow viewers away. BBFC gave the film certificate to be an 18! BBFC was helpful to judge my trailer and what it would be, I finally thought that 15 would be much suitable as the only elements used in horror inside the trailer was; blood, religious cross, church, possessed eyes and the pentagram.
  4. 4. PLANNING The planning part of my journey throughout the making of the trailer has played a great big role as without planning from the start it wouldnt have been successful. I found that the Prelim task we were set to do which was in fact to find a scene from any horror movie and re-film the same scene to see what we could produce looking at the angles used and the shots, the props that we would be needing. This task was only allowed to be done during a short space of time. This taught me a lesson to be on time, making sure we had all props and equipment ready when in need. This made me realise what to expect when we start making our horror trailer. It helped me and prepared me! Social media has played a big role to communication such as; Twitter, Whatsapp, Text messages, Emails, Blogger, Web 2.0. all these have some way gained more of an creative idea which allowed me to communicate with my group as well as gathering information and ideas which would be helpful for the making of DEVILS NOTE my trailer, poster and magazine front cover. When it came to planning and organising where each location would be I was the one in my group which had to find the churches and search online for the addresses and telephone numbers to call them up to see if it would be possible to film the church scenes there. Mostly all had turned us down but we was lucky enough to try one last time which we was lucky to film there in the end. Our group kept each other up to date with what was going on through messages being sent.
  5. 5. CONSTRUCTION All these programs and websites that Ive been on with the help from searching the internet, I was able to produce, edit and re-create something to help me with the making of my three products; my trailer, poster and magazine cover. Using DaFont helped me with the design and font I wanted to use for our trailers name. In many ways was I able to change the style and colour by saving the text and opening it in Photoshop which moves to the next program which wasnt something I could live without with. This program helped the poster and magazines front cover to be produced. PicMonkey was another website to use to change a photo to edit and play around with the lighting and look which we could have used Photoshop to do this but we wanted to try out new websites.
  6. 6. IMovie has been such a helpful program and simply amazing to use within its tools and for its editing. We used this program to edit our short video to build up on our trailer. With the help from the music (soundtracks) and videos and the credits, transitions. IMovie is very much the same to other programs such as Premier as its allows you to crop a video, change the colour grading.Using the SLR Canon Camera which was used for taking photos for our poster and backstage behind the scenes. This camera is a high tech camera which takes clear photos which appears to show off every little detail a photo should have. This helped our images of our main character to appear in full detail from her skin to her facial expression.
  7. 7. EVALUATION The technologies which Ive overall used through the making of the trailer, poster and magazine front cover Ive noticed that they have given me the opportunity to try out new programs. I was able to find my own away round areas which I had to face going to churches which Ive never been before with the help from Google maps and Google Street View which I was able to see from a birds eye view of the streets to help me find my way around to find where I need to travel my way to each church. As location was so important for our trailer, it was where we could not say no to the church, we had to find a church even if we had to travel far. Are Mise-En-Scene was mainly set in a church as this was going to help the look of the trailer to seem more professional. Presenting each question wasnt hard but although there are four questions Ive split each question into smaller part which meant I used more than one way of presenting my questions. For example I used; YouTube, SlideShare, BrainShark, Prezi, Animoto, Playlistme.com and Slidely.