q3 strategic projects report

Strategic Projects Report – Q3 Content: Term Shift, MC-LC Cooperation Customization towards LCs potential, Financial Model,

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Strategic Projects Report – Q3


Term Shift, MC-LC Cooperation Customization towards LCs potential, Financial Model,

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Term Shift Mgmt Report Q32013

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Goals of the project

Optimizing timeline of organizational general processes towards external,

internal & network realities to boost ELD long term performance while

maintaining members’ high quality AIESEC experience.

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Milestones of the project •  Presentation of the idea during SumCo, gaining trust of

AIESEC in Poland towards possible change

•  Data collection and preperations

•  ST work

•  Gathering BOA feedback

•  Compendium correction preperation – I + II

•  Voting for the change on General Assembly - I

•  Presentation of the proposal to the LCPs with gathering topics to work on

•  Voting for the change on General Assembly - II

•  Providing education towards change management

•  Monitoring Implementation

I – term shift 13.14

II – term shift 2015

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Overall Factors

•  Well planned timeline - P

•  SumCo shocking teraphy for the network – P

•  LCPs highly open for changes, having trust in MC – P

•  High-quality outcome of ST work - P

•  Talking, talking, talking – P

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Term Shift Mgmt in Q3 2013

Key Achievements:

•  Completed decision making process - Annual Term will be incorporated to AIESEC in Poland from 2015!

•  Trust of the network towards the change

•  AIESEC in Poland (MC, LCs) has a calendar for 2 years in advance ;]

Key Non-Achievements

•  Lack of functional feedback and analysis of term shift impact for the area

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Term Shift Mgmt in upcoming time

Priorities for October:

•  Functional (MCVP) analysis for LCs’ structure recommendation

•  Analysis consolidation (OD)

•  (!!!) Assuming initial structure for MC 14.15 [crucial for creation LC structures]

Priorities for Q4:

•  Releasing MC recommendations towards 2014 local structues (Virtually or Physically)

•  (!!!) Transition for EBs [5W]

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MC-LC Cooperation Customization Report

August 2013

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Goals of the project

Designing & providing strategic organizational initiatives connecting MC and LC in a way to:

•  enable LCs’ short-term growth

•  enable LCs’ capitalization on own potential

•  address diversity of LC realities

•  maximize on the limited limeline & resources

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Piliars of the project

Coaching  Na+onal  

Conference  Cycle  

LC  Planning  

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Milestones of the Coaching sub-project

•  Current state analysis •  Desired state envisioning •  Coaching strategy creation •  Feedback gathering & correction •  Coaching application releasment •  LC Coaches allocation •  LC Coaches announcement •  Creation of coaching tools •  Coaches education •  Coaches and coaching timeline management •  Coaching round feedback gathering & evaluation •  Coaching strategy improvement

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Overall Factors

à1st part of the new coaching strategy is almost done—creation of strategy and materials, education & visits (last visits are already scheduled).

àMore than 70% of all coaching visits have been deliver to the LCs.

àGood response from the LCs and MC.

àBetter understanding of the local reality.

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Coaching sub-project in Q3 2013

Key Achievements:

•  Current state analysis •  Desired state envisioning •  Coaching strategy creation •  Feedback gathering &

correction •  Coaching application

releasment •  LC Coaches allocation •  LC Coaches announcement •  Creation of coaching tools •  Coaches education •  Coaches and coaching

timeline management

Key Non-Achievements

•  Materials in the teambox are incomplete.

•  Not all the areas that were assigned are going to deliver coaching.

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Coaching sub-project in upcoming time

Priorities for October:

•  Send coaching evaluation (part 1)

•  GDC- 1st Monthly skype meeting.

•  Gathering of all outputs.

Priorities for Q4:

•  General Tracking.

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Milestones of the National Conference Cycle sub-project

•  Current state analysis •  Desired state envisioning •  National Conference Cycle creation •  Feedback gathering & correction •  Conference Cycle I + application releasment •  SumCo preperations & delivery

management •  SumCo evaluation •  Organizing LCs allocation

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Milestones of the National Conference Cycle sub-project

•  Summits preperations & delivery management •  Conference Cycle II + application releasment •  Summits preperations & delivery management •  Summits evaluation •  Winco preperations & delivery management •  Winco evaluation •  MultiTo preperations & delivery management •  Multito evaluation •  Further platforms preperations & delivery

management •  Further platforms evaluation

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Overall Factors

•  Querulous but soo talented MC Team! J Great

SumCo & ELD Summitt (!) Delivery - P

•  Lack of LCPs responsibility for common good – late

selection or lack of hosting LC – N

•  Lack of Conference Manager role assignment at the

beginning of the term - N

•  Skip of Ewa as WinCo Conference Manager - N

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National Conference Cycle in Q3 2013

Key Achievements:

•  Long term, refreshed conference cycle creation

•  SumCo delivery

•  ELD Summitt delivery

Key Non-Achievements:

•  No physical NPM ;(

•  Lack of OD – TM – NET rules of cooperation establishment towards WinCo

•  No Conferenace Managers for upcoming conferences

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National Conference Cycle in upcoming time

Priorities for October:

•  Conference Managers Assignment!

•  OD – TM – NET meeting for WinCo

Priorities for Q4:

•  External Summitt Delivery

•  WinCo Preperations Management & Delivery

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Milestones of the LC Planning sub-project

•  Planning 2013 evaluation [MCVP OD, BOA, ST] •  Desired state envisioning •  Planning process creation •  Feedback gathering & correction •  Planning process elements delegating •  Providing feedback & correction •  Planning process consolidation •  Planning process educating [NMP] •  Planning process implementation monitoring •  LC plans gathering •  Feedback towards LC plans by MC team •  LC plans correction •  Final consolidation of LC plans

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Overall Factors

•  BOA advices – P

•  DRAMATIC timeline for process creation & consolidation – N

•  Limited psychical platforms for contact with MC Team – N

•  Simply too much priorities in the same time of the whole team - N

•  Virtual Education – N

•  Low alignment to the proces of LCPs - N

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LC Planning in Q3 2013

Key Achievements:

•  Planning 2014 being released! –  Logic of the process

–  Tools (AMS J)

Key Non-Achievements

•  Lack of process importance understanding among LCs

•  Virtual education

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Key priorities in October:

•  LCs progres monitoring

•  Feedback process creation

Key priorities in Q4:

•  LCs progress monitoring

•  Feedback process delivery

•  LC 2014 Plans gathering

•  Plans Transition & Review strategy creation

LC Planning in upcoming time

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Financial Model Report Q3 2013

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Goals of the project

•  Increasing financial sustainability of organisation

•  Filling income gap hole in MC budget

•  Ensuring aligment of MoS between MC & LC

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Milestones of the project

•  Collecting data from LCs – 09.09.13 - DONE

•  Analysis done by FD – 30.09.13- in progress

•  First WG meeting – 12-23.10.13 – to be done

•  Second WG meeting – 14-16.11.13

•  Output creation – 22.11.13

•  Presentation to the network 12.12.13

•  Voting new Financial Model – 26.01.14

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Overall Factors

•  Other priorities during this Quarter

•  Timeline of the project is more focused on work in Q4

•  Great support from our BoA !

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Financial Model in Q3 2013

Key Achievements:

•  Understending of project by @PLAD during SumCo

•  Data needed is gathered from LCs

•  Application released

Key Non-Achievements

•  Lack of data analysys yet

•  Timeline of the project shifted

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Financial Model in Q4 Key strategies for next


•  Work, work, work

•  Meetings with WG

•  Creation of redistribution model

Key challenges for next month:

•  Application for WG

•  A lot of strategic projects for Finance area at the same time