q3 anatomy and histology


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Page 1: q3 Anatomy and Histology

101. Which of the following statements is NOT true about nucleus pulposus?A. A structure in the body of the vertebraB. Found in the central core of intervertebral discsC. Is a semi-gelatinous structureD. Helps in the shock-absorbing mechanism

102. Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning the hand?A. Abduction & Adduction of the fingers are in relation with the axis of the middle fingerB. Interphalangeal joints are true hinge jointsC. Abduction of thumb is not at right angle with the surface of the palmD. Adductor policis covers the deep palmar arch in front of it103. Which of the following statements is the LEAST accurate?A. When the ulnar nerve is damaged at the elbow, a marked deformity of the hand is producedB. When the ulnar nerve is damaged at the wrist, a marked deformity of the hand is producedC. Wrist drop is produced when the radial nerve is damagedD. When the median nerve is cut, most of the flexors of the digits are paralyzed

104. Which of the following statements is the LEAST accurate?A. Small muscles of the hip joints are external rotatorsB. Zona orbicularis is a fibrous structure gripping the capsule of the hip jointC. The Sartorius muscle simultaneously flexes the hip and knee jointsD. The patella is the most essential bone for movements occurring at the knee joint

105. Which of the following statements is the LEAST accurate?A. Inversion of foot is not done by two antagonistic musclesB. Eversion of foot is done by peroneus longus and brevisC. The center of gravity of the body falls between the two feetD. The spring ligament of the foot is called plantar-calcaneo-navicular ligament

106. Which of the following statements is the LEAST accurate?A. Pelvic diaphragm is formed by levator ani and coccygeus musclesB. Corrugator cutis ani is a subcutaneous muscle that produces the corrugation of the anal marginC. In females, the maximum sacral transverse dimension is equal to, or greater than its maximum vertical dimensionD. Ischio-rectal fossa is a space in the os-ischium

107. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the adrenal gland?A. Develops from the mesoderm and the neural crestB. Is within the capsule of the kidneyC. Has three arteries supplying itD. Central vein has considerable smooth muscles

Page 2: q3 Anatomy and Histology

108. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the diaphragm?A. Develops from the septum transversumB. Left dome is higher than the right domeC. Esophageal opening transmits esophagus, vagus nerves, and esophageal branches of the left gastric arteryD. On each side it is deficient of muscle fibers in two areas

109. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the axilla?A. The apex has the outer border of the 1st rib as its medial borderB. The lateral wall is formed by the humerus, the coracobrachialis, and the bicepsC. The lateral thoracic artery lies in contact with the anterior wall of the axillaD. Its lymph nodes filter 75% of lymph from the breast

110. Which of the following statements is NOT true about brachial plexus?A. It carries autonomic nervous system fibersB. In the posterior triangle, it is between the clavicle and the sternocleidomastoid muscleC. Its T1 segment fibers innervate the small muscles of the handD. C5 root is often damaged when neck is forcibly stretched away from ipsilateral shoulder

111. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the breast?A. Located entirely in the superficial fasciaB. In the lateral plane, it extends from the 2nd to the 6th ribC. There is a zone of loose areolar tissue between the breast and the deep fasciaD. Its main bulk is due to the abundant glandular tissue

112. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the superficial palmar arch?A. Formed mainly by the ulnar arteryB. Ulnar artery enters the hand in front of flexor retinaculumC. Common digital arteries are joined by corresponding palmar metacarpal arteryD. Ligature of both radial & ulnar arteries just above the wrist will stop profuse bleeding from the arch

113. Which of the following statements is NOT true about musculocutaneous nerves?A. Supplies both heads of the bicepsB. Injury leads to sensory loss over the lateral half of the anterior surface of the forearmC. Pierces the brachialis muscleD. Sends a filament to the elbow joint

114. Which of the following statements is NOT true about clavipectoral fascia?A. It splits to enclose subclavius and pectoralis minor musclesB. The costocoracoid ligament is a thickened portion of this fasciaC. It forms the suspensory ligament of the axillaD. It bends laterally with the fascia covering the short head of biceps

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115. Which of the following statements is NOT true about serratus anterior?A. Supplied by long thoracic nerveB. Lower fibers are responsible in raising the arm above the headC. Paralysis causes winging of the scapulaD. A load in front of the body carried by the arm does not affect its tone

116. Which of the following statements is NOT true about trapezius?A. Forms the upper medial border of the triangle of auscultationB. A major stabilizer of the scapula allowing movement at the shoulder jointC. Innervated by accessory nerve and by branches of the cervical plexusD. Its superior fibers are vital for turning the head to the opposite side

117. Which of the following statements is NOT true about radial artery?A. Its pulsation is felt between flexor carpi radialis and the lower part of the anterior border of the radius laterallyB. Forms the deep palmar arch by uniting with the deep branch of the ulnar arteryC. Cannot be felt in the anatomical snuff boxD. Runs superficial to pronator teres

118. Which of the following statements is NOT true about basal ganglia?A. A subcortical mass of gray matter within the cerebral hemispheresB. Includes the caudate, lentiform, and amygdaloid nuclei, and the claustrumC. The corpus striatum refers to the caudate and lentiform nucleiD. Has connections with substantia nigra and red nucleus

119. Which of the following statements is NOT true about sympathetic trunk?A. The inferior cervical ganglion is fused with the 1st thoracic ganglion forming stellate ganglionB. The abdominal celiac plexus contains parasympathetic fibers from the vagus & thoracic nervesC. All peripheral nerves receive postganglionic fibers from the sympathetic trunk except the 1st, 2nd, & 8th cranial nervesD. Post-ganglionic autonomic fibers for the upper limb arise in the superior cervical ganglion

120. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the pons?A. Injury to its basilar part results in paralysis of the arm and leg of the same sideB. Contains the nuclei of the 6th and the 7th cranial nervesC. Blood supply is from the pontine branches of the basilar arteryD. It is part of the hind brain or rhombencephalon

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121. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the 4th ventricle?A. Connected to subarachnoid space via one median and 2 apertures laterallyB. Floor is diamond-shaped and is divided into a right and left half by a median sulcusC. Medullary striae cut medially across it, dividing it into a rostral & caudal halfD. Choroid plexus is an extension from the 3rd ventricular choroid plexus via the aqueduct

122. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the nucleus of the abducens nerve?A. Located in the lower part of the pons in the floor of the 4th ventricleB. Gives rise to axons running ventrally to emerge at the lower border of the ponsC. Is embraced intimately by fibers of the facial nerveD. Is both a sensory and motor nucleus

123. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the thalamus?A. External medullary lamina consists mainly of the thalamocortical & corticothalamic fibersB. Internal medullary lamina consists mainly of fibers passing from one thalamic nucleus to anotherC. It develops from the telencephalonD. it contributes to the upper lateral wall of the 3rd ventricle

124. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the cerebellum?A. Is connected to the brainstem by three cerebellar pedunclesB. Most of its input is by way of climbing fibersC. Is separated from the cerebral hemisphere by the tentorium cerebellaD. Has intimate connections with the vestibular nuclei

125. The umbilical cord provides attachment between:A. Fetus and motherB. Fetus and placentaC. Fetus and allantoisD. Mother and fetal heart

126. A viable fetus would be from:A. 20 weeks AOGB. 24 weeks AOGC. 28 weeks AOGD. 500 grams in weight

127. The secondary yolk sac is lined by which of the following?A. Ectodermal cellsB. Mesodermal cellsC. Endodermal cellsD. Cartilage cells

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128. Allanto-enteric diverticulum gives rise to which of the following?A. Rectum and anal canalB. Urinary bladderC. Anal canal onlyD. Urethra

129. The mesonephric duct contributes in the development of:A. KidneysB. OvariesC. TestisD. Ureteric bud

130. The splanchic mesoderm lining of the yolk sac forms which of the following?A. Primitive blood vesselsB. Primordial germ cells in malesC. Primordial germ cells in femalesD. All of the above

131. A graafian follicle is found in which of the following?A. Cerebral cortexB. SpleenC. Lymph nodesD. Ovaries

132. Corpus luteum forms which of the following hormones?A. AndrogenB. ThyroxineC. ProgesteroneD. Testosterone

133. Ovulation normally occurs on which day of the 28-day menstrual cycle?A. 8th dayB. 20th dayC. 14 ± 1 dayD. 10 ± 4 days

134. Which of the following is essential for the motility of the sperm?A. Acrosomal capB. CentriolesC. Axial filamentD. Mitochondria

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135. Which of the following BEST describes the characteristics of the uterine glands in the progestational phase?A. Coiled and secretoryB. StraightC. In the stage of buddingD. Non-secretory

136. Intra-embryonic mesoderm is formed by:A. EctodermB. Primitive streakC. EndodermD. Trophoblast

137. Ectopic implantation will likely occur in the:A. OvariesB. Fallopian tubesC. At or near the internal os of the uterusD. All of the above

138. Ectoderm gives rise to which of the following?A. Stratified squamous epithelium of the bodyB. NailsC. LensD. All of the above

139. Foramen ovale is a developmental anomaly of the:A. Inter-atrial septum of the heartB. Septum pallucidum of the brainC. Inter-ventricular septum of the heartD. Lesser omentum

140. Septum primum contributes to the development of which of the following?A. Interventricular septum of the heartB. Spiral septum of the bulbus cordisC. Inter-atrial septum of the heartD. Ligamentum arteriosum

141. The ductus arteriosus is :A. An anastomosis channel between arch of the aorta and pulmonary arteryB. Ligamentum arteriosum in adultsC. Patent ductus arteriosus if not obliteratedD. All of the above

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142. Ligamentum venosum is the remnant of the :A. Ductus arteriosusB. Ductus venosumC. Aortic valvesD. Septum venosum

143. The kidneys have developed from which of the following?A. Inner cell massB. PronephrosC. MetanephrosD. Mesonephros

144. The paramesonephric ducts form which of the following?A. UretersB. Uterine tubesC. Urinary bladderD. Urethra

145. Bulbar ridges give rise to which of the following?A. Membranous part of the interventricular septumB. Inter-atrial septumC. Spiral septumD. A & C only

146. The 4th arch arteries give rise to which of the following?A. Common carotid arteriesB. Right subclavian artery and arch of the aortaC. Left subclavian artery and right common carotid arteryD. Both right and left subclavian arteries

147. Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium is found in the :A. SkinB. EsophagusC. StomachD. Urinary bladder

148. Histamine is secreted by which of the following?A. Plasma cellsB. FibroblastsC. Mast cellsD. Macrophages

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149. Lymph follicle of lymph nodes is formed by which of the following?A. ChondroblastsB. MonocytesC. ErythrocytesD. Lymphocytes

TO MY ATENEO STUDENTS: ANATOMY & HISTOLOGY150. Bony matrix contains which of the following?A. Elastic fibers and chondrocytesB. Reticular and elastic fibersC. Chondrocytes and osteocytesD. Collagen fibers and chondroitin sulphate