q2 final evaluation

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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Post on 19-May-2015




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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Page 2: Q2 final evaluation

Young teenagers


Track-suit bottoms and caps

Ethnic backgrounds


My own film Scene from ‘kidult hood’

Page 3: Q2 final evaluation

Representation of Class In Social Groups

Shots from my opening sequence.

Image from ‘attack of the block’

The social group represented in this these shots are of working-class youth. These shot taken from my opening sequence show the stereotypical working-class through there appearance, and the area I filmed at – which is deprived and dominated by poverty and material deprivation.

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Representation Of Gender in Social Groups

Images of male characters- men and boys dominant my opening sequence.

The representation of gender in social groups –as social realist films with crime and deviant themes are commonly dominated by male character- there shots show clip that I have taken of people in male groups, portraying the ‘laddish’ sub-culture of the working-class, which is highly associated with crime.

‘Kidult hood’ above is based around youth gangs in London also dominated by male characters

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Representation Of Ethnicity Social Groups

Shots my own opening sequence

Scenes from Kidulhood

These images portray ethnic minority social groups in the UK as, as they are of black and Asian youth and people. Similarly to the below shot from ‘kidult hood’.