q1 eval

Before beginning the creation of my magazine I researched several magazines to gain inspiration and acknowledge the typical codes and conventions which relate to different aspects of a magazine in order for it to be successful. Throughout my magazine I aimed to maintain a particular house style which consisted of the colours: grey, black, yellow and white. By using this on each element of my music magazine I created continuity, giving my magazine an identity which can be easily recognised. The same fonts were also used throughout the magazine as this follows conventions and makes it look a lot more professional regarding the layout and format of the magazine. Q1.) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Q1 eval

Before beginning the creation of my magazine I researched several magazines to gain inspiration and acknowledge the typical codes and conventions which relate to different aspects of a magazine in order for it to be successful. Throughout my magazine I aimed to maintain a particular house style which consisted of the colours: grey, black, yellow and white. By using this on each element of my music magazine I created continuity, giving my magazine an identity which can be easily recognised. The same fonts were also used throughout the magazine as this follows conventions and makes it look a lot more professional regarding the layout and format of the magazine.

Q1.) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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I decided to experiment with a variety of fonts which gave me a wide variety to choose from when deciding which to use for my final piece.The font I decided on was ‘Gill Sans MT Condensed’ I felt as though this fitted well with the genre of my magazine and the desired look I was going for. After looking at other magazines such as NME/ MOJO I realised that the fonts are fairly straight edge and bold which is where my inspiration came from.

Q1.) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Initially I came up with 4 potential colour schemes, the one I decided to go for was black, white and grey. Later on in the production I decided to introduce a fourth colour (yellow) to break up the darkness of the magazine and contrast with the duller colours such as grey and black.Although my music magazine is based around the indie rock/pop rock genre which can be grungy, I thought it would be good to incorporate another colour to make it seem a lot more light-hearted as opposed to constantly melancholy.

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I used NME’s Florence and the Machine issue for part of my initial inspiration. I liked the conventional, bold masthead which I decided to carry through and use on my magazine. Although, I decided to go against conventions in relation to the fact that I located it on the right hand side as opposed to the left hand side. Similarly to the NME issue, I also placed my slogan ‘THE MAGAZINE WITH A BEAT’ underneath the main masthead, with the date line featured below, this is done to create front cover which would be considered as conventional within the music industry.

I also used the left third for the main source of tag lines, this is a clear convention of music magazines and is shown in the Rolling Stone issue below. The image of my artist also overlaps the masthead slightly, this accentuates the importance of the artist in relation to the fact that their prominence is more important than the masthead itself. This effect is also shown in the Rolling Stone issue as Brad Pitt is seen in front of the text, showing he is the main focus of the magazine; allowing us to understand that he is he main feature. - similar to my magazine ‘BEAN’ is featured in front of the masthead as she is the main focus of my magazine, the main story revolves around her.

‘Q’ magazine featuring Adele is also another magazine I researched which is similar to the other two magazines in the sense that they each use a medium close up as their main image, in relation to camera framing, this is where my music magazine refutes the conventions of a music magazine. This is due to the fact I decided to use a long shot, I chose this as I felt as though it fitted the vibe of the magazine better. The whole idea of the feature story is the fact that ‘BEAN’ is struggling in the music industry, I feel as though this pose connotes this idea.

Q1.) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Q1.) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

After researching several music magazine contents page’s, my main inspiration came from NME’s music magazine in relation to the fact that it is blocked into different categories through the use of several subtitles, this makes it easier for the reader to find a particular article they are interested in. I decided to include and editors note as, although it is not included in NME, I thought it was a convention which would be good to include. It makes the magazine appear a lot more personal to the editor and creates a relationship between both the editor and audience.

I also included the masthead once again on the left hand side of the page to create continuity throughout the magazine, this makes the magazine easily recognisable to the readers and maintains the house style. This is a convention taken from various magazines including the NME magazine below.

A ‘subscribe’ option is also included in my contents page which is another convention of music magazines as seen on the NME contents. This helps lure in potential customers to purchase the monthly magazines at a discount. This is helpful as my magazine revolves around students, which will not have mass amounts of disposable income.

I also conformed to the conventions of a music magazine in relation to the fact that my magazine includes a variety of pictures relating to the articles on particular pages, the captions located next to the image also give the reader an insight into the article within it. This technique is also shown on the NME magazine of which most of my inspiration came from. Although, it was adapted to suite my particular genre and ideas behind the magazine better.

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Once again the main inspiration for my music magazine double page spread came from the source of NME – their article of Florence and The Machine.

In this article I particularly liked the background of the image made up of the text ‘USA’, so I decided to recreate it into my own using the name of my artist; ‘BEAN’. The reason for using 3 images of my artist from different perspectives connotes the idea that she is fully exposed within this interview – we see her from every angle.

I also followed conventions in relation to my double page spread through the use of a standfirst to give a vague introduction to the artist, and the article on the page.

I then used a drop can to once again reinforce conventions of the double page spread regarding the article. The article was then separated in blocks of white and grey to make it clear which part is the question, and which is the answer. A credit line was also put in regarding the model, and who the images and article belong to.

Page numbers were also included at the bottom of the page, sticking to the colour scheme, to maintain continuity throughout my magazine. The page numbers also related to the articles shown on the contents page which reinforces the continuity throughout the magazine.

Q1.) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Masthead on the right hand side goes against conventions due to them usually being placed on the left hand side as seen on NME and Q. I thought this would look better regarding the positioning of the image. It makes it easier to read and more noticeable for readers. The image of my artist also overlaps the masthead slightly, this accentuates the importance of the artist in relation to the fact that their prominence is more important than the masthead itself.

Magazine and date line are located below the masthead in a black font to create and maintain the house style throughout the magazine. The font ‘Pristina’ is used on the date line to show some sort of variation between the two pieces of text. This font also features within the magazine although the predominant font throughout is ‘Gill Sans MT Condensed’.

I followed magazine conventions by using a pull quote on the front cover which links to the main image, relating to the main article within. This is done to attract potential customers and give them an insight as to what the main feature for this months issue is. Which could then possibly lure them in to purchase the product.

Similar to official music magazines, the name of my magazine and price of the issue is located on the barcode. This follows typical conventions of a music magazine.

Once again following conventions of a music magazine, I included a footer on the bottom of the cover to give the reader an insight as to what is inside the magazine before actually purchasing it.

Conventions were also followed on my music magazine regarding the sell lines. They are placed on the left third which is the most common place for these to be situated. The house style is also introduced through the blocks behind the text. The black and white each contrast with one another which leaves a good effect, I used grey and yellow – slightly less harsh tones to make the magazine seem a lot less grungy and portray the light-hearted, fun side of my music magazine.

Q1.) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The main image is of the artist which this months issue of my music magazine revolves around – ‘BEAN’. She is shown sat down facing the audience which I feel links with the pull quote on the front cover. The fact that she is sitting connotes the idea that she is possibly feeling slightly down, and the magazine has a duty to investigate the reason behind this.

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Q1.) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Conventionally, the image relating to the main article is a lot larger in comparison to the others featured on the contents page. The image is different, with the artist in a different stance and outfit to show variation. The main article is also featured on a page relatively close to the front due to it being higher of importance.

Smaller photos are also shown on the contents page, showing the different features within the magazine. They are placed further back in the magazine as they are less important in comparison to the main story on the front page.

A ‘subscribe’ option is also included in my contents page which is another convention of music magazines as seen on others, such as NME. This helps lure in potential customers to purchase the monthly magazines at a discount. This is helpful as my magazine revolves around students, which will not have mass amounts of disposable income.

I included an editors note in my magazine. I don’t feel as though this is 100% conventional due to the fact that not many music magazine of my genre include one. I still decided to include it as I feel as though it helps develop a good relationship between the editor and the audience – it makes it more personal.

Sub headings are a convention of magazines which help readers find what they are looking for, efficiently. My magazine also includes 51 pages, which is an average amount for a music magazine. Further reinforcing the use of conventions.

I also included the masthead of my magazine on the contents page to make it more recognisable to readers and maintains the initial continuity of the music magazine. To further reinforce continuity, I ensured the use of the same 4 colours, black, white, grey and yellow, throughout. The maintenance of this house style makes the magazine more recognisable, giving it more of an iconic look.

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Page numbers conform to the house style of the magazine, they also link to the numbers stated in the contents page correctly.

Conventionally, I used a pull quote within my article, this helps to break up the text. The pull quote within the text also grabs the reader due to it contrasting with the main quote – making it slightly controversial.

I included a stand first as an introduction to my article, it gives the reader an insight into who the artist featured on the page is, and what the article is about.

This pull quote is used to intrigue the audience into reading the article. It connotes the idea that the artist has struggled in some shape or form. ‘VIBE’ are given the opportunity to investigate what exactly it is that ‘BEAN’ is struggling against.

The use of the word ‘BEAN’ in the background makes it clear to the audience who the article is based upon. The fact that the images are placed over the top of the text imply that the person is more important than the words on the page.

The main image consists of ‘BEAN’ from 3 angles which insinuates that she is exposed within the article, connoting the idea that she is vulnerable. The middle image shows ‘BEAN’ directly staring at the audience, this engages them with the artist and lures them into it.

The same font is also used throughout the article. Once again, reinforcing continuity. The body of the article shows grey boxes which makes it clear to the audience which part of the text is the question and which is the answer; through colour separations. A drop cap is also used at the very beginning of the article. Reinforcing the conventions of a music magazine.