q wowi evlnl1wg ii chargfs au cars- lace … · couoirviw cough syrup t 1 snoo144h i la the very...

I r i T- TNTRt > fiF f r1 lJ L i Q < EVLNL1WG Wowi THURSDAY APRIL 4 I9O Ii CHARGfS s m i I TO CLINCH SMITH i a I IN C URT SUIT Lawyers Say He Is Selling Stock of Children He 1 Should Hold J HE IS ESTATE EXECUTOR- n 1 R plies that Speculative Phase in Case Demands Sale 1J at Boom Price- d I > I p1 to Th 22rnlnr World ttlVEOLA L I April tJamei t Clinch Smith brother In kkw of fltui t ford TVTilt and an Important WIUMM In 1 th Tbor trinl KUa today accused of pit work and rancor ajfutnil tour children before fiurropat Jaokion in th Xaaaau County toqrt The Uharcn war male by a reprcentathe of l roJ- rle < Coudert iteneml guardian of the chlldrMi Mr Smith U executor of the wul of the late Mrs Cornell B ller rtlon who left an estate valued at mor than llOCOOXi Joseph Mcrrllon the buaband and the tour children are at rent In Paris iu Coudertas attorney for the > rttorui asked the court to order tart JL IJLlLMl I if I I stock In th Garden Cur Company WhIM was ten to them Instead of tell IftT It ajid turning ui r money 1ne lawyer 4M It would IHJ to the best Imereala of the children to hold IhU stock which irfiwrati three loufYIQf thril111WIertY InUr1ext Qd white now worth half a million Cannot he estimated on ben the tunntUs from Manhattan are built h value will tM tlt bled A N KT Jt ad C S Butler oTlcer f the company vadvlt a alnit iclllnc the to Attomry Btmple the renerat guar dlani refireientaUre aaid that It way Just iich work that > colnr on now that caused a nght to lm made In the Court nf Appeals to have Mr Smith removed as executor of the estate Counsel for Mr Smith a1d that the Garden City Company wva nothing byt a real estate venture and that aa the boom ta now on this iroulil be the brat time to tell the at the b t- flcure j Briefs were autmltte- dPACKAGESNATCHER i HAD- A REAL POLICE BADGE Detected by Express Driver He Promptly Put the Other Man Under Arrest Among the prlaonerj lined up at lo lire headquarter today for Inspection t war V11Ham J Smith of No lie Am trrdain avenue William la auredlr A most tncvnliui crook aa will De j f tutahllihod Incloltnl by perusal of the following A David Ormiteln driver ol an ez- pr 1 raii wazon was delivering roodt in 0 Am > t idm avenue near One Hun r f dreflth street yttterday when Be aw- rimlth pull U imoll package out of hoe Vehicle and atart away wIth it Wen lsla b J 5a uj Lwls a plimartftr int 4 VOll- ero hl > Intense amazement Hmitfi 1 promptly thrcr the pvrkix back m bo wacan and de aced him under ar- rest I pen the Itlll of the ituprnrd- drlvrr BniUH sprung a genuine police badge- 1m policeman Adler of the Wet- On A Hundred and Twentyfifth itrreti- tatlon ilrrlarrd Bmlth Ive been keeping uses on you Come around fi to the house with me Grabbing Orrnateln by the arm h + started away with him Deffjrn they 1 I had gone a block they were met liy I i Detective Ilronnn and leery who Joan got fimllh badly twlufd Oren teln made a ramplalnt against him < and he was loiked up The hedge Srnllh displayed wee last r by a policemen detallMl to the llnlph I avenue station In Ilrooklyn some months ago I GRACE LA RUE ASKS- A DIVORCE FROM BURKE Vaudeville Performer Declares Man of Silver Moon Fame Has Transferred Affections Grace La Hue who hoe been playlnK In vaudeville with some lone boya at Kc neK Theatre llrooklyn rhargt her liuiband Charlti 11 Burke with having trannferred Ida trfrctloni to a lady with whom he U Ilvlns at No V Wet one Hundred and Seventh tirrr under the name of Sir and Mfi Henry and to IA y oho Baked Justice DUchdfr In the Hupreme Court to make him pay her 1100 a week alimony ending th trIAl ot her action for an itnolute divorce and tOO to her lawyer The coupl were married nt Wallnc Ida New Tears They x141 Jn Mffledr jfcetdiej aa Norma Ar La Hue and made The Surer Moon which they presented with two coloml boys ear popular that thrlr al- ary Tor the emit KM elm a week net- ting ¬ JZW to the cuujilo after trying the colored Ito s and other rupninri- Mr fitella Or Hurke allege that ahs had to leave Hurko Jan I lnt be eattia of hle conduct and Loauee of tits attention to the other woman that h- Is umlng lliA n month and amply able to hand her I ICO weekly alimony In llurkea answer he says hli wife left him lie denlea he le Ming with anotner woman and dtcHrci he II only- a roomer In the other womans house le li known there by hli own nam and not tui Mr Henry SAIL AWAY TO BOARD BALLOON FOR POLE i Major Hersey and Dr Fowler De- clare ¬ They Will Surely Find Arctic Prize I Stivjorj Henry Blanchard Htoy for many ytJIII connected with the United States Weather Bureau and Dr WaI on the French aver La Lorraine today- for Parts The two nra to accompany I Walter WellmAn o ntho lallarU attempt- to reaoh the North Polo by balloon and almhlp and will Journey ilralcht to Iar whor they will cu together the itorci wed cteuttnc innrumenir to be used on the trip They wll welt In Parts for Mr Wellman who sash from New York ror Stance next wek from Iarl the three will go to 8pU bergen Norway from whence the dart li to be made for the Pole about July L Both Major Ileraey and Dr Fowler expressed thenuelvei u confident of the outcome of their attempt to rind the North Pole Asked If he felt lIt- he wou l corn back alive Major Bry n > U4 That U hardly worth thorlaingalrnlt- now We shall certainly try to Insomnia QuicKly- Cured ADALURIEM ti an trident N < rv Tonic ot Tire and HtraortHoary merit a c curt for iDMmnla and ALL NEItVOUII DIB- OHDEHS 1N MEN AND WOMEN > A lAltlCU TABLETS mall tile 7 e brtffct and the mind ekou lUlnr a d llbUul- conclouinMj or p rtct health Totr ar AISOLLTKLV JfAIUILEse ana can be OM ty the moot delicAte ixnoo- ADALURIEM li Icing marralloua re- sult Io all nrrrout ella caused br aa- innttdc condtloa of the ip < nal cord wpKlallr so Io SHAK1NO 1AL8Y and lOCOHOTOH ATAXIA curing LOSS or NERVE POWER do usual with wrIters profralonal and bUILD u people onto workers txxikkMprra Ao wad all Ian ruld condition of the System AOAIVR IKM bwllntullr nculatM Ux bowels cud liver rod restore Ibt onr- baruionr the foundation of pprfcet health 1YwniwU ua arry pfk ags AOALUR1- KM Tablets are guaranteed under the Port Food law connilnlD no alcohol morphine chloral or otbir harmful drugs booklet foss All correspondence confldntlal Price tl per box boxes for > stalled In plain sealed wrapprr to any addrevr by ADALURIEM MEDCINE CO Ib Blilh Ate Nw York City lOLl AMI HKcoJismMjnri nv Wbtt X luoenrtthtn p tILL ut a irwir t KU it Iraq kiUKII till AT ok tU N ta 9L ok XKltooo AT- JlMJKANS M nr Mb IB CUtn I L ul- Ut1 Jt MAaaal t M- assItKIl fIIJIAC 011 Iakaa O T- imiEtlW UKtiJt to Ilk ATKF fo Ilk ru ta μ 1Iitts V MfLwiCgWt JAkk ilk A llk- HV llujrTilr TUllt l- HHrjriMi > T um li4kxntrw- M ala WAiiKiy lwlhloi UllLAturtMmAlmi KIIJjritTniMiioxNKrd- Toil t KU S OrtmWrijr ton s ttxf- lllAOKLV llutkhnIL hrdny a dnn A ZilUr AT IIUI- illfWAjiaVUUUuw Law llKlllil eaur COKSUMPTION C f MnAWhlttlngtonHomeatead I f Pa cured of COnll1 iiI d= 7Z by Dr Uullu Cough Syrup i br ssd Dr Ball C h- Syrap > t Ji1 1l tr 1 for evr treaty 7n auto b v alwtya fead k ctsw TkU i winter h UM went cee A tnt I I Tr bd U my llf aM 1 tee Dr rota M Brwry- OM I qknitl WM g l4jlBW- lcosatptioB i et1t1 bat I am ill right i abw I mar tell ry- frlwdimoth Ij tkls ael Mr A I 24017U ATeMRo aI eat e Pa I Oou hscold nnd arc I Tsai vailing generally And row pooplo I tta 4lbbw Saudi at tw wrppsre bow dangerous they are No man woman or eocapea p them and what la OraL conaldortxl 4 t Ii only a trifling cold or cough 1 Iii froquontlydcvolopeooaaumptioa- and caiutuB 1 Bpi WJien hAve a cold when j you cough much when ex- octornto > of ton whim there Is I llii shortness of broach boarauncsa rattling and wheezing BeuwiUona i II throAt nnd lungs It toll ADC P tho approach ot conaumptlon I For thla condition I DrUUS DR BULLS J COUGH SYRUP couoirviw t 1 snOo144H I la the very best It hag restored j 11 health to thousands of aufferors- ArLo rwltl r tr f mlKht have gone to nn early 2i = = dt StUV It will do t e same for z I Prevent consumption by taking I td a wad kt the nlJsf o t Jr Bulls t1p In owaJraln grllw b d- reesdetg J soriidlaw Sample Sent Free to Wa want you Uih o- abaoltttQ dtlt UItUD ar TMC I jl ooofldenoa DrJ W Ian Oouali B rrut aiid will cfaetrfull lfTa 1 scar auntie r e f you w Iou 1 Well 10 Jj 101 ftI + lusatie lid i1 rob fork I Prb s taal Meatrlrag1M I TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE i c AifcforDr BadpOouthBrrupuidln alotou bayln a no male rjW u yt Bo tM atter- tlpntwILh8au t utfWii a lin- ii 118 I r r j aoatalla IllMtraUoa ot the r 1 rats i t rhfMW 4ftgrvtallgrstir psss Neils ltw txwaW- Is s q j bMhrv > i gaKaaamacn atttatasrlst alBldflll = 1Q MoYJrAtno + lfltatl1Yd32318i- Lace AU CARS- TRANSFER Lace Curtains t LEXINGTON f t Curia n s and f j ro3R AYE and- Blankets Cleaned Blankets TO lif 59T TO 601C1 Cleaned 1000 Skirt Dress Lengths of Sicilian Dainty Ribbons for Spring Wear A prominent manufacturers entire line of salesmens samples worth 65c 40c Superb assortment of black and colored velvet ribbon taffeta satin taffeta moire and to Mc yours tomorro at per yard mejsalmc ribbons all colors and widths and warp rIOted Roman striped plaid and chcrkca- cilects in elaborate array Special pricing = now prevail on Wcfcoupht the entire lotor cash and were lad to yd them tecause it enabct us to cive youa ery extraordinary bargain in the vciy Roods you want most right now This is a 3 inch Tafftlt Ribbon all 4 inch Satin TaffelRli I 5 inch Satin Taffct a Ribbon sipirb quality Mohair Sicilian + 50 inches wide The strips range Gem 3 to 8 yards in length silk talue 18c Special m hon all silk Special prier all siT Special pr fee r 22c colors are black r navy royal r garnet r myrtle and pun metal nlrselnalae Mlnllor prr yard C y west 17 C I hard i IOnleseebs Msln Fkmr WMh ft wee I Kayser Long Silk Gloves Dresses Girls Will Like New Lace Veils atHatfi 16butlon lcnth 2 < inh Slk Glo + eJ mous uttilre stye with double Girls Gingham and Percale Dresses In IIi eh S A timely special sale of the daintiest and most protective finger b and low neck styles trimmed with emProdrrv or olds of 49 tlpj uk uluc and ill colon fully 1 totted tniitlied ralueati 1 etely her tub J contrasting colors Sires 6l0 14 years petal at a face and hat e o v- x25 tern s Pries arc about half ol wrbat you j H Girls Dresses fine clnglum and Remainder of Girls Dresses In fancy would payordlnarily Here are the facts i Womens ZClagp Silk Tipped Glovei- Kiystr Women DouUle Tipped Silk Glove chambray in sailor and Dutch neck checks and cashmere neatly trim 3 I miket double finrer Kajsus mike slylu all effectively mod with braid sizes 6 to hack and Brown Lace Veil BUck and Brown lac Yells 1 tipped Specltl aL SOC taIrUlyltPhlt and mousque colors ioo trimmed sizes 6 to 14 198 12 years at JI17 to 79c t I a yards lon b rtgu 98c I IK yards long rexu- hrly 198- I 4 e gars Girlsand Mlaacs Skirls In plain and larly SJ9S special at 298 special at kp 3 LOOK Glace Kid Elbow Lenjth Gloves Prime quility clic kid sove Girls Dresses of fine granite cloth fancy checks Panama brilllantlne Tuxedo YellingsA very special offering of black brown i 4 waist Is and trimmed with and chiffon Panama fulf and navy elbow length moujquetaire style with clasps or buttons it the wrist pleated gored black and white and and black tuxedo veilings that fancy braid and buttons fulfpleit made In the newest motels sizes I tUfk and white Every pair juatarteed Llsiwbtre Z25 0 179 ed skirt ilea 6 to a 31 to 33 i prices 1598 regularly sell for 25c a andvery special for our special price < years at H79 down to SI98i- n Friday at I2 y- Illootnitrdafn 1- MJn rVxir gash At emotion oemLJdl i M Fliur 8 > llloomlRrtaW Main floe lj Ar idlSoa Lawn Waists Bloomingdale Clothing iri Boys Parasol Coupon J Upon Presentation 1200oftherenular69 C A mother alter visiting almost every store in New York for a suit to fit a tilt J6ycar old boy found exactly what the boy required at the Bloomingdale Store None of the other of This Coupon We 1 A Yetr Special stores had anything but what the tbrjge slat boy of 16 would wear Will Sell You a rj An nf r >r > trrnp3 ±jkt njrt Jau Lirp Km f he ftyitfihfr > Ian iv olhtr sloe afro rd s while prices 1 offering of smart waists Invariably are decldtdly lower o- PIty VhUc made of Norfolk Sailor I Reefers 1 a good quality Linen Parasol r lawn with front of all- over Suits Suits r y and Top r y 1 eyelet embroidery Doublebrajte- dSuit Kimono Rus Coats for 88 C and luster tucks back i Ian Norfolk i1 Russian Bio u it p w I th or Double Sailor Doub- lebreasted Various smut effects sr collar and cuffs of fine blorSmcr ot with eyelet embroidery 1 J bra ted Suits or tucks short sleeves but ¬ Plata trausers 0 edges or embroidery t mid of ejcel Norfolk Suits horde and white 1 ton back For host from fancy t lent quality elegant mate- rial ¬ midris Non C O D Mill S to 16 years Jiio > ilniriil 51 ior Beth Be acua worsteds Brest All lu r nloantnedla M 1a boor riot at 5eoUCla Hair Goods Also Sailor or mores ser ges irom 3 to 16 I Russian Suits i Bets 17 Sale of Hat sad cheviots ytars PIUS Specials for Friday and Saturday sizes from 3 to All sizes from and values Switches 8CUl at Beautiful imported hat pins with to Crystal pearl 7 16 Ins lone JMO value 9sc Natural wavy hair 24 Inches J yrs 495 heads The cut crystal Is in amethyst I 181asloagf2SOralut 149 loatforalus 2 9S 695 nlmningdalsr Sapphire emeralds turquoise and 20lru lonr J300 valut S298 won4 Tloor h I I jj j- Anrlowe r tDcstonecoormiSJactual Puffs Neck Curls Womens 2Sc Embroidered Linen Collars at 19c J5c values at Of 5 G 10 C All IherlleYlue f 6005359 All leartht 100 up loom ogdaLw Main Floor 1 c + I I Petticoats 12 Big Bargains in Bed Clothes Linens Wash Goods Etc Coupon nosIngdu ill pmiAUtlon coupon tea w 125 125 Apron Qlngbom 4 25C seas lOC UAIrsr I Comfortables Bed Spreads Waist Patterns Domct Flannel 1000 fine quality Ofls Full site sllkollne Com ¬ Full size crochet Good qualltYk1n z vari- ety ¬ Finest imported Shirt White jrlnged 1S Unbleached heavy out- ing ¬ at fortables special yards long very useful quality special I cotton filled spreads t Marseilles de- signs ¬ Waist Pattern spiclil for Friday for Summer homes special for Splendid Petticoats of tufted special for 89c special for at OjC for Friday 198 special for Friday tr I at Friday Cln r J black and white plaid near Friday at Frlday at Oy 150 Pillows st at 5 C 125 e silk with deep pleating 20c Hack Towels 150 Len doth 1 12t e Turkish 2 Linen Napkins Blankets black = Covered with A C A Full sire white cotton tiK Y I J trimmed WdlfoWblod with Imported Union Linen Encllsh Long Cloth Jo licking size 20x2SffIlled Towels Good quality white Ub filled with pink or blue + A sateen with clean odorless kin 2tJ2l Scotch borders particularly hemstitched and have red Inches wide piece of to Good white lib + + nfka tx flare ruffle quality ¬ three section mixed ceese ratios make full bleached adapted for Summer l UUxxulMviLj JJ Moor tam 9C I borders special 12zC yards specjal for 98c special for Fri 89c eral size special jpeclal for hotels specia- lforTHflajrliT JJl1hu1fnnd Bar t 1 SectIon fdr Friday it Friday jit 1 daY at torfrkbysl 0zL rTrMay at IZ9 89c worth up to 198 OO- C7so 1 Lexington Watches375 I 50 Sample Parlor Suits at Reductions- ThatMakeThem Marabou Ostrich and i Thin model ua metal I 16 size open lace style r Co que Boas stemwinder wad pen- dant ¬ Unmatchable Bargains A Comprehensive Collection of Josl Iht Kind set fitted with Women WM for Springtime Weir fine levelled nickclled Here Is a sale that should bring you to Bloomin dates in double quick time if you arc the The marabou scarf in Jack brown and j movements least bit interested in Parlor Suits and care to save from 1000 to 3000 in buying ono Most white is strikingly similar to furwitr light ij Every watch adjusted rero- uted ¬ j of jhe suits concerned arc a makers wareroom samples and as the lot is limited we announce and comfortable ides it has the charmof and timepiece guaranteed The to above bit this talc for Friday and Saturday only bon decidedly reasonable in price very Includes In every Instance you will find that our price Is i half low price your and even less than half of what you will be asked to pay In rib monogram engraved ¬ o elsewhere for similar Roods bon tetras on the use If de- sired ¬ This will give you s fair Idea of the scope of ouritoci DloomtociSa 3 L tttUon Main TL i9Ut 2yd Long Coque Feather ions in white pink r blue heliotrope brown ray and black that will Eyeglasses and Spectacles delyeompel111In quality at prices pZVO CC O 98 f the finest lenses Eyeglasses have 6 Every pair Black << Brown Marabou Scarfs IB ttns- tylo gold alloy no < epleces patent cork noserests sod clips ipectacles and designs others hour riosepleces uk for the same things 2 50 to 9QO exclusive o p 11- t Noo 10111100 from I clans price Is IhamlryrddI SHIn rime WU pr aatn 4 Jjt50 50c our price Fire large pieces arms on every piece all hay pool Friday Wall Paper Sale This Parlor Suit 3750 sieved backs frames arc bnlll heavy are hlehy polthtd I nl arsalnaLiE loIn floe want CoM and have lion buds carved on barks the stall are mlde Good jrade of Wall Paper worth 5c troll I with full saint edge coverinrs ue of gutnverona or prttty tapestry and upi special for Friday only at 7 I Toilet Goods 2000 Suits for 1300 5000 Suits for 3500 9000 Suits for 7000 per roll 4 C- II li wine r eaaws I1e11 and 1lsflron Tool truertr 1awder LD1t W arleadfrfrom apseasl per purrt bottle sherry In 10 3000 Suits for 200016000 Suits for 4500 I 10000 Suits for 7800 Sold only with borders per yard 1 2e 1 for wren Best Il h c andMSc Wall Pea lp e rs ulrhtu nrldilla but nr o on rdnau Ios 1 L i and full 3500 Suits for Suits for 5500 125QQ Suits for 9000 In ill the newest dtsljnt special for t this i kind prll at hiiety Wool Bath apoage11srviar ae he- lbnnminrdatn 4p 00 Suits for 3000 I I > < t 8000 Suits for 6000 13500 Suits for S 1 0000 sale 8 C i fin riM tllomladale vfIII Pleat Ilorw11l1cdal M tVnr New Golden Brown Hosiery Mens Balbriggan Underwear Great Bargains in Fancy China 1 A very Special Sate of Spring TT For Friday and lF weights worth a garment at O C WJ14Q Saturday Only We closed the entire surplus of one of the lest underwear mills If f at r lPrlCcthatlehusofferthcmIOYOuathaUlhereIUttrcost r r 1U KXryrurrtlM scUn I el x ouch II Guaranteed Sewing Machines iii f Complete assortments oT Golden Brown and Tan Stock- ings ¬ DropfftJtd Modtfs equipped rlfh the newest attachments thrift Sold ebrnbrrc This is a sale that will interest every Y housekeeper for men And women at prices unmatched in moderation house by agenls for 1200 and every proprietor of a hotel or boarding lloilcry golden brown and I Men s Hall Hose extra fine quality J35 our prler llarjaln Table No I Assorted slot onnane Unties byrup Jugs Crack- er tan and seamless 17lp 1 JIM values to 59c lUll cotton In olden brown I up 25c Thcic macblnu an bull Ilale Cups and Saucers Spoon U all tires at ou I and tan special at 12L- Woacnt speeis I at Ostmea makrt perfectly ullilictory rUniekins Ilitet Women Oiuic Uife Thread 11 8 A ttr herr they howls vice and do it Fruit Sauceis values up lice openwork In beautiful de- sijnH Men s Extra Floe lade Thread and Every rut is vo finely constructed to JSc each ipevlal Baryalo Table > o 5 PlalrsnoDlrry- l u JOUtaIZDwa sod 35c Cotlonllilltloerflaln and f Ilk em that the maker wishing to interpret his at jAp tJuwli Jut tan at Cracker Jars Douillon Curs and Irllhitlts gulden brown o A failli in their quililies guaranUes every Plaest flratf Uile Thread vdarjalu Table No 2 tHglUh aunt Saucer Cdory Trays tie OQ- valuM Women I I tan raYs and blacks at L tL machine fur five years C China Tea CUt and Saucers Tea 7Sc at tloilcry seek hand embroidered In They m equipped with Iii + Aniul up to beautiful contrasting colors as ¬ Mens Flout Grade of Silk and LliU Improved attachments lave Nude 11am with 1 hair tiers of g4 f sorted golden brown sod 59c Mixed lfaU Hoseplain and illk em- broideries ¬ 1t steel pith art tight and rttfue Yalua up to roc each ape I S C Ilirxala Table No fcCake Plates clal at- Bargain Howls JUleS tan tIdes In assorted shades of less With terry machine we rive a Celwy Trajj Syrup j Mens Pure Silk Half Hose silk em ¬ golden brown tan grays U- S patent needle tbr aderfr < Table No JlUitt Oatmeal etc value up to MAW 49 C broidered all sins and blacks great value 35 C Buses Celery Holders Bonbon It SI 79 < 5 Sewing Mschlnti wild Five 150 Sewing Machines wllh Seven Buxe Olive Idles Untie Plates No 7 Plates Table Chop llarraln A Great Special in Mens Half Hose Drawers Thus love drop heads ar Drawers op In beautiful oak cabinet limy howls Cake Plata etc IfId ULJwla tIoul1lpll oleo to it Co ipoctil perry > and are fitted with A with iiMi improiec up 19c CliPS SaiKer alit Pame i JWfl Pain of Men i Sample Silk Embroidered lltll liptc In a variety 7C latest attachments 1375 ments 10UU- Mail at kini values up lt > J1J9 59c of iviesnut a r air In entire lot worth lest than We special at Bar g aln Table No 4ca1ce Plate orders promptly fllld tar of tha above machines any aMuat No Slail OrtlcrB Jtiled Herry liuwli Celtry Trays May emiata + U river Mlk aA sic ton 1 Uaia UIOom4ah moor WU SI Sctka liiAn it Ji + Mit rar i noftuu a MoM l 10 J IIUI- j la en sue Tim our o cllr ON o- U atitr tot d stun Your o ar run ulU- prvouiiii the I All Cars Transfer to BLOOMING DALES 9 Lex to 3d Ave l 59th to 60th Stj a a s r Illsb IMol near vcr 7Md- Is I sill HwN t Tuur are aWn L- t ln- a f t d u L A rreA tF

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Post on 01-Apr-2018




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Lawyers Say He Is Selling

Stock of Children He

1 Should Hold


1 R plies that Speculative Phasein Case Demands Sale


at Boom Price-



I p1 to Th 22rnlnr WorldttlVEOLA L I April tJameit Clinch Smith brother In kkw of fltui

t ford TVTilt and an Important WIUMM In1 th Tbor trinl KUa today accused of

pit work and rancor ajfutnil tourchildren before fiurropat Jaokion inth Xaaaau County toqrt The Uharcnwar male by a reprcentathe of l roJ-rle< Coudert iteneml guardian of the

chlldrMi Mr Smith U executor of thewul of the late Mrs Cornell B llerrtlon who left an estate valued at morthan llOCOOXi Joseph Mcrrllon thebuaband and the tour children are atrent In Parisiu Coudertas attorney for the

> rttorui asked the court to ordertart JL IJLlLMl I if I Istock In th Garden Cur CompanyWhIM was ten to them Instead of tellIftT It ajid turning ui r money

1ne lawyer 4M It would IHJ to thebest Imereala of the children to holdIhU stock which irfiwrati threeloufYIQf thril111WIertY InUr1ext

Qd white now worth half amillion Cannot he estimated on benthe tunntUs from Manhattan are builth value will tM tlt bled

A N KT Jt ad C S Butler oTlcerf the company vadvlt a alnit iclllnc

the toAttomry Btmple the renerat guar

dlani refireientaUre aaid that It wayJust iich work that > colnr on nowthat caused a nght to lm made In theCourt nf Appeals to have Mr Smithremoved as executor of the estate

Counsel for Mr Smith a1d that theGarden City Company wva nothing byta real estate venture and that aa theboom ta now on this iroulil be the brattime to tell the at the b t-

flcurej Briefs were autmltte-




Detected by Express Driver He

Promptly Put the Other ManUnder Arrest

Among the prlaonerj lined up at lolire headquarter today for Inspection

t war V11Ham J Smith of No lie Amtrrdain avenue William la auredlrA most tncvnliui crook aa will De


f tutahllihodIncloltnl

by perusal of the followingA David Ormiteln driver ol an ez-

pr1 raii wazon was delivering roodt in0 Am > t idm avenue near One Hunr f dreflth street yttterday when Be aw-

rimlth pull U imoll package out of hoeVehicle and atart away wIth it Wenlsla b J 5a uj Lwls a plimartftr int

4 VOll-ero hl > Intense amazement Hmitfi

1 promptly thrcr the pvrkix back mbo wacan and de aced him under ar-

rest I pen the Itlll of the ituprnrd-drlvrr BniUH sprung a genuine policebadge-

1m policeman Adler of the Wet-OnA Hundred and Twentyfifth itrreti-tatlon ilrrlarrd Bmlth Ive been

keeping uses on you Come aroundfi to the house with me

Grabbing Orrnateln by the arm h+ started away with him Deffjrn they1 I had gone a block they were met liy I

i Detective Ilronnn and leery whoJoan got fimllh badly twlufd Oren

teln made a ramplalnt against him< and he was loiked upThe hedge Srnllh displayed wee lastr by a policemen detallMl to the llnlph

I avenue station In Ilrooklyn somemonths ago




Vaudeville Performer Declares Man

of Silver Moon Fame HasTransferred Affections

Grace La Hue who hoe been playlnKIn vaudeville with some lone boya atKc neK Theatre llrooklyn rhargther liuiband Charlti 11 Burke withhaving trannferred Ida trfrctloni to alady with whom he U Ilvlns at No VWet one Hundred and Seventh tirrrunder the name of Sir and MfiHenry and to IA y oho Baked JusticeDUchdfr In the Hupreme Court tomake him pay her 1100 a week alimonyending th trIAl ot her action for anitnolute divorce and tOO to her lawyer

The coupl were married nt WallncIda New Tears Theyx141 Jn Mffledr jfcetdiej aa NormaAr La Hue and made The SurerMoon which they presented with twocoloml boys ear popular that thrlr al-ary Tor the emit KM elm a week net-ting


JZW to the cuujilo after trying thecolored Ito s and other rupninri-

Mr fitella Or Hurke allege thatahs had to leave Hurko Jan I lnt beeattia of hle conduct and Loauee of titsattention to the other woman that h-

Is umlng lliA n month and amplyable to hand her I ICO weekly alimony

In llurkea answer he says hli wifeleft him lie denlea he le Ming withanotner woman and dtcHrci he II only-a roomer In the other womans housele li known there by hli own namand not tui Mr Henry



Major Hersey and Dr Fowler De-



They Will Surely FindArctic Prize


Stivjorj Henry Blanchard Htoy formany ytJIII connected with the UnitedStates Weather Bureau and Dr WaI

on the French aver La Lorraine today-for Parts The two nra to accompany I

Walter WellmAn o ntho lallarU attempt-to reaoh the North Polo by balloon andalmhlp and will Journey ilralcht toIar whor they will cu together theitorci wed cteuttnc innrumenir to beused on the trip They wll welt InParts for Mr Wellman who sash fromNew York ror Stance next wek

from Iarl the three will go to 8pUbergen Norway from whence the dartli to be made for the Pole about JulyL Both Major Ileraey and Dr Fowlerexpressed thenuelvei u confident ofthe outcome of their attempt to rindthe North Pole Asked If he felt lIt-he wou l corn back alive MajorBry n>U4

That U hardly worth thorlaingalrnlt-now We shall certainly try to



ti an trident N <rv Tonic ot Tire andHtraortHoary merit a c curtfor iDMmnla and ALL NEItVOUII DIB-


lAltlCU TABLETS mall tile 7e brtffctand the mind ekou lUlnr a d llbUul-conclouinMj or p rtct health Totr arAISOLLTKLV JfAIUILEse ana can beOM ty the moot delicAte ixnoo-

ADALURIEM li Icing marralloua re-sult Io all nrrrout ella caused br aa-innttdc condtloa of the ip< nal cordwpKlallr so Io SHAK1NO 1AL8Y andlOCOHOTOH ATAXIA curing LOSS orNERVE POWER do usual with wrItersprofralonal and bUILD u people ontoworkers txxikkMprra Ao wad all Ianruld condition of the System

AOAIVR IKM bwllntullr nculatM Uxbowels cud liver rod restore Ibt onr-baruionr the foundation of pprfcet health

1YwniwU ua arry pfk ags AOALUR1-KM Tablets are guaranteed under the PortFood law connilnlD no alcohol morphinechloral or otbir harmful drugs bookletfoss All correspondence confldntlal Pricetl per box boxes for > stalled In plainsealed wrapprr to any addrevr byADALURIEM MEDCINE CO

Ib Blilh Ate Nw York CitylOLl AMI HKcoJismMjnri nv

Wbtt X luoenrtthtnp tILL ut a irwir t KU it IraqkiUKII till AT ok tU N ta 9L ok XKltooo AT-JlMJKANS M nr Mb IB CUtn I L ul-

Ut1Jt MAaaal t M-assItKIlfIIJIAC 011 Iakaa O T-

imiEtlWUKtiJt to Ilk ATKF foIlk ru taµ 1Iitts V MfLwiCgWt

JAkk ilk A llk-HV

llujrTilr TUllt l-HHrjriMi> T umli4kxntrw-M ala WAiiKiy lwlhloi

UllLAturtMmAlmi KIIJjritTniMiioxNKrd-Toil

tKU S OrtmWrijr ton s ttxf-

lllAOKLV llutkhnIL hrdny a dnn A

ZilUr AT IIUI-illfWAjiaVUUUuw Law llKlllil eaur


f MnAWhlttlngtonHomeateadI f Pa cured of COnll1

iiI d= 7Z by Dr Uullu Cough Syrupi br ssd Dr Ball C h-


t Ji1 1l tr 1 for evr treaty 7n auto

bv alwtya fead k ctsw TkUi winter h UM went ceeA tntI I Tr bd U my llf aM 1 tee

Dr rota M Brwry-OMI qknitl WM g l4jlBW-lcosatptioBi et1t1 bat I am ill right

i abw I mar tell ry-frlwdimothIj tkls aelMr A

I24017U ATeMRo aIeate Pa

I Oou hscold nnd arcI Tsai vailing generally And row pooploI tta

4lbbwSaudi at tw wrppsre bow dangerous they are

No man woman or eocapeap them and what la OraL conaldortxl

4 t Ii only a trifling cold or cough1 Iii froquontlydcvolopeooaaumptioa-

and caiutuB1 Bpi WJien hAve a cold when

j you cough much when ex-octornto> ofton whim there Is I

llii shortness of broach boarauncsarattling and wheezing BeuwiUona

i II throAt nnd lungs It tollADC P tho approach ot conaumptlon I

For thla condition


COUGH SYRUPcouoirviw t1 snOo144H I la the very best It hag restored j

11 health to thousands of aufferors-ArLorwltlr tr f mlKht have gone to nn early

2i == dt StUV It will do t e same forz I Prevent consumption by taking I

td a wad kt the nlJsf ot Jr Bulls t1p InowaJraln grllw b d-

reesdetgJ soriidlaw Sample Sent Freeto Wa want you Uih o-

abaoltttQdtlt UItUD ar TMCI jl ooofldenoa

DrJ W Ian Oouali B rrut aiid will cfaetrfulllfTa 1 scar auntie r e f you

w Iou 1 Well 10 Jj 101ftI+lusatie lid i1 rob fork I


s taal Meatrlrag1M I


AifcforDr BadpOouthBrrupuidlnalotou bayln a no malerjW u yt Bo tM atter-tlpntwILh8aut utfWii a lin-


I r r jaoatalla IllMtraUoa ot the r 1 ratsi t rhfMW 4ftgrvtallgrstir psss Neils ltw txwaW-



q j bMhrv >

i gaKaaamacn atttatasrlst alBldflll = 1Q MoYJrAtno + lfltatl1Yd32318i-Lace AU CARS-


Curtains t LEXINGTONf

t Curia n sand f

j ro3R AYE and-

BlanketsCleanedBlankets TO lif

59T TO 601C1 Cleaned

1000 Skirt Dress Lengths of Sicilian Dainty Ribbons for Spring WearA prominent manufacturers entire line of salesmens samples worth 65c 40c Superb assortment of black and colored velvet ribbon taffeta satin taffeta moire andto Mc yours tomorro at per yard mejsalmc ribbons all colors and widths and warp rIOted Roman striped plaid and chcrkca-

cilects in elaborate array Special pricing = now prevail onWcfcoupht the entire lotor cash and were lad to yd them tecause it enabct us to civeyoua ery extraordinary bargain in the vciy Roods you want most right now This is a3 inch Tafftlt Ribbon all 4 inch Satin TaffelRli I 5 inch Satin Taffct a Ribbon

sipirb quality Mohair Sicilian + 50 inches wide The strips range Gem 3 to 8 yards in length silk talue 18c Special m hon all silk Special prier all siT Special prfee r 22ccolors are black r navy royal r garnet r myrtle and pun metal nlrselnalae Mlnllor prr yard C ywest 17C I hardi IOnleseebs Msln Fkmr WMh ft wee

I Kayser Long Silk Gloves Dresses Girls Will Like New Lace Veils atHatfi16butlon lcnth 2< inh Slk Glo + eJ mous uttilre stye with double Girls Gingham and Percale Dresses In IIi e h S A timely special sale of the daintiest and most protective

finger b and low neck styles trimmed with emProdrrv or olds of 49tlpj uk uluc and ill colon fully 1totted tniitlied ralueati

1 etely her tub J contrasting colors Sires 6l0 14 years petal at a face and hat eo v-x25 tern s Pries arc about half ol wrbat youj H Girls Dresses fine clnglum and Remainder of Girls Dresses In fancy would payordlnarily Here are the facts i

Womens ZClagp Silk Tipped Glovei-Kiystr

Women DouUle Tipped Silk Glove chambray in sailor and Dutch neck checks and cashmere neatly trim 3I miket double finrer Kajsus mike slylu all effectively mod with braid sizes 6 to hack and Brown Lace Veil BUck and Brown lac Yells 1

tipped Specltl aL SOC taIrUlyltPhlt andmousque

colors ioo trimmed sizes 6 to 14 198 12 years at JI17 to 79c t I a yards lonb rtgu 98c I IK yards long rexu-hrly 198-


4egars Girlsand Mlaacs Skirls In plain and larly SJ9S special at 298 special at kp3LOOK Glace Kid Elbow Lenjth Gloves Prime quility clic kid sove Girls Dresses of fine granite cloth fancy checks Panama brilllantlne Tuxedo YellingsA very special offering of black brown i


waist Is and trimmed with and chiffon Panama fulf and navyelbow length moujquetaire style with clasps or buttons it the wrist pleated gored black and white and and black tuxedo veilings thatfancy braid and buttons fulfpleit made In the newest motels sizes I

tUfk and white Every pair juatarteed Llsiwbtre Z25 0 179 ed skirt ilea 6 to a 31 to 33 i prices 1598 regularly sell for 25c a andvery special forour special price < years at H79 down to SI98i-

nFriday at I2 y-


MJn rVxir gash At emotion oemLJdl i M Fliur 8 > llloomlRrtaW Main floe lj Ar idlSoa

Lawn Waists Bloomingdale Clothing iri Boys Parasol Coupon J

Upon Presentation1200oftherenular69 C A mother alter visiting almost every store in New York for a suit to fit a tilt J6ycarold boy found exactly what the boy required at the Bloomingdale Store None of the other of This Coupon We 1

A Yetr Special stores had anything but what the tbrjge slat boy of 16 would wear Will Sell You a rjAn nf r>r> trrnp3±jkt njrt JauLirp Km f he ftyitfihfr > Ian iv olhtr sloe afro rd s while prices

1 offering of smart waists Invariably are decldtdly lower o- PIty VhUcmade of Norfolk Sailor I Reefers 1a good quality Linen Parasol rlawn with front of all-

overSuits Suits

ry and Top r y1

eyelet embroidery Doublebrajte-dSuit

Kimono Rus Coats for 88 C

and luster tucks back i Ian Norfolk i1 Russian Bio u it pw I t h

or Double Sailor Doub-lebreasted

Various smut effects srcollar and cuffs of fine blorSmcr ot with eyelet embroidery 1 Jbra ted Suits ortucks short sleeves but ¬ Plata trausers 0 edges or embroidery tmid of ejcel Norfolk Suits horde and white1 ton back For host from fancy tlent quality elegant mate-

rial¬ midris

Non C O D Mill S to 16 yearsJiio > ilniriil 51 ior Beth Be acua worsteds Brest All lur nloantnedla M 1a boor riot at 5eoUCla

Hair Goods Also Sailor ormores ser ges irom 3 to 16

I Russian Suits i Bets 17 Sale of Hatsad cheviots ytars PIUSSpecials for Friday and Saturday sizes from 3 toAll sizes from and values

Switches 8CUl at Beautiful imported hat pins withto Crystal pearl716 Ins lone JMO value 9sc Natural wavy hair 24 InchesJ yrs 495 heads The cut crystal Is in amethyst

I181asloagf2SOralut 149 loatforalus 2 9S 695 nlmningdalsr Sapphire emeralds turquoise and20lru lonr J300 valut S298 won4 Tloor h I

I jj j-

Anrlower tDcstonecoormiSJactual

Puffs Neck Curls Womens 2Sc Embroidered Linen Collars at 19c J5c values at Of 5G 10 CAll IherlleYlue f6005359 All leartht 100 up loom ogdaLw Main Floor


I I Petticoats 12 Big Bargains in Bed Clothes Linens Wash Goods Etc CouponnosIngdu




125 125 Apron Qlngbom 4 25C seas lOC UAIrsr IComfortables Bed Spreads Waist Patterns Domct Flannel1000 fine quality Ofls Full site sllkollne Com ¬ Full size crochet Good qualltYk1n z vari-ety

¬ Finest imported Shirt White jrlnged 1S Unbleached heavy out-ing


at fortables special yards long very useful quality special Icotton filled spreads t Marseilles de-

signs¬ Waist Pattern spiclilfor Friday for Summer homes special forSplendid Petticoats of tufted special for 89c special for at OjC for Friday 198 special for Friday tr I at

Friday Cln r J

black and white plaid near Friday at Frlday at Oy 150 Pillowsst at 5

C 125 e

silk with deep pleating 20c Hack Towels 150 Len doth1 12t e Turkish 2 Linen Napkins


black = Covered with A C A Full sire white cotton tiK Y

I Jtrimmed

WdlfoWblod with Imported Union Linen Encllsh Long Cloth Jo licking size 20x2SffIlled Towels Good quality white Ub filled with pink or blue+ Asateen with clean odorless kin 2tJ2l Scotch borders particularlyhemstitched and have red Inches wide piece of to Good white lib + + nfka txflare ruffle quality ¬three section mixed ceese ratios make full bleached adapted for Summer

l UUxxulMviLj JJ Moor tam 9C I borders special 12zC yards specjal for 98c special for Fri 89c eral size special jpeclal for hotels specia-lforTHflajrliT

JJl1hu1fnnd Bar t


SectIon fdr Friday it Friday jit 1 daY at torfrkbysl 0zL rTrMay at IZ9 89c worth up to 198 OO-


Lexington Watches375 I 50 Sample Parlor Suits at Reductions-ThatMakeThem

Marabou Ostrich andi Thin model ua metalI 16 size open lace style r

Co que Boasstemwinder wad pen-dant

¬ Unmatchable Bargains A Comprehensive Collection of Josl Iht Kindset fitted with Women WM for Springtime Weir

fine levelled nickclled Here Is a sale that should bring you to Bloomin dates in double quick time if you arc the The marabou scarf in Jack brown and jmovements least bit interested in Parlor Suits and care to save from 1000 to 3000 in buying ono Most white is strikingly similar to furwitr lightij Every watch adjusted rero-uted


j of jhe suits concerned arc a makers wareroom samples and as the lot is limited we announce and comfortable ides it has the charmofand



abovebit this talc for Friday and Saturday only bon decidedly reasonable in price

very Includes In every Instance you will find that our price Is i halflow price your and even less than half of what you will be asked to payIn ribmonogram engraved ¬ o elsewhere for similar Roodsbon tetras on the use If de-

sired¬ This will give you s fair Idea of the scope of ouritoci

DloomtociSa3 L tttUon

Main TL i9Ut 2yd Long Coque Feather ions in white pinkr blue heliotrope brown ray and black that will

Eyeglasses and Spectacles delyeompel111Inquality at

pricespZVO CC O 98

f the finest lenses Eyeglasses have 6Every pair Black << Brown Marabou Scarfs IB ttns-tylo

gold alloy no < epleces patent cork noserests sodclips ipectacles and designs othershour riosepleces uk for the same things 2 50 to 9QOexclusive o p 11-


Noo 10111100 from I

clans price Is IhamlryrddI SHIn rime WU pr aatn 4


50cour price

Fire large pieces arms on every piece all hay pool Friday Wall Paper SaleThis Parlor Suit 3750 sieved backs frames arc bnlll heavy are hlehy polthtdI nlarsalnaLiE loIn floe want CoM and have lion buds carved on barks the stall are mlde Good jrade of Wall Paper worth 5c trollI with full saint edge coverinrs ue of gutnverona or prttty tapestry and upi special for Friday only at 7I

Toilet Goods 2000 Suits for 1300 5000 Suits for 3500 9000 Suits for 7000 per roll 4C-








apseasl perpurrtbottle


103000 Suits for 200016000 Suits for 4500 I 10000 Suits for 7800 Sold only with borders per yard 1 2e

1 for wren Best Il h c andMSc Wall Pea lp e rsulrhtu nrldilla

but nro

on rdnau Ios 1 L i and full 3500 Suits for Suits for 5500 125QQ Suits for 9000 In ill the newest dtsljnt special for t this i

kind prll athiiety Wool Bath apoage11srviar ae


4p 00 Suits for 3000 I


><t 8000 Suits for 6000 13500 Suits for S 1 0000 sale 8 C i

fin riM tllomladale vfIII Pleat Ilorw11l1cdal M tVnr

New Golden Brown Hosiery Mens Balbriggan Underwear Great Bargains in Fancy China 1

A very Special Sate of Spring TT For Friday andlF weights worth a garment at O C WJ14Q Saturday Only

We closed the entire surplus of one of the lest underwear mills Iff

atr lPrlCcthatlehusofferthcmIOYOuathaUlhereIUttrcost r r1U KXryrurrtlM scUn Iel x ouch II

Guaranteed Sewing Machines iiif

Complete assortments oT Golden Brown and Tan Stock-ings

¬ DropfftJtd Modtfs equipped rlfh the newest attachments thriftSold ebrnbrrc This is a sale that will interest every Y housekeeperfor men And women at prices unmatched in moderation houseby agenls for 1200 and every proprietor of a hotel or boarding

lloilcry golden brown and I Men s Hall Hose extra fine quality J35 our prler llarjaln Table No I Assorted slot onnane Unties byrup Jugs Crack-ertan and seamless 17lp 1 JIM values to 59clUll cotton In olden brown I up 25cThcic macblnu an bull Ilale Cups and Saucers SpoonU all tires atou I and tan special at 12L-


speeis I atOstmeamakrt perfectly ullilictory rUniekins IlitetWomen Oiuic Uife Thread 11 8 A ttrherr they howlsvice and do it Fruit Sauceis values uplice openwork In beautiful de-

sijnHMen s Extra Floe lade Thread and Every rut is vo finely constructed to JSc each ipevlal Baryalo Table > o 5 PlalrsnoDlrry-

luJOUtaIZDwa sod 35c Cotlonllilltloerflaln and f Ilk em that the maker wishing to interpret his atjAp tJuwli Jut

tan at Cracker Jars Douillon Curs andIrllhitlts gulden brown o A failli in their quililies guaranUes everyPlaest flratf Uile Thread vdarjalu Table No 2 tHglUh aunt Saucer Cdory Trays tie OQ-

valuMWomenI I tan raYs and blacks at L tL machine fur five years CChina Tea CUt and Saucers Tea 7Sc attloilcry seek hand embroidered In They m equipped with Iii + Aniul up to

beautiful contrasting colors as ¬ Mens Flout Grade of Silk and LliU Improved attachments lave Nude 11am with 1 hair tiers of g4 f

sorted golden brown sod 59c Mixed lfaU Hoseplain and illk em-

broideries¬ 1t steel pith art tight and rttfue Yalua up to roc each ape I S C Ilirxala Table No fcCake Plates

clal at-


HowlsJUleStan tIdes In assorted shades of less With terry machine we rive a Celwy Trajj Syrupj Mens Pure Silk Half Hose silk em ¬ golden brown tan grays



patent needle tbr aderfr < Table No JlUitt Oatmeal etc value up to MAW 49Cbroidered all sins and blacks great value 35 C Buses Celery Holders Bonbon It

SI 79 <5 Sewing Mschlnti wild Five 150 Sewing Machines wllh Seven Buxe Olive Idles Untie Plates No 7 PlatesTable ChopllarralnA Great Special in Mens Half Hose Drawers Thus love drop heads ar


In beautiful oak cabinet limy howls Cake Plata etcIfId ULJwla tIoul1lpll

oleo to it Co ipoctil perry >and are fitted with A with iiMi improiec up 19c CliPS SaiKer alit Pamei JWfl Pain of Men i Sample Silk Embroidered lltll liptc In a variety 7C latest attachments 1375 ments 10UU-


atkini values up lt> J1J9 59cof iviesnut a r air In entire lot worth lest than We special at Bar g aln Table No 4ca1ce Plateorders promptly fllld tar of tha above machinesany aMuat

No Slail OrtlcrB Jtiled Herry liuwli Celtry Trays May emiata + U river Mlk aA sic ton 1UaiaUIOom4ah moor WU SI Sctka liiAn it Ji + Mit rar i noftuu a MoM



jlaen sue





atitrtotd stun



prvouiiii the I All Cars Transfer to BLOOMING DALES9

Lex to 3d Ave l 59th to 60th Stja






nearvcr 7Md-


I sillHwNt





f t

d u L A rreAtF