
Lee's apartment- This place is the site of the many interviews conducted by the author, during which the main character's family supplies the author with an honorary red folding chair reserved for their guests.Multiple Choice Questions This section contains 180 multiple choice questions about The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. Multiple choice questions test a student's recall and understanding of the text. Use these questions for chapter quizzes, homework assignments or tests. Jump to the quiz/homework section for the multiple choice worksheets. Multiple Choice - Preface

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Lee's apartment- This place is the site of the many interviews conducted by the author, during

which the main character's family supplies the author with an honorary red folding chair

reserved for their

guests.Multiple Choice


This section contains 180 multiple choice questions about The Spirit Catches You and You

Fall Down. Multiple choice questions test a student's recall and understanding of the text. Use

these questions for chapter quizzes, homework assignments or tests. Jump to the

quiz/homework section for the multiple choice worksheets.

Multiple Choice - Preface

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1. Who is the author of this book?

a} Mai Neng Moua.

b} Jodi Picoult.

c) Greg Mortenson.

d) Anne Fadiman.

2. What relationship does the author describe in the preface?

a} Her relationship with the Lee family. b) Her relationship with the publisher. c) Her

relationship with the doctors.

d) Her relationship with her daughter.

3. How does the author keep records of her interviews for the book?

a} She memorizes the notes.

b) She records them with a video camera. c) They are tape recorded.

d) She take notes.

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4. What barrier does the author have in interviewing the family featured in the book?

a} Her writing ability.

b) Language.

c) Time constraints.

d) Geographical distance.

5. How does the author work through the barrier in interviewing the family? a} Gets

her publisher to pay for travel.

b) She uses an interpreter.

c) Works through rough deadlines.

d) Takes writing classes.

6. What do the interviews described in the preface offer a glimpse into?

a} A glimpse into the Hmong culture. b) How a writer interviews difficult subjects.

c) How the government deals with refugees.

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d) The struggles of a writer.

7. What is the second set of interviews the author conducts?

a} Interviews with doctors who care for Lia. b) Interviews with social workers.

c) Interviews with government officials

from America.

d) Interviews with government officials from Laos.

8. When did the Lee family arrive in


a} 1983. b) 1980. c)

1988. d) 1976.

9. When did the author first meet the

Lee family?

a} 1988. b) 1980.

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c) 1989. d) 1976.

10. Where in California did the author travel to meet with the Lee family?

a} Los Angeles. b) San Diego.

c) Merced.

d) San Jose.

11. What prompted the author to go and meet the Lee family?

a} A strange medical collision. b) A story of a sick girl.

c) A doctor's malpratice.

d) Rumors of a cultural collision.

12. What color was the chair the author sat in for her interviews with the Lee family?

a} Red.

b) Purple.

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c) Blue.

d) Orange.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 1

1. Who is Foua Lee?

a} Sister of Lia.

b} Interpreter. c) Doctor.

d) Mother of Lia Lee.

2. What is the Hmong tradition for delivery of babies?

a} Babies are delivered in a hospital. b) Babies are delivered in their home. c) A

midwife delivers babies at the hospital.

d) Babies are delivered in tents.

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3. What position do mother's use for childbirth?

a} Squatting on the floor. b) They lay in the bathtub.

c) Laying down in their own bed.

d) Laying down in a hospital bed.

4. How many children does Foua Lee have before the childbirth we read about in

Chapter One?

a} None. b) Two.

c) Twelve.

d) Ten.

5. Who is with Foua Lee when she goes through childbirth?

a} She is surrounded by her other sleeping children.

b) A doctor.

c) Her husband.

d) A midwife.

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6. What is a "txiv neeb" in the Hmong tribe?

a} A shaman. b) An angel. c) A

midwife. d) A doctor.

7. When does the Hmong culture utilize a txiv neeb?

a} On Sundays.

b) In the event of illness.

c) If the illness happens at home.

d) If a hospital is needed.

8. What is the Lee's homeland?

a} Laos. b) Japan.

c) Thailand.

d) Vietnam.

9. Why did the Lee's flee their

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a} They wanted to live an American life.

b) Because of war.

c) Because they had relatives in the

United States.

d) Their home was burned.

10. When did the Lee's flee their homeland?

a} 1982. b) 1975. c)

1988. d) 1980.

11. What happened to six of the Lee children before the family immigrated to America?

a} They died.

b) They were lost.

c) They were kidnapped.

d) They moved to Thailand.

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12. Where was Lia born?

a} Thailand. b) Laos.

c) Minnesota. d) America.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 2

1. What does the author say the culture and fate of the Hmong people is seeped in?

a} Religon. b) Myths.

c) Years of tradition. d) The war.

2. What is impossible to separate from the past for the Hmong people?

a} Religon.

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b) The war. c) Myths.

d) Their current state.

3. When asking someone who is Hmong a question, what will likely be part of their


a} Something about their traditional name.

b) Something about their shaman. c) Something about their ancestors. d)

Something about their age.

4. What is the English translation of the Hmong phrase "to speak of all kinds of things"


a} Their age.

b) Traditions.

c) The past and their ancestors.

d) Their shaman.

5. In the fast-paced nature of America, speaking with the Hmong requires

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a} Tape recorders.

b} Paper and penciI. c) Patience.

d) Interpreters.

6. Where are the Hmong thought to have arisen?

a} Turkey. b) Laos.

c) Europe.

d) Eurasia.

7. Where were the Hmong considered outsiders?

a} China. b) Japan. c)

Turkey. d) Eurasia.

8. Who called the Hmong Miao or Meo?

a} Americans.

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b) People in Vietnam. c) People in Laos.

d) Chinese.

9. What kind of connotation comes with the Miao or Meo name?

a} Prestige. b) Guilt.

c) Honor.

d) Something not favorable.

10. How did the Hmong view the


a} As ghosts.

b) As kindred spirits.

c) As meddling people. d) As fierce enemies.

11. Why did the Hmong rebel as described in Chapter Two?

a} Because they needed food.

b) Because of the intrusion of the Chinese.

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c) Because of the prestige given to them. d) Because they did not agree with their morals.

12. Where did some of the Hmong go after they were divided?

a} China.

b) IndoChina. c) America.

d) Laos.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 3

1. How old was Lia when the significant door slamming mentioned in Chapter Three


a} Three months old. b) Three weeks old. c)


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d) Three.

2. What happened when Lia's older sibling slammed the door as mentioned in Chapter


a} Lia slept through it, as if she didn't hear a thing.

b) Lia had her first seizure.

c) Lia began crying erratically.

d) Lia woke up and never slept well afterwards.

3. What does Lia's family believe happened during the door slamming mentioned in

Chapter Three?

a} It made her deaf.

b) Lia's soul flew away because it was so frightening.

c) Lia's soul awoke.

d) It disrupted Lia's ears.

4. Who did Lia's family believe captured

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her spirit in Chapter Three?

a} Ancestors.

b) Her siblings.

c) A dark, evil spirit.

d) Doctors.

5. Translated, what does "qaug dab peg" mean?

a} The spirit catches you and you fall down.

b) The lost soul.

c) One who is sick with seizures.

d) One with many siblings.

6. In western medicine, what is "quag dab peg"?

a} A curse.

b) A cold.

c) Epilepsy.

d) A family.

7.1n the Hmong tradition, what is

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considered an illness of honor?

a} Epilepsy.

b) The flu.

c) Measles.

d) A heart attack.

8. After the door slammed in Chapter Three, the Lees' concern for the daughter was

also mixed with what? a} Pride that she could be a txiv neeb. b) Sadness.

c) Guilt.

d) Anger that she could be a txiv neeb.

9. How many seizures did Lia have over a few months time in Chapter Three?

a} One.

b) Ten.

c) Twenty.

d) Two.

10. What did the Lee's think of western

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medicine in Chapter Three?

a} They had no opinion.

b} They were scared of it.

c) They were skeptical, but thought they would give it a try.

d) They were in awe of it.

11. What problem occurred when the Lee's first went to Merced Community Medical

Center with Lia?

a} Lia would not stop crying.

b) They had no money.

c) They ran out of gas.

d) They was a language barrier.

12. At the end of Chapter Three, Lia had a diagnosis of what?

a} Flu.

b) Epilepsy.

c) Developmental delays.

d) Sinus infection.

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Multiple Choice - Chapter 4

1. What did Hmong people generally think of American physicians in the


a} They were in awe of them.

b) They distrusted them.

c) They thought they were dumb.

d) They thought they were evil.

2. Why did the Hmong people have these feelings about American doctors at that time?

a} They did not think the doctors believed in the same things they did.

b) They did not believe in anything but


c) They had heard stories written in a book.

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d) A Hmong woman came back to a camp with not favorable things to say.

3. In Chapter Four, what did the Hmong people back at the camp ask the woman about

American doctors?

a} Whether shots hurt.

b) What the hospital beds were like. c) If there were any woman doctors.

d) About the accessibiIity and use of a

traditional txiv neeb.

4. Why do the Hmong believe illnesses happen?

a} They arise from the spiritual realm. b) Because you have done something


c) They are hand picked people by the shaman to get sick.

d) Because of physical reasons.

5. Because of what the Hmong believe

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about why illnesses happen, what do they question about doctors in Chapter Four?

a} Why there are no shamans available. b} Why doctors must treat you at a hospital.

c) Why doctors take blood and perform surgery.

d) They don't understand what pills are.

6. What question did the Hmong people have about surgery in Chapter Four, one that

sounds absurd to American people?

a} They asked why one person would cut into another for the fun of it.

b) They asked if doctors used magic to

perform surgery.

c) They asked if doctors ate the body parts after surgery.

d) They asked why doctors had to wash up

before surgery.

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7. What is the juxtaposition in beliefs is there in regards to touch between American

doctors and a txiv neeb?

a} Txiv neeb rely on touch in their practice. b) There is no touch in either pratice of doctors or

txiv neebs.

c) A txiv neeb does not touch his patients, where as doctors rely on a great amount of touch in

their practice.

d) The Hmong people wish that txiv neebs

would rely on touch.

8. How does a txiv neeb reach a diagnosis?

a} He or she asks their colleagues.

b) He or she asks pointed questions.

c) A txiv neeb senses things in the spiritual world.

d) They ask the village for their feelings.

9. What do American doctors do that in

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the Hmong's opinion, threaten their lives and their soul?

a} Ask their patients to undress, touch them and perform procedures.

b) Ask rude questions.

c) Make them wait.

d) Take down personal information.

10. What kind of medicine do the Hmong allow themselves to rely on? a} Shots.

b) Antibiotics.

c) Aromatherapies.

d) Vitamins.

11. Why does that particular type of medicine seem OK to the Hmong?

a} Because the American doctors say so. b) Because it requires no physical intervention.

c) Because they think it is a gift from God.

d) Because they are desperate.

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12. Do the Hmong people ever seek the advice of American doctors?

a} Yes.

b) Only in emergencies. c) No, never.

d) Sometimes.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 5

1. How many times was Lia admitted to Merced between the ages of eight months and

four and a half years?

a} 70 times. b) 7 times. c)


d) 17 times.

2. What did the medical chart at Merced

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say about Lia and her mother?

a} It did not realize she had been to the facility many times.

b} It said she was a problem patient.

c) It noted her close bond with her mother.

d) It said her parents could speak English.

3. What did Lia do when she seemed to know a seizure was coming?

a} Begin screaming.

b) Crawl into bed. c) Run to a doctor.

d) Run to her parents for a hug.

4. Why would Lia's parents place her on a soft mat on the floor when she was ready to

have a seizure?

a} They didn't want to put her on a couch.

b) They thought the floor was dirty. c) It would protect her from the hard

services when she was thrashing during a



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d) They didn't have a bed for her.

5. What happened to the seizures as Lia got older?

a} They involved throwing up.

b) They got less frequent.

c) They decreased in severity.

d) They increased in severity.

6. What complicated the process of putting a IV in Lia when she was taken to the hospital,

as described in Chapter Five?

a} She was overweight.

b) She would run away.

c) She was afraid of needles.

d) She was underweight.

7. What would happen to Lia's breathing when she had seizures? a} She would

stop breathing.

b) It became labored.

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c) She would wheeze.

d) Her breathing did not change.

8. What complication occurred because of the breathing issue during seizures, as described

in Chapter Five?

a} She would begin to throw up.

b) She would have enough seizure.

c) Her brain lost oxygen, which can cause permanent damage.

d) Her convulsions would get worse.

9. Who oversaw Lia's care at Merced?

a} Neil Ernst and Peggy Philp. b) The Lees.

c) Jeanine Hilt.

d) Anne Fadiman.

10. What did doctors fear would happen if they could not get Lia's seizures under control?

a} She would never breathe properly.

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b} She would lose her voice. c) She would die.

d) She would regress mentally.

11. What was the prescription mentioned in Chapter Five that Lia took most often?

a} Cough syrup. b) Antibiotics.

c) Dilantin. d) Ceph.

12. Why was giving Lia her medications difficult for the Lee family?

a} They didn't trust the medicine.

b) They were unable to read English. c) They lost it.

d) They couldn't afford it.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 6

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1. In Chapter Six, what continues to

trickle back to the refugee camps?

a} Illness. b) Money.

c) Unfavorable reports of Americans.

d) Guns.

2. What did the physicians in the refugee camps in Chapter Six think of the how the

Hmong people perceived them?

a} They didn't care. b) They liked it.

c) They had no idea. d) They hated it.

3. At the time of this book, what did American colleges fail to teach students?

a} Cross cultural communication.

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b) The Hmong language. c) Hmong history.

d) World history.

4. Physicians did not recognize what in the Hmong culture?

a} Their language.

b) Their beliefs.

c) Their medical practices.

d) Their age.

5. Why was it nearly impossible for the doctors to satisfy the Hmong?

a} Because the Hmong believed doctors are evil.

b) Because the Hmong believed in illness

of the soul.

c) Because they were never going to like them.

d) They didn't want to try to satisfy them.

6. As mentioned in Chapter Six, what

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would have been a more agreeable plan to the Hmong in terms of treating illness?

a} Medicine. b) Sleep.

c) Surgery.

d) Therapy.

7. What does Chapter Six say can present as chronic pain in a patient? a} Epilepsy.

b) The flu.

c) Victims of trauma from other nations, emotional pain, fatigue, and disorientation. d)


8. Besides language, what else does the cultural barrier make difficult for

doctors and Hmong patients?

a} Filling out forms.

b) Calling on the phone. c) Talking to nurses.

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d) Non-verbal, interpersonal communication.

9. As described in Chapter Six, what does Hmong culture place emphasis on in terms of rank?

a} The size of your house. b) Gender and age.

c) Money.

d) Just gender.

10. Who in the Hmong culture has the highest rank?

a} Elderly males. b) Young men.

c) Elderly women. d) Young women.

11. What is the difference between Hmong culture and American in terms of high contact?

a} There is not difference, it is viewed the

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same in both countries.

b) It is viewed as intrusive in American culture.

c) It is viewed as intrusive in the Hmong


d) It is viewed as respectful in the Hmong culture.

12. What diseases do Hmong people suffer from at a higher rate than others? a} Diabetes

and tuberculosis.

b) The flu.

c) Epilepsy.

d) Lymes Disease.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 7

1. Why did Neill and Peggy become doctors?

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a} For the money.

b) Because they truly wanted to help other people.

c) For the prestige.

d) To heal people, whether it be animals or humans.

2. What kind of care did they provide to their patients?

a} High quality. b} Lackluster. c)


d) Poor quality.

3. What kind of prescription did the Neil and Peggy give Lia that they thought was best

for her?

a} One dose of one medication.

b) Multiple doses of one medication. c) No medication.

d) Multiple doses of multiple medications.

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4. Why wasn't Neil and Peggy's treatment working for Lia?

a} She had too much medication.

b) They wouldn't listen to her parents. c) Because her parents were not dispensing

her medication properly.

d) They didn't know what they were doing.

5. Who filed a report about Lia to Child

Protective Services?

a} Peggy. b) Foua. c)


d) Jeanine.

6. What were this person's feelings about filing the report to Child Protective


a} The person felt good about doing it. b} The person was forced to do it by someone


c) They person filed the report and had no

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emotions about it.

d) The report was filed reluctantly.

7. What was another reason to file the child protective services report?

a} It was required by law if this person saw something questionable.

b) It would mean name recognization for

this person.

c) The person's supervisor would be happy.

d) It would lead to punishment for the


8. Who was not present when Lia was removed from the home?

a} Her mother.

b) Her father.

c) Her oldest sibling.

d) Her youngest sibling.

9. Before Lia was taken, the family was

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not given what?

a} A chance to defend themselves.

b) Paperwork.

c) A chance to talk to the doctors.

d) Any advance warning.

10. Where was Foua when Lia was taken?

a} Visiting relatives.

b} In the house. c) Next door.

d) Crying in the bedroom.

11. Who did Nao Kao think the social workers were?

a} Police. b) Nurses. c)


d) Relatives.

12. What is the name of Lia's social worker?

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a} Dee Korda. b) Tom Korda. c)

Jeanine Hilt. d) Neil.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 8

1. Who warned Anne Fadiman about pursuing a story about Lia?

a} Her colleagues. b) Lia's clan.

c) The doctors. d) The Kordas.

2. What does the author say people warned her about when pursuing Lia's story?

a} They say Lia's family is lying.

b) They say the doctors would prevent her

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from telling the story.

c) They say her journey is daunting and lacks promise.

d) They say she could not overcome the

language barrier.

3. What was Anne instructed on before her visits with Lia's family?

a} The proper etiquette of Hmong conversation.

b) How to talk to Hmong children.

c) How to talk to the leaders of the clan. d) The proper way to speak about the doctors.

4. What were Anne's expectations about her visits with Lia's family?

a} She expected them to go very well.

b) She thought the doctors would be there. c) She expected that Lia's father would slam the

door in her face.

d) She expected the visits to be awkward.

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5. How did the Lee's treat Anne?

a} They were not unwelcoming.

b} They were extremely happy to see her.

c) They treated her badly.

d) They did not talk to her at all.

6. How many translators did Anne employ?

a} One.

b) Twelve. c) Several. d)


7. Who became a very good resource for Anne when she was talking to the Lee's?

a} Sukey Waller, a psychologist who worked regularly with Hmong clients. b) The


c) Her colleagues.

d) Foua Lee.

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8. Who introduced Anne to the leaders of the Hmong clans?

a} Sukey.

b) The Kordas.

c) Foua Lee.

d) Neil.

9. What kind of welcome did Anne receive from the clan letters?

a} They refused to talk to her. b) A warm welcome.

c) They would not stop talking.

d) A cold welcome.

10. How old was the best translator that

Anne worked with?

a} 15. b) 60. c)

20. d) 40.

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11. What was the father of the translator

Anne liked best?

a} A clan leader.

b} A refuge center worker. c) A doctor.

d) A txiv neeb and a former soldier.

12. What was the only instrument the

Lee family treasured?

a} A clarinet.

b) A bamboo instrument. c) A violin.

d) A flute.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 9

1. How did the Lee's feel when Lia was returned home from foster care?

a} They were angry.

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b) They were elated.

c) They were happy, but overcome with worry.

d) They were sad.

2. What did the Lee's do in honor of Lia returning home in Chapter Nine?

a} They prayed.

b) They had a celebratory lunch.

c) They went on with life as normal. d) They sacrificed a cow.

3. Who did the Lee's invite to their home after Lia returned in Chapter Nine?

a} The Kordas.

b} The clan leaders. c) Neil and Peggy. d)

Many relatives.

4. What do Americans think of the ritual used in the Lee's celebration?

a} They have no feelings about it.

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b) They are uncomfortable with it. c) It makes them angry.

d) They Iike it.

5. As mentioned in Chapter Nine, an ordinance was created banning what? a} Public

meetings of the Hmong clans. b) Sacrifices of animals.

c) Shaman.

d) Medicine labels written only in English.

6. Why was the ordinance mentioned in

Chapter Nine difficult to enforce? a} Because you can't make drug

companies adhere to any laws.

b) Because shaman often disguised


c) Because small animals could be sacrificed without notice.

d) Because meetings could be held

without much notice.

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7. What did Lia's family realize in Chapter Nine about her after she


a} She had regressed.

b) That she was happy in her foster home.

c) They could do nothing to help her.

d) She didn't miss them.

8. In Chapter Nine, who did the Lees begin to blame for Lia's condition? a} The


b) The government and her prescribed


c) The shaman.

d) May.

9. In Chapter Nine, what did the Lees believe was the only thing that could help Lia

with her condition?

a} Their love and traditional medicine.

b) Anne. c) Peggy.

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d) Neil.

10. Who took the time to solicit the Lees opinions about their daughter's health? a} Neil.

b) Anne's colleagues. c) Jeanine.

d) Peggy.

11. Who served as the Lee's advocate when no one else would?

a} Anne. b) Peggy. c)


d) A shaman.

12. What was Lia doing when she hit her head severely in Chapter Nine?

a} Skipping. b) Swinging. c)

Running. d) Jumping.

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Multiple Choice - Chapter 10

1. What kind of life were the Hmong people accustomed to before coming to America?

a} Life in China.

b) A life in the city.

c) Life in a refuge camp. d) A mountain life.

2. What did Chapter 10 say about the connection to the past life the Hmong were

accustomed to?

a} Their connection could be heard in their dialect.

b) Their connection could be seen their walk.

c) Their connection could be seen in what

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they ate.

d) Their connection could be seen in their diet.

3. How are the inhabitants of Laos characterized?

a} By how they talk.

b) By what kind of house they have. c) By what they eat.

d) By the altitude at which they live.

4. What do Hmong people grow and harvest?

a} Edamame.

b) Broccoli. c) Corn.

d) Opium.

5. What did the crop mentioned in

Chapter 10 require?

a} Moist soiI.

b) Cool temperatures and mountain soil.

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c) Humid climate.

d) Hot temperatures.

6. What was different about Laos than all of its neighbors, as mentioned in Chapter 10?

a} Its people spoke multiple languages.

b) It was the largest.

c) Its people all spoke the same language.

d) It was smaller.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 11

1. What did Chapter 11 say was the day

Lia's doctor's dreaded?

a} November 25, 1988.

b} November 25, 1986.

c) December 25, 1986.

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d) December 25, 1988.

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2. What happened on that day that Lia's doctors said they dreaded in Chapter


a} Lia suffered her last seizure, leading to her death.

b) Lia's family refused to bring her to the


c) Lia was given back to her parents.

d) Lia's family was sent back to Laos.

3. What did tests conclude in Chapter

11 about Lia's anticonvulsant medication?

a} She had not been taking it.

b) Her parents were giving it to her incorrectly.

c) It was not working.

d) She was taking it, so her parents previous issues were not a problem.

4. Which hospital was Lia transferred to

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in Chapter 11?

a} Valley Children's Hospital. b) Merced Children's Hospital. c)

General Hospital.

d) Lakeview Children's Hospital.

5. Why was Lia transferred to a different hospital in Chapter 11?

a} Neil was going on vacation. b) Her family requested it.

c) Jeanine was going on vacation.

d) It had a children's ICU that MCMC


6. Why did Lia's family think she was transferred to a different hospital in Chapter


a} Because they requested it.

b) Jeanine was going on vacation.

c) It had a children's ICU that MCMC


d) Because Neil was going on vacation.

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Multiple Choice - Chapter 12

1. When did the Lee family first attempt to leave Laos?

a} 1986. b) 1956. c)

1988. d) 1976.

2. What happened during the Lee's first attempt to leave Laos?

a} They were captured by Chinese soldiers.

b) They got sick and couldn't make the


c) They were forced out of their camp. d) They were captured by Vietnamese


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3. After how many more years did the

Lee's consider leaving again?

a} Five.

b) Six.

c) Three.

d) One.

4. What was lacking in the refugee camp?

a} Shelter. b) Water. c)


d) Clothing.

5. Who died while the Lee's were in the refugee camp?

a} Foua.

b) Lia.

c) The infant Foua was breastfeeding.

d) Nao.

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6. How many other refugees did the Lee family leave Laos with in their second attempt?

a} 4.

b) 40.

c) 400.

d) 4,000.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 13

1. What kind of life did Foua and Nao expect in America?

a} They had no expectations.

b) The same.

c) A worse one.

d) A better one.

2. What does Chapter 13 say never occurs to Nao and Foua about their

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children in America?

a} That they would get sick.

b) That language would be an issue.

c) That they would be in danger.

d) They they would have to be treated at

American hospitals.

3. How many days did Lia spend at

Valley Children's Hospital?

a} Two weeks.

b) One day.

c) Five days.

d) Eleven days.

4. When Lia returned to MCMC, who was taking care of her?

a} Her parents.

b) Neil.

c) Peggy.

d) Jeanine.

5. What was Lia's condition in Chapter

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13 when she returned to MCMC?

a} Her breathing was poor and she was in pa1n.

b) She was in a coma.

c) She was throwing up constantly.

d) She was normal.

6. What celebration occurred during

Lia's time at MCMC in Chapter 13?

a} Thanksgiving.

b) Easter.

c) Christmas.

d) The Hmong New Year.

Multiple Choice- Chapter 14

1. When did the Lee family arrive in


a} October 18, 1980.

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b) November 18, 1988. c) October 18, 1988.

d) November 18, 1980.

2. How many surviving children did they have when they arrived in America?

a} Six. b) Ten. c)

Five. d) Nine.

3. When they arrived in America, who did the Lee's seek help from?

a} Their family in California. b) Their family in Wisconsin. c)

Their family in Hawaii.

d) Their family in Oregon.

4. How long did the Lees live in


a} One month.

b) Two years.

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c) One year.

d) Seventeen years.

5. Why did Foua rely on her children to shop at the market?

a} She was allergic to the food. b) She was intimidated.

c) Because she was afraid of Americans.

d) Because she never learned English.

6. Why did most of the Hmong people come to America?

a} Americanization. b) Family.

c) Desperation.

d) Hunger.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 15

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1. What was Lia's condition when Anne first met the Lee family?

a} She was healthy.

b) She was mostly healthy, but having



c) She had died.

d) She was in a vegetative state.

2. As stated in Chapter 15, how did Lia surprise her doctors?

a} By Iiving in a vegetative state for two


b) By dying so quickly.

c) By overcoming her seizures.

d) By overcoming her seizures and living a normal Iife.

3. How did Foua carry Lia on her back in Chapter 15?

a} In a ornmental Hmong wrap.

b) With no help, just on her back. c) In a baby bjorn.

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d) With heIp of others.

4. What is a nyias?

a} A coffin.

b) Hmong food.

c) Healing Hmong herbs.

d) An ornamental Hmong wrap.

5. What happened to Lia's condition after she was sent home under her parent's


a} She become medically stable.

b) It stayed the same.

c) She was completely healed.

d) It worsened.

6. How did Neil and Peggy feel about Lia's care by her parents after she was

discharged from the hospital?

a} They were impressed.

b) They were angry. c) They were sad.

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d) They didn't care.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 16

1. In Merced, CA, how many residents are Hmong?

a} One out of every 12 residents is Hmong. b) One out of every six residents is


c) 90 percent.

d) One out of every five residents is


2. The area in Merced occupied by the

Hmong was once known as what?

a} Chinatown. b) Old Town. c)

New Town.

d) Where the Latino residents live.

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3. In Merced, what kind of homes did the

Hmong have?

a} Duplexes.

b) Ranch homes. c) Condos.

d) Two-story apartment buildings.

4. What city housed the largest percentage of Hmong per area in California?

a} Merced.

b) Sacremento. c) Fresno.

d) Stockton.

5. How many different clans existed in


a} 14. b) 4. c)

10. d) 24.

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6. Who was Dang Moua?

a} A Hmong preacher. b) A shaman.

c) A local grocer.

d) A doctor.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 17

1. In Chapter 17, what kind of damage did Lia have to her brain?

a} Temporary. b) Moderate. c)


d) Permenant.

2.1n 1993, what happened to Jeanine


a} She suffered a severe asthma attack

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and lost brain function.

b) She suffered a heart attack. c) She was promoted.

d) She died of unknown causes.

3. Who was hit hard with what happened to Jeanine?

a} Neil.

b) Peggy.

c) Lia.

d) Foua.

4. In Chapter 17, whose son is diagnosed with leukemia?

a} Dang Moua's.

b) Jeanine's.

c) Neil and Peggy's.

d) Foua's.

5. What happened to the son who had leukemia?

a} He was institutionalized.

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b) He survived.

c) He lived in a vegetative state.

d) He died.

6. Who did the Lees believe caused

Lia's illness?

a} Witches. b) Shaman.

c) Americans.

d) The clan.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 18

1. What does the author say any person, when working with someone from another

ethnic background, should have the responsibility of doing?

a} Hiring at least three translators.

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b) Finding a person better suited to deal with them.

c) Ensuring respect and proper communication.

d) Reading as much as possible about the


2. What helped communication between

Foua and Lia's doctors?

a} Translators.

b) Love and understanding. c) Shaman.

d) Western medicine.

3. If healthy communication existed from the beginning, what does the author say in

Chapter 18 might have been very different?

a} Lia's Iife. b) MCMC. c)


d) Valley Children's Hospital.

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4. What kind of doctor might have made the Lees more comfortable?

a} A Hmong doctor.

b) A shaman.

c) A female doctor.

d) Two male doctors.

5. What could the doctors have done that would have shown respect for the Lees'

religious beliefs?

a} Limited shaman interaction.

b) Limited female doctor interaction. c) Limited blood draws.

d) Transfering to Valley Children's.

6. When did Merced's Health department complete training in advocacy and

cultural skills?

a} 1986. b) 1996. c)


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d) 1999.

Multiple Choice - Chapter 19

1. How does Chapter 19 open?

a} With the family preparing for a traditional shaman healing ceremony.

b) With Lia's death.

c) With Lia's 19th birthday celebration.

d) With Neil receiving an award.

2. How much did the pig cost that mentioned in Chapter 19?

a} $150.00. b) $50.00. c)

$250.00. d) Nothing.

3. How much is the txiv neeb paid in

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Chapter 19?

a} $150.00.

b) He gets to eat with the family every night for the next week.

c) $250.00.

d) Nothing.

4. Where does the healing ceremony take place in Chapter 19?

a} The Lee home.

b) The church. c) The hospital. d)


5. As described in Chapter 19, what is one kind of tool used by a txiv neeb? a} A


b) A saber. c) A cross.

d) An offering plate.

6. What is the point of the txiv neeb

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ceremony described in Chapter 19?

a} To get Lia's soul to come back.

b) To honor Neil and Peggy. c) To honor Lia.

d) To get make sure none of the other

Lees get sick.Multiple Choice

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Answer Key

Preface Chapter Chapter

1. d.

2. a. 1. d. 1. c.

3. c. 2. b. 2. d.

4. b. 3. a. 3. c.

5. b. 4. c. 4. c.

6. a. 5. a. 5. c.

7. a. 6. a. 6. d.