pyp newsletter janfeb 2012

1 DATES OF INTEREST DURING FEBRUARY For school events calendar for the whole term—see last page! Sport Break: Week 7, 13th-17th PYP NEWSLETTER MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents and Students, Last week we had some important visitors at our school, looking into our effectiveness in implementing the IB PYP program. It is an important evaluation process that takes place every 5 years. The IB evaluators examined whether our reflection in regards to curriculum, teaching and learning, organisation, philosophy, resources and collaborative planning is accurate and if action plans are in place to take the school forward. This process is one way the IBO endeavours to ensure program consistency in schools around the world. It is one way parents can move from country to country with the security of keeping to one educational system. We look forward to their commendations and recommendations, and we will share these with you at a later date. Best wishes Jayson January / February 2012 An Eventful week for PYP at ISGR and temperatures fall to minus 12! Week 5, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday was the Evaluation Visit and Thursday was the Ice-Skating Day out at Rudalen! Evaluation Visit: The visitors were Robert Westlake and Emanuela Ferloni. In preparation for the visit they had read through the 70 page Evaluation Questionnaire that we had filled in over the course of a year. They also had many other documents from ISGR; planning documents, business accounts, methods we had used to evaluate ourelves etc. They met with different groups from our school community including, teachers, students, pedagogical management, parents and board members. They walked around and took part in daily life at ISGR, including classroom visits, playtime and lunchtime. The final Report: After two very intensive days they gave Jayson and myself an intitial report. The final report will be made in collaboration with the Regional Head Office at the Hague.It will be sent to us in a few weeks and then be made available to the school community in the school library. Very polite and well behaved students: They were very impressed by the openness and good communication between the students and staff at our school. This was both for the PYP students and the students of the national program. Our school has moved forward! They pointed out that the school had developed since the last Evaluation visit 5 years ago. We had done a good job on this evaluation using the new IB standards and questionnaire and that in most part we had identified what we need to do to get even better! Marilyn James PYP Coordinator

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Page 1: PYP Newsletter JanFeb 2012




For school events calendar for the whole term—see last page! Sport Break: Week 7, 13th-17th



Dear Parents and Students, Last week we had some important visitors at our school, looking into our effectiveness in implementing the IB PYP program. It is an important evaluation process that takes place every 5 years. The IB evaluators examined whether our reflection in regards to curriculum, teaching and learning, organisation, philosophy, resources and collaborative planning is accurate and if action plans are in place to take the school forward. This process is one way the IBO endeavours to ensure program consistency in schools around the world. It is one way parents can move from country to country with the security of keeping to one educational system. We look forward to their commendations and recommendations, and we will share these with you at a later date. Best wishes Jayson

January /

February 2012

An Eventful week for PYP at ISGR and temperatures fall to minus 12!

Week 5, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday was the Evaluation Visit and Thursday was the Ice-Skating Day out at Rudalen! Evaluation Visit: The visitors were Robert Westlake and Emanuela Ferloni. In preparation for the visit they had read through the 70 page Evaluation Questionnaire that we had filled in over the course of a year. They also had many other documents from ISGR; planning documents, business accounts, methods we had used to evaluate ourelves etc. They met with different groups from our school community including, teachers, students, pedagogical management, parents and board members. They walked around and took part in daily life at ISGR, including classroom visits, playtime and lunchtime. The final Report: After two very intensive days they gave Jayson and myself an intitial report. The final report will be made in collaboration with the Regional Head Office at the Hague.It will be sent to us in a few weeks and then be made available to the school community in the school library. Very polite and well behaved students: They were very impressed by the openness and good communication between the students and staff at our school. This was both for the PYP students and the students of the national program. Our school has moved forward! They pointed out that the school had developed since the last Evaluation visit 5 years ago. We had done a good job on this evaluation using the new IB standards and questionnaire and that in most part we had identified what we need to do to get even better! Marilyn James PYP Coordinator

Page 2: PYP Newsletter JanFeb 2012


Kindergarten Unit: Kindergarten planned and made a j

ourney from ISGR to the Sjöfartsmuseet in Gothenburg as the summative as-

sessment for our 'Going Places' inquiry with the central idea 'transportation

systems connect and can help us make

journeys. We planned our route using the tram

and bus map and discovered that there are many different ways of getting to

the museum from school. We decided

to divide into groups and travelled three different ways by tram and bus from

school to the museum. We had a fan-tastic time at the museum before taking

three different routes back to school!

GOING PLACES ! How we organize ourselves

Thanks for helping with my year 10 project!

As all of you know, for my MYP10 personal project, I decided to organize an event for PYP k-2nd grade.

This event included a disco, a movie room, and a café. It was not just for the students of those grades, but

for their parents and siblings as well. Part of the goal of this project was to raise money for charity, Rädda


I just wanted to take this time to THANK everyone who helped make my project a success; Rachel Calland-

er, PTA ,

all the teachers who helped transfer information and agree to let me use their classrooms, as well as other

members of the administration who helped me with my project, all the students of Kindergarten – 2nd grade,

who were so enthusiastic about the event and decided to come., all the parents and adults who firstly decid-

ed to attend the event and buying tickets, and secondly spending so generously at the café., my amazing


Thanks to all of you, we managed to raise 4705 KR ! So thank you to everyone who helped! Melika Abida

Page 3: PYP Newsletter JanFeb 2012



Guldheden Library 2011

A new website for the Library:

Our librarian Rouhia Lotfkah has created this website as a resource

for our students.

Library opening hours

Monday 8.30 -3.30 pm Tuesday 8.30 -3.30pm

Wednesday 8.30 -3.30pm Thursday 8.30 – 3.30pm

Friday 8.30 – 2.30pm

Scandanavian International Theatre School – On tour in 2012!

The Scandinavian International Theatre School new term starts on Saturday 14th January at 10.00am at our Molinsgatan

Campus. Scandinavian International Theatre School will proudly present 'The

Magic of the Movies' at the Nordic Network conference on April 21st

2012 in the Stora Salen at Nalen, one of the most beautiful venues in



We are delighted to have been asked to put on this show which will

involve, for the first time, all the students from the 3 SITS schools in

Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo coming together over the weekend

in April. This is a once in a lifetime experience for us all and if you

would like your child to sign up to SITS this term then please go to the

SITS website ( and download an application form or

simply call the Principal, Kimberley Akester on 073 368 8494 for more


The new school term will start in Gothenburg on Saturday 14th January

from 10.00am to 1.00pm at the Middle School Campus on Molinsgatan

6. SITs is open to children between the age of 6 years to 16 years.

Choir preparing for the Spring Show!

Choir is starting up again! It takes place on Wednesdays in the Music room at 12.40 - 1.15

New members are welcome to join and old mem-

bers welcome back! We will be working on some songs for the Spring Show!

Welcome! Moragh

Choir teacher

Julia Arurell

raised a total of

3521 kr for the

Children's Heart

Project in an MYP

10 project selling

second hand toys

to K, 1 and 2.

Page 4: PYP Newsletter JanFeb 2012


ISGR International cookbook 2012 Recipe submission Details

International Cookbook

The ISGR PTA is planning on creating an ISGR International Cookbook as a fund-raising activity this year. We hope to have the cookbook available for purchase by May 2012. Please use the template below and send recipes to Julie Romanski by March 12th.([email protected] or mobile 0738566700). Thankyou!

Recipes can be: Traditional recipes from your home country Family favourites Family recipes – from your mother/grandmother Recipes from your international travels Your children’s favourite meals Meals that are quick and easy to prepare Everyday meals or Special Occasion meals ANYTHING and EVERYTHING – all ideas welcome

Recipe name

Recipe category (please choose


Recipe category (please choose


Submitted by (parent and

child name and

class/ age,

home country)


special equip-

ment needed

Cooking tem-

perature / How long to

cook / prepare

Additional info

– when you like

to prepare this

recipe/ history

of recipe, etc

Page 5: PYP Newsletter JanFeb 2012


Calendar for the Spring term 2012

Council of International Schools – 5 Year Visit!

3rd – 5th April 2012 Dr Lesley Stagg and Katja Valentino will visit our school at the beginning of April to see how well we have addressed the

recommendations that they made for school improvement in their last report. During their visit they will be looking at all

aspects of our school and talking to the committees for each of the sections. In addition to Curriculum they will look at

Philosophy and Objectives, Governance and Management, Staff, Student Services, Resources and Student and Community Life.

I will give a presentation on the process and the report on Friday 23rd of March from 8.30am - 10.00am in the small Bamba at

Guldheden and all parents are welcome. There will also be the opportunity for parents to meet with the CIS representatives and

any parents who would like to be part of this group are welcome to e-mail me on [email protected] .

Invitation to Parents

Presentation of the ISGR Board and Meet the Board Members

Friday 2nd March 8.30am – 10.00am , Small Bamba, Guldheden

Birgitta Sandström Barac our Head of School and Iona Sadler the Development and Admissions Manager will give a presenta-

tion about the ISGR Board, who the members are and what their role is. Kristina Tharing the Board Chair and Carola Granell

the Vice Chair will also be at the meeting to answer questions about the role of the Board. We look forward to seeing you.



Dates School Event

2 January 10th School starts

5 January 30th, 31st, February 1st PYP Evaluation Visit

5 February 2nd Ice Skating Day at Rudalen

7 February 13th – 17th Sports Week school holiday

9 & 10 February 27th – March 9th Reading Weeks

9 March 2nd Parent Meeting with the Board (See below!)

11 March 12th In service day – No school

12 March 21st Student and Teacher Developmental Talks day – No regular school day

14 April 3rd, 4th, 5th CIS Evaluation Visit

14 April 4th PYP Exhibition

14 April 6th Bank Holiday

15 April 9th – 13th Easter Holiday

18 April 30th, May 1st School Holiday ( May 1st is a public holiday)

19 May 7th Spring Show Götaberg

19 May 8th Art Exhibition Guldheden

19 May 10th Spring Show Guldheden

20 May 17th, 18th School Holiday (April 17th is a public holiday)

23 June 6th School Holiday and public holiday

24 June 15th Last day of school