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A ARI N Russian Journal of Acarology Vol.7 (2) 1999 TOM 7 (2) KMK Scientific Press Ltd.

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Page 1: PYCCK~~ aKapOnOr~~eCK~~ ~ypHan Russian Journal of Acarology€¦ · A ARI N PYCCK~~ aKapOnOr~~eCK~~ ~ypHan Russian Journal of Acarology Vol.7 (2) 1999 TOM 7 (2) KMKScientific Press

A ARI NPYCCK~~ aKapOnOr~~eCK~~ ~ypHan

Russian Journal of Acarology

Vol.7 (2) 1999 TOM 7 (2)

KMK Scientific Press Ltd.

Page 2: PYCCK~~ aKapOnOr~~eCK~~ ~ypHan Russian Journal of Acarology€¦ · A ARI N PYCCK~~ aKapOnOr~~eCK~~ ~ypHan Russian Journal of Acarology Vol.7 (2) 1999 TOM 7 (2) KMKScientific Press

Acarina 7 (2): 69-87 © ACARINA 1999



A.V. Bochkov*, S.V. Mironov*, A. Fain**A.B. 60ljKOB*, C.B. M~POHOB*, A. et>3H**

*Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sl. Pctersburg, 199034 Russia**Institute royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, B-IOOO Bruxellcs, Bclgique

Key words: Harpirhynchinae, Harpypalpinae, Ophioptinae, phylogeny, host-parasite relationshipsKnlO4esble cnosa: Harpirhynchinae, Harpypalpinae, Ophioptinae, q,v1nOreHl-1>l, napa3l-1TO-X03>ll-1HHble CS>l3l-1


The Reconstruction of phylogeny of the mitefamily Harpirhynchidae, the permanent parasites ofbirds, was made by the cladistic method with thesoftware PAUP 3.0s. The cladistic analysis includedthe closely related family Ophioptidae, permanentparasites of the Colubridae and Elapidae snakes.Representatives of all 14 genera have been exam­ined. The predatory mite family Cheyletidae wasused as the outgroup. The analysis was based on 84morphological characters.

Single obtained cladogram includes two gener­al clusters. One of them comprises the subfamilyHarpypalpinae and the family Ophioptidae, thesecond cluster is represented by the subfamilyHarpirhynchinae.

The node uniting the taxa Harpirhynchinae,Harpypalpinae and Ophioptidae is marked by 9synapomorphies. Some of these apomorphies alsooccur in other parasitic mite families of the Chey­letoidea, however the structure of the palps in these3 taxa is unique, and proves the monophyly of thisgroup. Therefore we include the Ophioptidae intothe family Harpirhynchidae as a subfamily.

The cluster of the subfamily Harpirhynchinaeincludes 6 generic groups: 3 groups are representedby I genus each (Hmpirhynchus, Hmpyrhynchoidesand Perhmpyrhynchus) ,2 groups include each a pairof genera - Methmpyrhynchus and Nehmpyrhyn­chus, Anhmpyrhynchus and Trichorhynchiella, andone group includes 3 genera Rallihmpirhynchus,Hmpyrhynchiella, and Cypsharpirhynchus.

Based on the obtained cladogram two hypoth­eses of harpirhynchid mite evolution are discussed.The most probable hypothesis it is suggests, thatancestors of the Harpirhynchidae had becomeparasites on some ancestor of birds and coevolvedwith these hosts. The ancestor of Ophioptinaeprobably migrated from birds onto the snakes.


PeKoHcTpyKUH5I cPHJlOreHHH KJlemeti ceMeJ;'I­CTBa Harpirhynchidae, nOCT05lHHbIX napa3HTOB

nn-IU, 6bIJla npOBe}.l,eHa KJlaJIIICTHl.JeCKHM MeTOJIOMc HCnOJlb30BamIeM KOMnbloTepHoi:'I npOrpal\lMbIPAUP 3.0s. B KJlaJIHCTH4ecKHti aHaJIYt3 6bIJlHBKJl104eHbI npe}.l,CTaBHTeJIYI 6J1H3KOpOJICTBeHHOrOceMet'ICTBa Ophioptidae, npe}.l,CTaBJleHHOrO no­CT05lHHbIMH napa3HTaMI1 3Meti ceMet'ICTB Colubri­dae H Elapidae. 13bIJlH HCCJIe}.l,OBaHbI npeJICTaBH­TeJlH Bcex 14 pOJIOB. B Ka1.JeCTBe BHeWHet'1 rpynnbI6bIJlH HCnOJlb30BaHbl XHmHble KJlew.11 ceMei:'IcTBaCheyletidae. AHaJlH3 6bIJI oCHoBaH Ha 84 BHeUIHe­MOPcP0JlOrWleCKHx npH3HaKax.

E}.l,HHCTBeHHoe nOJlyqeHHOe JIpeBO COCTOI1T113 JIByx OCHOBHbIX KJlaCTepoB. O}.l,HH H3 HI1X BKJllO­1.JaeT nOJIceMei1cTBa Harpypalpinae H ceMet'ICTBOOphioptidae, BTOpO(I -- nO}.l,ceMeticTBo Harpi­rhynchinae.

BeTBb, 06beJIHH5IIOma5I npeJICTaBHTeJlet'I Har­pirhynchinae, Harpypalpinae HOphioptidae, Map­KHpOBaHa 9 cHHanoMoPcP1I5IMH. HeKoTopble H33THX anoMoPcPHj;'I BCTpe4alOTC5I y JIpyrHx napa­3HTWleCKHX KJlemeti HaJICeMet'IcTBa Cheyletoidea,O}.l,HaKO CTpoemle naJJbn y 3THX 3TaKCOHOB KJlemei;jYHHKaJlbHO H JIOKa3bIBaeT 1\l0H0cPHJlHIO JIaHHoi:'IrpynnbI. TI03TOMY, MbI BIUlIOllaeM Ophioptidae BCOCTaB ceMetiCTBa Harpirhynchidae BpaHre nOJI­ceMei:'IcTBa.

KJlaCTep nO}.l,CeMeJ;·ICTBa HarpirhynchinaeBKJlI04aeT 6 POJIOBblX rpynn: 3 rpynnbl npeJICTaB­JleHbl Ka)J()l,a51 OJIHl1M pO}.l,OM (Hmpirhynchus, Har­pyrhynchoides and Perh mpyrhynchus) , 3 }.l,pyrHerpynnbl BKJl104alOT Ka)J()l,a51 no JIBa pOJIa -_. Meth­alpyrhynchus H Nehmpyrhynchus, AnhmpyrhynchusH Trich orhynchiella , Hl1Ipyrhynchiella H Cypshmp­irhynchus.

OCHOBblBa5lCb Ha nOJlY4eHHO(1 KJlaJIOrpaMMe,06cy)J()l,aIOTC5I }.l,Be fHnOTe3bl 3I30Jl'lOUHH Harpi­rhynchidae. COrJIaCHO HaH60Jlee Bep05ITHoi:'I fH­

nOTe3e, npeJIOK Harpirhynchidae nepeweJl Knapa­3HTH31\1Y eme Ha 06meM npe,UKe nTHU H K03BO­JIlOUHOHHpOBaJl C3THMH X035IeBaMH. TIpeJIOK co­BpeMeHHblx Ophioptinae, Bep051THO, nepeweJl Cnn-IU Ha 3Me(1.

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Material. The representatives ofeach genera ofthe families Harpirhynchiclae (11 genera) and Ophi­optidae (2 genera) have been examined. Most ofspecimens examined are deposited in the Institutroyal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique (Brux­elles, Belgium) and in the Musee royal de I'Afriquecentrale (Tervuren, Belgium).

Full collection data on materials examinedwere given in the paragraphs «Materials» in thepapers of Fain [1964, 1994, 1995; Fain et aI., 19,99].

Methods. The study of phylogenetic relatIOn­ships between Harpirhynchidae and Ophioptid~e

was based on a cladistic method. Recent taxonomicstudies of these families [Fain, 1964, 1994, 1995;Fain et al., 1999] have shown, that all their ge~~racould be considered with a high degree probabilityas the monophyletic taxa. Therefore the generawere treated in the analysis as the operationaltaxonomic units (OTU). The Cheyletidae havebeen chosen as an outgroup.

The software PAUP 3.0s was used for thephylogenetic reconstruction. The charac~eroptimi­zation was made by DELTRAN algonthm (De­layed transformation). The ba~ic data matrix (Ta?leI) includes all characters, which could ~e ~onsld-,

ered as informative characters in descnptlOns ottaxa of the generic rank. All characters obtainedequal weight. Any autapomorphic characters werenot included because they are not informative forthe cladogram pattern.

The reconstruction ofphylogeny included twosteps. At first step we used 84 characters, with allcharacters being unordered. At the second phase thedoubtful characters and those displayed themselvesas homoplasies at the first step of Hnalysis wereomitted.

Chaetotaxy follows that of Fain [Fain et al.,1999] (Fig. I). This nomenclature is based on atopology of setae and have been successfully usedfor maIlY groups of prostigmatid mites [Fain, 1970,1973,1979; Fain et al., 1997; Bochkov, 1997].

AV. Bochkov, S.Y. l'vlirollov, A. Fain

At the present time the family Harpirhynchi­dae, sensu Fain, includes 12 genera and 55 species[Fain, 1995; Fain el al., 1999]. However thesuprageneric structure of the family still remainsunclear and relationships between subfamilies ofharpirhynchid and ophioptid mites have not beenstudied, despite the inkresting data obtained byLumbert and Moss [19831. An absence of phyloge­netic hypothesis for the Hal1)irhynchidae also makesan obstacle for the analysis of their host -parasit~relationships.

The present paper proposes, fol' the first time,a phylogenetic hypothesis for the family Har~i­

rhynchidae and its relationships with the familyOphioptidae by the cladistics method. The obtaineddata serve as a basis for the analysis of mitedistributions among host taxa.


The family HaIvirhynchidae was proposed byDubinin [19571 within the supelfamily Cheyletoi­dea. According to the concept of this author thefamily consists of two subfamilies: HarpirhynchinaeDubi nin (2 genera) and Ophioptinae Southcott (1genus). The first subfamily includes permanent skinparasites of different bird taxa (Aves), while thesecond subfamily comprises skin parasites of snakes(Colubridae and Elapidae). It is worthy of note thatthe subfamily Ophioptinae was originally establishedas a taxon of the t~lmily rank [Southcott, 1956].

Baker and coauthors [1958] restored the familyrank for the Ophioptidae. On the contrmy, Law­rence [1959] considered that the genera of theOphioptidae and also the Psorergatidae, parasites ~fmammals, should be included into the Harpl­rhynchidae. Moreover, this author did not recog­nize any subdivision ofthe Harpirhynchidae. Volgi.n[1969] included the genus Psorergates (Psorergatl­dae) into the family Harpirhynchidae, but recog­nized Ophioptidae as a separate family.

At the present time many acarologists haverecognized the taxa Harpirhynchidae, Ophioptidaeand Psorergatidae as separate families [Kethley,1970, 1990; Krantz, 1978; Giessen, 1990].

Fain [1972, 1976] described a number of newspecies and established 6 new genera in the Harpi­rhynchidae. The family was subdivided into twosubfamilies: Harpirhynchinae with 3 tribes, Harpi­rhynchini, Metharpyrhynchini and Perharpyrh~n­

chi ni, and Harpypalpinae with a single genus [Fam,1972].

Moss and Wojcik [1978] made an attempt topropose a new classification of the family based onnumerical methods. They confirmed the separateposition of the family Harpypalpinae, but rejectedthe subdivision of the Harpirhynchinae into threetribes, proposed by Fain [1972] and even its sL~bdi­

vision into several genera. They recognized the smgleaenus Harpirhynchus within the latter subfamily,b .

which was divided into several species groups.Lombert and Moss [1983] described one more

genus, Hmpypalpoides within the Harpypalpinae.Their study of external morphology of the Harpyp­alpinae, specifically iml11attures, had revea.led .acertain similarity of this family with the OphlOptl­liae. However, these authors did not propose anyidea concerning possible phylogenetic relationshipsbetween the Harpirhynchinae, Harpypalpinae andOphioptidae. .

Recently, Fain [1994, 1995] carned out arevision of the Harpirhynchinae and proposedimproved diagnoses for this subfamily ~nd ~arpyp­

;llpinae [Fain et aI., 1999]. These publicatIOns alsocontained descriptions of three new genera createdwithin the Harpirhynchinae. It is worthy of note,rhat most of these new genera corresponds to the<.<species groups» recognized earlier by Moss andWojcik [1978]. .


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Table 1. Data matrixTa61B1ua 1. MaTpHua naHHbIX


Taxa 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888

Che~etidae 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000Halpifhynchus 0111100101110001 10000100000110100001100110000000010100010000010000110110100000010000Harpyrhynchoides 011 I 10010 111000110000 I00000 11 0 I0000 11001100000000 I01000 I00000 100000 I00 I01000000 I0000PerharpY/~ynchus 0111 10010111000110000100000110100001100110000000010100010000010000010010100000010000Neharpyrhynchus 011110010111000110001101000110100001100110001000010100010010110000010110100000010000MethGlpyrhynchus 011110010111000110001101000110100001100110001000011100010010110001110110100000010000Ralflharpifhynchus 011110010111000110001112000110100001100110000100010100010000010000010110100000010000HalpyrhynchkUa 0111100111110101110011110001 10100001101110100101111100010000110001110010100000010000Cypsharpirhynchus 011110011111010111001112000110100001101110100101111100010000010001110010100000010000Anharpifhynchus 011110010111000110001101000110100011100111010101111101010000010000010010100000010000TrichorhynchkUa 011 1100IOIOI000IIOOOIIOIOOOIIOI0001110111101010111?101?10000010000110010?00000010000Harpypa0us 011110010102010110100000100111210001100000000000010010111101000110010001111111120110Harpypalpoides 011110010102010110100000100111210001100000000000010010111101000110010001111111120110Ophioptes 10 IIIII1 0022111 010II 0000 III1 0000 11 0 III 00 I00000 10 I1 00 I000000000 I1 0000 I I 11011111131 IIIAjrophioptes 10 IIIIII 0022111 0I0 11 0000 1111 0000 110 III 00 100000 1011 00 IO?OOOO?OO 11 0000 1111? 111111311 11




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A.Y. Bochkov, S.Y. Mironov, A. Fain


Fig.!. A hypothetical species of the family Harpirhynchidae, female. A - dorsal view; B - ventral view.PIIC. 1. CxeMa CTpoeHIUI KJlewa ceMeitcTBa Harpirhynchidae, caMKa. A - ,UOpCaJIbHO; B - BeHTpaJIbHO.


The careful study of materials used for theanalysis has led us to make some preliminarychanges in taxonomic status of some species andgenera of Harpirhynchidae.

1. Within the genus Hmpirhynchus, Fain et al.,[1999] establish~d the subgenus Pseudoharpirhyn­chus that comprised two species: H(P.)agapornisFain, 1972 (type species) and Hcylindripalpus(Fritsch, 1954). The latter species was convention­ally included into this subgenus. It was originallydescribed by Fritsch [1954] based on females onlyfrom Fringilla coelebs (Passeriformes: Fringillidae)from Germany. Later, Fain [1995] collected fe­males from Passerina cif'lis (Passeriformes: Ember­izidae) died in the Antverpen Zoo, and identifiedthem also as Hcylindripalpus.

Until both males and females ofHcylindripalpusare recollected from the type host we will considerthis taxon as incertae sedis. In the present study weexclude this species from the analysis.

The type species of the subgenus Pseudoharpi­rhynchus, Hagapornis, differs from the representa­tives of the nominative subgenus by the chaetotaxyofidiosoma and legs Ill-IV, idiosomal shape, andmodified palpal setae. All listed features are alsocharacteristic of the representatives of the genus


Harpyrhynchoides. An additional study ofHagapornishas shown, that it is similar by named characters tothe genus Hmpyrhynchoides. Hagapornis differsfrom other species of this genus only by the positionof the genital opening in males, which is situated inthe central part of the hysterosoma dorsum. In theHmpyrhynchoides this opening is situated in theposterior third part of the hysterosoma. Howeversuch character as a relative position of the genitalopening is widely variable character. For example,among the related family Cheyletidae the positionof male genital opining is highly variable within agenus [Volgin, 1969]. The variability is observedwell in different species of the genus Neocheyletiel­la, the parasites of birds, for example in Nsmal­lwoodae Baker, 1949 and Nmegaphallos [Lawrence,1959]. In the first species the male genital openingis disposed in the posterior one third, in the secondspecies it is situated in the anterior one third. Basedon features mentioned above we propose includingHagapornis into the genus Hmpyrhynchoides, andconsider the subgenus Pseudohmpirhynchus as ajunior synonym of this genus.

2. Two species, Hmpirhynchus longipilus Banks,1905 and Hbrevis Ewing, 1911 were describedincompletely.Therefore we consider them as taxaincertae sedis within the Harpirhynchinae [Fain,1995].

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Characters of the adult: gnathosoma(characters 1-20)

I. Peritremes. The peritremes are present inmost predaceous mites of the subcohort Raphig­nathae including the family Cheyletidae. They arealso pr~sent in mites ofthe family Harp~rhynchida~.The peritremes are probably secondanly absent In

mites of the family Ophioptidae. .Peritremes present - 0; peritremes absent - 1.2. Segments of peritremes. The peritremes are

segmented along all their length in the Cheyletidae,while in the Harpirhynchidae they are segmentedonly in their lateral parts. The comparison of thesegmentation state with that in distant outgroups(Syringophilidae etc.) suggests that the first state ofthis character is ancestral.

Peritremes segmented along all length - 0;peritremes segmented in lateral ends only - I.

3. Hypostome. In the Cheyletidae the hypos­tome and stylophore are fused. They form a strongbeak. This is probably the ancestral state inheritedfrom the archaic ancestor.The hypostome is sec­ondary free in the Harpirhynchidae, Ophioptidae,Demodicidae, and Psorergatidae.

Hypostome and stylophore fused - 0; hypos­tome free - 1.

4. Sclerotization of pharyngeal bulb (FB) (Fig.IB). FB is slightly sclerotized ~n the ~heyletid~e

and Syringophilidae. In the HarplrhynchIdae, OphI­optidae and in most parasitic mites of the supe~­

family Cheyletoidea, in which the gnathosoma ISnot reduced, FB is strongly sclerotized.

FB weakly sclerotized -:- 0; FB strongly sclero­tized - 1.

5. Number of free segments in a palp (Fig. I).The ancestral number of free segments in a palp isfive as it is obseryed in most Cheyletidae. Onlythr;e free palpal segments in the Harpirhynchidaeand Ophioptidae (the trohanter-femur-genu ­(TFG), tibia and tarsus).

5 free palpal segments - 0; 3 free palpalsegments - 1.

6. Structures of palpal tarsus. There are 4 welldeveloped setae and I solenidion on the palpaltarsus in the Cheyletidae. In the Harpirhynchidaethe palpal tarsus bears only one seta, but the trac~s

of other structures are recognizable. In the Oplll­optidae the palpal tarsus has one seta only.

Palpal tarsus with several sensorial structures ortheir traces - 0; palpal tarsus with one seta only,without traces of any sensorial structures - 1.

7. Shape ofTFG in a palp. The TFG in a palpis more or less elongated in the Harpirhynchidae;the shape of this segment is nearly triangular withslightly elongated apex in the Ophioptidae.

TFG more or less elongated - 0; TFG almosttriangular with slightly el~ngated apex - 1.

8. Modified setae in a palp (Fig. 1). Mostpredaceous Cheyletidae the femur and genu ofpalp

Phylogeny of the Harpirhynchid mite

CHARACTER ANALYSIS have only hair-like nonmodified setae. In theHarpirhynchidae and Ophioptidae the TFG ofpalphas modified setae. There are usually 3 modIfiedsetae PA, PI, PE in TFG.

Feml\r and genus of palp without modifiedsetae - 0; modified setae in TFS present - 1.

9. Setae PE. In the Cheyletidae, Ophioptidae,Harpypalpinae and in most Harpirhynchinae. theseta PE is present. In the genera Harpyrhynehlellaand Cypshmpirhynehus this seta is absent.

Setae PE present - 0; setae PE absent - Position of seta PE. The modified setae are

situated in one place on the apex of the palp in theHarpirhynchidae. In the Ophioptidae as well as inmites of the family Psorergatidae the seta PE issituated behind the setae PA and PI at the level ofthe middle part of palps. Probably it is the ancestralcondition of this character.

Seta PE situated in the middle part of palps,behind of setae PA, PI - 0; setae PA, PI, PEsituated closely to one another in apex of palp - 1.

11. Shape ofseta PI. The seta PI is serrate, hair­like in the Harpypalpinae and in the genus Trieho­rhynehiella (Harpirhynchinae). It is probably theancestral state because this seta is similar in shapewith those in femur and genu of palpae in theCheyletidae. This seta is wide comb-like in othergenera of the Harpirhynchinae, while within thegenus Methmpyrhynehus it varies from .comb-li~e

(as in M.jynx Fain, 1972) to finger-~Ike (as In

M.mossi Fain, 1995). As far the comb-lIke form ofseta PI is a feature of the most genera of theHarpirhynchinae, and the finger-like form appar­ently developed within Metharpyrhynehus, we pro­vide this genus with a code corresponding to thecomb-like state only. In the Ophioptidae the seta PIis finger-like. .

Seta PI serrate, hair-like - 0; seta PI WIde,comb-like - 1; seta PI finger-like - 2.

12. Shape of inner seta in palpal tibia (ITS)(Fig.1B). In most Cheyletidae the seta ITS is hair­like. This seta is finger-like with two apices curvedupside in the Harpirhynchinae and harpoon-likewith three or two teeth curved down in the Harpyp­alpinae and Ophioptidae.

ITS hair-like - 0; ITS finger-like - 1; ITSharpoon-like - 2.

13. Number ofteeth in a harpoon-like seta 1ST.In the Harpypalpinae, the number of teeth on the1ST is 3, in the Ophioptidae, this number is 2.

ITS with two teeth - 0; ITS with three teeth-1. .

14. Setae pts. In the Cheyletidae and in mostHarpirhynchinae, the seta pts is present. In twogenera of the Harpirhynchinae (Harpyrhynehiellaand Cypsharpirhynehus) , in all Ophioptidae andHarpypalpinae this seta is absent.

Setae pts present - 0; setae pts absent - 1..IS. Setae sex. In the Cheyletida~, and HarpI­

rhynchidae the seta sex present. It is always absentin the Ophioptidae.


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A.Y. Bochkov, S.Y. Mironov, A. Fain

Setae scx present - 0; setae scx absent - 1.16, Shape ofseta scx. The seta scx has one apex

in the Cheyletidae and absent in Ophioptidae. In allHarpirhynchidae this seta possesses two apices.

Seta scx having one apex - 0; seta scx havingtwo apices - 1.

17. Dorsal setae of rostrum (I'd). In the Chey­letidae and closely related outgroup taxa, 'Raphig­nathidae, Syringophilidae and etc, the setae I'd

present. In the Ophioptidae and Harpirhynchidaethese setae absent.

Setae I'd present - 0; setae I'd absent - 1.18. Setae rp (Fig. 1B). In the Cheyletidae, Ophio­

ptidae, Harpypalpinae, and most Harpirhynchinaethe setae rp present. In the genera Harpyrhynchiellaand Cypsharpirhynchlls these setae absent.

Setae rp present - 0; setae rp absent - 1.19. Relative positions of setae ra and rp (Fig.

1B). In the Cheyletidae, Syringophilidae, Myobii­dae and Harpirhynchinae the setae lp are situatedbehind the level of setae ra. In the Harpypalpinaeand Ophioptidae these setae are situated at the sametransversal line as the setae ra.

Setae rp located distinctly posteriad to setae ra- 0; seta lp and ra located on the same transversalline - 1.

20, Position of seta rp, In the Cheyletidae andHarpirhynchidae the seta lp is situated ventrally. Inthe Ophioptidae this seta is situated laterally.

Seta rp situated ventrally - 0; seta rp situatedlaterally - 1.

Legs (characters 21-42)21. Legs I-II in female. In the Cheyletidae,

Ophioptidae, Harpypalpinae and in some genera ofthe Harpirhynchinae the legs I-II of female arewell developed. In several genera of the Harpi­rhynchinae (Nehmpyrhynchlls, Meth arpyrhynchus,Anharpyrhynchus, Trichorhynchiella, Rallihmpirhyn­chus, Cypshmpirhynchus, Harpyrhynchiella) the legs1-II of female are reduced in this or that way(smaller in size, some segments fused). In thePerhmpyrhynchus, both sexes have four free seg­ments in legs 1-II (the genu and tibia are fused asin immature instars of the Harpirhynchinae), butthese legs are normal in size. It is worthy of note,that in this genus the legs 1-II are normallydeveloped, bl,lt the legs IV are completely absent,setae sci, hand ic3 are also absent (the latter twosetae are absent in larvae of the Harpirhynchinae).We believe that in the Perhmpyrhynchus we observethe manifestation of some larval features in adultmites, but not a reduction of these structures.Therefore, the structure of legs 1-II in Perhmpy­rhynchus is treated as a plesiomorphic state.

Legs I-ll offemale completely developed - 0;legs 1-II of female reduced in one way or another-- 1.

22. Shape oflegs Ill-IV. In the Cheyletidae,Ophioptidae and Harpypalpinae the legs Ill-IV arenormally developed. In the Harpirhynchinae theselegs are reduced up to two or one segments.

Legs II I-IV normally developed - 0; legs Ill­IV reduced to two or one segments - 1.

23. Segments oflegs III - IV in female. As it wassaid above, in the Cheyletidae, Ophioptidae andHarpypalpinae the legs III - IV in the female consistoffive free segments. While in the Harpirhynchinaethe segments of these legs are reduced. In mostHarpirhynchinae the legs Ill-IV consist of one ortwo well developed segments bearing long whip-likesetae. In females of Ral/ihmpirhynchlls, Cypshmp­irhynchus and Harpyrhynchiella, these legs are al­most completely reduced and have no whip-likesetae.

Legs Ill-IV in female consist of one or twosegments - 0; legs Ill-IV in female almost com­pletely reduced - 1.

24. Pretarsus of legs I-Il in female, In theCheyletidae, Ophioptidae and Harpypalpinae thepretarsus of legs 1-II in female is well developed.It is also present in females of certain genera of theHarpirhynchinae, but in genera Nehmpyrhynchus,Methmpyrhynchlls, AnhGlpyrhynchus, Tricho­rhynchiella, Hmpyrhynchiella the pretarsus of legsI-ll fused with tarsal apex and in the generaCypshmpirhynchus, Ral/ihmpirhynchlls the pretar­sus of legs 1-II is completely absent.

Pretarsus of legs I-I I present in female, but notfused with tarsus - 0; pretarsus and tarsus oflegs I­II fused in female - 1; pretarsus oflegs 1-II absentin female - 2.

25. Protrusion ofambulacrum. In the Cheyleti­dae and Harpirhynchinae, when the ambulacrum ispresent, it has no protrusion. In the Harpypalpinaeand Ophioptidae the ambulacrum of all legs withthe well developed cup-like protrusion.

Ambulacrum without protrusion - 0; ambu­lacrum of all legs with cup-like protrusion - 1.

26. Tarsal claws. In the Cheyletidae and Harpi­rhynchidae the tarsal claws are present. In theHarpirhynchinae they are present only on legs 1-Il,except females of the genera Cypshmpirhynch liS,

Rallihmpirhynchlls and several species of the Meth­mpyrhynchus. In both sexes of the Ophioptidae thetarsal claws are absent.

Tarsi in male or female, or in both sexes withclaws - 0; claws on all legs absent in both sexes ­1.

27. Shape of empodium. In the Cheyletidaeand Harpirhynchidae the empodium has one basicstem. In the Ophioptidae the empodium has fourbasic stems.

Empodium with one basic stem - 0; empodi-·urn with four basic stems - 1.

28. Coxal sclerotization. In predaceous forms ofthe Cheyletidae, as in all predaceous Raphignathae,the coxae are well sclerotized. In the Harpirhynchi­dae and Ophioptidae, as in most parasitic Cheylet­oidea, the coxae are weakly sclerotized, except areasalong the epimeres and epimerites.

Coxae well sclerotized - 0; coxae sclerotizedalong epimeres and epimerites only - 1.


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Phylogeny of the Harpirhynchid mite

29. Shape and sclerotization of the epimeres.In most predaceous forms of Cheyletidae the coxalfields are not reduced. In certain genera of theHarpirhynchidae, the epimeres are present, butweakly developed and not enclosed into a sclero­tized ring. In the Ophioptidae, the well developedepimeral structures are present, but it is not clear ifthese structures are primitive or not.

Epimeres well developed - 0; epimeres weaklydeveloped or absent - 1.

30. Protrusions of coxae. In the predaceousCheyletidae, Harpirhynchidae and Ophioptidae thecoxae have no any protrusions. In the Harpypalpi­nae all coxae with slight membranous protrusions.

Coxae without protrusions - 0, coxae withprotrusions - 1.

31. Number of setae in tarsus 1. In the Chey­letidae and Ophioptidae the tarsus I bears 10 setaeincluding the solenidion omega. In most Harpi­rhynchinae the tarsus I carries 9 setae. Only infemales of the Ra/liharpirhynchlls and Hmpy­rhynchiella the number of setae of the tarsus I isreduced, but males of these genera have 9 setae onthe leg 1. In both sexes of Harpypalpinae the tarsusI bears 8 setae.

Tarsus I bears 10 setae, including solenidion ­0; tarsi I bears 9 setae - 1; tarsi I bears 8 setae - 2.

32. Number of setae on tarsi In-v. In theCheyletidae the tarsi In-IV have 7 setae, in theOphioptidae these tarsi bears 8 setae, and in theHarpypalpinae these segments carry only 6 setae. Inthe Harpirhynchinae the tarsi fII - IV are fused withother leg segments. Therefore, the initial number ofthese setae on tarsi III - IV in Harpirhynchinae isunclear. This characters is coded only for theOphioptidae and Harpypalpinae.

Tarsi In-IV with 7-8 setae - 0; tarsi Ill-IVwith 6 setae - 1.

33. Number ofsetae on tibiae III- IV. As it wassaid earlier, the number of setae on leg segmentsIn-IV was coded only for the Ophioptidae andHarpypalpinae. Tibiae Ill-IV bear 3-4 setae in theCheyletidae, 3 setae in the Harpypalpinae, and only2 setae in the Ophioptidae.

Tibiae III-IV with 4-3 setae - 0; tibiae fII­IV with 2 setae - 1.

34. Form of inner tibial seta on legs. In the mostofpredaceous Cheyletidae and in all Harpirhynchi­dae the inner tibial seta is hair-like in shape. In theOphioptidae this seta is finger-like.

Inner tibial seta legs hair-like - 0; inner tibialseta tinger-like - 1.

35. Setal number on apical segment of legs IVin harpirhvnchine females. In most harpirhynchinefemales, the apical segment of legs IV bears 9 setaeor less. However, in females of Trichorhynchiellathis segment carries 10 setae, and in females of theAnhmpyrhynchlls it bears more than 20 setae. Webelieve that in two latter cases the number on apicalsetae of legs IV is multiplied and therefore thischaracter state is an apomorphy.

Apical segment oflegs IV in female with 9 setaeor less - 0; apical segment ofieg IV in female with10 or more setae - 1.

36. Solenidion of tibia r. In the Cheyletidaeand other distant outgroup, the solenidium gammais present. This structure is absent in the Ophiopt­idae and Harpirhynchidae.

Solenidion of tibia I present - 0; solenidion oftibia I absent - 1.

37. Solenidion of genu 1. In the Cheyletidaeand in more distant outgroups, the solenidiumsigma is present. In the Ophioptidae and Harpi­rhynchidae this solenidion is absent.

Solenidion sigma present - 0; solenidion sigmaabsent - I.

38. Setae of femur IV. In most Cheyletidae andin all Harpypalpinae the femur N bears one or twosetae; these segments are fused in Harpirhynchinaeand these segments have no any setae in Ophioptidae.

Femur IV with 1-2 setae - 0; femur IVwithout seta - 1.

39. Seta of coxa 1. In the Cheyletidae, Ophi­optidae, Harpypalpinae and in most genera Harpi­rhynchinae the coxae I bears a seta. In the generaHarpyrhynchiella, Cypshmpirhynchlls and Tricho­rhynchiella the coxae I have no setae.

Seta on coxa I present - 0; seta on coxa Iabsent - I.

40. Setae on coxae II-In. In the Cheyletidae,Ophioptidae, Harpypalpinae and in some genera ofHarpirhynchinae the coxae n - III bear setae. In thegenera Hmpirhynchus, Harpyrhynchoides, Perhar­pyrhynch liS, Neh mpyrhynchus, Meth mpyrhynchus,Ralfihmpirhynchlls, Harpyrhynchiella, Cypsharpirhyn­ChllS. Anhmpyrhynchus and Trichorhynchiella thesecoxae have no any setae.

Setae on coxae n - II I present - 0; setae oncoxae II- III absent - 1.

41. Seta on coxa IV. In the Cheyletidae andHarpypalpinae the seta on coxa IV is present, whilein the Harpirhynchinae and Ophioptidae this seta isabsent.

Seta on coxa IV present - 0; seta on coxa IVabsent - 1.

Idiosoma (characters 42-73)42. Position of gnathosoma and legs I in

females. In most Cheyletidae and Harpirhynchi­nae, in all Ophioptidae and Harpypalpinae thegnathosoma are positioned terminally and the legsI are situated ventrally. Only in the females of twogenera, Anhmpyrhynchus and Trichorhynchiella, thegnathosoma and the legs I are situated dorsally.

Gnathosoma and legs I in female situatedterminally and ventrally, respectively - 0; gnatho­soma and legs I in female situated dorsally - 1.

43. Lateral propodosomal lobes in female. Inthe females of the Cheyletidae, Ophioptidae, Har­pypalpinae and in most Harpirhynchinae the pro­podosoma has no lobes. Only in females of twogenera, Hmpyrhynchiella and Cypshmpirhyllchus, apair of lateral lobes is present.


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A.Y. Bochkov, S.Y. Mironov, A. Fain



Propodosoma without lateral lobes - 0; pro­podosoma with pair of lateral lobes .- I.

44. Lateral opisthosomal lobes in female. Infemales of the Cheyletidae, Ophioptidae, Harpypalpi­naeand in most Harpirhynchinae the opisthosoma hasno lobes. In females of two genera, Anharpyrhynchllsand Trichorhynchie//a, it carries a pair of lateral lobes.

Opisthosoma without lateral lobes - 0; opistho­soma with lateral lobes - I.

45-46. Shape of idiosoma in females. In te­males of most Cheyletidae, in all Ophioptidae andHarpypalpinae and in some genera of the Harpi­rhynchinae the idiosoma is rhomb-like, circular orsubcircular. In females of the genera Neharpyl'hyn­elliIS and Met!uJlpyrhynchlls the idiosoma is greatlyelongated, sacciform (in the genus Harpil'hynchlls itis slightly sacciform). In females of the generaAnharpyrhynchlls, Tl'ichorhynch ie//a, HGlpyl'hynch iel­la, Cypshal'pil'hynchus and Ralliharpirhynchus theidiosoma is wider than longer. The modification ofidiosoma in female is an apomorphic character, butit is obviously displayed in two separate ways andtherefore it should be coded as two the differentcharacters: 45 and 46.

45. Idiosoma circular or subcircularicliosoma elongated or sacciform - 1.

46. Idiosoma circular or subcircularidiosoma wider than longer - I.

47. CuticulaI' pattern on idiosoma. In thepredaceous Cheyletoidea, in all Harpirhynchidaethe idiosoma is striated transversally or partlylongitudinally. In the Ophioptidae the sLllface ofidiosoma has no striation, but the idiosoma iscovered with many small tubercules.

Idiosoma striated - 0; idiosoma without stri­ation, covered with many small tubercules -. 1.

48. Sc::lles or verrucosities on idiosoma infemale. In the predaceous forms of the Cheyletidaeas well as in all Harpypalpinae and Ophioptidae,except Ophioptes congoensis Fain, 1962, the cuticlesurface is not covered with scales orverrucosities. Inthe Harpirhynchinae there are certain areas withscales or verrucosities on idiosomal surface of thegenera AnhGlpyrhynchus, Trichorhynchiella, Harpy­I'hynchiella and Cypsharpirhynchlls. Within the ge­nus Harpyrhynchoides there are also similar struc­tures, but they are apparently secondary in origin.

Scales or verrucosities on cuticle absent - 0:scales and verrucosities on cuticle present -- I.

49. Propodosomal shield in female. In mostpredaceous forms of Cheyletidae, in all Harpyp­alpinae and in a number of genera in the Harpi­rhynchinae, the propodosomal shield is present. Itis completely absent in all Ophioptidae and in thegenera AnhaJpyr/zynchus, TrichorhynchielIa. Harp}'­rhynchiella, and Cypsharpirhynchus (Harpirhynch­inae). In females of the latter genus, there are onlyrudiments of this shield.

Propodosomal shield present - 0; propodo­somal shield absent or represented by there rudi­ments only - 1.

50. Hvsterosomal shield. In the Cheyletidae,the hysterosomal shield is present, but it is absentin all other parasitic families of the Cheyletoidea,including the Ophioptidae and Harpirhynchidae.

Hysterosomal shield present -- 0; hysterosom­al shield absent - I.

51. Position of male genitaI1illeI1ure (M GA).In predaceous forms of the Cheyletidae the MGAis situated terminally. It is positioned dorsally indifferent parasitic forms of this family. In allHarpypalpinae and in some genera of the Harpi­rhynchinae (Halpyrhynchoides. Perhalpyrhynchus,Rallihmpirhyllchlls) the MGA is situated dorsally,namely in the posterior part of idiosorna. In allOphioptidae and in males of the genus Nehmpy­rhynchus, in the genus HW'lJirhYllchlls it is situateddorsally in the middle part of idiosoma. In thegenera lv!etharpyl'hynchus, Anhmpyrhynchus. C);p­s/zarpirhynchlls and Hmpyrhynchiella the MGA issituated at the "base of the gnathosoma.

MGA situated terminally or in () posterior pelltof idiosoma - 0; MGA situated at base of gnath­osoma - 1.

52. Vulva. In the Cheyletidae, Ophioptidae andHarpypalpinae the vulva is simple, slit-like, withoutadditional structures except genital setae. The an­terior end of vulva in Harpirhynchinae has apocket-like structure.

Vulva without a pocket-like structure - 0;vulva with a pocket-like structure anteriorly - 1.

53. Sclerotized structures near the vulva. InCheyletidae and Harpirhynchinae, there are no anysclerotized structures near the vulva. It is surround­ed by the sclerotized ring, crescent, or lies on asmall plate in the Ophioptidae and Harpypalpinae.

Vulva free - 0; vulva surrounded by a sclero­tized ring, crescent, or lies on a small plate - I.

54. Length ofvulvaI' slit. In the Cheyletidae andespecially in the Ophioptidae and Harpypalpinaethe vulvar aperture is slit-like and short. In theHarpirhynchinae it is relatively long, but only intwo genera, Anharpyrhynchlls and Tric/zorhynchiel­la, it is extremely long and the anterior end of thevulvaI' slit extends to the level of legs 1I, while theposterior end reachs the terminus.

Vulvar slit about one third ofidiosomallength orless - 0; vulvar slit about a half of idiosoma - 1.

55. Ventral sclerotized crescent of opisthosoma{SC) in males. In males of the Cheyletidae, Ophi­optidae and Harpirhynchinae the opisthosomalventer has no SC, while in the Harpypalpinae seis present.

Opisthosomal venter of male without SC - 0:opisthosomal venter of male with SC _.- I.

56. Length of setae el. In the Cheyletidae thesetae el are always absent. In Harpirhynchidae thesesetae are present. but represented by microchaeta.In the Ophioptidae these setae are well developed,and they are slightly shorter than other idiosomalsetae. We believe that the well developed setae el arethe ancestral character state.


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Phylogeny of the Harpirhynchid mite

Setae el well developed - 0; setae el arerepresented by microchaetae - I.

57. Shape of setae el. In the Harpirhynchinaeand in most Ophioptidae the seta el has a singleapex. In the Harpypalpinae this seta has two apices.

Seta el with a single apex - 0; seta el with twoapices -- I.

58. Position of setae sei in relation to setae vi,ve in females. In most Cheyletidae females, in al1Ophioptidae and Harpirhynchinae the setae sci areadjacent to the setae vi, ve. In females of theHarpypalpinae, the setae sei are situated posteriadto setae vi, ve, behind the level of leg If bases.

Setae sei offemale is adjacent to setae vi and ve- 0; setae sei of female situated posterior to setaevi and ve - I.

59. Position of setae vi. ve in females. In thefamilies Cheyletidae, Ophioptidae, Harpypalpinae,and in most Harpirhynchinae the setae vi, ve aresituated dorsally. In two genera of the Harpirhynch­inae (lv[ethaJpyrhynchus and NehaJpyrhynehus) , thesesetae are situated ventrally, together with setae sci.

Setae vi, ve situated dorsally - 0; setae vi, vesituated ventrally - I.

60. Form of setae vi. ve in males. In theprimitive Cheyletidae the setae vi, ve are commonlyhair-like in shape; in the Ophioptidae and Harpi­rhynchinae these setae are hair-like. In the Harpyp­alpinae the setae vi and ve are small and resemblea spear tip in shape.

Setae vi, ve hair-like - 0; setae vi, ve small,resembling a spear tip - I.

61. Setae sce, h in females. In the Cheyletidae,Harpypalpinae and usually in the Harpirhynchinaethe setae sce, h are well developed. In some generaof the Harpirhynchinae (MethaJpyrhynchus andNehmpyrhynchus) these setae are very short orcompletely absent, as in Hmpyrhynchiella.

Setae sce, h well developed in female - 0; setaesce, h of female short or absent - 1.

62. Setae of d and I series. In the Cheyletidae,Ophioptidae and HarpypaIpinae, the setae of the dand I series are present, in the Harpirhynchinaethese setae are absent, except the setae 15.

Setae of series d and I present - 0; setae ofseries d and I absent - I.

63. Position of setae cl I. 11. In most Cheyleti­dae and in all Harpypalpinae the setae cl I, /1 aresituated posteriad to propodosomal setae (vi, ve, sci,sce). In the Harpirhynchinae these setae are absent.In the Ophioptidae the setae d I, 1I located moreclosely to propodosomal setae.

Setae d1, /1 remote from propodosomal setae- 0; setae d I, /1 close to propodosomal setae - I.

64. Position of setae 15 in female. In theCheyletidae the setae 15 are situated dorsally orterminally. In the Harpirhynchinae these setae aredisposed dorsally, while in the Harpypalpinae andOphioptidae they are situated ventrally.

Setae 15 situated dorsally or terminally - 0;setae 15 situated ventrally - I.


65. Setae dJ. IJ. In the Cheyletidae and Ophi-­optidae the setae dJ and IJ are present, while in theHarpirhynchinae all setae ofd and I series are absent.In the Harpypalpinae the setae dJ, 13 are absent.

Setae dJ, 13 present -- 0; setae dJ, 13 absent - 1.66. Setae ic 1 in female. In the Cheyletidae,

Ophioptidae, Harpypalpinae and in most Harpi­rhynchinae the seta ic 1 is present. In the generaMethGlpyrhynchus, HGlpyrhynch iella and CypshaJp­irhynchus this seta is absent.

Setae ic1 present - 0; setae ic 1 absent - I.67. Seta ic3. In the Cheyletidae, Ophioptidae

and Harpypalpinae and in most Harpirhynchinaethe setae ic3 are present. In the genera HaJpirhyn­chus, Afethmpyrhynchlls, Harpyrhynchiella and Cyp­shmpirhynchus these setae are absent in both sexes;in the Trichorhynchiella these setae are absent infemale (male is unknown for this genus). In thegenus PerhGlpyrhynchlls the setae ic3 are also ab­sent, but we consider that it is the result ofpedomorphosis in this genus (as it was alreadydiscussed for the character 21). Therefore we con­sider this character in the genus PerhGlpyrhynchusas a plesiomorphic condition.

Setae ic3 present - 0; setae ic3 absent - 1.68. Setae ic4. In the Cheyletidae and Ophiopt­

inae the setae ic4 are present, while in the Harpi­rhynchidae ic4 are absent.

Setae ic4 present - 0; setae ic4 absent - I.69. Form of setae id. In the Cheyletidae and

Harpirhynchidae, the setae id are hair-like, and inthe Ophioptidae this setae are thick, tlnger-like.

Setae id hair-like - 0; setae ic3 thick tinge1'­

like - I.70. Setae pg in females. In the Cheyletidae,

Harpypalpinae and many genera of Harpirhynchi­nae the setae pg are present. In several genera ofHarpirhynchinae (Hm1Jirhynclllls, NehOlpyrhynchus,},;[ethaJpyrhynchus, RallihGlpirhynchus) and in theOphioptidae these setae are absent.

Setae pg present - 0; setae pg absent -- I.71. Setae [ in female. In females of the

Cheyletidae, Ophioptidae and Harpypalpinae thesetae g are present. In the Harpirhynchinae thesetae g are absent.

Setae g present -_. 0; setae g absent - I.n. Form ofsetae g in female. In females of the

Cheyletidae the setae g are hair--like, whilst in theHarpirhynchinae they are absent. In the Harpyp­alpinae and Ophioptidae the setae g are representedby microchaetae with bases being sunk into thecuticle.

Setae g hair-like - 0; setae gas microchaetaewith sunk bases -- I.

73. Number of setae g in male (probably,together with anal setae). In male of the Cheyleti­dae five pairs of genito-anal setae are present,comparing to only four pairs of setae in theOphioptidae (males are known only for the genusOphioptes). In the Harpirhynchidae only two orthree pairs of setae g present.

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A.Y. Bochkov, S.Y. Mironov, A. Fain

Setae g 5-4 pairs - 0; setae g 3-2 pairs - 1.Immature instars (characters 74-84)

74. Legs. In immature instars of the Cheyleti­dae and Harpirhynchinae all legs are present. In theOphioptidae and Harpypalpinae the legs are com­pletely absent in all immature instal's.

Legs present - 0; legs completely absent - 1.75. Peritremes. In immature instal's of the

Cheyletidae and Harpirhynchinae the peritremesare present. In the Ophioptidae and Harpypalpinaethe peritremes are absent.

Peritremes present - 0; peritremes absent - 1.76. Propodosomal shield. In immature instal's

of the Cheyletidae and Harpirhynchinae the propo­dosomal shield is present, and only in the Ophiopt­idae and Harpypalpinae the propodosomal shield isabsent.

Propodosomal shield present - 0; propodo­somal shield absent - I.

77. Anus. In immature instars of the Cheyleti­dae and Harpirhynchinae the anus is opened, whilein the Ophioptidae and Harpypalpinae there are noany remnants of the anus on a cuticle surface.

Anus present - 0; anus absent - 1.78. Setae PE and pts in teleonvmph. In the

teleonymph of the Cheyletidae and Harpirhynchi­nae the setae PE and pts are present. In theOphioptidae and Harpypalpinae these setae areabsent.

Setae PE, pts of teleonymph present - 0; setaePE, pts of teleonymph absent - 1.

79. Form of setae PA. In immature instal'S ofthe Harpirhynchinae the setae PA are narrow,comb-like, in the Ophioptidae and Harpypalpinaethese setae are wide, comb-like.

Seta PA narrow, comb-like - 0; seta PA Wide,comb-like - 1.

80. Form of setae ITS. In the Cheyletidae thesetae ITS are hair-like in immature instal'S. InHarpirhynchinae and Harpypalpinae this seta issame as in adults (character 12). In Ophioptidae thesetae 1ST are wide, comb-like, with numerousanterior teeth.

Setae ITS hair-like - 0; setae ITS finger-like- 1; setae ITS harpoon-like - 2; setae ITS widecomb-like - 3.

81. Seta rp in teleonvmph. In the Cheyletidaeand Harpirhynchidae the seta rp is present. In theOphioptidae it is absent.

Seta rp present - 0; seta rp absent - 1.82. Setae vi. ve. In immature instal'S of the

Cheyletidae and Harpirhynchinae the setae vi, veare present. In the Ophioptidae and Harpypalpinaethe setae vi, ve are absent.

Setae vi, ve present - 0; setae vi, ve absent - 1.83. Position ofsetae sce. In immature instal's of

the Cheyletidae and Harpirhynchinae the setae sceare situated dorsally. In the Ophioptidae and Har­pypalpinae they are disposed ventrally.

Setae sce situated dorsally - 0; setae scesituated ventrally - 1.


84. Position ofsetae d 1. d2. In immature instal'Sof the Cheyletidae and Harpypalpinae the setae dJ,d2 are situated dorsally. In Ophioptidae the setaed1, d2 are situated ventrally. In Harpirhynchinaethese setae are absent.

Setae d1, d2situated dorsally - 0; setae dJ, d2situated ventrally - 1.


The first step in the cladistic analysis, thedeveloping ofthe preliminary cladogram, was basedon 84 characters (Table I); all characters were notordered. The single tree has been obtained with thefollowing general indices: length 113 steps, consist­ency index (Cl) 0.798, homoplasy index (HI) 0.204(Fig. 2).

Two general clusters are well recognized withinthis tree. The first cluster includes all representa­tives of the subfamily Harpirhynchinae, the secondincorporates the subfamily Harpypalpinae and thefamily Ophioptidae. The monophyly of the branchHarpirhynchidae - Ophioptidae within the Chey­letoidea is supported quite well, because it is basedon 11 clear synapomorphies. Five of them arerepresented by reductions of respective structuresand therefore their homoplasy could not be com­pletely excluded: setae I'd absent (character 17),solenidion on tibia I and genu I absent (36, 37),coxae weakly sclerotized, except areas along epimeresand epimerites (28), hysterosomal shield absent(50). Six other synapomorphies are clearly evolvedcharacter states: free hypostome (3), strongly scle­rotized pharyngeal bulb (4), junction of palpaltrochanter, femur and genu (5), three comb- orfinger-like modified setae in palps (8), the presenceof inner modified setae in palpal tibia (12), shape ofseta ITS (80).

Despite some of these character states occur inother parasitic families of the Cheyletoidea, thepalpal structure in the families Harpirhynchidae ­Ophioptidae is unique (characters 5, 6, 12). Themost intrigueing thing in the cladogram obtained isthe relegation of the Harpypalpinae and Ophiopt­idae in the second general cluster. The uniting ofthese two groups in this cluster is suppOlted by 15synapomorphies. Derived state of seven charactersare reductions of certain structures: setae pts absent(character 14), legs of immature instars completelyabsent (74), peritremes in immature instal'S absent(75), propodosomal shield in immature instal'Sabsent (76), anus in immature instal'S absent (77),setae PE, pts in teleonymph absent (78), setae vi, vein immature instal'S absent (82). 8 other states areobviously evolved modifications of morphologicalstructures: harpoon-like inner setae of palpal tibia(12), seta rp situated at the same transversal line asra (19), ambulacrum in all legs with a cup-likeprotrusion (25), the vulva is surrounded by sclero­tized ring, crescent, or situated on a small plate(53), setae /5 situated ventrally (64), setae g infemale are represented by microchaetae (72), seta

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Phylogeny of the Harpirhynchid mite











156 57 58 60 65 7380 Halpypalpoides

Jr----- Ophioptes1 6 7 11 13 15 16 2~

262733343841 '--.---Ajraphioptes4749 63 68 69 707179 8081 84

757677 78 82 83

2 10 1112222931 4041 67

5256626871 73


80 .70 -


172836 23243750 2124

~46- ~L18233943 .L66679

L.. ~ 35 42 44 54 1

_ 1214192553647274 2102930313255 _I

Fig. 2. Cladogram of the Harpirhynchidae based on all characters. PAUP 3.0s (DELTRAN): tree 1, length 122 steps, Cl = 0.804,HI = 0.196.PIlC. 2. KJla.uorpaMMa Harpirhynchidae, OCHOBaHHa51 Ha Bcex rrpH3HaKax. PAUP 3.0s (DELTRAN): I .uepeBo, .uJlllHa 122 wara,Cl = 0.804, HI = 0.196.

PA wide comb-like (79), setae see in immatureinstars situated ventrally (83).

Moss and Lombelt [1983] admitted the possi­bility of the independent loss of legs in immatureinstars of Harpypalpinae and Ophioptidae. If weaccept this suggestion, it is also possible to suggestthat the transition of dorsal hysterosomal setae tothe ventral side of the body, and the reduction ofperitremes and reduction of anus depend upon thereduction oflegs Le., these characters correlate withthe reduction oflegs. However there is a number ofcharacters, which unite the Harpypalpinae andOphioptidae, but do not obviously correlate withthe reduction of legs. Naturally, some of thesecharacters could appear convergently, but it isdifficult to suggest a convergent origin of all thesedifferent characters.

At the same time, only five characters, whichare present in Ophioptidae in a plesiol110rphic state,are represented in Harpirhynchinae and Harpyp­alpinae by apomorphic states.

The character 2 (peritremes being segmentedonly in lateral ends) in Harpirhynchinae and Har­pypalpinae is more primitive state in relation toOphioptidae, in which the perithremes are com­pletely reduced. For other evolved character states- 10 (setae PA, PI, PE situated together on theapex ofa palp), 16 (shape of seta sex), 29 (epimeresweakly developed or absent), 73 (2-3 pairs of setaeg in male) - there is a high probability of theirindependent origin. Besides, the polarity of thecharacter 10 is doubtful. It is possible that theseparated position of setae PE from setae PI, PA isnot a plesiomorphy but rather an apomorphy ofHarpirhynchinae and Harpypalpinae.

Based on these conclusions we have includedthe Ophioptidae into the family Harpirhynchidae asa taxon of a subfamilial rank in the consequentdiscussion. The monophylies of the subfamiliesHarpirhynchinae, Harpypalpinae, and Ophiopti­nae are strongly supported by 17, 16, and 24synapomorphies, respectively.


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AY. Bochkov, S.Y. Mironov, A Fain

As for relationships between genera of thesubfamily Harpirhynchinae, three generic group arewell recognized in the cluster of this subfamily. Thegroup Neharpyrhynch lIS- MethQipyrhyn ch LIS is markedhy three synapomorphies: idiosoma elongated, sac­ciform (character 45), setae vi) ve in female situatedventrally (59), setae sce. h in female short or absent(61). The group Hal]Jyrhynchiella-Cypsharpirhyn­chus is suppOJied by 8 synapomorphies: setae PEabsent (character 9), setae pts absent (14), setae rpabsent (18), legs III - IV in female without whip­like setae (23), setae on coxa I absent (39), propo­dosoma in female with lateral lobes (43), setae iclabsent (66), setae id absent (67). The groupAnhaJpyrhynchus- Trichorh)'nchiella is marked byfour synapomorphies: apical segment of leg IV infemale with 10 or more setae (character 35),gnathosoma and legs I in female situated dorsally(42), opisthosoma in female with lateral lobes (44),length of vulvar sI it is two times shorter thanidiosoma (54). All these characters, except thecharacters 45, are quite reliable at this taxonomiclevel.

However certain intermedial nodes in this partof cladogram are supported by a lesser number ofs~)napomorphiesor some synapomorphies that seemto be doubtful. All harpirhynchine genera, excepttwo pIesions (Perharpyrhynchus and Harpyrhyn­ch 0 ides) are joined into one cluster by a singlesynapomorphy 70 (setae pg in females absent). Thisderived character state could be developed inde­pendently. Moreover, according to the obtainedcladogram this character undergoes a reversion,namely in the node joining the genera AnhQi]Jyrhyn­chus) Trichorhynchiella, HQipyrhynchiella, CypshclIp­irhynchus that is quite doubtful in cases of setareductions.

The node joining the genera Neharpyrhynchus-- Trichorhynchiella is marked by two synapomor­phies: legs I, II in female reduced (character 21) andpretarsus and tarsus oflegs I, IT fused in female (24).These character states are observed in mites livinginside cysts. They apparently developed independ­ently resulting from a very special life manner ofmites and perhaps have no high taxonomic weight.Similar conclusion could be made for the characters45, 46 (shape of female idiosoma).

More complicated problem is a phylogeneticvalue ofsynapomorphies in the node HQipyrhynchiel­la - Tricharhynchic11a: scales and verrucosities infemale cuticle (character 48), propodosomal shieldin female is rudimentary or absent (49), malegenital aperture situated dorsally near basis ofgnathosoma (51). The character 48 varies withinsome genera, for example in the HQlpyrhynchoides.The position of male genital aperture (51) as itdiscussed above in the paragraph «Materials,) is alsoa character of low taxonomic value.

Therefore the cluster carrying the genera An­halpyrhynchus, Trichorhynchiella) Halpyrhynchiel­la) CypshQlpirhynchus is probably heterogeneous. It


apparently unites different harpirhynchine mitesadapted for living in cysts. These mites are charac­terized by the wide idiosoma, reductions of shieldsand idiosomal setae, and male genital apeliuremoved forwards. The latter character state oftenoccurs in different groups of parasitic Prostigmata.We consider that this generic group is a morpholog­ical type, but not a true phylogenetic line.

Based on the discussion above we suggestedthat characters 21,24,45,46,48,49,51,67,70marking some doubtful nodes, could be excl uded atthe second step of the phylogenetic analysis. Be­sides, we have excluded the characters I1 (shape ofseta PI) and 67 (setae id absent), which whendisplayed manfests a homoplasy (Fig. 2).

At the second step of the analysis all the restcharacters were considered as ordered characters.Single tree was obtained with the following generalindices: length 92, Cl 0.848, HI 0.152 (Fig. 3). Thistree demonstrates more polytomies thall the previ­ous one does (Fig. 2), however according to ouropinion it better represents the ph)rlogenetic rela­tionships within the Harpirhynchidae at the recentstate of knowledge.

The structure oftbe consensus cladogram (Fig3) does not allow to recognize all generic groupswhich could completely correspond to the tribesproposed by Fain [1972]. The genera MethQ/1J.\·­rhynchus and Nehalpyrhynchus could comprise thetribe Metharpyrhynchini, and the genus Perhml1Y­rhYllchuscould represent the tribe Perharpyrbynchini. However, the acceptance of this taxonomicresolution logically demands erecting of all othelgeneric groups to a tribe level. In this case thesubfamily Harpirhynchinae would consist tribes,three of which would a single genus.

We believe that subsequent studies in theHarpirhynchidae and discoveries of new generawould confirm the pertinency of these tribes. At thepresent stage of investigation we suggest to recog­nize 6 generic groups within the subfamily Harpi­rhynchinae: Hmpirhynchllsgroup (l genus), HQljJY­rhynchaides group (1 genus), PerhQijJ)'rhYIlch LIS group(1 genus, = Perharpyrhynchini), MethQ/jJyrh)'nchllsgroup (MethQ/pyrhyllchus and Neh aJ]Jyrhynch us,partly = Metharpyrhynchini), AllhQ/pyrhynchllsgroup (Anhmpyrhynchus and Trichorhynchiel1a) ,Hmpyrhynchie11a group (Ra11ihQlpirhynchus, Har­pyrhynchiella and CypshQ/pirhynchus).

It is also necessary to note that the taxonomica}interpretation of the obtained cladogram has asignificai1t similarity to the numerical classificationproposed by Moss and Wojcik [1978]. Speciesgroups recognized by these authors correspond tocertain genera described by Fain [1972, 1995] andsome generic groups recognized in the presentstudy. Thus the «agapornis>-' group corresponds toHQipyrhynchoides, «porphyria» group -- to Ra11i­hmpirhynchlls, <<jacana» group - to PerhmjJyrhyn­chus, «/J10IlstraSIlS» group -- to AllhQ/]JyrhYllchus,«sqllamijerus» group -- to Neha!1J)'rhYllchlls, «nidu-

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Phylogeny of the Harpirhynchid mite










156 57 58606573 Harpypalpoides

J Ophioptes;:;71i31i41~8~1 '-- Afraphioptes4763 6869 71 79

8081 84

75 7677 78 80 82 83


I71 73I 5961

I1345812 17 28

[ 9141839 4366~363750




_ 12 14 19 25 53 64 72 74 210293031 3255 _I

Fig. 3. Cladogram of the Harpirhynchidae, characters 11, 21, 24,45,46,48.49.51,67.70 excluded. PAUP 3.0s (DELTRAN):tree I, length 91 steps, Cl = 0.857, HI = 0.143PllC. 3. l<"laLlOrpaM~ta Harpirhynchidae, np1l3HaKll 11, 21, 24, 45, 46. 48, 49, 5 I. 67, 70 llCKJllOlJeHbl. PAUP 3.0s (DELTRAN):1 llepCBO. llJlHHa 91 war, Cl = 0.857, HI = 0.143.

fans» group - to Harpirhynch us, «reductus» group- to Harpyrhynchie//a and Cypshmpirhynchus.


According to our analysis three subfamilies canbe recognized within the family Harpirhynchidae.The subt11111ily Harpirhynchinae includes parasitesdwelling on a skin surface, in feather follicles, andsometimes producing cysts; these mites occur onbirds of different orders [Moss, 1979; Fain, 1994a,1995]. The Harpypalpinae includes parasitic mitesforming cysts in a skin layer which associatedexclusively with passeriform birds (Aves: Passeri­formes) [Moss, 1979; Lombert, Moss, 1983]. Mitesof the subfamily Ophioptinae occur under scales oftwo «higher» snake families, Co1ubridae and Elap­idae [Southscott, 1956; Fain, 1964; Beron, 1974;Lizaso, 1981].

Mites of all subfamilies obtain a unique com­plex of synapomorphies in the gnathosoma struc­ture, that have been developed in the result of

parasite mode of life. Therefore it seems ratherdoubtful to suppose that each subfamily had anindependent origin from the predatOlY cheyletoid­like ancestors, as it was suggested by Moss [1979] inrelation to the subfamilies Harpirhynchinae andHarpypalpinae. As far as this author considered theHarpirhynchidae as a monophyletic taxon, he prob­ably accepted a concept of a wide monophyly. Inour opinion similar characters in three subfamiliesof the Harpirhynchidae could not originate inde­pendently. Apparently these features have beeninherited from a common cheyletoid-like ancestor,which developed a parasitic mode of life.

Within the family, the subfamilies Harpypalpi­nae and Ophioptinae are the sister groups in relationto the Harpirhynchinae. Numerous synapomor­phies uniting these two taxa also prove that two firstsubfamilies had a common ancestor. As it can bedrawn out of the phylogenetic hypothesis (Fig. 3),such features as the absence oflegs, peIitremes andanus, the development of unique similarities in theidiosomal chaetotaxy pattern in immature instars,


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AY. BochkoY, S.Y. Mironoy, A Fain

as well as the development of some apomorphies inadults, have been developed in a common ancestorof mites of these subfamilies.

If we admit the independent reduction of legsin immature instal's in the Harpypalpinae andOphioptinae as it was suggested [Lombert, Moss,1983], it is diftlcult to imagine an independentorigin of all other synapomorphies, even if some ofthem are partly correlated.

At present only two hypotheses could be pro­posed to explain the origin and evolution of the hostparasite-relationship within the Harpirhynchidae.

According to a first hypothesis, some cheylet­oid-like predatory ancestor had started its ectopar­asite mode of life on a common ancestor of birdsand reptiles. On these ancestors the harpirhynchidmites have splitted into two main phyletic branches.One branch had lead to the Harpirhynchinae, theother branch had given rize to the origin of theancestor of the harpypalpine and ophioptine mites.The mites of both branches have evolved in 2parallel lines represented in the present time onbirds by the mite subfamilies Harpirhynchinae andHarpypalpinae, respectively. On the reptiles onlymites of the second branch have survived. Nowa­days they are represented by the Ophioptinae.Representatives of the harpirhynchine branch hadapparently been extinct yet on ancestors of reptil:s.The possible reason for this extinction is probaolythe peculiarities of the moulting process in reptiles.These animals loose entire external dermal layer orlarge pieces of it [Landmann, 1984]. Slowly movingharpirhynchine mites probably could not survive insuch condition's.

This hypothesis has two restrictions. It cannotexplain clearly why the Harpypalpinae are presenton Passeriformes only and are absent from all otherbird orders, and also why the Ophioptinae areassociated only with higher snakes of the familiesColubridae and Elapidae and are absent from othersnake families and the lizards. It could be expectedhowever that the representatives of the latter sub­family occLlr on some other snakes and lizards.

According to a second hypothesis, the mites ofthe family Harpirhynchidae were formed only on acommon ancestor of birds, which probably hadappeared in the upper Jura [Kurochkin, 1993].Later origin of this mite group already on certainbird orders and subsequent migrations onto otherbird orders seems quite doubtful. Recent Harpiry­hchidae are widely distributed on birds of differentorders (Table 2).

As it was mentioned above, the Harpypalpinaeare associated exclusively with the Passeriformes. Inthe frames of the second hypothesis it is possible tosuggest that ancestors of the Harpypalpinae-Ophi­optinae branch were originally associated with thebird phylum that gave the origin to Passeriformes.Adult mites of the Harpypalpinae are more similarto the ancestral forms than the representatives oftheHarpirhynchinae. It is expressed not only in the

structure oflegs, but in the idiosomal chaetotaxy, aswell. Moss [1979] stressed that in general the adultmites of the subfamily Harpypalpinae are moreprimitive by their morphological features. It lookslike a paradox that the mites of more primitivesubfamily are associated with the highly evolvedhosts. On the contrary, the immature instal's of theHarpypalpinae are highly derived in their morphol­ogy, because they have lost legs and are character­ized by a quite specialized idiosomal chaetotaxy.Apparently in this case we have here two principallydifferent pathways in the morphological evolutionof mites of these subfamilies [Lombett, Moss,1983]. In the Harpirhynchinae the progressivecharacters are represented in adults, whilst in theHarpypalpinae and Ophioptinae they are developedin immatures.

Relationships of Passeriformes with the higherNeornithes are not clear [Kurochkin, 1993]. It ispossible that this order represents some earlierseparated branch. Certain parasitological data sup­port the hypothesis of the early origin of Passeri­formes. Thus, the rather archaic representatives ofthe families Rhinonyssidae (Mesostigmata) andEreynetidae (Prostigmata) are associated with Pas­seriformes [Moss, 1979]. The feather mite familyProctophyllodidae (Astigmata) restricted to thepasserines is one of most evolved feather mitefamilies but is also characterized by certain archaicfeatures [Mironov, 1998]. Ifone admits the hypoth­esis of earlier origin of Passeriformes the separatephylogenetic position of the Harpypalpinae couldbe easily explained by their coevolution with thepasserines.

The next key point ofa second hypothesis is anidea of the secondary migration of mites belongingto the Harpypalpinae - Ophioptinae branch frombirds onto the snakes. The possibility of this hostshift was originally proposed by J.Kethley [after:Lombert, Moss, 1983]. Certain snakes feed onnestlings and adult birds. Most of these preys aresmall passerine birds. Recent subfamily Ophiopti­nae is associated exclusively with Colubridae andElapidae [Fain, 1964]. These two snake families areclosely related and represent a group of highersnakes [Rieppel, 1988]. So, it is possible to suggest,that the ancestor of the Ophioptinae migrated fromsome ancestral passerines onto the common ances­tor of these families of snakes.

It was found out that mites of subfamilyOphioptinae are situated on the skin surface, ormake only little caves under scales, but neverproduce any subcutaneous capsules in the skin(observations made during the of present study). Itis possible to suggest that this is the ancestral modeof location of the haprirhynchid mites and it wastypical for the ancestors of the family.

On the contrary, the representatives of theHarpypalpinae form cysts in a skin of recentpasserines [Moss, 1979; Lombert, Moss, 1983].Therefore the Harpypalpinae obtain more derived


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Phylogeny of the Harpirhynchid mite

Table 2. Distribution on the bird taxa of the harpirhynchin and harpypalpin generaTa6JIJ1Ua 2. DnlULI - X0351eBa KJ1eweti nOD.ceJ\'leticTB Harpirhynchinae 11 Harpypalpinae


Mite genus




Perha Ipyrhynchlls


Ha lpyrhynch iella




Halpyrhynch oides


Halpypa Ipoi des

Host family

Fringillidae, Icteridae, Corvidae, Alaudidae,Sylviidae

Ploce idae, Fringillidae, Muscicapidae,Certhiidae, Paridae, Emberizidae, Troglodytidae,

Sturnidae, Aegithalidae


Sylviidae, Plocei dae, Estrildidae


Jacanidae, Recurvirostridae




Corvidae, Meliphagidae





Acci pi tridae

Ciconiidae, Ardeidae


Tytonidae, Strigidae


Alaudidae, Emberizi dae, Muscicapidae,Fringillidae, Corvidae




Ploceidae, Trogloditidae, Paridae, Corvidae,Eurylamiidae, Turdidae, Fringillidae,

Embe riz idae

Sturnidae, Hirundinidae, Emberizidae


Host order




Passe rifo rmes







Passe rifo rmes


Charadri ifo rmes

Co lumb ifo rme s












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AY. Bochkov, S.Y. Mironov, A Fain

characters in idiosomal and leg chaetotaxy compar­ing to the Ophioptinae. Thus, in the Ophioptinaethe tarsus I bears 10 setae, setae ef are welldeveloped, setae dJ} fJ are always present, andgenital shield of male bears 4 pairs of setae; in theHarpypaJpinae tarsus I with 8 setae only, setae et areweakly developed, setae dJ, fJ are absent, andgenital shield of male with 3 pairs of setae.

Based on the facts listed above, we suggest thata second hypothesis is more reliable, because itneeds less assumptions. Surely, this hypothesisleaves some problems unsolved. For example, if theancestors of Harpypalpinae-Ophioptinae could suc­cessfully migrate onto such far related hosts as thesnakes, why they could not migrate onto differentbirds of prey (Falconiformes, Strigiformes). It alsocould not explain, why the harpypalpine mites hadbegun to produce intracutaneous cysts, while theophioptin mites did not develop this feature.

Host Associations of the HarpirhynchinaeAmong 27 recent orders of birds lHoward,

Moore, 1991] the mites of the family Harpirhynchi­dae are recorded from the representatives of 16 birdorders [Moss, 1979]. However the latter author usedfor the analysis a certain number of undescribedspecies deposited in his collection. Since that timenone of these species was described. Therefore weIIse in the present work only the data on host­parasite associations based on really described rep­resentatives of the subfamily.

All recent orders of birds could be grouped intothree groups [Kurochkin, 1993]. The Palaeornithesincludes Struthioniformes, Ralliformes, Tinami­formes. Casuariiformes and Apterygiformes. TheHarpirhynchinae are not known from these orders.The second group, Paraneornithes, includes onlythe Galliformes and Anseriformes. As it is shown inrable 2. only the genus Harpyrhynchoides is associ­~lted with both orders. The third group, Neornithes,comprises 20 orders, among them the harpirhynch­ine mites are recorded from birds of 12 orders[Fritsch, 1954; Moss, 1979; Fain, 199421, 1995].

The mites of the most archaic genus Harpy­I'hync!loides can be found on the representatives ofall 12 orders. They are known both from such aderived order as Passeriformes and the archaicorders Galliformes and Anseriformes. A wide distri­bution of this genus among the host orders isprobably a result of its early origin, as it is shown inthe cladogram (Fig. 3). Perhaps the ancestor of this:trchaic genus had appeared even on a commonancestor of Paraneornithes and Neornithes.

The genus Harpyrhynchoides includes 30 spe­cies. Fain [1994] separated them into two groups,A and B, based on one character only (one or twofree segments in a leg III in females). This genussplitting up is useful only for the species identifica­tion but cannot be supported by our results ofanalysis of the genus structure.


According to Moss [1979], the number ofharpirhynchine mite species really existing in theworld could exceed 2.5 thousands. Therefore ouranalysis ofthe genus structure and associations of itsmembers with bird taxa could be considered as apreliminary one. An attempt to recognize certainspecies groups was based on 11 characters (Table 3).In general these characters have a mosaic distribu-·tion and do not correlate with one another. How-­ever the most primitive species, with relatively fullset of leg and body chaetotaxy are clearly restrictedto the Galliformes (Table 3). Despite their generalprimitive chaetotaxy, these species bear only 2 setaeon genua 1--II whilst other species of the genus have3-4 setae.

Mites associated with Galliformes representthe «coturnix» species group. Most evolved speciesof the genus are associated mainly with Passe ri­formes. They comprise the «zumpti» species group.Most morphological characters of this group areobviously represented by derived states (Table 3).The only exception in this group both in chaetotaxyand host associations is H.anatllll1 Fain, 1976known from Anseriformes; females of this specieshas not setae pg.

The group associated with the Psittaciformes isheterogeneous in their morphological features andapparently includes several groups. However, themorphological similarity between species associat­ed with parrots from certain geographical region,Africa, Asia or South America is manifested. Thegroup restricted to pigeons and doves (the familyColumbiformes) is also heterogeneous. Mites fromother orders of birds are represented by 1-2 speciesonly.

The genera Neharpyhynchl/s and 1'vferhmpy­rhynchl/s are distributed on two bird's orders. Thecommon host order for both these genera is thePasseriformes. Besides, this host group, Neharpy­hync!llls occurs on the hummingbirds (Apodiformes:Trochilidae), and Merh arpyrh)'nch liS - on the wood­peckers (Piciformes: Picidae).

Other 7 genera are represented by a few speciesand each genus is restricted to a certain bird order(Table 2). Three of them (Harpirhynchl/s. Anharpy­rhynchlls and Trichorhynchieffa) are the specificparasites of the Passeriformes. Two genera (Cyp­sharphirhynchlls, Harphyrhynchieffa) are restrictedto the swifts (Apodiformes: Apodidae). Both generaliving on swifts and the genera Anharpyrhync!lus,Trichorhynchieffa living on passerines are the mostevolved genera by their morphological features.

Host associations of the subfamily HarpypalpinaeRepresentatives of both genera of the Harpyp­

alpinae are distributed on 10 families of Passeri­formes (Table 2) [Fritsch, 1954; Moss, 1979; Lamb­ert, Moss, 1983; Fain et al., in press]. All thesespecies are associated with the higher passerines ofthe suborder Oscines. Probably the biodiversity of

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Phylogeny ~f the Harpirhynchid mite

Table 3. Characters, host orders and geogni.fio~l distribution-'Qfinites6f the genus Hal'pyrh"y,i2/:loides 'Ta6JUlUa 3. ITpI13HaKI1, OTp51.ll X0351eB,rr pacnpocTpai-reHue KJIewej;{, po,Ua Harpyrhynch 0 id'es,

", "

Mite species Characters* , " ,Host order "Region


cotl/mix 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 GaLl-iformes Africq

nl/midae 0 ? ? 0 0 2 1 ? ,< ? 0 0 Gall ifoimes Afri,ea

alectod 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 ,Gall ifo rmes , Europe' '

capel/ae 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 o t 0 0 0 ,Charadri ifo rmes Europe

metropeliae 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Columbitormes S.America"

capitatus 0 1 0 ? ? 1 1 1 ? ? 0 Columbifonnes S:America ,,'

modestl/s 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 ~1 1 1 1 Columbiformes S.America

coxatl/S 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Columbiformes SAmerica

oenae 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 0 Columbiformes Africa

coll/mbae 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 . 1 1 1 Columbiformes Europe'.

tracheatl/s 0 ? ? 0 1 1 ? .? 1 .r 0 Falconiformes Europe

leptoptill/s 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 i 1 1 0 Ciconiiformes Africa

herodil/s 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 . I 1 0 0 Ciconiiformes Europe, N.America

kakatoe 0 ? 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Psittaciformes Australia

rosellacinl/s 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 0 Psittaciformes Australia

amazonae 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Psittaciformes S.America

lawrence 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Psittacifo rmes SAmerica.

1 ? ? 0 0 1 1 ? 0 1 0 Psittaciformes Africapsittaci

agapomis I 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 I 0 Psittaciformes Africa

psittacl//ae 0 1 2 0 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Psittaciformes Asia

sql/amOSl/s 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 Psittaciformes Asia

tyto 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Strigiformes Europe

asio ? 0 2 ? ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 Strigiformes Europe

anatl/m 1 ? ? 1 1 1 1 ? 0 1 0 Anseriformes Europe, Africa, Asia

zumpti 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 L 1 0 Passe rifo rmes Africa, S.America

rubecl/linl/s 1 ? ? 1 0 1 1 ? 1 1 0 Passeriformes Europe

parammpti 1 ? ? 1 0 1 1 ? 1 1 0 Passeriformes Europe

kirgizorum 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 Passe rifo rmes Asia

pectinifer 1 ? 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Piciformes Africa

vercammeni I ? ? ? 0 1 I ? 1 1 0 Cuculiformes Africa

cristagalli 1 ? ? 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Coliiformes Africa

*List of characters: l. in female, legs IV with 2 segments - 0, with 1 segment - 1; n. in male, setae vi serrate - 0, smooth - 1; male,distance g3-g3 longer than g2-g2 or g]-g]- 0, g ]-g] longer than g3-g3 or g2-g2 - I, position of setae g anothers - 2; female, setae pg present - 0, absent - 1; V. in female, setae /5 longer than 40 mkm - 0, shorter - 1; VI. genus I-II with 4 setae- 0, with 3 setae - 1, with 2 setae - 2; VII. femur I-II with 3 setae - 0, with 2 setae - I;VIII. in male, preapical segment of legIII with 2 setae - 0, with 1 seta - 1; IX. in female, preapical segment ofleg III with 2 setae - 0, with 1 seta - 1; X. in female, preapicalsegment of leg IV with seta - 0, without seta - 1; XI. scale on cuticle of idiosoma absent - 0, present - 1.


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A.V. Bochkov, S.v. Mironov, A. Fain

these genera that have become known quite recent­ly is still not well recovered for making a clearanalysis on their host-associations within Passeri­formes.

Host Associations of the Subfamily OphioptinaeAt present the subfamily includes 16 species

belonging to two genera Ophioptes (14 species) andAjrofJhioptes (2 species) [Fain, 1964, 1965; Beron,1974; Lizaso, 1981].Allofthemareassociatedwithsnakes ofthe families Colubridae and Elapidae. Thelist encompassing most of recently described spe­cies and their host associations was published byFain [1964]. Since this publication 4 new specieshave been described: i.e. O.machadoi Fain, 1965 exDispho/idlls typlls (Colubridae) from Angola;O.beshkovi Beron, 1974 ex CO/lIber najadlln (Colu­bridae) from Bulgaria; O.longipi/is Lizaso, 198 I,and O.brevipi/is Lizaso, 198 I from many snakespecies of the genera Oxyrhoplls, Chironills, Phi/o­drias. Mastigodrias, Leill1adophis, and Lygophis(Col­ubridae) from BrasiJ.

Within the genus Ophioptes Fain [1964] the«parkeri» species group was recognized. It included3 species which were characterized by the presenceof setae on femur Ill. We suppose, that 9 otherspecies could be referred to as the «sch0 II tedell i»species group. Two species described by Lizaso[1981] should be considered as insertae sedis withinthe Ophioptes, because their diagnoses are incom­plete.

Recently known genera and species groups ofthe Ophioptinae are clearly associated with certaingeographical groups of the hosts, whilst their asso­ciation with certain taxa ofsnakes are not observed.Perhaps it is caused by the poor state of knowledgeof the real biodiversity of the Ophioptinae.

Species of the «parkeri» group (Ophioptes) aredistributed on different Colubridae in South Amer­ica and Cuba. Species of the «scholltedeni,> groupoccur on different continents (Africa, Eurasia,North and South America) and parasitize bothColubridae and Elapidae. The genus Ajrophioptes isrestricted to the African Colubridae.

Host specificity of the HarpirhynchidaeThe range of host specificity in species of the

Harpirhynchidae is still a question. Based on theanalysis of publications and of our own data it ispossible to conclude that such well examinedspecies as Neharpyrhynchlls p/lImaris Fritsch, 1954,Anharpyrhynchus 1I10l1strosllS Fritsch, 1954, Harpyp­a/plls /ollgipes Fritsch, 1954, Ophioptesparkeri Sam­bon, 1928, are commonly associated with a certainhost family or closely related families [Fritsch,1954; Fain, 1964, 1995; Moss, 1979]. It is possiblethat some species of the Harpirhynchinae arerestricted to certain genus or even species. This isobserved, for example, in harpirhynchine speciesliving on Galliformes or in Hmpyrhynchoides rllbe­cll/inlls [Cernyet Sixl, 1971] from Erithaclls rllbec-


lI/a (Passeriformes: Turdidae) [Cerny, Sixl, 1971;Fain et. a!', in press].

It can be concluded, that harpyrhinchid speciesare oligoxenous parasites in general. Their hostspecificity is not as high as in Demodicidae [Nut·­ting, 1985], Psorergatidae [Giessen, 1990], andMyobiidae [Fain, 1994b; Bochkov, 1997]. Howev­er, even this rate of specificity is suitable enough torecognize traces of coevolutionmy relationships,based on general correlations of the phylogenetichypothesis [Kim, 1985].

As it is shown in the discussion, certain coin­cidence of the phylogenetic hypothesis for theHarpirhynchidae with the recent macrophyloge­netic concept for the birds displays traces of theircoevolutionary relationships. Concluding, we couldonly suppose that further studies of the harpi­rhynchid mite biodiversity, and host associations ofthis taxon would give numerous new data to pro..pose more clear and detailed pattern of coevolutionand discover possible host shift events during theevolution of this family.


This research is supported by the Russian Foun­dation for Basic Research, Grant N997-04--48977.


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