:pvs qbsuofs jo bewbodjoh nfejdbm dbsf · pr range: 35-250bpm pr accuracy: ±3bpm co2 brand:...

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Page 1: :PVS QBSUOFS JO BEWBODJOH NFEJDBM DBSF · PR Range: 35-250bpm PR Accuracy: ±3bpm CO2 Brand: Respironics Type: Mainstream or Sidestream Range: O • lSOmmHg Resolulion: EtC02: 1 mmHg









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Page 2: :PVS QBSUOFS JO BEWBODJOH NFEJDBM DBSF · PR Range: 35-250bpm PR Accuracy: ±3bpm CO2 Brand: Respironics Type: Mainstream or Sidestream Range: O • lSOmmHg Resolulion: EtC02: 1 mmHg

Portable . Versatile . Accurate

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Page 3: :PVS QBSUOFS JO BEWBODJOH NFEJDBM DBSF · PR Range: 35-250bpm PR Accuracy: ±3bpm CO2 Brand: Respironics Type: Mainstream or Sidestream Range: O • lSOmmHg Resolulion: EtC02: 1 mmHg

Safety & Certification ISO 13485 CE FDA (Expected 2019) ROHS NRTL USA and Canada

Dimension & Weight


Oim: Vartes dependingon model number. Weight: 5.5Ib (2.5kg)

Operating Environment Temperature Range: 41-104'f (5 • 40'()


C! 7


Relall"! Humidity Range: 30% • 85% (Non-condensed) Atomospllertc Pressure Range: 700-1060mbar (hPa)


Input voltage: IOOV-240V frequency: 50/60Hz Input power: 160VA

Performance Specifications Patient Applications: Adu!� Pedlalrtc and Neonale Oisplay: color TfT lCD I ouch screen Display Size: 8.4 in Display Resolution: 800x600 pixels Interface: parameter cable interface,

AC power input socke� nelW01k interface, Wrred and Wireless Connectivtly, USS socke� auxllfaryoutpu� inlerface (nu�calO

Trace: ECG, Sp02, RESP Sweep Speed: 12.5, 25, 50mm/s Alann Type:aud10and viSual Alann Adjustment high/middle/low limtt�

e""I recall Alann lndlcator:yellow & red A( Powerlndicalor. I green Battery Siatus Indicator. 1 green Audible Al.inn level: high/middle/low Audio Type: alann, touch, QRS, PR Battery: 11. lV 4400mAh Battery Type: lithium Ion Battery Time: 4 hOU'5 Trend Tlme:OneWeek Nelworklng: cenlral monit01ing system Printer: bullt•in thermalarraypnnler Printer Data: waveform & data table

3 Sided Alarm Lights l

· @\.


Printer Mode: manual/on alarm/ & time defined

Printer Speed: 12.5, 25, 50mm/s

ECG lead Type: 3•Iead (I, II, 111)

5•Iead (1, II, 1 11, a'llt aVl, aVF, V) Mode: diagnostlC/monitor/surge,y Wave Sweep Speed: 12.5, 25, 50mm/s ST Se<jment and Arrhythm� monitoring

Sp02 Sr and: NellcorDisplay: digital waveformRange: 0%· t00% Resolution: lbpm Accuracy: ±2% (70-100%)

±3% (50·69%) PR Range: 20·300bpm PR Accuracy: ±3bpm Alarm Settings: adjustable lower

and upper limit alarms

Sr and: lutechDisplay: digital waveformRange: 0%· 100% Resolution: lbpm Accuracy: ±2% (70-100%) PR Range: 25·250bpm PR Accuracy: ±2% Alarm Settings: adjustable lower

and upper limit alarms

Respiration Method: thorack impedance Range: 0 · 120r pm Accuracy: ±lrpm

NISP Method: automat,c oscill01netric Mode: manual/automati</continous Type: SYS/DIA/MEAN Auto Mode Time Adjustments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, IS, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180,240, 480min Unit: mmHg/l(pa selectable large: SYS: 40-270

DIA: 10-210 MEAN: 20·230


Easily spot the alarm no matter

where you are in the room.

100 ·o··

,-=o I IC

Medium: SYS: 40-200 DIA: 10-162 MEAN: 20-175

Small: SYS:40•130 DIA: 10·90 MEAN: 20· 100

Alarm Type: SYS/DIA/Mean Accuracy: ±SmmHg Pressure Range: 10-270mrrllg

Temperature Range:32· 122'f(0·50'() Resolulion: 0.18'F (0.1'() Accuracy: ±0.5'f (±OJ'() Unit: 'fl'( selectable

ISP Range: -SO• 400mmHg Channel: 2 channel Accuracy: ±1%01 ±lmmHg,whiche"!r�

greate< PR Range: 35-250bpm PR Accuracy: ±3bpm

CO2 Brand: Respironics Type: Mainstream or Sidestream Range: O • lSOmmHg Resolulion: EtC02: 1 mmHg

fiC02: lmmHg AwRR: lrpm

Accuracy: 0•40 mmHg ± 1 mmHg 41 - 70 mmHg ± 5%ofreading 71 • 100 mmHg ± 8%of reading 101 • 150 mrrllg ± 10% ofreading

5tandard Configuration S-leadE<GSp02NISPRespirationTemperature

Optional Configuration ISP CO2 C.O.

Printer www.thamesmedical.com UJIERm · \12. I · 02/Xl/2019