pvm annual convention report

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  • 8/14/2019 PVM Annual Convention Report


    Dated - 30 to 31st Dec 2009

    Place - Mandpam Sabhagar, Orai

    Supported By

    PARM ARTH & Action Aid

  • 8/14/2019 PVM Annual Convention Report


    5t h Annua l Convent ion



    (30-31st December 2009)


    Pahuch Vikas Manch is a Community Based Organization emerged during

    course of implementation of PARMARTH Samj Sevi Sansthan, Bundelkhand.

    Pahuch Vikas Manch has emerged as visible and credible membership based

    organization in the district of Jalaun with more than 10000 women and men

    members. Since it inception from 2002, Pahuch Vikas Manch has been workingon the agenda of Fear, Exploitation & Starvation with the support of larger civil

    society groups and common villagers. It has taken the issues of drought &

    livelihood more specifically and demonstrated progressive examples in

    addressing the immediate needs of the drought affected poor and marginalized

    community members. It has also facilitated the community processes towards

    ensuring access over social and food security scheme in favour of eligible

    families through collective action.

    Since last five year, the region is facing regular drought, which has not only

    affecting the livelihood of the community members but it has weakened the

    community coping mechanism. Even government welfare and food secuirity

    schemes are not effectively implementing. Pahuch Vikas Manch was

    instrumental in making PDS, ICDS and Mid Day Meal schemes functional in few

    operational villages, but still reach over welfare and food security schemes

    among eligible families over these schemes is limited. Drought Proofing

    Programme and welfare measures are also not being effectively implemented

    due to weak governance.

    Observing the present vulnerability factors and deprivation conditions of the poor

    & marginalized community groups, Pahuch Vikas Manch has facilited a pressure

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    building process by organizing its 5th Annual Convention at Orai, Jalaun. The

    prominent social activist will attend this convention and provide their solidarity to

    Pahuch Vikas Manch in their endeavor.


    December 2009

    PAHUCH VIKAS MANCH has organized its 5th ANNUAL CONVENTION at

    Mandapam Sabhagar, Orai, Jalaun on 30-31 December 2009. More than 1000

    members of Pahuch Vikas Manch

    along with community members,

    panchayat members, development

    service providers, media functionaries,

    social activists and other

    representatives of diversified civil

    society groups were present in the

    convention. National and Regional

    leaders of Dalits, Small & marginal

    Farmers and other leaders of community & women based organization were also

    present in the convention. Mr. Colin, Lawyer & Legal Experts, Human Law

    Network, Dr. B.D.Sharma, National Leader of Mazdoor & Farmer, Mr. Ambrish

    Rai, National Convener, Lok Sangarsh Morcha, Mr. K.K.Rai, Lawyer, Supreme

    Court, Allahabad & Director, Human Law Network, Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi,

    PVCHR and other regional leaders has attended the annual convention.

    All present members have witnessed the strength, zeal and progressive move of

    PAHUCH VIKAS MANCH, which they have traveled over the years and dent in

    the lives of the drought & ravine affected community members in the region.

    PAHUCH VIKAS MANCH with the support of local village level organization i.e.

    Mahila Mandal, Gram Chetna Mandal and Village Water & Sanitation Committee

    has been working on Food, Work, Livelihood and Dignity agenda in the region.

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    During the convention discussion and interaction was held mainly on Food,

    Work, Livelihood and Dignity issues of poorest, dalits & marginalized community

    groups and action agenda has been worked out.

    CONVENTION started with National Song followed by introductory remarks by

    Shri Ramkrishna Shukla, Convener, Aapda Nivarak Manch, Bundelkhand. Mr.

    Sanjay Singh, Director, Parmarth Samaj Sevi Sansthan has introduced the

    present members

    Mr. Nathuram Bodh, Convener, PAHUCH VIKAS MANCH has presented the

    annual progress of the MANCH. He has also brief about the PAHUCH VIKAS

    MANCH i.e. it a nonpolitical community based organization, which is working for

    securing rights & entitlements of the poorest, marginalized and socially excluded

    groups. It was established in year 2002 for taking up the agenda of poorest,

    marginalized community members small & marginal farmers of 25 villages of

    Rampura & Madhogarh Block of Jalaun District of Bundelkhand region of Uttar

    Pradesh. In the journey of last 7 Years, PAHUCH VIKAS MANCH has played

    lead role in collective assertion of rights & entitlements in favour of the poorest &

    marginalized community groups with focus on dalits & women groups. He has

    also informed that PAHUCH VIKAS MANCH has mainly taken the agenda of

    Food, Work, Livelihood, Debt, Agriculture and Dignity and favoured the

    associated members as well as common poor & marginalized villagers in the

    region. He also shared about progress of MANCH as PAHUCH VIKAS MANCH

    has spred its arms in more than 300 villages of all 9 blocks of Jalaun district of

    Uttar Pradesh with10582 regular members. PAHUCH VIKAS MANCH has gained

    its own images and credibility in the region and developed institutional linkages.

    Nathuramji has also shared about focused programme implemented in the year


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    Dr. Lenin has addressed the

    meeting and informed about the

    Bundelkhand Package but he also

    cautioned that local level planning

    and community awareness is verymuch needed for ensuring effective implementation of Bundelkhand Package

    Programme. Middlemen and vested interest groups are not supporting the poor

    community member and present political system is also not much interested for

    the well being of the poor villagers. Problems in agriculture of Bundelkhand

    region is also reaching to Maharastra & Andhra Pradesh and it require serious

    intervention for addressing the problem related to agriculture. He emphasis on

    collectivization processes for realization of rights & entitlements over services,

    welfare schemes and government programme.

    Mr. Bhupender Nishad, Lawyer, Supreme Court expressed the present

    economic condition and increasing price of commodities, which ultimately

    affecting the poorest & marginalized families. These categories of community

    members are forced to migrate for managing their livelihood. Stock of grain

    equation in our country is also affecting the poorest as we all know about the

    failure of PDS. Marketing of agriculture product of small & marginal farmers is

    also affecting the gain of the farmers as they are getting low prices of their

    agriculture product through middlemen.

    Mr. K.K. Rai, Lawyer, Supreme

    Court, Allahabad has addressed the

    participants by saying that judiciary

    never support and progressive to the

    poorest and marginalized groups. He

    further highlighted the present

    anomalies in effective

    implementation of the NREGA

    programme. Though NREGA is

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    progressive move by the government but when it reaches at panchayat level than

    it become challenging for the representatives of panchayat members. Panchayat

    members along with implementing bodies get extra benefits / advantages by un-

    favouring the eligible community members. Land Rights, NREGA entitlements

    and other development agenda always need collective assertion by the poorest &marginalized community members. One side the small & marginal farmers of

    Bundelkhand are committing suicide due to debt problems but in other region of

    the country i.e. In Vidharva and Punjab region farmers are acing problems due to

    use of GM seed. Assertion over services, welfare schemes and government

    programme always require collective assertion exercise under the leadership of

    community & women based organization.

    Further participants has been organized into four different groups for group

    interaction on different four agenda Right to Work under NREGA and

    Livelihood, Right to Information & Challenges, Water Management &

    Environment, Right to Education, Women & Girls right, Sanghthan.

    Highlights of NREGA/Food Security

    Need to extend number of wage workday in a year

    Need to provide incentive and recognition of best performing gram

    panchayat under NREGA

    Government programme / drought proofing should be properly

    implemented in favour of small & marginal farmers

    Women should get wage work under NREGA as per the norms of 33%


    Highlights of Right to Information Act

    Need to clarify about payment norms among the community members

    sometime BPL cardholders have to pay charges for getting information

    Need to organize right to information day in a month

    Highlight of Water Conservation & Management

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    Need to respect local village level water micro plan by the panchayat and

    government implementing bodies

    Need for promotion of organic farming practices in the region

    Need for afforestation in the region on priorities basis

    Extraction of Ground Water Use need to be check in the region

    Highlight of Right to Education

    Government teacher attendance and timing should be closely monitored

    Teacher pupil ratio should be make1:30

    Village Education Committee needs to make functional in the region

    Highlight of Women & Girls Rights

    Participation of women should be encouraged in planning, implementation

    and monitoring & evaluation of the programme

    Need to facilitate the women gram sabha in the region

    Timely payment of widow pension

    Capacity building of women panchayat members for effective discharging

    of their rights & responsibility

    Joint account of Women & men

    Women entitlement over land patta of agriculture land and homestead


    Highlight of Sanghathan

    Timely dissemination of information about government programme,

    services and welfare schemes

    Risk management plan for reducing the incidens of violence against

    leader of community based organization

    Need to organize community programme

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    Alliance building with like minded regional, state and national association /

    groups / networks

    Cultural programme was organized in the evening of 30 th December 2009.

    Second day convention was started with songs. Further each group has

    presented the outcome of the group discussion. Further representative of

    PAHUCH VIKAS MANCH has welcomed the members of panelist Mr. Kolin,

    Right To food Campaign, Dr. B.D.Sharma, National Leader, Mr. Ambrish Rai, Lok

    Sangarsh Morocha.

    Mr. Ambrish Rai has addressed the

    participants and highlighted the

    present existing unequal practices of

    social & economic dimension in the

    society. He shared about the

    struggling pattern of dalits &

    marginalized community groups as

    they are facing multiple ranges of

    problems. There means of livelihood is

    not very gainful and they struggle throughout the year for meeting their livelihood.

    Middlemen and local moneylender are unknowingly exploiting them anddevelopment service providers are also supporting them in realizing their social

    security schemes, food security schemes and other government programme.

    Mr. Kolin has further expressed about

    the roles of National Right to Food

    Campaign that how it has initiated the

    struggle of entitlement realization over

    social welfare & food security schemes

    through legal intervention (PUCL). But

    he also expressed that the entitlement

    realization of the social welfare and

    food security schemes in the

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    Bundelkhand region is very disappointing and even complaints / violation

    reporting are not coming by the community members or leader of the community

    based organization frequently. He shared about the information of formation of

    Commission under the leadership of Retd. Judge, Supreme Court, who will camp

    in the villages of the Bundelkhand region and assess the present condition ofvulnerability of the dalis & marginalized community groups and status of

    realization of social welfare & food security schemes in favour of eligible

    community members.

    Dr. B.D. Sharma has highlighted the

    wage discrimination aspect of labour

    during his addressing. He also

    highlighted the aspects of debtproblems of the community members.

    He stressed about the need of

    community control over water, forest

    and land resources and these resources

    should not transfer in the hand of

    multinational companies. He highlighted the strength of Small & Martginal farmer


    and discriminated in the existing government policy. He also requested for

    collective assertion process of claiming rights and asserting entitlement under the

    leadership of community based organization.

    Further open discussion was held, in which the participants has clarified their

    doubts and asked for information related to redressal of their problems.

    At the end of session, the representatives of PAHUCH VIKAS MANCH has

    shared about the priority agenda of the MANCH for the year 2010

    To make hunger free Bundelkhand

    Mobilizing the community members towards realization of their

    entitlements over social security and food security schemes

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    Strengthening the NREGA UNION for getting 100 days wage work

    employment under NREGA

    Analysis of suicide cases of starvation death and farmer suicide

    Increasing the violation reporting and complains redressal mechanism

    Networking and Alliance Building with like-minded groups on the Drought

    & Livelihood agenda

    Facilitating the panchayat election voter campaign and encouraging for

    emergence of progressive SCs, STs and women leaders in the PRIs


    Prevention of Child below 6 years from malnutrition

    Mr. Nathu Ram gave vote of thanks to all participants and guest of the

    programme. He especially thanks to the members of PAHUCH VIKAS MANCH

    who has contributed in cash and kind for successful completion of the Annual

    Convention of the PAHUCH VIKAS MANCH.

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