put thousand yards the market lincoln are the lincoln...

THE INTERIOR JOURNAL E C WALTON H H HENNINQER 01 Wayne County is a cdldate for 8tate Tmi urerubleet to ictlon ollbe Democratic pirtr J F HOLDAM Is a cindldite for the Democratic nomination for Or cult Clerk of Lincoln county subject to the action of the party M F NORTH Ii a canlUate for the Democratic nomination Representative of Lincoln county subject to the ac ¬ loa of the party J M ALVERSON Is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Rep resentative of Lincoln County subject to tbecUenor I be party Democratic Ticket For Railroad Commissioner C C MCHORD- For Circuit Judge MC SAUFLEY- For I Commonwealth Attorney JOHN SAM OWSLEY JR I AT the meeting of the State Central Complttee at Mt Sterling tomorrow I will be call ¬ we predict that a primary ed In which the bars wilt be thrown down so that all who wish to enter may do id This paper has favored a pri ¬ mary all along and while It believes I that Judge Saufley and Commonwealth Attorney Owsley are the regular and jut nominees of the Danville Conven ¬ I tion It Is willing like those gentlemen to take the chances In a primary We have confidence in the strength of our candidates and aro eatltfied they will finish Brat In a race before the people Gov BECKHAM has determined to aettlo the question of his eligibility to reelection and to that end has arrang ¬ ed to tilt a tees cult Ho tae made a formal request of Chairman Young to place his name on the ballot aa a can ¬ dtdate for governor before the State democratic primary Mr Young has suggested that legal eteps be taken to determine his eligibility and a manda- mus ¬ suit against Mr Young and the State Committee have been filed It will be decided as soon as practicable and will then bo taken to the court of appeals for final decision TnE long Senatorial deadlock In Del ¬ aware was broken by a junction of the Addlcks and anllAddlcks republicans In the Legislature the result being the election of J Frank Alice for the long term and Louis Qclalcr Ball for the abort term Allee who is an AddlclrsI man will serve until 1007 Ball Is an antlAddlcks republican and will eerveI until 1005 The result Is regarded as a victory for Addloks and he bee an ¬ nounced tbat be will again be a candi ¬ date lo 1004 when Balls successor will be chosen TUB United States Fish Commission a year ago was breeding carp and site tributing the spawn all over the coon ¬ try and now the one effort everywhere being made Is to exterminate the carpI A few months ago a lake In New JerI B97 was drawn oil In order to pet rid of the carp sammarlly Now the Park Commission Is likely to accept an offer to get the carp out of the Stuylklll The carp was introduced as a cheap food but cheap food Is not what the American people aro after A MASSACHUSETTS State Senator says he favors the abolition of capital punishment because In those States and countries where that punishment has been abolished the murder convictions have been 60 per cent as against 20 per cent where the death penalty has beet maintained There are jurors who would rather let a man go than hang him or perhaps greater efforts are made by the defense when the gallows is In sight TUB 67th Congress adjourned at noon Wednesday The customary dem ¬ onstration In honor of the retiring Speaker was given trimmings of frost by democratic members who refused to join in the applause when the reso ¬ lutions of thanks to Mr Henderson were read President Roosevelt sent a sarcastic message to the Senate com mending it for the admirable perfotm ante of duty during the session DON reports that February returns of both domestic and foreign trade are tally eqnal to thoso of the same month last year and in many cases there are markod aIDs Tho people are con ¬ suming on a scale never beforeequaled at evidenced by the enormous dlstrlbu ¬ tion at d continual Inquiries for prompt shipment DEUOE the unlettered and unlearn- ed ¬ Is a has boon Senator James B McCreary took his place Wednesday and now Kentucky has a pair of Sena Lora Instead of one Senator and the worse kind of a makeshift as Puddln Head Deboe was THERE are BOO trusts doing business in the United States It will be inter ¬ esting to note at the end of the year bow many the strenuous legislation of the present Congress has knocked out H c I NEIGHBORING COUNTIES Wm J Atkins a prominent farmer Is dead In Adair county Albert Goodman sent up from Whit Icy for murder was paroled The wife of John Canter more famil ¬ lady known as John tbo Baptist Is dead at Danville Four hundred miners struck near Plnevllle because their company em ¬ ployed four union men Deputy Collector C M Randall ot Loodoo destroyed six moonshine stills In Leslie and Perry counties The valuable law library belonging rto the late Col R P Jacobs of Dan ¬ ville was presented to tho Central Unl I varsity Law School by his wife Joe Hayes Poison a young Wayne county farmer was thrown from a wild horse which bo was attempting to break and sustained Injuries which are probably fatal Mrs Maggie Mulvey aged 00 ont of the oldest residents of Danvllle died In that city Tuesday from the Infirmi ¬ ties of old age She bad lived In Dan ¬ ville all her life John R Palmer of Is at London for the purpose of establish ¬ ing a new national bank Thirteen thousand dollars of the 25000 required has been subscribed The Mercer National Bank of Bar rodsburg has purchased of the govern ¬ meat 145000 of bonds In order to secure additional circulation which became necessary on account of Its Increasing businessOn of the Ulnens of Judge Morrow Virgil P Smith of SomersetI Is presiding as special judgo at Monti cello by appointment of Gov Beck bam A number of cases of epeclallmI portaoce are to bo tried among tbomI three murder cases Wm Fans Chas DIckerson Logan Hunt and Jas Hunt all colored wore arrested at Lancaster by Federal off- icers ¬ who took them to Danville to ap- pear before the United States Commis ¬ sion on charges of selling intoxicants without a government license A Harrodsburg dispatch save Eliza Paismore bought of E M Bardin the residence on the corner of Greenville and Poplar streets known as tho old Pae moro homestead This building is said by historians to bo the first brick dwelling ever erected on Ken- tucky ¬ soil POLITICAL- The Monism House of Representa ¬ tives killed a bill to license gambling More than 82000000000 was appro- prIated for all purposes by the 57th Congress Senator J Embry Allen of Fayette county who was recently nominated has announced his candidacy for speak ¬ pro tern of the Senaso The Senate convened In extraordl ¬ nary session at noon yesterday All the newlyelected Senators Including Mr Smoot of Utah were sworn In There are now drawing salaries asI Congressman 330 men whoeo terms be ¬ gan yesterday the number bavlogI been Increased by the last census from 351I Tho Cuban reciprocity treaty may be considered before the canal treaty by the Senate In extra session Several other trestles beside the two important ones will aUo be disposed of The dignified and manly speech of Judge R J Brecklnrldge at Frank fort Monday was In happy contrast toI the fulminations of Col Hendrlck The- o will make votes the other willI make enemies both for himself and the democratic party Lexington Demo- crat ¬ A warrant for 8132309935 payable t3 the State of Kentucky was made out by the treasury department yesterday The sum represents the Common ¬ wealths war claim carried In the Gen ¬ eral Deficiency Bill signed by the pres ¬ ident Two propositions for the use to which the money should be put are un ¬ der consideration Oce Is for the pay ¬ ment of the State debt the other for the erection of a State capitol r THIS AND THAT The Twentieth Century Limited train on the New York Central la to be equipped with wireless apparatus The bubonic plague has broken out at soother Mexican town Villa Union near Mazatlan reporting two deaths A petition protesting against Gov Peabodys action in sending militia to quell the strikers in Colorado Springs Col has been signed by GOO citizens including the mayor and the city offi ¬ cials More than a dozen persona were In ¬ jured three car wore derailed and one coach was demolished In the Kansas City yards of the Union Pacific when a westbound Rock Island train ran diag ¬ ooall with an eastbound Rock Island train CHURCH MATTERS A meeting at tbo Methodist church at Winchester closed with 45 additions It was conducted by Rove Savage and Orr The March offering for foreign mis ¬ sions was taken at the Christian church Sunday morning and reached the sum of 100AdvocateI Northern Presbyte ¬ rians lost by death 63523 the net in ¬ crease was 60461 Somber although those added to the church numbered 225683 LAND STOCK CR PSITC ILute k Co have tnree good farm horses for sale JT Jones bought of W I Horrin a gelding for 1100- J S Murphy bought of Mark Har din a bunch of shoats at 60 John Cook bought of S N Matbony a fouryearold mare for 1150 Robert Woods Jrsold to R L Gone a eorrel gelding for 1200 Lutes h Co bought of R L Chris man a lot of butcher stuff at 3c P L Ofeck bought of Cash S Me Clure some 500 shocks of fodder atl2c R It Hubble and M B Eubanks re fused 1200 for their splendid jack Anton FOR SALE Pall good work mulct lH hands sound and all right R H Crow Shelby City W E Amon bought of W A Trlb ble a bull calf for 4250 and sold to Sweeney Morgan 30 hogs for July de ¬ livery at 63 George H Ketcbam owner of tba champion trotter Crcsccua declined tba republican mayoralty nomination of Toledo O Dr W H Felix bought the Nunnel lay farm of 155 acres midway between Lexington and Wlncbeater at tOO Georgetown Times FOR SALEA Duroc Jersey Regie tercd sow four pigs and Ova shoals six months old all from the above sow- P H Hawkins Lytle 2t I have for sale several good grade yearling Hereford bulls They will be- at Bruces stock yards next Monday county court day J S Rocker It R K Hart sold to Tennessee parties 54 mules at 125 This la the largest sale of mules made In years amounting to f 0750 Flemlngsburg Times Demo ¬ cratR L Hubble sold to T R Van leave of Lake City Mo three JCIrI for He bought in Pulaski 12 twoyearold mules at 165 and a pair of fouryearold mules for IZCiO R H Crow recently bought a regis ¬ tered mare by Wilkes Buy and colt by Ashland Wilkes sire John R Gentry 200 Sally Toler 2061 Pincher Wilkes 207i Bert Oliver 2OS Sa- R G Price sold to J K Robertson a sugar mule for 1140 and J K Robert son to A liunn two sugar mules for 285 70 Cloyd Tandy Co bought at Gradyvllle and Columbia 140 hogs at 5c one steer of John Pendleton for tWofour caul and five sheep of G A Bradshnw 11M 60 Adair News OTTENHEIMI John Kloret la selling out to move to Ohio The farmer are rejoicing at the fine weather Eld J G Livingston preached at Pine Grove Sunday The children and grandchildren of David J Harris took dinner with him Sunday It being his birthday Eld J G Livingston preached the funeral of the lato Mrs G W Russell j at the old homo place A large crowd friends and relatives were present John Adams of Mercer was a visitor our town Wm Dyehouse has mov ed to hie new home on the Prultt farm George B Boonels very 111 witp pneu ¬ monia fever Ansel Green has rented tho Ellhu Wells property and will move in a few days Dock Denny tells us that bo Is going to Indiana to live as sure aa bo can sell his old white cpw We are glad to hear that we are on the eve of baying a new court bouse As wo are living in a fast age and wo artS in Rome we must do as Rome does and try to keep pace with our sister untles Wakeful Children For a tong lime the lwoyear old child of P L McPherson 69 WI0th St liar ri burg Pa would sleep but two or three hours In the early part of the night which made it very hard for her parents Her mother concluded that the child bad itoaach trouble and gave her half of one of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets which quieted her stomach and she slept the whole night through Two box es of these Tablets have effected a perma nent cure and she is now well and strong For sale by Craig A locker At Bluefleld W Va Mrs Michael Hampton shot and killed her husband because he refused to adopt her rellg ¬ ion James Hlokman was shot to death at Powhalao W Va by James Mack with whose wife be ran away R A JONESDENTIST I Stanford Ky OfQcA 0i15 c4 McKinney Stor + Telephone No 81 H Ca RUPLEY- The Merchant Tailor STANFORD KY Goods WarrantedFit Give Kin a Call RND LLDEft This week we put on sale several thousand yards Mill ends which we bought below the market price Here are some of the good things 1 Black Ditto UIIHO anti Grey Mohair 40 inches wido worth 76c go tit 48orri yard Extreme wide mercerized oxford while price 25o our price 15c n yard COO yards imported mndrns newest stripes mndo to soli nt 20c our prico lOc n yard Special 200 fino hoary corsets tho price on these was 125 they go at 70c 300 PAIRS LADIES SHOES Sizes 2 and 3 Button and Lace worth up to Sa go at 18c not new stylo and tho above sires only 5000 yards 8inch Hamburg worth 25c goes at lOc Your last chance to get this Just received n now lino of hens fine clothing the celebrated Kirsohbaum hnndmnde warranted to fit and wear as perfect as n tailormade suit Wo can fIt you Price from 5 to 820 250 pairs nll wool jeans pants worth 81 and 8125 all go at Go Wo take your eggs and butter at the high eat market price in exchange e USTChinaware tickets given on each purchase THE GRAND LEADER M B LEVY It CO Prors S B LEVY Manager DR P W Carter- DENTIST Stanford Kentucky Office In Myora Houso Flats Go To George B Harris Crab Orchard Far hart sins Fresh line of Oroaerlvs and Oakes Etc lust received market prices for Rutter Egs fie Oho him a qilt POSTED I We whose names appear below positively forbid hunting trapj +Isg or UMpsMlng land s cad will prmeeat0 te any the ull Wont of tbe law art Vasbauner lat such Mike IHUUir Mike thow Drlesier coil CUrltUn Orleler 4 8 PRICE Dentist Stanford Ky JIBCOTO + UeBoberU Drat Store In Ihi Owilj UuUlijD NEW LIVERY STABLE S w ntTU1 k Sm1rcrt JUNCTION CITY KY HrstClais Turnouts at Reasonable Rates Special Attention to Traveling Men and Hay For Sale JDWearen Fire and Tornado Insurance Represents The Home of Now tho largest company In the worli Assets 12 Surplus is regards policy holders 49136OJ8 69 Farm property In Casey Garrard coin counties Phono 21 for Sale I will otter at private sale my property situated on the of Main on east side of College street In IluitonvlUe Ky consisting of and livery stable and vacant lot This property Is well ar ran for hotel or house and on same a nice livery barn SSx7a all outbuildings necessary I for hotel and livery purposes Ta ¬ lot for private It water n abundance Property li well arranged for private residence anu Is now rented for that If you want good paying pro rty In Hustonville call on or D B Carpenter Huston vllle Ky R B Mahony Insurance fluent Stanford Kentucky Hustonville Property liverystable deelret- Everlasting insurance fluent Fire Life Accident and Tornado None but the larg ¬ est and best companies repr- esented Phone 8- 2Stanford Kentucky STANFORD GREENHOUSE Carnations Hya ¬ cinths Narcissus Floral on short notice Redding and Vegetable Plants of all kinds In season Phone 20rlng 3 JNO CHRIQTMAN Stanford = tI FURNITURE s t CarpetsMattings Rues Wall Paper Picture Frames Sic The latest msreJll In Matting Oarpeu Wall Paper am now nixrn to the lealettna or the public and we aturoeur pt UB4 that they sea fM their nosey worth bv trading with 4 NO JOCKEYING e A Lady a Gentleman a otilld can buy anything In our Hne and save money If you Sad the goods tbat suit you the price Is rig- htWITHERS FURNITURE COMPANY LAMP SALE 6 1 Beginning March 2d we will close out our line of fine Parlor and Library Lamps at COST for CASH Now is your chance to buy a nice It lamp ata wholesale price CEO H FARRIS A CO Stanford Ky GOI ANYWHERE ALL a I Sorts of pretty jewelry is the vogue Many nov- elties ¬ have been added Como in and see the lot ¬ cst in JewclrylYntchcs- Clocks and Silverware Absolutely no misrepre ¬ sentation W H MUELLER StanfordB LOOK At things everywhere but come to me when you want to buy Groceries bocauso I Intend to give the great ¬ est values possible All my good aro selected with great care I also t look at many things but purchase nothing that does not como up to my standard and those who have long favored mo with their trade know my standard Is high Indeed When you wish to see and to purchase nice fresh Groceries Fruits cla v t rJIW 110 Mata BRA Stanford Ky f

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01 Wayne County is a cdldate for 8tate Tmiurerubleet to ictlon ollbe Democratic pirtr


Is a cindldite for the Democratic nomination for Orcult Clerk of Lincoln county subject to the action ofthe party


Ii a canlUate for the Democratic nominationRepresentative of Lincoln county subject to the ac¬

loa of the party

J M ALVERSONIs a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Representative of Lincoln County subject to tbecUenor I

be party

Democratic Ticket

For Railroad Commissioner


For Circuit Judge




Commonwealth Attorney


AT the meeting of the State Central

Complttee at Mt Sterling tomorrowI

will be call ¬we predict that a primaryed In which the bars wilt be thrown

down so that all who wish to enter may

do id This paper has favored a pri ¬

mary all along and while It believesI

that Judge Saufley and Commonwealth

Attorney Owsley are the regular and

jut nominees of the Danville Conven ¬


tion It Is willing like those gentlemen

to take the chances In a primary We

have confidence in the strength of our

candidates and aro eatltfied they will

finish Brat In a race before the people

Gov BECKHAM has determined to

aettlo the question of his eligibility to

reelection and to that end has arrang ¬

ed to tilt a tees cult Ho tae made a

formal request of Chairman Young to

place his name on the ballot aa a can ¬

dtdate for governor before the Statedemocratic primary Mr Young has

suggested that legal eteps be taken to

determine his eligibility and a manda-



suit against Mr Young and theState Committee have been filed Itwill be decided as soon as practicableand will then bo taken to the court of

appeals for final decision

TnE long Senatorial deadlock In Del ¬

aware was broken by a junction of theAddlcks and anllAddlcks republicans

In the Legislature the result being theelection of J Frank Alice for the long

term and Louis Qclalcr Ball for theabort term Allee who is an AddlclrsIman will serve until 1007 Ball Is an

antlAddlcks republican and will eerveIuntil 1005 The result Is regarded as a

victory for Addloks and he bee an ¬

nounced tbat be will again be a candi ¬

date lo 1004 when Balls successor will

be chosen

TUB United States Fish Commission

a year ago was breeding carp and site

tributing the spawn all over the coon ¬

try and now the one effort everywhere

being made Is to exterminate the carpIA few months ago a lake In New JerIB97 was drawn oil In order to pet rid of

the carp sammarlly Now the ParkCommission Is likely to accept an offer

to get the carp out of the StuylklllThe carp was introduced as a cheap

food but cheap food Is not what theAmerican people aro after

A MASSACHUSETTS State Senatorsays he favors the abolition of capitalpunishment because In those States andcountries where that punishment has

been abolished the murder convictionshave been 60 per cent as against 20 per

cent where the death penalty has beetmaintained There are jurors whowould rather let a man go than hanghim or perhaps greater efforts aremade by the defense when the gallows

is In sight

TUB 67th Congress adjourned atnoon Wednesday The customary dem ¬

onstration In honor of the retiringSpeaker was given trimmings of frostby democratic members who refusedto join in the applause when the reso ¬

lutions of thanks to Mr Hendersonwere read President Roosevelt sent a

sarcastic message to the Senate com

mending it for the admirable perfotm

ante of duty during the session

DON reports that February returnsof both domestic and foreign trade aretally eqnal to thoso of the same month

last year and in many cases there aremarkod aIDs Tho people are con ¬

suming on a scale never beforeequaled

at evidenced by the enormous dlstrlbu ¬

tion at d continual Inquiries for prompt


DEUOE the unlettered and unlearn-



Is a has boon Senator James B

McCreary took his place Wednesday

and now Kentucky has a pair of SenaLora Instead of one Senator and theworse kind of a makeshift as PuddlnHead Deboe was

THERE are BOO trusts doing business

in the United States It will be inter ¬

esting to note at the end of the yearbow many the strenuous legislation of

the present Congress has knocked out

H c


Wm J Atkins a prominent farmerIs dead In Adair county

Albert Goodman sent up from Whit

Icy for murder was paroledThe wife of John Canter more famil ¬

lady known as John tbo Baptist Is

dead at DanvilleFour hundred miners struck near

Plnevllle because their company em¬

ployed four union menDeputy Collector C M Randall ot

Loodoo destroyed six moonshine stillsIn Leslie and Perry counties

The valuable law library belonging

rto the late Col R P Jacobs of Dan ¬

ville was presented to tho Central UnlI varsity Law School by his wife

Joe Hayes Poison a young Wayne

county farmer was thrown from a wild

horse which bo was attempting to

break and sustained Injuries which areprobably fatal

Mrs Maggie Mulvey aged 00 ont of

the oldest residents of Danvllle died

In that city Tuesday from the Infirmi ¬

ties of old age She bad lived In Dan ¬

ville all her lifeJohn R Palmer of Is

at London for the purpose of establish¬

ing a new national bank Thirteenthousand dollars of the 25000 requiredhas been subscribed

The Mercer National Bank of Barrodsburg has purchased of the govern ¬

meat 145000 of bonds In order to secure

additional circulation which becamenecessary on account of Its Increasing

businessOn of the Ulnens of JudgeMorrow Virgil P Smith of SomersetIIs presiding as special judgo at Monti

cello by appointment of Gov Beck

bam A number of cases of epeclallmIportaoce are to bo tried among tbomIthree murder cases

Wm Fans Chas DIckerson Logan

Hunt and Jas Hunt all colored wore

arrested at Lancaster by Federal off-



who took them to Danville to ap-

pear before the United States Commis ¬

sion on charges of selling intoxicantswithout a government license

A Harrodsburg dispatch save Eliza

Paismore bought of E M Bardin theresidence on the corner of Greenvilleand Poplar streets known as tho old

Paemoro homestead This buildingis said by historians to bo the first

brick dwelling ever erected on Ken-





The Monism House of Representa ¬

tives killed a bill to license gamblingMore than 82000000000 was appro-

prIated for all purposes by the 57thCongress

Senator J Embry Allen of Fayettecounty who was recently nominatedhas announced his candidacy for speak ¬

pro tern of the SenasoThe Senate convened In extraordl ¬

nary session at noon yesterday Allthe newlyelected Senators IncludingMr Smoot of Utah were sworn In

There are now drawing salaries asICongressman 330 men whoeo terms be¬

gan yesterday the number bavlogIbeen Increased by the last census from351ITho Cuban reciprocity treaty may beconsidered before the canal treaty bythe Senate In extra session Severalother trestles beside the two importantones will aUo be disposed of

The dignified and manly speech of

Judge R J Brecklnrldge at Frankfort Monday was In happy contrast toIthe fulminations of Col Hendrlck The-

o will make votes the other willImake enemies both for himself and thedemocratic party Lexington Demo-


A warrant for 8132309935 payablet3 the State of Kentucky was made outby the treasury department yesterdayThe sum represents the Common ¬

wealths war claim carried In the Gen ¬

eral Deficiency Bill signed by the pres ¬

ident Two propositions for the use towhich the money should be put are un ¬

der consideration Oce Is for the pay ¬

ment of the State debt the other forthe erection of a State capitolrTHIS AND THAT

The Twentieth Century Limitedtrain on the New York Central la to beequipped with wireless apparatus

The bubonic plague has broken outat soother Mexican town Villa Unionnear Mazatlan reporting two deaths

A petition protesting against GovPeabodys action in sending militia toquell the strikers in Colorado SpringsCol has been signed by GOO citizensincluding the mayor and the city offi ¬

cialsMore than a dozen persona were In ¬

jured three car wore derailed and onecoach was demolished In the KansasCity yards of the Union Pacific when awestbound Rock Island train ran diag ¬

ooall with an eastbound Rock Islandtrain


A meeting at tbo Methodist churchat Winchester closed with 45 additionsIt was conducted by Rove Savage andOrr

The March offering for foreign mis ¬

sions was taken at the Christian churchSunday morning and reached the sumof 100AdvocateI Northern Presbyte ¬

rians lost by death 63523 the net in ¬

crease was 60461 Somber althoughthose added to the church numbered225683


ILute k Co have tnree good farm

horses for saleJ T Jones bought of W I Horrin a

gelding for 1100-

J S Murphy bought of Mark Hardin a bunch of shoats at 60

John Cook bought of S N Matbony

a fouryearold mare for 1150

Robert Woods Jrsold to R LGone a eorrel gelding for 1200

Lutes h Co bought of R L Chrisman a lot of butcher stuff at 3c

P L Ofeck bought of Cash S Me

Clure some 500 shocks of fodder atl2cR It Hubble and M B Eubanks re

fused 1200 for their splendid jackAnton

FOR SALE Pall good work mulctlH hands sound and all right R H

Crow Shelby CityW E Amon bought of W A Trlb

ble a bull calf for 4250 and sold toSweeney Morgan 30 hogs for July de¬

livery at 63George H Ketcbam owner of tba

champion trotter Crcsccua declined

tba republican mayoralty nomination

of Toledo ODr W H Felix bought the Nunnel

lay farm of 155 acres midway betweenLexington and Wlncbeater at tOO

Georgetown TimesFOR SALEA Duroc Jersey Regie

tercd sow four pigs and Ova shoals sixmonths old all from the above sow-


Hawkins Lytle 2t

I have for sale several good grade

yearling Hereford bulls They will be-

at Bruces stock yards next Mondaycounty court day J S Rocker It

R K Hart sold to Tennessee parties54 mules at 125 This la the largestsale of mules made In years amounting

to f0750 Flemlngsburg Times Demo ¬

cratR L Hubble sold to T R Van

leave of Lake City Mo three JCIrIfor He bought in Pulaski 12

twoyearold mules at 165 and a pair of

fouryearold mules for IZCiO

R H Crow recently bought a regis¬

tered mare by Wilkes Buy and colt by

Ashland Wilkes sire John R Gentry200 Sally Toler 2061 PincherWilkes 207i Bert Oliver 2OS Sa-

R G Price sold to J K Robertson asugar mule for 1140 and J K Robertson to A liunn two sugar mules for

285 70 Cloyd Tandy Co bought atGradyvllle and Columbia 140 hogs at5c one steer of John Pendleton for

tWofour caul and five sheep of G A

Bradshnw 11M 60 Adair News

OTTENHEIMIJohn Kloret la selling out to move to

OhioThe farmer are rejoicing at the fine

weatherEld J G Livingston preached at

Pine Grove SundayThe children and grandchildren of

David J Harris took dinner with himSunday It being his birthday

Eld J G Livingston preached thefuneral of the lato Mrs G W Russell j

at the old homo place A large crowdfriends and relatives were presentJohn Adams of Mercer was a visitorour town Wm Dyehouse has mov

ed to hie new home on the Prultt farmGeorge B Boonels very 111 witp pneu ¬

monia feverAnsel Green has rented tho Ellhu

Wells property and will move in a fewdays Dock Denny tells us that boIs going to Indiana to live as sure aa bocan sell his old white cpw

We are glad to hear that we are onthe eve of baying a new court bouseAs wo are living in a fast age and wo

artS in Rome we must do as Rome doesand try to keep pace with our sister


Wakeful ChildrenFor a tong lime the lwoyear old child

of P L McPherson 69 WI0th St liarriburg Pa would sleep but two or threehours In the early part of the night whichmade it very hard for her parents Hermother concluded that the child baditoaach trouble and gave her half of oneof Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets which quieted her stomach and sheslept the whole night through Two boxes of these Tablets have effected a permanent cure and she is now well and strongFor sale by Craig A locker

At Bluefleld W Va Mrs MichaelHampton shot and killed her husbandbecause he refused to adopt her rellg ¬

ionJames Hlokman was shot to death at

Powhalao W Va by James Mackwith whose wife be ran away


I StanfordKy

OfQcA 0i15 c4 McKinney Stor +

Telephone No 81


The Merchant Tailor


Goods WarrantedFit

Give Kin a Call

RND LLDEftThis week we put on sale severalthousand yards Mill ends whichwe bought below the market priceHere are some of the good things

1 Black Ditto UIIHO anti Grey Mohair 40 inches wido worth 76c go tit48orri yard Extreme wide mercerized oxford while price 25o ourprice 15c n yard COO yards imported mndrns newest stripes mndoto soli nt 20c our prico lOc n yard Special 200 fino hoary corsetstho price on these was 125 they go at 70c

300 PAIRS LADIES SHOESSizes 2 and 3 Button and Lace worth up to Sa go at 18c not newstylo and tho above sires only 5000 yards 8inch Hamburg worth25c goes at lOc Your last chance to get this Just received n nowlino of hens fine clothing the celebrated Kirsohbaum hnndmndewarranted to fit and wear as perfect as n tailormade suit Wo can fItyou Price from 5 to 820 250 pairs nll wool jeans pants worth 81

and 8125 all go at Go Wo take your eggs and butter at the higheat market price in exchange e

USTChinaware tickets given oneach purchase


DR P W Carter-


Stanford Kentucky

Office In Myora Houso Flats

Go To George B Harris

Crab OrchardFar hart sins Fresh line of Oroaerlvs andOakes Etc lust received marketprices for Rutter Egs fie Oho him a qilt


We whose names appear below positivelyforbid hunting trapj +Isg or UMpsMlng

land s cad will prmeeat0 teanythe ull Wont of tbe law art

Vasbauner latsuch Mike IHUUir Mikethow Drlesier coil CUrltUn Orleler



Stanford KyJIBCOTO + UeBoberU Drat Store In Ihi Owilj



S w ntTU1 k Sm1rcrt


HrstClais Turnouts atReasonable RatesSpecial Attention to Traveling Men

and Hay For Sale

JDWearenFire and Tornado InsuranceRepresents The Home of Now

tho largest company In theworli Assets 12Surplus is regards policy holders49136OJ8 69 Farm property In

Casey Garrardcoin counties Phono 21

for Sale

I will otter at private sale my propertysituated on the of Main oneast side of College street In IluitonvlUeKy consisting of and livery stableand vacant lot This property Is well arran for hotel or house and

on same a nice liverybarn SSx7a all outbuildings necessary

I for hotel and livery purposes Ta ¬

lot for private Itwater n abundance Property

li well arranged for private residence anuIs now rented for that If youwant good paying pro rty In Hustonvillecall on or D B Carpenter Hustonvllle Ky

R B Mahony


Stanford Kentucky

Hustonville Property




Fire Life Accident and

Tornado None but the larg ¬

est and best companies repr-

esented Phone 8-

2Stanford Kentucky


Carnations Hya ¬

cinths NarcissusFloral on short notice Redding

and Vegetable Plants of all kinds In seasonPhone 20rlng 3





RuesWall Paper

Picture Frames Sic

The latest msreJll In Matting Oarpeu Wall Paper amnow nixrn to the lealettna or the public and we aturoeur ptUB4 that they sea fM their nosey worth bv trading with4

NO JOCKEYING eA Lady a Gentleman a otilld can buy anything In our Hneand save money If you Sad the goods tbat suit you the priceIs rig-




Beginning March 2d wewill close out our line offine Parlor and LibraryLamps at COST forCASH Now is yourchance to buy a nice It

lamp ata wholesale price





Sorts of pretty jewelryis the vogue Many nov-


have been addedComo in and see the lot ¬

cst in JewclrylYntchcs-Clocks and SilverwareAbsolutely no misrepre ¬



LOOKAt things everywhere but come tome when you want to buy Groceriesbocauso I Intend to give the great ¬

est values possible All my goodaro selected with great care I also tlook at many things but purchasenothing that does not como up to mystandard and those who have longfavored mo with their trade knowmy standard Is high Indeed Whenyou wish to see and to purchasenice fresh Groceries Fruits cla vtrJIW110 Mata BRA Stanford Ky
