purposes & impacts

Overview - SASH is a charity dedicated to helping the homeless youth around Yorkshire. SASH - Provide Nightstop – an emergency service which helps young people at a time of crisis. Run Supported Lodgings projects for young people who need somewhere long-term to stay while they learn the skills they need to live independently. Support young people to access education, training or employment and to gain the skills and self-confidence to move on to independent living. Work with our volunteers, local authorities and other organisations to make sure young people get help to resolve their problems. Colour The colours that are used all over the website are primarily green. There are some reds however the primary colour is green with other shades of green also being used for sidebars and news information. I feel that the green is a representative of the positivity that they are trying to show. Green means go. Green symbolizes growth, harmony and freshness. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. This means that the colours used perfectly represent the message that the homeless charity are trying to represent. Imagery The imagery that has been used throughout the entire website has a very positive message. The images all show happy smiling people appearing to have achieved or done positive things. This backs up what the company claim they are doing and it also goes very well with the colour scheme. I feel that a cause like this that helps out homeless people really need to convey positivity and show the positive effects that charity can have on people. The logo for the company also represents a house with the companies acronym inside it. This is a great image that will reflect well upon the charity and what they do. Layout The overall layout is very simplistic and neat. The colours and styles compliment each other perfectly. The last thing you want with a website is for it to be overly bright. The only problem I think is the massive amount of space around the edges I feel that perhaps it could have been a better fit. The information is well displayed and is very easy to find with simple sidebars displaying recent news pieces and relevant information. The top information bar has all relevant links to navigate your way around the website which will give you more information on

Upload: callumknight

Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Purposes & Impacts

Overview - SASH is a charity dedicated to helping the homeless youth around Yorkshire.

SASH - Provide Nightstop – an emergency service which helps young people at a time of crisis.

Run Supported Lodgings projects for young people who need somewhere long-term to stay while they learn the skills they need to live independently.

Support young people to access education, training or employment and to gain the skills and self-confidence to move on to independent living.Work with our volunteers, local authorities and other organisations to make sure young people get help to resolve their problems.

Colour The colours that are used all over the website are primarily green. There are some reds however the primary colour is green with other shades of green also being used for sidebars and news information. I feel that the green is a representative of the positivity that they are trying to show. Green means go. Green symbolizes growth, harmony and freshness. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety.

This means that the colours used perfectly represent the message that the homeless charity are trying to represent.


The imagery that has been used throughout the entire website has a very positive message. The images all show happy smiling people appearing to have achieved or done positive things.

This backs up what the company claim they are doing and it also goes very well with the colour scheme. I feel that a cause like this that helps out homeless people really need to convey positivity and show the positive effects that charity can have on people.

The logo for the company also represents a house with the companies acronym inside it. This is a great image that will reflect well upon the charity and what they do.

LayoutThe overall layout is very simplistic and neat. The colours and styles compliment each other perfectly. The last thing you want with a website is for it to be overly bright. The only problem I think is the massive amount of space around the edges I feel that perhaps it could have been a better fit. The information is well displayed and is very easy to find with simple sidebars displaying recent news pieces and relevant information. The top information bar has all relevant links to navigate your way around the website which will give you more information on the charity and what they do.

Page 2: Purposes & Impacts

LayoutThe poster shown in the image to the left is a very simple poster with a powerful message. Whilst this isn't directly related to the layout the way the poster is placed on the ground is a great representation of the message that they are trying to convey.

The words read down almost like a list from top to bottom. The posted is placed on the ground like that to represent a homeless person. The poster states that if the poster were a homeless person you wouldn’t even bother looking down. This is a powerful message which in most cases Is probably true.

ColoursThe colours are very lacking in this particular poster. The backdrop of the poster is white with the text on the poster being black. Perhaps this is a representation of how dull it is to be someone who is homeless.

The lack of colour could always represent simplicity, perhaps it is a representation of how easy it is to help a person who is in need. Be it with volunteer work or whether its just giving some spare change to help them get by. My final thoughts on the poster are that perhaps it was just meant to stand out. Black on white is the most standout colour scheme there is and perhaps they just wanted it to be noticed by people.

Fonts & TextThe primary source of information on this particular poster is text which shows its importance. As mentioned in the colour scheme section I spoke about the possible meaning behind the colours that have been used.

The font that has been used is a large, bold, serif font. This is primarily to grab the readers attention with a large eye catching font.

MessageThis poster conveys and incredibly powerful message the poster reads ‘’ If this poster were a homeless youth, most people wouldn’t even bother to look down ‘’ I feel that this is one of the main problems with homelessness people are so quick to dismiss a homeless person as they assume that they are homeless for a reason or that they have done something bad.

Sadly that isnt always the case sometimes people are cast aside by their family, other times they may have mental issues that have left them living alone. One thing that definitely needs to change is peoples attitude towards homeless people. The fact that people would take a few seconds to stand and read a poster that is on the ground but would not take a few minutes to ensure that a homeless persons life is made that little bit better is an incredibly worrying thought.

Page 3: Purposes & Impacts

LayoutThe layout of this poster shows a large image of a chair that has been thrown out in the street. There is a large amount of text on the right hand side there is also a lot of small print on the right hand side. The text to image ratio is massively in favour of the image however I feel that the main part of the message is actually conveyed through the text.

The chair is used as a representation of a homeless person, thrown out on the street, alone, cold and nowhere to go. The difference between something like this and a homeless person is that someone would take notice of the chair think about the possibilities that it has but when they see a homeless person they either ignore them or do not see the potential in them.

ColourThe colours used on this poster are primarily very dull and dark which is again used as a representation of the homeless lifestyle, lackluster, lonely, depressing. The brightest colour on the poster is a red and that is used for the chair that is to draw focus to it. The backdrop for this photo is of a street littered with leaves and junk that people have left out on the street. The colours are all very dark, perhaps the creators of the image have hued the saturation slightly to add more effect to the shot.

ImageryThe image that is used in this poster is to be used as a representation of a homeless person as is very similar to the other posters that I have seen thus far. This one however is particularly eye-catching due to the stand out red colour of the chair and a topic that people can relate to. People see furniture in the street and they think about the possibilities of the furniture and think about where it has come from and where it could possibly go in your house.

However if you were to see a homeless man most people wouldn’t even look to stop, they wouldn’t stand there and think about what the person has been through or what they could potentially do with their lives if they had a little help. This is the problem that needs to be changed people would be quick to look at a piece of furniture and think about the possibilities but would pass by and overlook a human being.

Text & FontsThe text that is used is the main focus point for conveying the message. The image without the text wouldn’t really mean much it would just be a sad image. The text is primarily a bold, white, seriff, font. The reason for the font being so bold is the fact that they want people to read it, it needs to be standout to catch the readers attention.

Page 4: Purposes & Impacts

ImageryThe image that is shown is of a suit made up out of newspapers. This is a representation of the homeless man trying to get a job. They cant afford a nice suit and nice clothes, they have to try and scrape together what they can to attempt to make themselves employable.

I feel that this image has the shock factor needed to grab peoples attention most people don’t understand the trouble that the homeless people have getting a job. People seem to think that homeless people don’t try to get jobs and don’t try to make their own lives better. People don’t really understand the difficulties that a homeless person faces.

ColoursThe colours on this image are relatively dark. There aren't actually that many colours on the page other than the suit which is technically made up of newspapers and has splashes of colour where the images are. The darkness behind the image could be a representative of the darkness and the loneliness that is felt during homelessness.

Text & FontThe font that is used for this poster is a large, bold, sans serif font. This is to create eye catching material that will cause a person to stand and look at it thus taking in the information that is shown. The image to text ratio is fairly even as both parts are equally important as each other.

LayoutThis image is laid out very differently to the other pieces of media that I have looked at. The image is central which keeps it as the main focus point of the poster.

The text is in bold above the image which means that you can easily read it without having to take your eyes too far away from the main image.

The image has small print at the bottom of it which gives you some information about the charity and also shows the charities tagline which is “Open Your eyes to another side of homelessness.” All of the text that I can see is written in bold, I feel that this could be used to show the importance of the message that is being portrayed.