purgatorys division (script 1)

Download Purgatorys Division (Script 1)

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Post on 13-Dec-2015




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First part of an epic poem. Written as a comic script.



PANEL ONEThe page depicts a lighthouse on the left side of the page that sits atop craggy rocks. There is a beach that spreads along the bottom of the page that is littered with people in formal dress looking out towards the sea. A pier protrudes from the left side of the page. Centered at the top of the page are black fireworks exploding in an overcast sky and descending in streams towards the sea. On the far right of the page, on the ocean's horizon, we see a large black cloud formation.

CAPTION: Black fireworks descended like slow, sad tears...


PANEL ONEThe top panel depicts the people standing along the shore. They are dressed in dark, colorless formal wear appropriate for a funeral. Their fashion is based on late Victorian era clothing. There is a strong sense of loss and mourning in their appearance.

CAPTION:On the seaside town, dressed in monochromeWho gathered to mourn the loss for their home

PANEL TWOThis is a close up view of flowers dropped into the ocean at the shoreline.

CAPTION:A town filled with sadness and fear


PANEL ONEThis is a bleed right. The panel is a portrait of a confident-looking young woman dressed in such a way we can tell she is an intelligent and adventurous person; she looks like the musician St. Vincent on the cover of the album "St. Vincent Deluxe Edition.". The portrait depicts her looking confidently towards the reader as she holds a cat. On the far right of the panel you can see part of a person's arm suggesting there is another person included in the portrait.

CAPTION:The twin, the one of scientific fame

PANEL TWOThe second panel depicts the aforementioned twin in a room that looks equal parts laboratory and personal study. There are book shelves and antiquated equipment scattered throughout the room. We see her preparing for an excursion while the cat remains close to her, following her every move.

PANEL THREEThe twin is alone on a sailboat named "Pierless" on the ocean with some of the scientific equipment depicted in the previous panel. She is looking off panel towards something in the distance, still with the confident look on her face.

CAPTION:Lost during a research expedition

PANEL FOURThis panel depicts what the twin was looking at in the previous panel. We see a closer view of the black clouds on the horizon seen on the first page. The clouds look dark and foreboding, partially because of their darkness, but also because they are not in the sky as it sits on the horizon like an un-moving monument off in the distance.

CAPTION:To define the clouds sans-definitionThe clouds that portended doom since they came


PANEL ONEWe see a fisherman on his boat out at sea just as dawn is breaking. The sky is still dark but with light starting to emerge from the right side of the panel (East).

CAPTION:It appeared one morn, a mist of darkness

PANEL TWOThe sky is now a morning sky with the exception of the black clouds which look like a remaining piece of the night sky. The fisherman is looking towards the black spot with a confused and concerned look on his face.

CAPTION:From the unknown, now the horizon's blight

PANEL THREEThe fisherman is standing on the end of the pier with a group of officials. The fisherman is pointing towards the blackness. The sky is turning to dusk and the mysterious blackness is so dark it is still prominent among the night.

CAPTION:A mystery of perpetual night

PANEL FOURThe officials from the previous panel are now at the forefront of a town meeting. The officials look confused but composed while those in the audience have differing degrees of concern on their face.

CAPTION:Unknown in town lore, all were answer-less


PANEL ONESplash panel of the twin alone in her sail boat heading towards the dark clouds. The name of the boat, "Pierless," should be clearly visible. The waves look rough.

CAPTION:Towards the unknown darkness the twin sailedUnhindered by fear, unknowingly bold

PANEL TWOThis is a wide angle view of the twin sailing towards the black clouds. It looks like she is sailing further off into the distance and getting smaller.

CAPTION:Like a heroine in epics old

PANEL THREEThe same view as the previous panel but this time there is no sign of the twin or her boat. There is a brilliant sunset but also storm clouds looming.

PANEL FOURThe same view but at night while a storm rages in the distance, as shown with streaks of lightning.

PANEL FIVEThe same view during the day but with flotsam in the water heading towards the shore.

PANEL SIXThe same view during the day but with the wreckage of the twin's boat, a broken piece that reads "Pierless," washed up onto the shore.

CAPTION:But unlike legends, she did not prevail.


PANEL ONEThis is a bleed left and the right half of Panel One from Page Three. It is the portrait of the other twin. She is identical in face to the previously seen twin but her facial expression does not give off the same air of confidence; her hair is also parted in the opposite direction than her sister. She is holding a lit match in her hand and the illuminated lighthouse can be seen behind painted in the background behind her left shoulder.

CAPTION:But what of the twin who remained?

PANEL TWOThe townspeople are walking away from the shore, the service is over. But as they are walking home, several of them look back at the dark, solitary figure standing alone at the end of the pier still looking out to the sea.

CAPTION:The townsfolk worried how she would react

PANEL THREEThis is a full view shot of the twin looking towards us with a stoic expression as the lighthouse looms large behind her, almost ominously.

CAPTION:Alone now in the lighthouse with a catSo still she stood, her emotions restrained


This is a wide angle, long shot. The page is primarily sea and sky, looking vast. The pier is centered in the frame but narrows with perspective. At the end of the pier is the outline of the twin, it looks small and insignificant compared to the large scale of the scenery. In the lower right hand corner is the caption.

CAPTION:Upon the pier where she waved farewellHer goodbye now silent and motionlessStaring at the sea, at the dark abyssFeeling her tear ducts beginning to swell


PANEL ONEShe begins walking home. This panel shows her walking along the pier. It's a reverse angle from the previous pier views as it shows the pier leading towards the town. We get a view of the layout of the town and a view of how the lighthouse is isolated from the rest of the town and elevated atop large rocks.

CAPTION:She trudged home with feet heavier than stone

PANEL TWOThe twin is walking through the town draped in a long black cloak. Her dark clothing should contrast with the bright colors of the buildings (there are several photos online of coastal towns all over the world that have the common traits of having brightly colored buildings to contrast the frequently gray days). More perspective on the layout of the town.

CAPTION:Grief inundated and weakened her soulHer heart replaced with a bottomless hole

PANEL THREEThe twin is approaching the lighthouse's front door. This gives more perspective of the layout of the land immediately around her home. The ground should look rocky in order to foreshadow the cave that will be shown in a few pages.

TWIN:"Alone, alone. I am now all alone."


PANEL ONEThis should be a vertical panel along the left side of the page. The purpose of the vertical panel is to be an angled bird's eye view to show the height within the lighthouse and the spiral staircase within. It is a dark-colored panel that is only illuminated by the open door with the twin's silhouette within the door frame.

CAPTION:She entered the lighthouse, full of darkness

PANEL TWOThis is a vertical panel along the right side of the page. The interior is illuminated now. The twin is beginning to ascend the stairs. We can see a series of four portraits hanging on the wall but we cannot see the details in them yet. They will be seen in detail later. The panel also looks like a bi-section of the lighthouse like Wes Anderson often does in his movies, notably the ship in "Life Aquatic."

CAPTION:Up spiral stairs to the giant window

PANEL THREEThis is a horizontal panel at the bottom of the page showing the view of the sea from the top of the lighthouse. We see the window frames and the guardrails. The lighthouse's shadow is cast upon the ocean even though the sky is still overcast.

CAPTION:To gaze at the sea draped in a shadow"The sky, the sea, the darkness feels endless"


PANEL ONEWe see her preparing the lamp to be lit.

CAPTION:Approaching ships needed to see the port

PANEL TWOWe see her strike a large match and hold it in her hand, similar to her portrait. She seems to have a preternatural handle of fire.

CAPTION:So she struck a match and lit the large lamp

PANEL THREEWe see the beam of light illuminating the sea and sky but with darkness still on the sides of the beam.

CAPTION:Light cut through the outside, so cold and damp

PANEL FOURShe adjusts the intensity of the flame with her left hand and adjusts a large lens with her right.

CAPTION:Her finesse with fire was a known rapport


PANEL ONEShe closes the lamp.

PANEL TWOShe slouches to the ground, resting her back against the base of the lamp. She is looking out towards the ocean. She looks tired and her eyes look heavy.

PANEL THREEHer eyes close. A dream bubble appears to indicate the transition into a dream sequence in the next panel.

CAPTION:Spent from her sadness, she succumbed to sleep

PANEL FOURThis is a wide shot of a dark, ominous island that has black sand and large, arching palm trees. It is an uninviting location.

CAPTION:And dreamt of an odd island with black sand

PANEL FIVEPoint of view show where we see a right hand reaching for a lifeless-looking hand.

CAPTION:Where she was reaching for her sister's hand

PANEL SIXPoint of view where the sister's hand has descended and fallen away.

CAPTION:Though, when reached, descended into the deep


PANEL ONEWe return to the lighthouse. The twin has awoken from a nightmare with wide eyes and shock.

CAPTION:Some nightmares do not frighten us with fear

PANEL TWOShe realizes it was all a dream and looks distraught.

CAPTION:But rather with impossible visions

PANEL THREESide-angle view of her sitting with her knees brought in towards her chest.

CAPTION:Inspired hope that will never know fruition

PANEL FOURSame view as previous panel but now she has brought her hands up to her eyes to hide her crying.

CAPTION:Heartbreaking thoughts that only create tears


PANEL ONESplash page that shows the rocky foundation the lighthouse is built upon. We see the twin walking down a path towards a cave opening.

CAPTION:At dawn the twin approached the craggy shoreTowards the cave, the home of the hermitHe who never spoke, who did not permitInteractions from the world he abhorred


PANEL ONEClose up of the twin's hand placing a loaf of bread at the cave's entrance.

CAPTION:But when she placed fresh bread by the entranceA voice, a question echoed from within

PANEL TWOWe see the entrance to the cave. It is entirely dark. A speech balloon emerges from the dark cave.

HERMIT:"You there, girl. You twin. Did the dreams begin?"

PANEL THREEThe twin stands upright. She is shocked and confused.

CAPTION:Stunned by voice and question, she froze entranced


PANEL ONESame view of the cave entrance from the previous page, but this time we see the hermit emerging from the inner darkness. We cannot see much detail yet except that he is very hairy.

CAPTION:Then appeared a beard containing a man

PANEL TWOClose-up of the hermit's eyes to emphasize their unique and unsettling appearance.

CAPTION:Whose storm gray eyes appeared both wild and wise

PANEL THREEHorizontal panel displaying the hermit's full appearance. He is a massive figure and severely unkempt in appearance. His beard nearly reaches the ground. His hair is long and frazzled. His skin is pale as he spends nearly his entire life isolated within his cave, away from society. He is dressed in tattered garments. He is taller than the entrance to the cave.

CAPTION:Made more fearsome by his imposing sizeLong, uncontrolled hair and skin colored wan


PANEL ONESplash panel to show the massive size of the hermit and to fully depict his appearance.

HERMIT:"She may have succumbed to the siren's songBut I know of secrets long forgotten,Which the 'learned men' once deemed verboten,That could find your twin. But you don't have long"


PANEL ONEA horizontal panel of the hermit's eyes.

PANEL TWOA horizontal panel of the twin's eyes.

CAPTION:He beckoned her to follow with his look

PANEL THREEThe twin is seen following the hermit into his cave.

PANEL FOURThe hermit is seen starting a fire. We can see white outlines of the characters against the darkness inside the cave.

CAPTION:Fire was kindled and revealed mysteries:

PANEL FIVEPanel depicting scattered arrangement of talismans, such as small ornaments and trinkets with mysterious imagery; glass bottles of varying sizes with labels written in foreign languages; and old equipment that would have been used in olden times to make potions or used in the practice of alchemy.

CAPTION:Talismans, potions, items of sorcery

PANEL SIXClose-up of a ledge within the cave where there is a large, opened book. On the left page in the book, there is text but it is unreadable in this panel. On the right page is a picture of the black clouds.

CAPTION:Among which was a worn, dusty opened book


The panels on pages 18 and 19 make a spread to appear as if we are looking at the opened pages of the book. The pages should appear old, yellowed and worn so it is apparent this is a very old book.

PANEL ONEFull page panel depicting the text written in the book:

BOOK:"Within the black clouds on the horizonIs an island unlike any ever seenWhere darkness reigns as it exists betweenLife and death, purgatory's division"


PANEL ONEThere is a detailed drawing of the black clouds we saw earlier in the story. It looks nearly identical to how the clouds look now, but perhaps the image could be stylized to look like something a monk or scholar would have drawn several hundred years before.

PURGATORY'S DIVISION - Tom DeFreytas [email protected]