pure report special edition issue 7


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pure report newsletter issue 7 september/oct 2013 special edition


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September-October 2013 ISSUE 7




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Trayvon Martin


INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE“If sin is a reproach to


of God’s Children,

Then certainly

Righteousness will

Exalt a Godly nation.

So why not make things right

And bring a end to all injustice”

When I think of George Zimmerman, the words in proverbs chapter fourteen verse seventeen comes to mind:

“A quick – Tempered manActs foolishly,

And a man of wickedIntentions is hated”

No doubt the passage above is true in regards to Zimmerman. The sad part about it though, is that he and neither any who support him can deny the truth within those words.

But since Zimmerman doesn’t feel any remorse about murdering an unarmed seventeen year old, it is quite easy for him to hide behind the lie that he acted in self-defence. Furthermore, the actions of these defense lawyers to rigorously defend this murderer cannot be excused. These folk had the nerve to announce on national T.V. during an interview on “Face The Nation” that Trayvon’s parents shouldn’t try to pursue a wrongful Death suit in Civil court. Because if they do, these lawyers have promised to use against them the fact that Trayvon had marijuana in his system, and how he talked about fighting in his text messages. This is a clear sign which strongly indicate how some white people still refuse to (or they simply cannot) relate to people of color.

And Zimmerman’s Attorneys would rather make a dishonourable effort to demonize Trayvon’s character, than to accept the fact that, just like any white red blooded American teenager, Black male teens will talk about things they think are tough talk, and will engage in activities they know are wrong. But when it comes to acting like a typical teenager boy, a male child of color can’t fit into that category in the view point of a racist. Because any form of aggression is seen as a threat to that sense of shite entitlement that racism has perpetuated.

And since a young man’s life was taken because of racial profiling. And given the fact that his family could not obtain the justice they deserve, the P.U.R.E Report has dedicated this issue to demand justice for Trayvon. And we demand an end to the racial profiling of our children.

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The verdict came down in the George Zimmerman case – NOT GUILTY – for me that’s not surprising. In the words of the late great Michael Jackson;

“All I wanna say is that, they don’t really care about us”

The words of M.J’s hit song which was produced in the early 90’s are still vividly accurate today in 2013. Why? This is America a society who’s constitution (of LAW) read that a “Niggro” is only 2/3 human being!

Since the abolishment of Slavery, those words have been removed from our constitution (of LAW)

But this Racist and inhuman way of thinking is still present and evident in this so called civilized society that we live in today. The fact of the matter is, in this country, Racism and social injustice thrive and breed in our professed: ‘Justice is Blind’ judicial system. And in the minds of many older white Americans, minorities are ignorant and unusually violent. So given the fact that the majority of our Lawmakers and authorities are older white individuals, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that it’s this racism and inhumane way of thinking that Govern our laws, the application of our laws, and guide those lawmakers and elected authorities who are put in place to uphold those laws. And this is especially prevalent within the South.

Case and point: The remarks made by 5th circuit Federal Judge Edith Jones,

Her comments illustrates exactly what older white Americans in the South are thinking.

The Jury for George Zimmerman were composed of five white women and one Hispanic woman. One of which (Juror B-37) has been very vocal since the Zimmerman trial ended. She wants her fifteen minutes of fame. But what this woman shows us Is that the thoughts of Judge Edith Jones were also her thoughts, and she relied on the them when she bought that dim-witted ‘Stand your Ground’ self defense theory that Zimmerman’s Attorney sold her

This juror (B-37) likes to talk, but she doesn’t want to be identified so that she doesn’t have to stand by what she says. She stated in an interview with CNN that Trayvon Martin “played a huge role” in his own DEATH. She said that: when George (referring to him by his first name as if they were friends) confronted him, he could have walked away and gone home. He didn’t have to do whatever he did and come back and be in a fight”. In her mind Trayvon was wrong. Trayvon was the violent one… Trayvon was the problem… she stated that Trayvon could have just walked away. Well, Trayvon was walking away! He was walking, minding his own business, but George Zimmerman chased him down!.

“They always get away” were Zimmerman’s words to the police



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George Zimmerman made it so that Trayvon (I refer to him using only his first name as if we were friends- No, he was my brother!) couldn’t walk away and with Zimmerman being a criminal Justice Major in college, he knew he could pick a fight, take a few punches, use deadly force, then hide behind the ‘Stand your Ground’ law.

This wasn’t a case of second degree murder or manslaughter. This was a case of PREMEDIATED FIRST DEGREE murder!

If Trayvon Martin were white and George Zimmerman were Black this case would have led to the death penalty. In this country, the 14th

Amendment to the constitution affords every citizen the right to equality protection of law. Trayvon had the right to Stand his Ground and defend himself, just as much as George Zimmerman did. Trayvon Martin had just as much right as Zimmerman to be in that neighbourhood.

Trayvon Martin was not the violent aggressor that these people painted him out to be. Trayvon was fighting for his life.. Listen to him scream! He wanted to live just as much as everyone else.

But these Zimmerman advocates don’t want to see this because it would be contrary to their beliefs.

In the Court of Law you got away with MURDER George. But Karma is a (expletive)!

The prosecution didn’t want to prosecute this case to begin with. Let’s not forget that it was only through the outcry and heart wrenching protest of the public that this case even made it in front of a judge.

The way that the prosecutor fumbled through his arguments and left so many key details unchecked, it could be said that the prosecutor didn’t want George Zimmerman himself wanted to be convicted of second degree murder. All of that goes back to the style of thinking that Governess the American judicial system.

Racism is Real!Racial Profiling exist!

And play a Major role in a few more areas in this country than people want to accept.


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In a land known for its vast rights of liberty and its democratic process, It has created a general rule among the majority of Americans, who accept the fact that people are entitled to their opinions.And for the most part I adhere to that principle.But when I think about the people who have voiced their support for George Zimmerman and try to justify his actions with their lame excuses, I find very troubling! To me those who are in support of this murder either do not care to accept, or have lost sight of the fact that a seventeen year old child was killed. And if these people simply don’t care, I can’t help but to wonder: are young African Americans safe in their native land?

My God what mind of world do we live in where people support and ‘condone the murder of An innocent seventeen year old who was out on the street only to buy candy and soft drink? Have the hearts of people in our nation become so cold that they only desire death to befall our African American youth?I pray to God that is not the case. Because festering hate in the heart will only unleash heinous acts of atrocities against human beings they don’t know.

Now those in support of Zimmerman may argue that he merely made an unfortunate misjudgement to pursue Trayvon Martin, and that racial profiling didn’t play a part in his decision to confront this young man, but such an argument isn’t worth Dooley squat! This is because all too often people try to rationalize the behaviour of those accused of racially motivated incident. They either don’t want to accept the fact that racism still exist in American, or they have a stereotypical view of our Black youth which leads them to believe that Black teenagers put themselves in bad situations.

Now indeed it is true that in certain Urban regions of our country violence and criminal activity do exist, but there are many African Americans working with their fellow citizens to put an end to that and clean some of those areas up. So a small percentage of folks who are involved in such wicked activity should not be the cornerstone for a persons belief about Black people or any person of color. And I

can imagine that some people are offended that I’ve insinuated they have a warped view about Black youth. But if these same people would be honest with themselves and take a step back to analyse their perception of African American teenagers, they will discover they have some racially motivated views such as these:-

1. A fear of walking near a group of Black youth even though the area is a Public place (like a mall, movie

Theatre or grocery store) that is devoid of violence.

2. The sudden locking of the car door when a Black male teen is seen walking on the side walk.

3. The assumption that all Black people look alike, or

4. Thinking that an African American teenager who articulate himself properly and dress in a manner that some consider to be ‘well dressed’ is the type of kid who doesn’t act Black!

Now this way of thinking doesn’t always lead to acts of physical violence towards Black people. But it does create this condescending attitude that makes a person devalue the life of another human being, and such a state of mind can be indoctrinated into someone else, which in turn could make it unsafe for African American youth in their native land.

Even if a person still disagree with me about them having an unconscious racist view, they can not case aside the fact that more sensibility on their part should have been shown. Because I don’t know about you, but news footage of teenagers shown emotionally distraught due to their fear of being targets of racism, was a cry for help that I can not ignore!

And neither should any of us.

So let’s do our part to ensure that the land of America will be safe for the children of today and those within our future generations.


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When you hear the term: DEVIL, what exactly is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it that lame image of a ridiculous little man dressed in a red costume sporting a pair of horns with a pitch fork and a pointy tail? Or perhaps its some malevolent denizen out of the fantasy realm of dungeons and dragons you are thinking of. Then again it may even be some fiend you’ve recently seen in a horror movie. But in either case, in reality those type of devils don’t exist, do they? However we do have Devils that are real. What? You don’t believe me? Why? Because it sounds too outrageous to believe that there are devils roaming free in our society?

Well they are!

And for over a year each one of us have seen one of these devils, and his vile act of wickedness has rekindled the fear in our hearts about our beloved children, and their encounter with America’s dreadful birth effect.

Now this abnormality is Racism.

But the Devil I am referring to is George Zimmerman! His smirking appearance after the verdict of ‘Not Guilty’ was announced shook the core of our spirits and made our fear even more justifiable.. Yet each of us knew that we could not allow our fear to paralyze us and stop us from taking actions to demonstrate that we the people will not tolerate any justification for the actions of this Devil. And the reason I use the term ‘devil’ is because the word appropriately illustrates George Zimmerman’s behaviour before, during and after Trayvon Martin’s murder. He has never shown any remorse for the pain he caused.

Now the origin for the term: ‘Devil’ derived from the Greek word: Diabolist, which means ‘ACCUSED’ and one of the definitions in the oxford English dictionary defines a Devil as: ‘a very wicked or cruel person’. And what Zimmerman did to the Martin Family was not only atrocious and wicked but it also goes against every biblical principle ever written! According to Christian theology, the devil is the accuser of God. His sole purpose for existing is to steal, kill and destroy everything God has made.

Well Trayvon Martin was a beautiful creation of God, and this murderer stole this young man’s life and his future and by murdering him, it destroyed any dreams that the Martin Family had or desired to share with Trayvon. So we must not let the jury’s verdict give justification to such wickedness. Demand for justice must continuously be heard!

This man must be held accountable for the crime he committed and there is no excuse not to charge him with a Federal offense, because he intentionally falsified a police report in an effort to cover up his crime-Zimmerman stated that Trayvon jumped out of the bushes to confront him. But there wasn’t any bushes around that area!, secondly, Zimmerman illegally stalked this young man with the intent to assault and kill him, and this is obvious by his blatant disregard of the 9-1-1 dispatcher Instructions. There is no doubt that racial profiling was the motivating factor behind it all.

So the justice department must do the right thing and make sure justice is given. I pray they will not be cowards and condone the actions of this devil by hiding behind this unjustly verdict.


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America has come to know the names Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman rather well since that tragic incident happened. So how on earth did he not get found Guilty? This man called 9-1-1 and said he saw this Black male walking through his neighborhood on a dark rainy night. I want to know what law exists that says someone cannot walk down the street on a dark rainy night?

The way I see it is that George Zimmerman began to follow Trayvon Martin and it soon became obvious to Trayvon that this guy Zimmerman was in pursuit of him for no reason! So put yourself in Trayvon’s shoes: Here you are minding your own business as you walk and talk with your friend on the phone. Now you tell your friend you’re being followed by someone in a car. When asked: Who? You reply “I don’t know. Some white guy” and this leads to your friend to ask “is it the police”? “No” you respond fearfully” But its freaking me out!”, now your friend tells you to run, “Nah I ain’t gonna run, you say, but a block later this guy is still following you. Now you’re really starting to get scared, so you say “he;s still following me! “Run Trayvon Run! Your friend panicky voice echoes out of that phone.

You decide to run,

As fast as you can!

But the guy speeds up, for a moment you lose him, then he pops back up and catches up with you, do you ask him? “Hey Man, why the (expletive) are you following me?

A gun now appears in his hand, that is when he reaches out and grabs you by the arm! Now you can imagine him saying? “I’m gonna hold you for the police” That’s when you tell this man “Get your hands off of me” but instead of letting go, hes trying to pull you, naturally you resist and swing on this guy in an effort to get away.

But he shoots and kills you……

Now this Zimmerman guy has said he killed Trayvon in self defense….. self defense? ! and to make matters worse a jury found this man NOT GUILTY of murder.

That blew my mind!

I feel numb. There is No Justice for a Black person in this Country…….. I’m sad. I’m hurt.

I would like to believe that Racism is dead in this Country. But this is a perfect example that racism is alive and still happening in America.

Trayvon was a Black kid who wasn’t in a gang, and he didn’t get into any serious trouble, yeah, he had marijuana in his system, but who hasn’t smoked weed before? All Trayvon was doing on February 26th 2012 was walking home minding his own business. But Zimmerman decided to execute this young man and this Jury found him Not Guilty!

The message from that is:

You can still murder a black person if you are white and you don’t have to worry about being convicted of any crime.

It’s another sad day for America.

NO, it’s another sad day for Blacks in America, There is no justice and this so called George Zimmerman is GUILTY OF THE MURDER OF TRAYVON MARTIN, and we should continue to do out best to make sure Trayvon gets the justice he deserves, so that nothing like this will ever happen again.


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In the case of Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman was found Not Guilty….. So I ask you “How can this be?

Now I will admit that I am not as good nor am I as equipped in some of the areas of the law and how it may work as some others may be. But even still I am not Blind! Nor am I stupid, so I just can not understand how this man (Zimmerman) was found not guilty of murdering this child?

A Child!

How could he not be found guilty of at least man slaughter or negligence homicide.

Now let me say this I am not a Racist I never have been and I never will be. I have bi-racial children. But I can’t help but say that there was a big part of racism that palyed a strong and specific motivation behind this crime.

Even if it wasn’t so, it was clear that this guy was guilty of killing this kid and it is abundantly clear that Zimmerman planned to murder Trayvon Martin even before he got out of his vehicle. A blind man could see that! So I was both shocked and appalled that he wasn’t found guilty.

A conviction would have been the just and proper thing to give him, yet this man went FREE ! That is so very confusing so I can only imagine how this young man’s parents and family feel, and how the many other children felt after seeing something oke this happen. Lord knows this should have been an opened and shut case. So it really frightens me having the possibility out there that more Trayvons could lose their life to this “stand your ground’ law.

This verdict I believe makes all of our kids very frightened regarding if they are black, white, red or brown. But it hits home more so for the African American epecially considering the hundred years of lynching we endured. And the modern day murders of Sean Bell, Oscar Grant, Jordan Davis and many ofher Black males/females.

Now if I put my feet in George Zimmerman shoes, I’m certain that if it would of have been me killy a Caucasian person (kid or adult) ten times out of ten I would of felt that full weight of the court in prosecuting me.

So again I say you can’t help be see nothing else but a clear racial bias in every aspect of this situation.

Its sad but true. And this really needs to end, we are all God’s children and it doesn’t matter what your race, beliefs or class status is, we are all created equal! And this is especially so in God’s eyes.. Furthermore I can assure that God does not kike ugly , so even though Zimmerman didn’t get wha he deserved by a jury of his peers

There will be justice!

He may not have to answer for his crime here on earth but he will have to answer to God. That my friends I can say with certainty.

He will answer for it!

God will work it out, and I know this situation is sad and very hard for all of us. But we must keep our faith and trust in God, He is still on the throne and is in control of all things. We may not understand, but God has a plan and purpose for everything on earth to achieve his glory.

In Closing, I would like to state once again I am very hurt and confusted by this Not Guilty verdict like many of you are. But I know that all things work together for good for those who love God. So this Negative outcome will be turned around, for the battle that is being fought is not ours but it’s the lords and I stand firm in faith on that.


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Trayvon Martin caseAnd Zimmerman

VerdictI have to stand my saying my true knowledge of all the facts concerning this case are limited. I learned all I know of the case through radio and other guys who followed it here.

I think because of the media attention surrounding it, Zimmerman had a great legal defense that the average person would not have had. Race was a factor behind this case receiving the media attention it did, and no matter what the outcome of the verdict , a life was lost and that can not be replaced. So that was a tragic thing!.

From my understanding, there was not, what would be considered overwhelming evidence for a conviction of murder, but a lot of circumstantial evidence that looked bad against Zimmerman. Yet people are given the Death sentence on circumstantial evidence all the time!. So overwhelming evidence is not always needed to bring back a conviction. Furthermore from what I was told, due to the attention this case received and the outcry for public interest I believe the D.A felt the need to take this case to trial. So it came down to a great defense team against a circumstantial case and the prosecution’s case came apart at trial. And although Zimmerman was found not guilty, there is no doubt his life has forever changed.

I do not know enough about the true facts of this case to say I believe one way or the other of Zimmermans Guilt or innocent, but no matter how the verdict came back there will be those happy and sad about its outcome. So I hope that no further acts of harm will come out of this situation.

I believe Trayvon was a peace, we cannot begin to comprehend, God knows all and Is in control. So if what happened that night Trayvon died was murder. There in some form will be no getting away with it.

We all have to stand before our creator and give an account for our actions in this life! So it might be better to receive the consequences for out actions at this time than not to receive any.


Not GuiltyThat’s what an all white jury decided

And blacks across this nation were quietedWhat did this jury hear and see

To determine Zimmerman should be allowed free>

Murder in the second degreeI guess we’re back to the lynching tree

With a hate filled voice and malicious intentZimmerman confronted Trayon

and a bullet was spentTrayvon died alone in that rain

Surrendering his body to the pain

Zimmerman proclaimed self defenseEven after being told to cease and desist.

Run run Trayvon get awayThru his phone a friend say

Only to hear a struggle ensueWe know how this ordeal ends its true

An errand out for a beverage and sweetsTo end up dead at another’s feet.

No Justice, No peaceHow many more times this we’ll repeatAs two parents mourn the loss of a son

Who permitted Zimmerman to carry that gun?

Now this Black Nation clearly understandWe’re not entitled to walk, just any hood.

The lynching of blacknessWhen will it ever end…


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(The insert below are the words from Rep. Andy Harris, Republican-Md, during a radio interview)

“we’re hung up on this one case, where this one fellow was infact found not guilty by a jury. That’s the American

Law system works, Get over it”

(Now this is my response to what he said)

Andy Harris,You silly little punk

You’re a disrespectful chumpAnd a worthless tool;

Now you stand your ground and listen foolCause I gotta bone to pick with you

Ain’t no getting over it!You hear me?

Ain’t no backing off of itAin’t no stopping it…

So you best believe we won’t forget about it!We won’t let y’all over up

Zimmerman’s sinCause that how it always been

Hiding behind injustice corruption,And racial oppression.

But we won’t tolerate any suppression,That’s right, you can’t suppress us,

So y’all better get ready for us,Cause ain’t no getting over it!And how could you dare say:

“get over it”As if the family’s loss of Trayvon

Was a loss of some insignificant thingAnd not their son.

So ain’t no getting over it!Andy Harris, this isn’t a game,

You actually should be a shameBut you know what?

In the mighty name of Jesus,We will get Justice for Trayvon

So until then




I remember the chants of:

“Michael Vick you make me sick!”

And the glee people felt

When he was hit with that stick

Of two years in the pen,

A punishment for his sin.

He murdered those poor innocent Dogs

But got Dog,

George Zimmerman sits high on a hog

After what he did.

Then smirked about it, the fat little pig,

I wish I could split your wig!

Or huff and puff and blow

The wind right out of your sail

But ahh hell,

Then I’ll be no better than you,

And that’s something I just can’t do.

So put him in jail! Put him in Jail!

Is the chant I shout

Those Racist would shout it too,

If the roles were reversed.

And they had to live under America Curse.


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Many of us may not know


But we all love Trayvon….

We Love your Son

As if he was our own Son,

Or our Brother

A Friend

Or even a homie

So yes we miss you homie

And we will not stop,

The lord knows and we can not stop!

We must fight on

Until we make justice a part

Of your Legacy

Trayvon Martin


I AmAnti- Racism


Anti – Oppression.I Am

A strong independentBlack man

That strive for theAdvancement of all people

I AmA Child of God

Rest in Peace Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis, and all the other young men and women that senselessly lost their lives!!!! My love and prayers goes out to the families of these young men.

May the peace of God be with you.




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Acknowledgement for this photograph - http://socialawareness2013.wordpress.com/

In Memoriam of

Sean Bell


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Murdered 25th November 2006

Oscar Grant


Murdered  1st january 2009

Jordon Davis



Murdered 23rd November 2012

Trayvon Martin


Murdered 26th February 2012